
Howie69still looking for a apache2 channel to ask a question...00:14
Howie69But, since it's on an Ubuntu server, I guess I can ask here..00:14
Howie69I know it's something simple I'm overlooking...00:14
Howie69I have userdir module enabled and configured... and when I test it, I get 403 error...00:15
Howie69The dir and file is 75500:15
Howie69I bet I'm going to feel real dumb when I get the answer...00:16
Howie69...and I do, but it's not my fault they changed the deny order :)00:21
sarnoldHowie69: was that seriously it?00:28
Howie69sarnold: And a few other changes from 2.2 to 2.400:28
Howie69The last time I configured an apache2 server it was 2.2.  Thy renamed some modules, moved some configs, things like that00:29
=== Aztec03 is now known as SmokinGrunts
=== SmokinGrunts is now known as Aztec03
Tuna-FishHi, how can I make the screen go to sleep after a while on a ubuntu server 18.04? Google only finds how to make it not do so on earlier ones.02:30
geniiDoes it only have one monitor?02:32
geniiFor permanent, add something like consoleblank=1 60           to the kernel options of /etc/default/grub file and sudo update-grub    ... in this example, monitor will turn off after 60 seconds if no activity02:36
geniiSo find a line in there like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="something something"     and add a space after the last thing, and put consoleblank=1 <number of seconds to turn off after> between that and the ending double quotations02:38
Tuna-Fishgenii: thanks, took this long until I was able to reboot. Although consoleblank=1 300 actually sets the blanking time to 1 second, consoleblank=300 did what I wanted it to04:11
cpaelzergood morning04:50
=== Aztec03 is now known as Panoptes
lordievaderGood morning06:13
Neo4what length password should be?06:28
Neo4at least 15 - 20 symbols?06:28
Neo4I have 8 length password, is it weak?06:28
Neo425 character is a long password, however then longer password the more secure06:29
lordievaderThe longer the more time it takes to bruteforce. The length of the password should be something you are comfortable with.06:38
Neo4we can select passwordk base on songs06:40
Neo4for example take a few first letters from song that you know06:40
Neo4something like06:40
Neo4where have all the good men gone?06:41
Neo4and where all the gods?06:41
Neo4where the street wise gerculeses to fight the rising odd06:41
Neo4password should be whatgmgawatgwtswgtftro06:42
Neo4or other song06:42
lordievaderYou have made your point.06:43
Neo4when I was afraid I was petrified06:43
Neo4kept thinking I could never live without you by my side06:43
Neo4but I spend so many times just thinking how you did me wrong06:43
Neo4pass wiwaiwpkticnlwybmsbissmtjthydmw06:43
Neo4lordievader: good methods?06:44
Neo4you can take 2 symbols first and last from each word and phrase will shorter06:45
Neo4lordievader: do you know how to use command line? options06:47
Neo4for example what is difference between apt-get -help and apt-get --help ?06:48
OpenTokixJust generate your passwords and use a password manager.06:48
lordievaderOpenTokix: That is usually the best method.06:48
Neo4it has significant difference, who know what?06:48
Neo4-- or - ?06:48
Neo4OpenTokix: lordievader:  guys?06:49
Neo4ok, it might difficult question, I exmplaine06:49
lordievaderConvention says - should be followed by a single letter while -- should be followed by a full word.06:49
Neo4lordievader: yes, you are right06:50
OpenTokixNeo4: It is a programming difference. There is sort of a standard that one dash - is used for short options like -h and double dash is used for long options, like --help.06:50
OpenTokixbut it is not a hard and fast rule, there is many exceptions ofc.06:50
Neo4apt-get -help = apt-get -h -e -l -p , it will execute like four parameters and apt-get --help usually uses to word06:51
ducassefor some programs at least, -help would give you options -h, -e, -l and -p06:51
Neo4OpenTokix: I didn't know this before reading linux bible book06:51
OpenTokixNeo4: Only bible worth reading06:51
Neo4OpenTokix: yes, there describe fedora and red hat, but UNIX family os all equal all that commands and approaches could be applied in any06:52
Neo4OpenTokix: I almost finished this book https://www.amazon.com/Linux-Bible-Christopher-Negus/dp/1118999878/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1525243987&sr=8-2&keywords=linux+bible06:53
Neo4have already read 600 pages06:53
Neo4very nice book, so many useful information...06:53
Neo4especially about man how to use it06:54
Neo4for to be powerful linux user we need to know how to edit text file, be able to use command line, vim06:55
OpenTokixNeo4: I dont think I am less interested of a subject in the world then the amount of pages you have read in a book, why are you telling anyone this? - Log out and keep reading.06:55
Neo4OpenTokix: I've read 30 page today, enough, will read later or tomorrow06:57
Neo4OpenTokix: many informations there06:57
Neo4I can't digest06:57
Neo4OpenTokix: remove windows and install linux! I really would say after that book you will easy use linux. it is really linux bible06:58
=== _ruben_ is now known as _ruben
tvwWhat is the difference between Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Live Server and why is the latter one the recommended variant? What does "Live" mean in this context - the other variant seems very alive too.13:41
dpb1tvw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes -- search for 'live'13:42
ahasenackI also think the "live" name is wrong13:42
dpb1it's not easily changed, but agreed it's not ideal13:42
ahasenackessentially "live" means the new installer13:42
tvwI read the ReleaseNotes. They only tell me what you cannot do with the "live" version and that it comes with a new installer. But installations is so fast, that there must be more differences. And after the first restart and logging in, I get some "cloud" messages, which I have not seen when installing with the classic installer.13:46
ahasenacktvw: well, the new installer is http://launchpad.net/subiquity if you want to learn what it does under the hood13:48
ahasenackhttps://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity for the code13:48
tvwahasenack: Thanks.13:51
BLZbubbatvw: live server has the horrible new installer14:05
tvwBLZbubba: I see ;-) To be honest, I like the overall approach. But I wonder why it is proposed as the main version while it seems to lack a lot of thinks as can be read in the Release Notes.14:18
BLZbubbayes, LTS releases are the worst time to surprise people.  they should have learned this with the !#%^#%^ upstart debacle in 201014:19
xnoxi agree that "Live" is a missnormer. Mostly a reflection, that it is not a minimal d-i environment, but actually a full ubuntu server squashfs running at runtime like the desktop installer.14:28
xnoxe.g. switching to tty2, one gets a shell of a fully live session of Ubuntu Server.14:28
xnoxone can "try" things there, like "Tru Ubuntu" from the desktop session.14:29
dpb1BLZbubba: I like the installer15:31
BLZbubbaonce it can partition drives properly i will be able to try it again.  at least the old version let me partition ahead of time, the new one insists on wiping it every time15:35
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
dpb1BLZbubba: that will come, yes.16:02
=== Panoptes is now known as Aztec03
naccdpb1: rbasak: do we have a page about the root mysql login stuff from 16.04? trying to find it in my history18:07
Slashmanhello, I have a service that keeps crashing, it is generating core dumps "Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV", where can I find those?18:52
NightMonkeyHowdy. I use the CloudWatch perl scripts for my Ubuntu EC2 instances, which are launched from the official Ubuntu AMIs. I'm finding that recently the scripts are not reporting the disk mount devices as they used to ("/dev/xvda1") but now report them as "/dev/disk/by-uuid/c70a26ec-1dda-455c-acfd-792015b2bb6f". This causes my metrics to report "INSUFFICIENT_DATA". Has anyone found a fix for this?18:53
rbasaknacc: IIRC it's in NEWS.Debian19:45
rbasakNot sure though need to check19:46
naccrbasak: ok, thanks just needed to point a user at it19:58
ahasenackSlashman: take a look in /var/crash20:07
Slashmanahasenack: thanks, unfortunately, I have rollbacked the container now, I'll take a look next time20:08
ahasenackSlashman: /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern is what tells how core files are handled20:08
ahasenackin ubuntu, that's this by default:20:08
ahasenack$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern20:08
ahasenack|/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c %d %P20:08
ahasenackapport then creates a "crash file" in /var/crash, which includes the core dump20:08
Slashmanhm, and how does this translate to /var/crash ?20:08
ahasenacknotice the pipe at the beginning20:09
ahasenackNightMonkey: /dev/disk/.... is a link to /dev/xvda1, right? (in that example)20:10
=== beisner_ is now known as beisner

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