[00:00] Still tho - 0.0x is pretty light lol [00:18] Nextloud is snapped already lol [00:25] Yeah. Nice. Verified. 0.00 load. [15:05] @KMyers https://osem.seagl.org/conferences/seagl2017/program/proposals/309 [15:36] Likely crouton [16:19] Microsoft Releases a "Windows Command Reference" For Over 250 Console Commands … https://search.app.goo.gl/9WHVW … Shared from my Google feed [16:20] I❤️command lines. [16:21] 948 page PDF [16:25] Ultra Compact Fanless Intel NUC Computer | Logic Supply … https://www.logicsupply.com/ml100g-30/ [16:25] I5 with Ubuntu preinstalled. [21:53] Anyone think they can 3D print a Jar Jar Blinks? [21:53] Need it by Friday lol. [22:18] @ahoneybun, Dont you have one at work? [22:58] They are all packed up at the new office. [23:31] No way it can be printed and shipped that fast [23:38] Yeah I know was mostly a joke lol.