
spikebikeor apt autoclean if you prefer00:00
Hermionepavlos: it said something about configuring something when I tried that command. So I did so and now it is uninstalling stuff and setting stuff up.00:02
RoadRunnerspikebike: but there is still no "automatic" mechanism for removal of ealiest kernels when new ones are installed?00:03
spikebikeGenerally I just use "apt update; apt upgrade; apt autoremove;00:04
spikebikecould put the apt autoremove in cron.daily if you wanted00:04
spikebikebut generally kernel upgrades are additions to what you can boot, not replacements00:05
spikebikeand generally you should keep 2-3 around or risk being unbootable00:05
naccRoadRunner: use unattended-upgrades with a reasonable configuration00:05
naccspikebike: autoclean is not the same as autoremove00:05
spikebikenacc: ah, right, sorry00:06
naccRoadRunner: i believe the setting you want is commented out by default (kernels are not autoremoved)00:06
naccRoadRunner: but if you simply use the metapackages that are installed by default, it will just work00:06
spikebikeapt autoremove -y in cron00:06
naccspikebike: no need to reinvent unattended-upgrade00:07
tgm4883I don't think I'd want to cron autoremove00:07
sky887_hows everybody?00:07
nacctgm4883: me neither, although it depends on how well tuned your package selection is00:08
nacctgm4883: and how much you trust the ubuntu devs :)00:08
tgm4883nacc: That and it would have the ability to remove your running kernel00:08
nacctgm4883: you mean if you've not rebooted in some time (or ignored the requests to do so)?00:09
tgm4883nacc: yes, or if you rebooted into the new kernel, there was some issue so you decided to reboot into the older kernel that works00:09
nacctgm4883: yeah, i can see that00:10
RoadRunnerWhat info is in linux-headers?00:11
spikebiketgm4883: apt autoremove won't remove a running kernel00:11
spikebike(till it's not running)00:12
tgm4883spikebike: that's good news. I thought that was the case, but wasn't confident00:13
spikebiketgm4883: on hosts with longer updates I'll often see the old kernel in /boot, but then all but the newest 2-3 after an apt autoremove.00:14
spikebikelonger uptimes rather00:14
Hermionepavlos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qXqPQqP8rK/00:15
pavlosRoadRunner: declaration of functions, parameters in files called headers, usually .h that can be included00:15
pavlosHermione: not an issue sda5 / is 8% used so that recent kernel causes issues and you have to boot with a previous one00:16
RoadRunnerthanks for all the wisdom :)00:16
Hermionepavlos: ok thanks00:17
pavlosHermione: np00:17
RoadRunnerlast q for now: if a boot partition is out of inodes, will increasing the boot partition size increase inodes available to it?00:17
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geniiRoadRunner: No00:22
en1gmain ubuntu 18.04 (clock am/pm) in the top center. how do i add seconds?00:25
fossycakesI guess no one here can help, but if someone sees this later and can help, I posted the issue on AskUbuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030833/app-indicator-not-working-on-ubuntu-18-0400:26
tgm4883en1gma: click the clock > preferences > Show seconds00:26
en1gmatgm4883 is that where you select am/pm?00:27
spikebikeen1gma: gnome-tweaks00:27
en1gmaspikebike package i need to install?00:28
spikebikecan add date as well if you want00:28
spikebikeen1gma: yes, sudo apt install gnome-tweaks00:28
en1gmai have to install a package just to add seconds?00:28
tgm4883en1gma: no00:28
spikebikethat's the way I know how to add the seconds, date, and related changes00:28
tgm4883en1gma: it's close to where you set am/pm, but not the same00:28
spikebikeit also fixed the broken ubuntu 18.04 desktop switching00:29
spikebike(if you have 2 monitors)00:29
tgm4883broken desktop switching?00:29
spikebiketgm4883: with 2 monitors when you switch desktops it only moves one monitor (the primary)00:29
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spikebikethe secondary monitor never switches, and can't be switched00:29
en1gmatgm4883 i think that area is in settings>details>date and time. i only see am/pm there00:30
tgm4883spikebike: that sounds like a design decision unless you have a confirmed bug report00:30
pavlostgm4883: hoe do you get prefs from the clock?00:30
tgm4883en1gma: it's not in settings. It's in preferences. I'd have to boot up a gnome-shell instance to verify, but I'd  think it would be the same00:30
tgm4883pavlos: maybe it's budgie specific00:31
spikebiketgm4883: I didn't look for a bug report, but what would only half your monitors switch?  I'd agree with you if they could switch seperately00:31
pavlostgm4883: I have to use gnome-tweak to add seconds to the clock00:31
tgm4883spikebike: Maybe I want something on one monitor to stay there on all workspaces (music player, irc, etc)00:31
en1gmaif i left click or right click the clock. it only shows "ADD for calendar"00:31
tgm4883pavlos: bummer00:31
spikebiketgm4883: that's not how any previous ubuntu did it.00:32
spikebiketgm4883: I can see being able to disable it for a second monitor, but making it by default seems very weird00:32
tgm4883spikebike: I'd argue that's how Ubuntu Gnome did it previously, but I'd have to install it to verify00:32
spikebiketgm4883: in any case it's a simple fix with gnome-tweaks00:32
tgm4883spikebike: in any case, this isn't really on topic for this channel00:32
pavlosen1gma: try this from a term, gsettings set org.gnome.shell.clock show-seconds true00:34
en1gmapavlos checking. 1 sec00:36
en1gmagsettings set org.gnome.shell.clock show-seconds true00:37
en1gmacrap. 1 sec00:37
en1gmaNo such schema “org.gnome.shell.clock”00:37
pavlosen1gma: the schema changed, try, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds true00:39
en1gmak 1sec00:40
solidfoxhello. I'm on kubuntu 18.04. I'd like to know how I can find the package that provides a certain header file00:40
en1gmapavlos you da man!00:40
solidfoxin this case I need curses.h, but I want to know how to figure this out00:40
en1gmaim saving that command00:40
pavlosen1gma: better to install gnome-tweak that has many uses00:41
spikebike$ apt-file find kwallet.h00:41
spikebikekdelibs5-dev: /usr/include/kwallet.h00:41
spikebikelibkf5wallet-dev: /usr/include/KF5/KWallet/kwallet.h00:41
en1gmaim gonna make a note for that package. might do it as i like the date there too00:41
spikebikesolidfox: ^00:41
pavlosen1gma: any if you want to play at the schema (but be careful), install dconf-editor00:42
pavlosen1gma: /at/with/00:43
solidfoxspikebike, thanks. this is it.00:43
en1gmawill do. prob install gnome-tweaks later if i really want the date. this stuff should be included in the area for clock settings00:43
luxiohow do I get to the terminal screen in 18.04?00:48
luxioI remember there was some key combo to get to TTY00:49
luxiothe desktop00:49
Howie69As in, leave the desktop and got to a fullscreen terminal?  Or go to the default terminal app?00:50
pavlosclick Activities, search for term00:50
luxiofullscreen temrinal00:50
luxioalright so if something goes awry with X00:50
luxiolike it freezes or something00:50
luxiowhat's the key combo I press to get to the terminal00:50
luxioso that I can killall X00:51
johndunnControl Alt T00:51
pavlosc-a-f2 will drop off X and go into text ... c-a-f1 will go back to X00:52
HermioneI'm able to boot now without going into advanced settings and choosing an older kernel00:53
HermioneAnd I got a screen telling me about what's new in 18.0400:53
HermioneSo maybe the kernel is fixed now00:54
pavlosHermione: well done00:54
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laptopI need help01:18
laptopI extracted a windows iso to a01:19
laptopnfts partition and then I want to load it up to install windows from the partition from grub01:19
laptophow do I do this01:19
ram_Hi all. In the Software & Updates program under **Other Software** there is a "Canonical Partners" source/repo. In `/etc/apt/source.list` there are 2 lines corresponding to this:01:20
ram_deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu wily partner01:20
ram_# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu wily partner01:20
ram_I am currently on the 18.04 LTS (`bionic`) release so should I manually change wily to bionic?01:20
ram_I have upgraded Ubuntu on my machine across several releases so I guess that's why it still says wily.01:20
leftyfblaptop: Your issue has nothing to do with Ubuntu and everything to do with Windows. It's also the very wrong way to do anything.01:21
laptopwhy you would recommend that I do this with a usb01:21
leftyfblaptop: I recommend you install Ubuntu. For help beyond that with Windows, go to #windows or call Microsoft01:22
Bashing-omram_: Should already have that entry for bionic partner in the default /etc/apt/sources.list file , no ?01:22
compdoclaptop, never heard of anyone extracting running the windows installer from a drive. best to copy to a usb stick or dvd01:23
leftyfbcompdoc: if you'd like to help with a Windows issue, please take it to #windows with them or in private.01:23
ram_Bashing-om: no, there is no entry like that for bionic there already01:24
ram_for bionic partner that is01:24
JohnnyonFlameI just updated mesa from Padoka's PPA and now I'm getting 'symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers'01:24
JohnnyonFlameany ideas?01:24
leftyfbram_: you can edit it manually01:25
leftyfb!ppa | JohnnyonFlame01:25
ubottuJohnnyonFlame: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:25
leftyfbJohnnyonFlame: I would suggest using ppa-purge to remove whatever it is you installed from that ppa to get back to a working state01:26
ram_leftyfb: so just change wily to bionic in those 2 lines then? I'm not sure if all my messages came through on the chat because i asked if i should do that.01:26
leftyfbram_: yes01:26
JohnnyonFlameI'm aware, everything was working just fine til' now tho :(01:27
leftyfbJohnnyonFlame: that's how issues come about. Everything works fine till it doesn't01:27
ram_leftyfb: okay great. out of curiosity, why didn't any of my 3 or so previous dist upgrades change it to the correct dist since wily?01:27
leftyfbram_: unknown01:27
leftyfbram_: but future reference, sticking with LTS releases makes for an easier upgrade path, gets you longer support and more stable environments01:28
blue1leftyfb: can I upgrade a 14.04 server to 18.04 or do I need a different path?01:29
ram_leftyfb: thanks for the advice01:29
leftyfbblue1: I don't think so. You might need to go to 16.04 first. Though I would check the wiki/google to confirm01:29
leftyfbblue1: mind you, you'd be jumping 8 releases across 4 years01:30
blue1leftyfb: thank you.  I will see what I can find.....01:30
blue1leftyfb: precisely my fear01:30
blue1leftyfb: Found the answer:  Ubuntu does have LTS→LTS upgrades, allowing you to skip intermediate non-LTS releases...But you can't skip intermediate LTS releases. You have to go via 16.04.01:32
bgillday 2 no sound on my xubuntu box except as root. Permissions seem right in /dev/snd, anywhere else I should look?01:32
bgillI tried getting rid of pulseaudio, no change01:32
bgillusing 16.04 LTS01:33
blue1bgill: i had to change that to chmod +666 believe it not01:33
bgillwhat everything in /dev/snd?01:34
blue1bgill: yes that's what I did -- chmod +666 -R /dev/snd01:35
blue1bgill: so everyone can read, everyone can write -- but no one can delete01:35
Howie69Sounds evil01:35
blue1Howie69: it's the chmod of last resort01:36
bgillhm still nothing but maybe I need to log out?01:36
bgillnot sure why that would matter tho01:36
blue1bgill: not the settings, or backup the directory first -- apply the changes, and see if they work -- if not restore from backup and you are back to square one.01:37
blue1note even01:37
bgillwell thanks, will give it a try.01:38
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Tuna-FishHi, on Ubuntu Server 18.04, how can I make the screen go to sleep after a while?02:20
Tuna-Fishgoogle only finds solutions for earlier versions to make it *not* go to sleep, and I'm not quite sure if the inverse of those still works?02:20
ramrebolI'm trying to compile a library, but something is missing (but in my ubuntu 16.04 compile perfect). Which c,c++ library are usual to install to develop code?02:21
Tuna-Fishramrebol: the most important is build-essential02:23
geniiramrebol: Whatever application you're trying to compile usually has an applicationname-dev package02:24
Tuna-Fishbeyond that, each library can have their own dependencies, those you just have to find out the hard way02:24
guivercTuna-Fish, #ubuntu-server may have more users with your answer02:29
ramrebolthank Tuna-Fish and genii i02:32
gyreso, i've installed 16.04 on my macbook air and after about 2 days the keyboard stopped working. I thought it was related to installing the latest trackpad xserver but removing it hasn't fixed the issue.02:39
gyrecan anyone here help me get the keyboard working again?02:40
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luxioI'm on 18.04 and VLC randomly stops playing video and freezes my entire system02:57
luxioit's super annoying02:58
luxiothe only way to fix it is to hold the power button to shut off the computer02:58
Bashing-om!sysrq | luxio a better way to reboot:02:59
ubottuluxio a better way to reboot:: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key02:59
linux_noobianis there a good way to start an app with a hotkey? using 18.04. saw one way online but it's convoluted03:04
lotuspsychjelinux_noobian: ive been testing things with gksu dconf-editor, you might wanna take a look03:05
linux_noobianlotuspsychje: don't know what that is. in kde you could do it via gui. in gnome, interface is so "simple", i'm having issues doing certain things kde could easily do'03:07
Major_WedgieCan anyone recommend a tv tuner package for 18.04?03:13
Major_WedgieI used to use me tv but it is no longer available03:13
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jet883I am trying to install the missing dependencies for a broken package installation. The command "apt-get install -f" only removes the broken package, rather than installing the missing dependencies.03:21
pavlosMajor_Wedgie: found this post, not sure if it helps ... https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/how-to-watch-digital-tv-with-kaffeine-or-me-tv-in-ubuntu/90603:21
leftyfbjet883: what version of ubuntu? What is the package name?03:22
jet883xubuntu 18.0403:22
jet883package is VPN client from 3rd party03:23
leftyfbjet883: you'll have to contact the 3rd party for support with it then03:24
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jet883leftyfb, the dependencies are nothing unsual, openvpn, libqt5concurrent5, libcurl3, libc-ares203:28
jet883But I thought there might be an apt-get switch to fetch them automatically03:29
SlidingHornjet883: the -f switch basically asks apt-get to propose a solution.  Since you're installing a package that isn't provided in the repositories apt-get is searching, it's likely going to say "oh, there's the problem" and remove it.03:31
tgm4883SlidingHorn: slight correction. The dependencies that package is looking for aren't in the repositories03:32
SlidingHorntgm4883: ah, noted, thank you for the correction03:33
jet883I get it now.03:33
jet883How do I figure out where to get the old dependenciess?03:33
KemikalsHow do you reduce icon size on desktop and in show applications ? I can do it for the dock but can't find the option for the desktop03:35
tgm4883jet883: the best solution would be to ask the company for a package for 18.0403:35
energizerIs this the correct way to set up an encrypted drive? https://askubuntu.com/a/712403/43326803:35
guiverc_djet883, if you wanted package 'liferea' you could use https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=liferea  (for ubuntu packages anyway) - it provides versions, different versions can use different APIs which is why apt has dep rules that stopped your package from installing...03:36
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jet883tgm4883, why is it that aptitude can install the missing dependencies?03:43
tgm4883jet883: it can't...03:43
tgm4883jet883: I mean, I don't really know what you're trying to do there. But it can't install missing dependencies that aren't in the repo either03:44
jet883hm, well it installed the "libcurl3" ok03:44
guivercjet883, have you tried the link i provided (use package names from your failure to install without version info; using them instead of my 'liferea' which was an example only)03:45
Major_WedgieGreat. Civ 5 works under 18.04. Now I'm never gonna get anything done.03:46
Bashing-om!info libcurl3 bionic | jet883 :03:47
ubottujet883 :: libcurl3 (source: curl3): easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour). In component universe, is optional. Version 7.58.0-2ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 232 kB, installed size 688 kB03:47
jet883guiverc, yes thank you, I'm still looking for one called "iproute"03:47
tgm4883jet883: so I'm not sure what exactly you did to install it to begin with, or what the missing dependencies were. But libcurl3 is available in the repos so that's why it could install that. I'm not sure how you installed the VPN package that you're dealing with but the correct way to install it is to either install it in software center or with the apt command03:47
tgm4883jet883: that said, if you want to use aptitude, go right ahead. Different strokes for different folks03:48
iopqubuntu is not detecting my second monitor03:49
iopqI have 16.04, the second monitor is connected to the onboard03:49
eaglgenes101With libinput and touchpads, I'm having cases where the cursor jumps forward in the direction I'm moving the cursor in, seemingly at random03:49
iopqI know it works because when I reboot it turns on to show the LXDE logo03:49
iopqbut when Ubuntu is still working it turns off and it's not detected by Monitors app03:49
eaglgenes101If I systematically makes circles on the touchpad, the cursor ends up circling around other areas as the cursor jumps03:50
KemikalsHow do you reduce icon size on desktop and in show applications ? I can do it for the dock but can't find the option for the desktop03:50
eaglgenes101@Kemikals open file browser, systematically open top bar menus until you see a zoom. Change that to 50% to get sensibly sized icons on Gnome03:53
guivercjet883, the "route" command is found in net-tools (relegated); `ip route` should already be there, i don't know iproute but https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=iproute  shows not for bionic, but shows results... adding non-repo packages may cause stability issues so way cost & benefit..03:53
jet883success! Thanks for the help guys!03:53
Kemikals@eaglgenes101 this is as small as they go?03:56
jet883guiverc, ok, I'll try it out and see how well it works03:56
KemikalsThings are still huge lol03:56
eaglgenes101I dunno, 50% is my personal preference03:57
eaglgenes101You can turn them further down if you want I think03:57
Kemikalswont let me :(\03:57
eaglgenes101wait oh03:57
eaglgenes101cat face palm03:58
SlidingHorniopq: are you using an offboard gpu?03:58
eaglgenes101There's probably some obscure tweak in gsettings that will let it go down, but I'm not about to go digging for that04:00
eaglgenes101So, about my own problem04:01
eaglgenes101libinput, touchpad. At random, the cursor jumps forward in the direction I'm moving my finger over the touchpad04:01
eaglgenes101Wasn't an issue in 17.10 even with almost the exact same configuration04:02
energizerwhen does unattended-upgrades run?04:02
Bashing-omenergizer: Unattended-updates is triggered by a daily cronjob: /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat .04:09
energizerBashing-om: thanks04:10
linux_noobianmouse back-forward doesn't work in nautilus in icon view. is this a bug or a feature?04:10
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Bashing-omenergizer: :)04:11
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ShmamSo I added /media/myUser/External Drive as an alias in my apache2.conf but when I try to visit the url, I get http 443 forbidden. /media/myUser/External Drive has permission 777 but /media/myUser has permissions 750. Is there any way that I can make this drive accessible from apache without changing the permissions for media/myUser?04:11
energizerBashing-om: if computer is off at the time, will it try again?04:13
iopqSlidingHorn, yes, I'm using an AMD gpu for my main monitor04:19
gogetaiopq: WONDERFULL!!!!!04:21
Bashing-omenergizer: The cron job will run next boot , Note the advisory that apt files will run at random times so as not to saturate the mirrors .04:21
iopqLong $AMD04:21
energizerBashing-om: i see04:22
iopqlshw -c has both monitors04:25
eaglgenes101soo... where in libinput should I look?04:37
ram_hello all. basically i'm unable to totally remove `emacs` on Ubuntu 18.04. the `emacsen-common` package is the problem. `apt install -f` doesn't work btw.04:55
ram_that's the error message04:55
ram_the emacs was there from a prior 16.04 installation. i removed `emacs` and then reinstalled it in an effort to get rid of `emacsen-common` once i realised it was still there04:57
iopqI'm back with my second monitor problem04:59
physketsI recently installed 18.04 alongside Windows 10,05:03
physketsand now the Windows boot-up takes extremely long05:03
physketsI've tried turing Fast Startup off and on, but no dice... it is just slow.05:03
physketsAny ideas on what might be wrong, and what I can do to fix it?05:04
spikebikeis gnome-tweak and gnome-tweak-tool the same thing?  I see a mention of opening the shell extensions tab, which I can't find05:09
spikebikeunder extensions there's no mentioned "shell" or "install extensions"05:12
guivercram_, my [unknowning] 2c : have you anything left over from emacs*  (maybe "dpkg -l emac*|grep ^i") - your link makes me wonder if a spelling-check addon is left but I don't know emacs..05:21
ram_guiverc: like i was saying i reinstalled `emacs` on 18.04 so everything's there05:23
guivercsorry I missed that05:23
ram_guiverc: so now `sudo apt purge emacs*` fails because of the problem with `emacsen-common`. no prob that u didn't see that, i appreciate any help05:24
guivercspikebike, looking at https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-tweak  it looks like gnome-tweaks is a newer name (for bionic) to me, but I don't know05:24
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guivercram_, i don't see an issue with your paste (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libenchant1c2ag looks okay for 18.04), but just noticed "may be caused by held packages"  - so i'd `sudo apt -f install`; & `sudo apt dist-upgrade` & look for other messages too.05:34
iopq_Ubuntu can't detect my second monitor, but when I reboot it clearly works on the load-out05:35
ram_guiverc: i ran both commands you suggested followed by `apt purge emacs*` and i get the same error message in my paste05:39
guivercram_, i was hoping they'd be other errors elsewhere in the output05:40
iopq_any ideas on how to mess around with integrated GPU to make Ubuntu see the monitor?05:42
darmehello. Where's xorg.conf file located in 18.04?05:48
krytarik!xorg.conf | darme05:50
ubottudarme: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. For Ubuntu-specific documentation and more information, see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config05:50
amisHello! Every time I start Ubuntu it shows me a battery critical notification. This is a desktop PC. I have two wireless Logitech devices plugged in but both work. The notification doesn't tell me which battery is at 0% (obviously none). How do I get rid of this?05:55
amisI'm on the latest LTS05:55
paany idea?06:01
palast update broke my 16.0406:01
EriC^^pa: try sudo apt-get -f install lib32gcc106:02
pai now have to boot the "upstart" kernel option, the default one gets stuck06:02
pathanks i try06:02
paEriC^^:  lib32gcc1 : Depends: gcc-6-base (= 6.0.1-0ubuntu1) but 6.3.0-18ubuntu2~14.04 is to be installed06:02
EriC^^pa: try apt-cache policy gcc-6-base06:05
EriC^^!paste | pa06:05
ubottupa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:05
paEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DqPVpDQ5nx/06:12
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GoopWhat's a good list of commands that would destroy a Linux system?06:23
GoopExample: "sudo apt-get purge sudo" and "sudo rm -rf /", but I feel like there's more that I'm missing.06:23
SilmarilionHello, when I type do-release-upgrade I get after calculating the changes "No candidate ver" for few packages. For example: virtualbox-5.2, old linux kernel image, and some other packages. Most of them are removed via apt but still shown there. What does this mean?06:30
khalifahi how to solve this issue The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:04
khalifa linux-image-extra-4.4.0-122-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-122-generic but it is not going to be installed07:04
mnfrun sudo apt install -f07:05
khalifaUnpacking linux-image-4.4.0-122-generic (4.4.0-122.146) ...07:06
khalifadpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-4.4.0-122-generic_4.4.0-122.146_amd64.deb (--unpack):07:06
khalifa cannot copy extracted data for './boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-122-generic' to '/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-122-generic.dpkg-new': failed to write (No space left on device)07:06
khalifaNo apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full error07:06
khalifa                                                                              dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)07:06
khalifaExamining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .07:06
ducasse!paste | khalifa07:06
ubottukhalifa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:06
freechoiceyour diskspace is full07:09
freechoicetry to remove the very old kernel files07:10
liveuser1katy perry + juicy jake07:11
EriC^^pa: that gcc came from some ppa07:19
EriC^^!info gcc-6-base xenial07:19
ubottugcc-6-base (source: gccgo-6): GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package). In component main, is required. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB07:19
liveuser1he wasn't sure if it was The Satan07:20
liveuser1but convinced a devil07:20
liveuser1he seems to have been murdered shortly thereafter07:21
lotuspsychjeliveuser1: stop that please07:21
lotuspsychjeliveuser1: only ubuntu support questions here07:22
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anddamhello, is the new 18.04 iso image bootable from EFI firmware?07:40
anddamI dumped it on a memory stick but the boot menu won't display it, while showing other usb devices07:40
EriC^^anddam: yes it should be07:41
EriC^^anddam: is the memory stick fat32?07:42
anddamI dumped the ISO on the device07:42
EriC^^oh pardon! :P07:43
EriC^^you mean you used dd?07:43
anddamI guess the image is not fat3207:43
EriC^^dd works, did you try a different usb port?07:43
anddamno I didn't , wasn't sure the ISO was both EFI and BIOS07:44
EriC^^what does the partition table look like on the usb currently? and did you run 'sync' after dd?07:44
anddamwill swap port and retry, possibly change the memory stick07:44
anddamEriC^^: I rebooted several times so I think buffers were flushed07:44
EriC^^oh ok07:45
anddamfunny enough the second partition is actually vfat07:45
anddamsdc    iso9660 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS amd6407:45
anddam├─sdc2 vfat    Ubuntu 18.04 LTS amd6407:46
anddamok thanks for the info07:46
EriC^^looking good07:46
anddamI'm on elementaryOS atm but I cannot wait to see 1807:46
anddamso I'm wiping my secondary system and installing that07:47
EriC^^anddam: you could always use a vm07:47
ram_still toiling away at trying to get rid of `emacs` completely...07:49
adioe3Howdy strangers. After upgrading to 18.04 I cannot login to my regularly used GNOME session anymore (it simply freezes). I've managed to log in into the Ubuntu Session. Anybody else experience this or has any idea how to find any relevant logs?07:49
ram_when i run `dpkg -r emacsen-common` it produces:07:49
adioe3Graphics are i915 (integrated intel), am using gdm307:49
ram_then `dpkg -r dictionaries-common` produces:07:50
Silmarilionadioe3, not sure if it will help try to do apt-get upgrade and see if it completes. I had an issue with virtualbox guest utils extension so I had to remove it, after that I upgraded the packages and run autoremove.07:53
SilmarilionRebooted the system and was able to login go gnome session07:53
Silmarilionupgraded from 17.10 btw07:54
adioe3Silmarilion, oh, done that already. update + upgrade. no new stuff.07:54
SilmarilionI see07:54
adioe3is 18.04 using lightdm or gdm3 by default? maybe I should try installing lightdm?07:55
adioe3Silmarilion, does gdm log login attempts anywhere?07:59
Silmarilionwhile I was troubleshooting I checked with 'journalctl' command08:00
brianarioany idea when 18.04LTS is going to be on AWS?08:07
liveuser1the oscar api is down08:08
liveuser1if the drones receive a signal is it obfuscated as meaningless chatter08:10
MrM1stHi all08:15
SondreHi guys.. On Ubuntu 18.04 and can't boot anymore. This is the error that comes up when choosing shimx64.efi in grub. Se image: https://imgur.com/a/n7D7qED08:18
SondreAnyone know how I can fix this?08:19
adioe3Silmarilion, so, wayland is broken in 18.04. I can login to GNOME session with Xorg08:19
adioe3Sondre, fix what?08:19
MrM1stadioe3: nVidia?08:20
MrM1stadioe3: I can't use wayland either :(08:20
EriC^^Sondre: looks like it's failing to mount the root fs08:20
adioe3MrM1st, nope, integrated intel (i915 module in use)08:20
SilmarilionI see, I used xorg by default even on 17.1008:21
EriC^^bad hd perhaps, wrong uuid, needs longer delay maybe08:21
adioe3I'm also using the latest mainstream kernel so doubtful that it's a driver issue08:21
EriC^^Sondre: ^08:21
MrM1stbbl... lunch08:21
Sondre1EriC^^: The problem I had before I ran into this issue was that I got error when I ran apt-get upgrade/install. The error then was: "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of grub-efi-amd64-signed: grub-efi-amd64-signed depends on grub-efi-amd64 (= 2.02-2ubuntu8); however: package grub-efi-amd64 is not configured yet." So then I used boot-repair with the recommended repair.08:23
Sondre1Then the issues started occuring with booting with shimx64.efi, I get that error, so I can't boot to ubuntu.. Is there anything I should change in BIOS? I'm using dell precision 551008:25
Sondre1EriC^^: Here's another image of a similar error that was displayed: https://i.imgur.com/XCDxWjL.jpg08:27
sssstavrwhy do I get low res with my ATI on 18.0408:28
Sondre1adioe3: To fix so I can boot into ubuntu again.. Got this error -> https://i.imgur.com/XCDxWjL.jpg after using boot-repair to fix grub-efi-amd64-signed issues that occured earlier.08:30
EriC^^Sondre1: it has nothing to do with the efi, once you get grub, efi's job is over08:32
EriC^^Sondre1: the error has to do with it not finding any 'nvme' device that grub is pointing it to08:32
EriC^^so it kernel panics08:33
EriC^^Sondre1: if you're able to use the pc and talk here, i could help you manually boot it, and then you can fix the grub config from the install08:33
cramhello, I want to be sure, is it ok to do upgrade to 18.04 with nvidia ?08:34
SondreI'm in now.. I choosed advanced in grub and then an older kernal. Currently typing from my phone, just a sec I'll connect with a desktop08:34
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EriC^^Sondre: oki doki08:35
crambecause when I tried before I had black screen08:36
sondre_EriC^^: Back now! So, what should I do next?08:36
ducassecram: try booting with nomodeset if you get a black screen08:41
adioe3Sondre, to me this looks like bad grub config. I used to get these on Slackware when I'd have the wrong disk detected as boot disk08:49
couven92Have just installed an Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, how do I enable Numpad by default? (googling only gives me how to do it in the Ubuntu Desktop UI)08:49
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ducassecouven92: there's often a bios option to do that08:54
aLeSD_hi all08:57
ducassecouven92: no idea, then - only know how to do it in x1108:57
aLeSD_how can I active the user themes ?08:57
sondre_adioe3: I'm currently on kernal 4.4.0-116-generic, which works.. How can I fix the grub config so I can boot normally?08:58
adioe3sondre_, what do you have in /etc/default/grub ?09:00
sondre_adioe3: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xVzdVQQzxt/09:02
aLeSD_why I can't see gnome-shell-extensions in the tweak tool ?09:07
aLeSD_I mean I installed them .. but nothing09:07
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MrM1stAnyone gotten wayland to work in 18.04 yet?09:21
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adioe3sondre_, you can try uncommenting this line09:24
adioe3although it should work with UUIDs09:24
brainwashMrM1st: have you filed a bug report yet?09:29
MrM1stbrainwash: Nope. about what? The nvidia/wayland problem?09:29
brainwashMrM1st: right. you've said that it worked before in 17.10, but not anymore in 18.0409:29
MrM1stbrainwash: Mm. It did, straight out of the box09:30
brainwashso, that's something that should be reported09:30
sondreadioe3: Also works with 4.13.0-37-generic kernal, but not with the latest.. Should I just use this kernal or is there any way to make the latest work again?09:30
MrM1stbrainwash: But it was a older kernel. the -37 kernel09:30
MrM1stbrainwash: ehm, actually iy worked with later ones as well09:31
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sondreadioe3 EriC^^ In GNU GRUB this is the boot parameters for the newest kernal: https://i.imgur.com/FnHzvq0.jpg and this is for an older kernal (which I'm currently on now): https://i.imgur.com/DHNqGqY.jpg09:54
sondreIt looks like the new is missing UUID and some other parameters that makes it not boot correctly.. Any tips on how I can fix this?09:55
sondreadioe3 EriC^^ Should I fix the newest kernel by doing "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic linux-image" in terminal?10:00
MrM1stAnyone have any experience installing Ubuntu 18.04 with /boot on a USB?10:02
l0llip0pMrM1st: what do you mean? Has someone made bootalbe usb?10:04
MrM1stl0llip0p: No. Booting the OS from a USB10:04
l0llip0pMrM1st: Can't you just do it from bios?10:04
YounderSome older computers can't boot from a stick. You need a DVD10:05
YounderThe BIOS will tell you10:06
l0llip0pYounder: dependes on computer and bios. The most of computers support usb10:06
MrM1stYou don't understand. Booting is fine into the installer. I need the installed OS to be booted with /boot on a separate USB10:06
GargravarrMrM1st: is this so that you have no unencrypted data on the internal disk?10:07
tomreynno first hand experience, but it's not unheard of. does something not work?10:07
l0llip0pMrM1st: oh! we have a hacker among us10:07
Gargravarrfinally, someone noticed me :D10:07
MrM1sttomreyn: I have problems with EFI and such. Seems the boot process continues on and on10:09
YounderMrM1st, Never head of this config, so I never tried it. Instinct sais you can boot from a USB. OR boot from disk. You can boot from USM and the manually mount the drive with something like knopix10:09
l0llip0pplasmoduck: hi!10:10
tomreynMrM1st: maybe try it in a VM first before you do it on bare metal, less complexity, more convenience. kvm (and thus virtulbox) supports uefi booting10:10
MrM1sttomreyn: yeah, maybe I'll do that. Good tip10:11
Gargravarrtomreyn: KVM is a little tricky to set up UEFI10:11
Youndertomreyn, That's the way I went. First a beta for 18.04, then setup SALT for setting up preinstall system, etckeeper etc. then install.10:12
l0llip0pMrM1st: I think you cant relay on automatic installer since it does boot partion under the // filesystem.10:12
l0llip0patleast I think so10:13
l0llip0pMrM1st: Good luck! I'll wish succes for you10:13
tomreynGargravarr: i don't think i ever did it manually, worked fine using virtualbox for th euse cases i had.10:14
MrM1stOK... I'm trying virtualbox10:14
Younder18.04 seems stable. For the first time NVIDIA drivers don't pose a problem.10:15
MrM1stI stumbled on another bug today though... the sha256 signature for the virtualbox-extensions is faulty10:15
YounderMrM1st, I thought I reported that one to ubuntu10:15
YounderMrM1st, It works on my machine now10:16
MrM1stWhat? the nvidia-driver?10:16
Younder390 driver10:16
tomreynMrM1st: are you referring to the proprietary extensions for usb2+? or to the guest additions?10:16
MrM1sttomreyn: extensions10:17
tomreynand supposedly you're referring to the virtualbox packages in ubuntu, not those in the upstream repo?10:17
YounderYou always have to manually install the guest addinition in virtualbox or all bets are off10:17
MrM1sttomreyn: Yep. But it's a filed bug already though10:19
tomreynvery well. :)10:19
MrM1sttomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ext-pack/+bug/176740210:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767402 in virtualbox-ext-pack (Ubuntu) "hash mismatch or wrong accept-license key trying to install virtualbox-ext-pack 5.2.10" [Critical,Confirmed]10:20
PitelW: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=41d8482a-0649-4b3d-b4ab-2144b735e0b3 but no matching swap device is available. //this started to happen after upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10. I'm running swapless, so I'd like to know where is this configuration coming from so I can remove it10:20
MrM1sttomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/176753310:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767402 in virtualbox-ext-pack (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1767533 hash mismatch or wrong accept-license key trying to install virtualbox-ext-pack 5.2.10" [Critical,Confirmed]10:20
Pitelha! /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume :)10:22
YounderPitel, I generally recommend a full backup and then a full install on LTS versions. My experience is incremental installs accumulate errors.10:23
YounderIt just gets worse as you go along.10:24
tomreynMrM1st: the http vs https download should be a bug in itself, i guess. after all it's "just" a checksum, no cryptographically secure attestation which is made there.10:24
BluesKajHey all10:25
tomreynMrM1st: on a side note, if you'll want to use vbox with a 3d accelerated (or the subset of that that is implemented) ubuntu 18.04 guest, you'll need to use the latest vbox test builds.10:26
tomreyn(>= Version 5.2.11 r122401)10:27
Youndertomreyn, As a sidenote NVIDIA as a docker-nvidia addition that lets you run DNN as a docker process.10:28
YounderNVIDIA now has Ubuntu on it's major server computers10:29
MrM1sttomreyn: To test the nvidia-drivers?10:29
tomreynMrM1st: i did not mention that company10:30
YounderMrM1st, The newer drivers should just work10:30
MrM1stYounder: It doesn't. It makes wayland unusable :(10:30
YounderMrM1st, That is not standard in 18.05 anyhow10:31
MrM1stYounder: It should've been10:31
YounderIf you stick with the gnome standard ten10:31
KeithWeissharcan i share the ubuntu live usb with friends after using to install ubuntu10:32
YounderOr sorry X-windows10:33
YounderKeithWeisshar, yes10:33
tomreynKeithWeisshar: sure, why not.10:33
YounderUbuntu is open10:33
KeithWeissharwhat if people have fear that usb might be infected10:34
tomreynthen they're wise :)10:34
Youndertomreyn, rotfl10:35
amisThe latest Ubuntu (18.04 LTS) keeps saying that my (probably mouse) battery is dead. How do I make it go away? It keeps showing popups about critical battery status even thou the mouse is perfectly fine. It just can't properly determine the correct battery level.10:35
KeithWeissharis it safe to do so10:35
tomreynKeithWeisshar: it's a matter of trust. if they know you, they'll supposedly trust you.10:35
Younderamis, The sensor is F--ed get a new mouse10:36
tomreynKeithWeisshar: there is no easy way to verify that one usb stick installer is the same as another, so if they wanted to be sure they'd better create their own.10:36
EriC^^Sondre: sorry i was away, use 'sudo update-grub' and check the new /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:37
amisYounder, for something so tiny I'm not replaing a mouse. I just want to mute the indicator.10:37
EriC^^Sondre: upload /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:38
fxnin a fresh 18.04 I generated en_US.UTF-8 and ran `update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8`, the file /etc/default/locale shows the expected content, but the `locale` command keeps showing the original distro values (some empty, others "POSIX"), if I set env vars in ~/.bashrc everything is fine, but IIRC I didn't need to set them explicitly before10:38
amisAlso Ubuntu could never properly determine the battery status on this mouse. I have two identical mouse with the same issue.10:38
SondreEriC^^ no problems! Thank you for your time. I'm currently on mobile, but will paste it asap.10:39
KeithWeissharwhy is there no easy way to verify the usb stick installer10:39
KeithWeissharis there a checksum feature10:40
EriC^^KeithWeisshar: if you boot it in legacy mode there is a disk integrity checker10:40
KeithWeissharis it possible to run a media check on usb10:40
KeithWeissharwill disk integrity checker with with usb or only dvd10:40
YounderKeithWeisshar, There is. Download the image. verify. the install on stick. It's the same with DVD. the code is just to verify that the  transfer over the net wen't OK10:41
KeithWeissharis the disk integrity checker in legacy boot only compatible with dvd media or both usb and dvd10:42
Younderlookup pgp --verify10:43
tomreynKeithWeisshar: both. but it's not cryptographically secure, if that's what you're seeking.10:43
tomreynKeithWeisshar: maybe try this another way: explain what you are trying to achieve, and why, and maybe we can provide better suggestions hten10:45
YounderA hash just verifies that you don't have a man in the middle attack. That noone has tampered with the file during transfer10:45
JimBuntuhashes don't even do that, very well, unless they are a pretty good hash... since there can be collisions and good MITM attackers can utilize that10:50
YounderJimBuntu, a sha256 should be good enough10:52
tasslehoffCan the super+number to open applications in the dock be disabled?10:53
JimBuntuYounder, I agree, it should be. An attacker would probably have to make some radical changes to be able to get the same hash, and as far as I remember no one has publicly released a tool for SHA256/etc yet.10:53
YounderJimBuntu, Well that is the standard now in Ubuntu10:54
zzarrThis is an insane question, but a friend of mine have a computer with 8.04 (yes 8, not 18), is there a way to preserve users and data and install 18.04 on it?10:56
JimBuntuYounder, I mean a tool to modify the file contents in order to get a specific hash result. Like was done for MD5 and basically all CRCs before it.10:56
JimBuntuzzarr, 8->9->10->11->and so forth. seems like a lot of work compared to backing up users and /home, and restoring, then re-installing applications10:58
hateballJimBuntu, zzarr actually it'd be 8.04 -> 12.04 -> 16.04 -> 18.04 as you can upgrade from LTS to LTS. Still a lot of work tho10:59
YounderWindows is the same way. After a couple of years a complete reinstall will greatly increase reliabillity and performance.10:59
zzarryea, the applications are not important10:59
hateballzzarr: if you have /home on its own partition you can simply reinstall and choose to not format the partition containing /home10:59
zzarrwell the repos for 10.04, 12.04 and so forth have not existed for a while11:00
hateball!eolupgrade | zzarr11:00
ubottuzzarr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:00
zzarrthanks hateball11:00
JimBuntuderp on my part hateball , thanks11:00
hateballzzarr: with the reinstall option, you'd need to recreate the users and assign to their corresponding home folders tho11:00
YounderI use a /, /home, /usr/local, /temp and most importantly /var portion11:00
luser23Appears that 18.04 does not install libreoffice-gtk3 by default to use GTK widgets in Libreoffice? Without it, LO looks rather strange (ugly?) and has a tiny UI font...11:02
zzarrjust a small question then, 18.04 (server) does exist for 32bit machines?11:04
tomreynzzarr: i don't think so. there's a mini.iso, though, but that's still beta and not official generally. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/11:07
tomreyn(but it should work for installing and then you can update)11:08
zzarrso as the machine is a 32bit, it's basically obsolete?11:08
tomreynthat is for you to decide.11:08
zzarrwell it is an very old machine, but there is not a replacement11:09
tomreynhow come?11:09
YounderLaterubuntu's require 4 Gb of RAM to run which is more than most 32 bit machines have11:10
YounderServer versions should work11:10
BluesKajwell there's always PAE11:10
zzarryou can address up to 64GB with a 32bit server kernel11:11
zzarrthe normal one can handle 4GB11:11
zzarrno, actually 4GB at least on a server11:12
zzarrthe 3.5 comes from having a graphics card using some of the RAM11:13
longwordWithout PAE (and often with) a large fraction of a gigabyte out of your first 4 will quietly disappear to I/O space and such11:13
zzarrI meant how much the kernel could address11:14
zzarrnot how much that's available11:14
YounderWell just just getting a cheap graphics card should free the RAM to be used by the machine.11:16
longwordDoesn't usually work that way, particularly on servers. BIOSes are lazy as sin.11:18
zzarrthe machine have some simple graphics card, it's a blade server, so the hardware is more or less set in stone11:18
zzarrI don't know how much RAM the machine have, but more then 4GB I think (I think like 20GB or so)11:19
longword_20_GB in a machine without x86_64 support?11:20
zzarrthe current version (8.04) can handle that much11:20
longwordThat seem unwise in the extreme11:20
zzarrI know, but it's an very old machine11:21
PeanutHi - while booting, my machine hangs for 5 minutes on 'Raise network interfaces', even though my network config is completely static, and after these 5 minutes everything seems to work. How can I interrupt this 5 minute wait, and debug what the system is unhappy about? This is a result of just upgrading my box to Bionic.11:21
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gratzHow might I force Wayland to be used for an automatic login? I see there is an option to choose Wayland on the login menu (if I log out and log back in again) but I'd like to set a config option somewhere to always/only use Wayland (this is because of the bugs with the screen keyboard in gnome-shell 18.04 at the moment)11:24
tomreynPeanut: can you post: sudo systemd-analyze blame11:25
tomreynPeanut: also: sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain11:26
tomreynactually no need for sudo there11:27
Peanuttomreyn: Thanks. So far it says: "Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later."11:27
Peanuttomreyn: Systemd thinks the system is in 'State: starting', even though I have a full DE running.11:29
tomreynPeanut: hmm, i've seen this issue (not finishing the boot) on a couple 18.04 systems so far, making me wonder whether it can be a generic issue on 18.04.0. and it's probably not related to the network issue, but that'S the one you should tackle primarily.11:30
PeanutIs it possible to completely remove or disable network-manager? I only have wired network ports with static configs on this box.11:30
tomreynPeanut: unfortunately since the boot doesn't finish these commands can't be used for analyzing the boot, and i don't know better ones. you can, however, inspect syslog and dmesg.11:31
tomreynPeanut: you can use systemd-networkd instead of NM, but i could not guide you.11:32
DiagonAny way to use the DVD to upgrade 17.10 to 18.04 without downloading everything again?11:32
Peanuttomreyn: No support for simple static network config anymore?11:33
DiagonI've got 17.10 in a couple of VM's and don't want to have to DL a GB repeatedly.11:34
tomreynPeanut: i *think* that's what systemd-networkd is for11:34
hateballDiagon: well you could setup a local apt repo11:36
tomreynDiagon: https://askubuntu.com/questions/440423/how-can-i-upgrade-ubuntu-lts-to-the-next-one-offline11:37
sondreHi! I can't boot from kernel 4.15 or 4.16, they have these parameters in boot menu when editing them -> https://imgur.com/a/2dt0sBA. Kernel 4.13 works fine and I can boot from there, this is how boot parameters on kernel 4.13 looks like -> https://imgur.com/a/Z6GTaLX. Looks like the newest kernel (on my computer) is missing UUID etc.. How can I troubleshoot this issue and make ubuntu boot the newest kernel?11:37
longwordA caching web proxy on your local network might also work, so long as it's not using https repos11:38
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YounderOn my local cluster I use apt-cacher-ng to cache request from the inet ad the the nodes.11:40
YounderOn my local cluster I use apt-cacher-ng to cache request from the inet and hide the nodes.11:40
HankMoodyI've encountered one problem in my 18.04 upgrade - my media server doesn't work. Small in the scale of the machine running, but BIG as this is this machine's primary duty. UMS (Universal Media Server) seems to run on Java 7 - which doesn't seem to be in the repos anymore - and the ppa everyone has used in the past isn't supported as of 16.04. Is there a way to either: A. install java7 or B. create symlinks (or something else of that ilk) to11:40
HankMoodyget java 8 or 11 to work with UMS? Or is there some fundamental difference in 7 and 8/9/11, etc.?11:40
HankMoodyAlso, thank you in advance for all help.11:41
YounderI install Oracle Java as that will work, but the FOSS gurus will protest11:42
Diagontomreyn: I see.  Thanks.  longword/Younder - appreciate the input.  I see it'll take a little work.11:43
tomreynsondre: did you please the "root=/dev/nvme0n1p5" there? usually, ubuntu would use uuids nowadays.11:43
DiagonOk, night all ...11:43
HankMoody@Younder: I'll give that a shot, thanks. Is the package oracle-java?11:44
sondretomreyn: No, I haven't done anything manual (not on purpose if that's the case). This is my grub file -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mmdYnjZGTc/11:44
sondretomreyn: UUID is not disabled, so I dunno why it choose not to use it on the newest kernal11:45
YounderHankMoody, I install from oracle, the repositories tend to lag behind11:45
tomreynHankMoody: i don't know "UMS (Universal Media Server)" and it doesn't appear to be in ubuntu, but its website says the latest release is v7.0.1 from april 15 2018. i doubt this still dpeends on java 7.11:46
HankMoodyThanks @Younder.11:47
HankMoody@tomreyn: Yeah, it's not in the repos. It's a branch of PS3 media server. it does indeed depend on 7. I went to download the newest version to see if this was indeed the case11:47
tomreynYounder: i think java 7 is eol, it should not be used nowadays (unless security patches are provided by someone else, like ubuntu for older rleeases).11:47
HankMoodyYeah @tomreyn I believe it is. Hence why it's moved on out of the repos is my guess. I can't remember if I had to add the ppa to my prior install or if it was still in the repos.11:48
tomreynsondre: can you run (install pastebinit if it asks for it, then run again): sudo grub-mkconfig | pastebinit11:49
tomreynHankMoody: first of all, find out whether the software oyu intend to use really depends on an EOL java release. if so, reconsider using that software.11:50
HankMoodythat's what I'm trying to figure out - if there's a way to make it work with 8/11/etc. I've poked around and tried some different media servers and this one truly suits my needs the best11:51
sondretomreyn: This is the output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F5QDmbTBt7/11:54
tomreynHankMoody: so these remaining questions should be discussed with the developers of this software (or their support community). good luck.11:54
* Peanut does a facedesk. Netplan. Yet another network configuration.11:55
tomreynsondre: pastebin /etc/fstab11:55
HankMoodyThanks @tomreyn11:55
ioriasondre, i think you miss the initrd for 4.15  (and -16);  ls /boot | grep initrd11:56
sondretomreyn: Here you go -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2rq4Wt9BZy/11:57
tomreynHankMoody: on a side note, ubuntu 14.04 still supports openjdk-7-jre, and there'll be ESM for it, but i would not recommend going this route.11:57
sondreioria: Yes, I saw that too, will "ls /boot | grep initrd" fix this?11:57
iorianope :þ11:57
ioriasondre, i think it's installed correctly11:58
EriC^^sondre: hey howd it go11:58
HankMoody@tomreyn: Gotcha. I'll see if I can't find a way to fake the funk or point UMS to java 811:58
brainwashHankMoody: https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer/UniversalMediaServer/pull/143311:58
ioriasondre, i think it's  - not - installed correctly11:58
Noruxhi EriC^^ :) hope you're having an awesome day!11:58
sondreWhat can I do to install initrd on the newest kernels?11:58
brainwashHankMoody: have you actually tested ums 7.0?11:58
EriC^^Norux: hey :) you too!11:58
sondreEriC^^: Hi Eric! Just got back to work, so still trying to figure out how I can boot from the newest kernels11:59
tomreynsondre: hmm i'm still puzzled as to where grub-mkconfig gets the "/dev/nvme0n1p5" from (and doesn't refer to its uuid instead, like your linux 4.13 grub configuration does).11:59
HankMoody@brain Yep, just tried to run it again (to make sure I wasn't having a stroke or something) and it's giving me the same error as 6.x.x11:59
ioriasondre, dpkg -l|grep linux-image-[0-9]    paste this please11:59
HankMoody@brainwash:  Yep, just tried to run it again (to make sure I wasn't having a stroke or something) and it's giving me the same error as 6.x.x11:59
EriC^^sondre: did you pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg after running sudo update-grub ?11:59
sondreioria: Here you go -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jKyTsdSRJz/12:00
brainwashHankMoody: maybe related https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer/UniversalMediaServer/issues/146712:00
sondreEriC^^: Yes, this was the output -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mmdYnjZGTc/12:00
levelzЗЗдарова, мужики. Нужна ваша помощь. Есть кто в чате?12:01
tomreyn!ru | levelz12:01
ubottulevelz: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:01
compdocubottu speaks more languages than anyone I know, lol12:02
ubottucompdoc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:02
tomreynEriC^^: here's sondre's current grub-mkconfig output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F5QDmbTBt7/12:02
ioriasondre, are you on bionic 18.04 ?12:02
HankMoody@brainwash: Thanks, I'll give it a look and see if I can't find an answer.12:03
sondreioria: Yes, upgraded from 16.04 and realized afterwards that it was not recommended to upgrade until 18.04.1 version or something.. So yeah12:04
ioriasondre,  sudo apt install --reinstall linux-generic12:04
EriC^^sondre: do you need the 4.16 kernel?12:05
EriC^^!info linux-image12:05
ubottuPackage linux-image does not exist in artful12:05
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic12:05
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB12:05
EriC^^what's the current 18.04 kernel?12:05
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic bionic12:05
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic bionic12:05
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB12:05
hateballEriC^^: 4.1512:05
sondreEriC^^: I dunno, what is the recommended kernel? I got an error ioria, this is the output -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GMzXSy29m6/12:06
EriC^^sondre: the kernel for 18.04 is 4.15 , you also have 4.16 there which has been installed from a ppa or somethinh12:06
sondreEriC^^: I've installed ukuu, from there I installed the 4.16 kernel12:07
ioriasondre,  why do you have a 4.16 kernel ?12:07
sondreEriC^^: Just trying you know.. :p12:07
EriC^^sondre: yeah :D12:07
EriC^^do you need the 4.16 one?12:07
sondreNot really, didn't work that one either12:07
ioriasondre,  try to purge it12:08
sondreioria: What kernel? The 4.16?12:08
ioriasondre,  yes12:08
EriC^^sondre: ok, run sudo apt-get purge linux-image-unsigned-4.16.6-041606-generic12:09
EriC^^for some reason, the initrd seems missing for the linux 4.15 kernel (as well as using /dev/ instead of uuid) *shrug*12:09
sondreEriC^^ ioria Ok, done the purge now12:11
ioriasondre,    linux-image-4.16.6-041606-generic   is gone now12:11
sondreioria: Yes -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5NVtDR6JPW/12:12
ioriasondre,  sudo apt install --reinstall linux-generic12:12
sondreioria: I did sudo update-grub after reinstalling linux-generic, then this is the output of grub-mkconfig -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BdpMzTYTgc/12:13
sondreStill no uuid..12:13
ioriasondre,  ls /var/lib/initramfs-tools/12:15
sondreioria: 4.13.0-36-generic  4.13.0-37-generic  4.4.0-116-generic  version12:15
ioriasondre,  update-initramfs -u -k all12:16
EriC^sondre: is the initrd 4.15 in /boot?12:17
ioriaguess not12:17
sondreEriC^: Nop, nothing from 4.15 there12:18
sondreioria: Ok, just a sec12:18
EriC^sondre: ok try sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-4.15.0-20-generic12:18
ioriasondre,  and maye paste us the output12:19
sondreioria: Here is the output of the update-initramfs -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vWCN3JKCGp/12:19
tomreynalso: pastebinit /etc/kernel-img.conf12:19
sondreEriC^: Output here -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zDDgj3Fh3m/12:20
sondretomreyn: Output here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X6565yPpkh/12:21
=== LinusVE is now known as Linus
ioriaah, here we are12:21
EriC^sondre: can you pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg and "dpkg -l | grep linux" ?12:22
tomreynsondre: do you have similarily named files therE? ls -l /etc/kernel-img*12:22
couven92When I run `systemctl --user enable myservice`, I see that systemd creates a symlink to the origin myservice.service file (from /usr/lib/systemd/...), does that mean that I can copy the file instead of symlinking and then change it to provide custom arguments to the service?12:24
sondreEriC^: grub.cfg -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FTjJP8Znws/ and dpkg -l | grep linux output here -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/53XDkGCvbc/12:25
sondretomreyn: Doesn't look like it, this is the output -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NtKf8Rynfq/12:26
HankMoodyFYI @brainwash I'm a retard, didn't have java8 set as the default - 11 was. Got it working w/ java 8 now.12:28
sondreIs this something I can try? mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-20-generic 4.15.0-20-generic12:28
EriC^sondre: it should create stuff itself, maybe the errors from update-initramfs have some clues, how about removing the old kernels and stuff first to clean up the situation and focus only on 4.1512:29
spexiHi! I have a laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 and a second display attached via displayport. When I'm using alt+tab task switcher, it always comes up on the laptop screen, although the other monitor is active. How to show that on the active screen?12:29
tomreynEriC^: add this line to /etc/kernel-img.conf: do_initrd=yes12:31
tomreynsondre: ^12:31
tomreynit's entirely unclear why this linoe is not already there, though12:31
sondreEriC^: Yes, so I should purge the other kernels?12:32
sondretomreyn: Ok, just added it. Then what?12:33
EriC^sondre: yes, first let's clear the old configs, dpkg -l | awk '$1 == "rc" && /linux/ { print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge12:34
=== _ruben_ is now known as _ruben
sondreEriC^: Ok, did that now12:35
EriC^sondre: ok, what's the list look like now? dpkg -l | grep linux | pastebinit12:35
EriC^which kernel are you running right now btw? try "uname -r"12:36
sondreEriC^: Here yaah go -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jdrMMSDQ7d/12:36
sondreEriC^: Currently on "4.13.0-37-generic"12:36
tomreynsondre: actually, please undo the change to /etc/kernel-img.conf, it doesn't seem to be correct / default in 18.04 to have an initrd if you don't have a seperate /boot12:36
AherysHello, just install ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my server, by default, python 3.6 is installed but i need to have python 3.5 to making an application run. I try udapte alternative, or some apt-get command to "downgrate" to python 3.5 but nothing effective, any idea ? Thanks !12:37
tomreynalthough you might need one for nvme booting, not sure12:37
dbuggerQuestion: I just updated Ubuntu and somehow connection to SSH servers dont work anymore, because of SSH keys... What could have happened? It is the same12:37
sondretomreyn: Ok, removed it now :-D12:37
tomreynsondre: ok, sorry about my confision12:37
tomreyn*confusion ;)12:38
sondreno no, really appreciate all your help!12:38
EriC^sondre: sudo apt-get purge linux-signed-generic-lts-utopic linux-headers-4.13.0-39-generic linux-headers-4.16.6-041606-generic12:39
sondreEriC^: Did that now, looks like it removed them with no errors12:39
EriC^sondre: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-4.15.0-20-generic12:39
sondreEriC^: Here is the output -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mGdF7ZtFFw/12:41
OnceMeI have ati amd radeon r5 m255 and I bought new ssd, so I want to install ubuntu as os, should I go with 16.04 or 18.04 ? I want driver support for my gpu12:41
OnceMeits a laptop12:41
Andrey2Hello, ubuntu users!12:41
EriC^hmm why is there no more linux-image-extra for 4.15?12:42
EriC^!info linux-image-extra-4.15.0-20-generic bionic12:42
ubottuPackage linux-image-extra-4.15.0-20-generic does not exist in bionic12:42
tomreyni guess they must have been moved into the standard image12:42
EriC^that's odd12:42
tomreynmaybe default /boot is large enough by now? ;)12:43
Gargravarrwhat was the -extra image for, anyway?12:43
EriC^sondre: what does 'sudo update-initramfs -c -k all' give now?12:43
ioriasondre, also  sudo update-grub  output might be useful12:45
tomreynEriC^: linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-20-generic12:45
tomreynmodules, not extra - renamed i guess12:45
tomreyn'modules', not 'image' - renamed i guess12:46
sondreEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/42qPKqT7kb/12:46
sondreEriC^: So should I run this command? sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-20-generic12:46
ioriasondre, did you try to compile 415 from source ?12:47
EriC^sondre: let's try removing the hwe of 16.04 maybe that's causing some version issue or something12:49
tomreynAherys: actually xenial (16.04) comes with python 3.5 via the "python3" package by default:12:49
sondreioria: I don't know, it was installed automaticly when I installed 18.04 I think..12:49
tomreyn!info python3 xenial12:49
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.5.1-3 (xenial), package size 8 kB, installed size 67 kB12:49
EriC^sondre: sudo apt-get purge linux-signed-image-generic-hwe-16.04 linux-generic-hwe-16.04 linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic12:49
sondreEriC^: Thanks, did that now12:50
EriC^sondre: after it's done, run dpkg -l | grep linux | pastebinit again to see if there's still any hwe stuff anywhere12:50
sondreEriC^: Here you go -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KMZpbFfb9D/12:50
EriC^ioria: do you think they should remove the linux-source and linux-source-4.15.0 ?12:51
EriC^sondre: cant harm right? try sudo apt-get purge linux-source linux-source-4.15.012:52
iseneUpgrading from 17.10 to 18.04 (Dell XPS15), got two packages that will not install: shim-signed and grub-efi-amd64-signed (installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1) Since I am unsure if I can even reboot my system safely now, I could need a hand debugging this...12:53
sondreEriC^: We try :-D12:53
SilmarilionAnyone using Ark menu with 18.04 gnome? After the upgrade icons for `Software` and `Tweaks` items are missing12:53
EriC^isene: can you give more detail on the errors?12:53
EriC^sondre: :D12:53
iseneI'll paste it (link coming)12:54
dbuggerCould someone please take a look at this issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031075/after-upgrading-to-18-04-ssh-keys-are-invalid12:54
sondreEriC^: Did the command now12:54
Aherystomreyn, yes making an error, i'm on 18.04 =/ I add some ppa with python3.5 should be fine now.12:55
EriC^sondre: cool, is there an initrd file for 4.15 in /boot?12:55
iseneEriC^: This is all: http://dpaste.com/219PR6412:55
tomreynAherys: hopefully "some ppa" will provide you with security patches. ;-)12:57
sondreEriC^: Output for initrd in boot folder and update-grub -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NPfC3XQfKF/12:57
EriC^isene: hmm i wonder why it wont work, does sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64-signed give more info?12:57
sondreisene: !!! This was exactly my issues too12:58
iseneEriC^: Only this: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: grub-efi-amd64-signed is broken or not fully installed12:58
sondreisene: Seriously the exact same issue when running update or upgrade, using dell precision, so maybe there is something to it12:58
isenesondre: How did you solve it?12:58
sondreisene: Not solved... But it doesn't show on kernel 4.13.0-37-generic, and now I can't boot in 4.15 kernel12:59
Aherystomreyn, yes, it will !12:59
isenesondre: So you can boot 4.13.0-37-generic?12:59
sondreisene: Yes, that works just fine. I did the boot-repair, and after that I can't boot into kernel 4.15, but errors are gone for that13:01
EriC^sondre: 4.15 used to boot before boot-repair?13:01
sondreEriC^: Yes, it has worked in 18.04, but I got the same errors as isene and someone wanted me to try and fix that with using boot-repair13:02
EriC^isene: i dont know about the errors but looking at some files i could tell you if its likely to boot when you restart13:02
EriC^oh wow, pretty odd13:03
EriC^do you happen to have a log of what it fixed by any chance?13:03
sondreEriC^: Here is the log for boot-repair -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f33hqjXfRG/13:03
sondreEriC^: :-D13:03
EriC^nice :D13:03
iseneplease continue talking. I'm out for 10 mins. Any info is appreciated (sondre EriC^)13:04
paddingtonbearHey. My 17.10 to 18.04 update window has stopped on "accountsservice (amd64) installed". What would be the best thing to do?13:07
PsychoBoBwhat the best irc client for ubuntu13:09
Wirehunterpaddingtonbear, stopped, like it froze? Or did you get an error?13:10
WirehunterPsychoBoB, I'm using HexChat13:10
PsychoBoBWirehunter: is good?13:11
NoruxPsychoBoB: I can recommend it :+1:13:11
paddingtonbearWirehunter, like froze, yes. The window responds but there's nothing else I can do in it except toggle the terminal display.13:11
SicnusOn a user I've previously had on my system; I could (as root) su - $user  it would be fine.  Now however, when I do su - $user I get the following:13:12
Sicnus-su: 2: [: unexpected operator13:12
WirehunterPsychoBoB, Haven't really used anything else, but I think it's pretty nice.13:12
Sicnus-su: 2: [: unexpected operator  (Twice)  and then it puts me back to an /bin/sh prompt.  :/   Any ideas?13:12
PsychoBoBwhat is13:12
WirehunterPsychoBoB, That he agrees and recommends the same.13:12
PsychoBoByou use ubuntu 18?13:13
binarHi, I was asked to tag a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1763429, however I do not know how to tag a bug on launchpad (I am only used to the e-mail-style tagging used by Debian), how can I do this?13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763429 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo Yoga 720 does not shutdown with wifi enabled" [Medium,Incomplete]13:13
tomreynpaddingtonbear: how long has it been at this point?13:13
paddingtonbeartomreyn: for like an hour.13:14
BluesKajI hate to ask paddingtonbear, buit have you hit the enter key ?13:16
tomreynpaddingtonbear: oh ok, that's definitely too long.13:16
WirehunterPsychoBoB, Yes. 18.0413:16
paddingtonbearBluesKaj: no... I'll try that then.13:17
PsychoBoBin note of my work it broks13:17
PsychoBoBbut in my house this version works fine13:18
PsychoBoBsorry for my english13:18
PsychoBoBisnot my native language13:18
paddingtonbearBluesKaj: nothing happened after I hit enter.13:18
BluesKajpaddingtonbear, sometimes it stops and asks for options for files that have been edited, you didn't see anything like that i suppose?13:20
WirehunterPsychoBoB, What broke? Your Ubuntu installation? After performing the upgrade to 18.04?13:20
paddingtonbearBluesKaj I didn't see anything like that. The last word on the terminal is "ready" in finnish.13:21
PsychoBoBWirehunter: my note in work is very slow with 18;0413:21
WirehunterPsychoBoB, That's okay. I'm lucky that HexChat has a spelling checker. I'm not very good at English too.13:21
BluesKajpaddingtonbear, ok13:22
WirehunterPsychoBoB, How so? Is it an old machine? Can you check system monitor to see if a particular process is using a lot of resources?13:22
BluesKajpaddingtonbear, ready for something ..what was the last readable entry/line from the installation assuming you're upgrading thru the terminal13:29
paddingtonbearBluesKaj, I didn't upgrade thru the terminal. I upgraded thru the update manager. Bionic's terminal screen says "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration" before it says "ready" or "finished" in finnish, "valmis".13:33
sondreEriC^: From Ukuu I get a popup that says "Linux v.4.16.6 Available - Major update available for installation". Is this something I just dismiss?13:35
Wirehunterpaddingtonbear, Is in not just finished then?13:35
EriC^sondre: yeah i guess so13:36
paddingtonbearWirehunter, I don't know. If it is, what should I then do? It hasn't progressed all the way through the "installing updates" to "tidying up" and "restarting the computer".13:37
sondreEriC^: Ait thanks again13:38
jwrunattended upgrades ran a kernel upgrade last night and rebooted my workstation. this morning my sound doesn't work. prior to last night, pavucontrol would show an output device of 'headphones', and now it only shows SPDIF. anybody know how to troubleshoot that?13:40
EriC^sondre: no problem, sorry about the problem not getting fixed *shrug*13:41
EriC^fwiw from the boot-repair log it seemed 4.15 was already missing the initrd and it had booted 4.13 to reinstall grub, must be some weird 18.04 upgrade error, hopefully they sort stuff out soon13:42
tomreynpaddingtonbear: fwiw you'll find logs on your (failed) upgrade in /var/log/dist-upgrade/13:43
BluesKajEriC^, think we need your expertise with paddingtonbear 's problem if you aren't otherwise occupied13:43
iseneEriC^: sondre: So I should just boot happily with the 4.13 kernel from 17.10 and wait until this issue is resolved for my XPS15?13:44
tomreynpaddingtonbear: the most common reason do-release-upgrade fails is when either the upgrade path is not yet supported (i.e. you needed to use the -d switch to make it happen) or that you had third party repositories (PPA) configured and software installed form there previously.13:44
BluesKajtomreyn, he's using the update manager, if that makes a difference13:46
tomreynpaddingtonbear: you will probably need to either install 18.04 from scratch (aftzer backing up what you used to have) or try to recover the failed upgrade using 'apt' on the command line.13:46
tomreynBluesKaj: it doesn't13:46
* tomreyn afk13:47
sondreEriC^: Thank you for your time! Much appriciated, really13:47
ulkeshAnyone happen to know why, when I plug in any USB device, my network printer (not plugged in via USB to the system) wakes up?13:48
squarecircleI have some trouble with core allocation and kvm13:48
BluesKajI've never used the update manager so....13:48
squarecircledoes someone here had the problem, that the kvm could not allocate more then one cpu, idependent from the virtual cores?13:48
EriC^paddingtonbear: maybe something in /var/log/syslog shows more info on what's going on?13:49
EriC^paddingtonbear: maybe ps aux | grep -E "update|dpkg" might show something?13:49
Wirehunterpaddingtonbear, Do you have enough disk space left? I think I remember running into trouble because of this13:50
paddingtonbearWirehunter, there is enough space available. I don't though know where Ubuntu is trying to find that space.13:52
paddingtonbearEriC^ I tried that command and it gave me things in finnish.13:54
EriC^paddingtonbear: type "sudo cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999"13:55
hateballpaddingtonbear: to get it in english you can run instead run: LC_ALL=C ps aux | grep -E "update|dpkg"13:56
hateballfor pasting purposes etc13:56
EriC^add | nc termbin.com 9999 to pastebin it paddingtonbear13:56
paddingtonbearDone, EriC^.13:57
stevenmhey how can I mount an smb share *without* being (or accessing) root... i'm thinking some kind of user-space mount like sshfs/fuse/curlftpfs is13:58
stevenmi've seen gvfs-mount .. but i don't see a way of specifying the smb version - seems to be quite generic13:58
paddingtonbearEriC^ it doesn't give me anything, that netcat thing.14:01
BluesKajperkele, voi jumalauta14:02
yokowkahello everysoul!!!! Skype when I log in - disapiars, not works. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.How to make it works?14:03
paddingtonbearBluesKaj, exactly.14:03
BluesKajheh, my finnish is a little rusty , but I do remember some curses14:04
EriC^paddingtonbear: what does "sudo cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999" give you?14:05
paddingtonbearah now!14:06
EriC^paddingtonbear: what about "LC_ALL=C ps aux | grep -E 'update|dpkg' | nc termbin.com 9999" ?14:10
yokowkaSkype when I log in - disapiars, not works. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.How to make it works?14:13
EriC^paddingtonbear: seems to be hung up in some dpkg process with a question something to do with grub14:14
EriC^paddingtonbear: try "sudo cat /proc/11307/fd/54 | nc termbin.com 9999"14:15
EriC^paddingtonbear: is the window similar to ubiquity's window? if you press on the bottom of the thing does it expand into a terminal at the bottom?14:16
EriC^in the gui updater14:16
paddingtonbearEriC^ I don't think so on the ubiquity look. I can see terminal (after closing terminal display I only can see) one line at a time.14:19
EriC^paddingtonbear: what does the question in the ps aux output mean?14:20
EriC^did the cat /proc command return anything?14:20
paddingtonbearproc command didn't return anything14:21
paddingtonbearI think it's loading still because there's no $.14:21
EriC^what does the ps aux mean?14:22
paddingtonbearEriC^ there is no question in the ps aux output. They are äs and ös.14:22
EriC^this one paddingtonbear http://termbin.com/y4x714:23
EriC^!info friendly-recovery bionic14:23
ubottufriendly-recovery (source: friendly-recovery): Make recovery boot mode more user-friendly. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.38 (bionic), package size 8 kB, installed size 44 kB14:23
* EriC^ kinda confused14:23
EriC^you booted your ubuntu normally, and in the update-manager updated to 18.04?14:24
paddingtonbearThey are ä and ö letters.14:24
EriC^isn't it not allowed to boot to 18.04 yet?14:24
paddingtonbearWell, normally to me is through recovery, because while using nvidia's proprietary drivers ubuntu doesn't respond to anything when I start normally.14:25
paddingtonbearEriC^ so, I booted through recovery and updated as recommended while I checked for updates through update manager.14:27
iseneEriC^: (bump) So I should just boot happily with the 4.13 kernel from 17.10 and wait until this issue is resolved for my XPS15?14:28
capwhat could be network problem if ubuntu fails to load or access the router? which is , sometimes it will open, then fails to load, or it takes a long time to open the settings in browser.14:28
EriC^isene: yeah that should be ok14:30
EriC^paddingtonbear: aha14:30
EriC^paddingtonbear: at this point, maybe do "sudo kill 11307" and hope for the best, it should close the dpkg process that's waiting for input14:31
EriC^i think you're going to have to do what was suggested earlier though, a fresh install of 18.0414:31
paddingtonbearEriC^ how about "apt -f install" ?14:32
EriC^paddingtonbear: worth a shot14:33
Wirehunterpaddingtonbear, sudo apt -f install is a good idea14:34
EriC^paddingtonbear: i wonder if you can send it a signal to stdin14:34
Wirehunterpaddingtonbear,  or sudo dkpg --configure -a14:35
EriC^paddingtonbear: like 'echo "y" | sudo tee /proc/11307/fd/0'14:35
paddingtonbearThe last "sudo cat /proc/11307/fd/54 | nc termbin.com 9999" is still in progress...14:35
EriC^paddingtonbear: hold on, cancel the term bin with ctrl+c14:35
EriC^paddingtonbear: then run "sudo tail -f /proc/11307/fd/54"14:35
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
EriC^then try echo "y" | sudo tee /proc/11307/fd/0 and see what happens in the tail -f one14:36
EriC^paddingtonbear: so you need 2 terminals one for tail -f the other for the echo one14:36
iseneEriC^: Thanks. And thank you for your attention. Appreciated.14:36
paddingtonbearEriC^ nothing happens in the tail -f one14:37
EriC^isene: no problem :)14:37
MonsieurBonSince ubuntu is now using netplan, can I still put scripts into /etc/network/if-pre-up.d or should I put them somewhere else?14:37
EriC^paddingtonbear: yeah it should keep watching the file for changes14:37
EriC^paddingtonbear: try the echo one, any stuff in dpkg's status should show in the tail one14:38
paddingtonbearWhat am I trying there?14:38
EriC^echo "y" | sudo tee /proc/11307/fd/014:39
BluesKajMonsieurBon, ubuntu-server uses netplan, afaik ubuntu still uses network-manager14:39
paddingtonbeartail terminal is unchanged. Just loading away seemingly.14:40
MonsieurBonBluesKaj, oh ok. I'm talking about ubuntu-server14:40
yokowka Skype when I log in - disapiars, not works. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.How to make it works?14:40
Oolinto 18.04 how can give in network manager the domain-search parameter manualy  ?14:40
OolI don't find the text box for that14:41
EriC^paddingtonbear: ok, try to kill the process, sudo kill 1130714:41
paddingtonbearSo I don't ctrl+c the tail?14:42
paddingtonbearAnd try the apt -f install?14:42
MonsieurBonBluesKaj, I'm looking for the correct location to put my iptables script to activate the rules before the interfaces come up.14:43
BluesKajMonsieurBon, I don't know since I haven't used iptables in many yrs14:46
BluesKajMonsieurBon,where were thy located on your previous OS ?14:47
EriC^paddingtonbear: leave the tail and try sudo kill 1130714:47
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MonsieurBonBluesKaj, I used to put them in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d on previous versions of ubuntu-server14:49
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paddingtonbearOkay EriC^ now it threw a window at me that states (paraphrasing in finnish) "Updates could not be installed" and below it "Update has been interrupted. The system can be in an unstable state. Return command is being performed now (dpkg --configure -a)."14:50
EriC^paddingtonbear: aha cool14:50
BluesKajMonsieurBon, I just have Wireless-tools and wpa-supplicant there14:51
MendigaumMy bluetooth device doesn't show up at rfkill list but it does show up at lsusb. Ubuntu 18.04. Any clue?14:52
ServerGuyhey guys can anyone help me with a crontab14:52
ServerGuyso im running this as a crontab14:52
ServerGuycertbot renew | mail -s `hostname 'Cerbot SSL Renewal' my@email.com14:52
MonsieurBonBluesKaj, I'll just give it a try14:52
ServerGuybut its not working, trying to get a dynamic hostname on the subject line14:53
Kon-Is /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia.conf the correct place to add configuration options for X on Nvidia?14:53
Kon-I've seen a lot of Arch-related topics which reference a 20-nvidia.conf, but I only have 10-nvidia.conf on Ubuntu14:54
WirehunterKon-, A higher number overwrites the configurations made in the lower numbers14:54
tgm4883ServerGuy: why do you only have 1 backtick?14:55
Kon-Okay, that makes it easy. Thanks Wirehunter14:55
ServerGuyis that not correct?14:55
WirehunterKon-, 10-nvidia.conf is indeed the place to put the driver related X options.14:55
tgm4883ServerGuy: have you tried running it outside of cron and does it work?14:55
Kon-But 20-nvidia.conf would work just as well?14:55
ServerGuyno tgm488314:56
ServerGuyDosent work in CLI either14:56
WirehunterKon-, probably14:56
tgm4883ServerGuy: that's always troubleshooting step 1. So you're going to want to surround your command (hostname) in backticks14:56
ServerGuyyep just backtick missing14:57
ServerGuyshould be `` not `14:57
ServerGuy:D thanks!14:57
MendigaumI have a "045e:0745 Microsoft Corp. Nano Transceiver v1.0 for Bluetooth" not being detected after upgrading to ubuntu 18.04. It also doesn't show up in rfkill list. Any hint?14:58
WirehunterKon-, but why not edit the 10-nvidia.conf then? Also, if you're doing Optimus. prime-select will make changes in 11-nvidia-prime.conf I think14:58
EriC^paddingtonbear: any luck?15:00
Kon-Wirehunter: 10-nvidia.conf has only a few lines of text and doesn't follow quite the same format as xorg.conf. If 20-nvidia.conf doesn't work, I guess I can try it and see what happens15:00
Kon-This desktop is thankfully Optimus-free15:00
WirehunterKon-, Alright15:00
paddingtonbearEriC^ nothing really seemed to happen except that "accountsservice (amd64) installed" disappeared.15:01
paddingtonbearI wonder what happened at Bionic's terminal but it's next to impossible to see because it only shows one very narrow row at a time.15:01
EriC^paddingtonbear: did the updater continue?15:02
paddingtonbearEriC^ seemingly no.15:02
EriC^paddingtonbear: can you resize it with the border?15:02
EriC^hmm, anything dpkg related still running in ps aux | grep dpkg15:03
EriC^paddingtonbear: same one, its like it was updating friendly-recovery (responsible for the nice recovery menu) and in the post install script it gave the menu it usually shows in the recovery mode15:06
EriC^!info friendly-recovery bionic15:06
ubottufriendly-recovery (source: friendly-recovery): Make recovery boot mode more user-friendly. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.38 (bionic), package size 8 kB, installed size 44 kB15:06
EriC^!info friendly-recovery artful15:06
ubottufriendly-recovery (source: friendly-recovery): Make recovery boot mode more user-friendly. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.36ubuntu1 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 43 kB15:06
EriC^actually it still has the old version installed, hmm15:06
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EriC^paddingtonbear: i have an idea, try sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/friendly-recovery.postinst /friendly-recovery.postinst.backup15:08
paddingtonbearEriC^ now what?15:09
EriC^then kill the process again with sudo kill 1236315:09
paddingtonbearNothing has advanced to any extent after I did try that.15:09
EriC^yeah we're hoping on the second time it tried to configure the packages it wont have anything to do as a postinstall15:10
paddingtonbearNow what?15:10
paddingtonbearkilled 1236315:11
EriC^paddingtonbear: how's the updater looking?15:11
EriC^try sudo kill 965315:11
EriC^and sudo kill 697915:11
EriC^i'm avoiding killing dpkg cause maybe it won't reattempt to configure stuff15:11
paddingtonbearBtw I have'nt tried the apt -f install at any point.15:12
EriC^it wouldnt work anyways cause dpkg has a lock on the package system15:12
paddingtonbearnow regenerating fonts cache!15:12
paddingtonbearafter kill 965315:12
paddingtonbearDamn. How can I see a larger display on that Bionic's terminal?15:13
nicomachuspaddingtonbear: language!15:14
EriC^maybe there's some scroll overlay to the right?15:14
Marikos@paddingtonbear assuming you're on a tty?15:14
paddingtonbearI'm sorry!15:14
EriC^maybe press 'page up'15:14
MarikosTrying to triage an issue sshing into a 16.04 box of mine, it auths and conencts, and I can get a local port forward to work, so I know ssh is working, but it's immediately disconnecting me and won't run any commands either.  It's really weird and google is being of little help https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TdXFJm8gFQ/15:16
paddingtonbearOkay, this just in: "The update is ready/finished" (remember, finnish...) and below it "The update did finish, but there did occur errors during the update."   NOTE: I didn't do the second sudo kill, 697915:16
EriC^paddingtonbear: aha, what does sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a give?15:17
paddingtonbearEriC^ a lot of stuff about dependencies-15:18
nicomachusMarikos: can you paste your sshd_config?15:18
EriC^paddingtonbear: pastebin15:18
Marikosnicomachus: If I could get into the server I would gladly... that's the issue I think15:19
MarikosI can try getting into one of my docker containers, all the services are running fine, but I doubt that would be of any use15:20
MarikosActually, I have a crazy idea15:20
paddingtonbearEriC^ https://pastebin.com/Es4ZyzyA15:20
nicomachusMarikos: looking similar to this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/148714/cant-ssh-connection-terminates-immediately-with-exit-status-25415:20
paddingtonbearI put it through google translate :)15:20
EriC^paddingtonbear: aha15:23
Marikosnicomachus: saw that thread, haven't had much luck.  tryign a crazy idea15:23
EriC^try now 'sudo mv /friendly-recovery.postinst.backup /var/lib/dpkg/info/friendly-recovery.postinst15:24
EriC^paddingtonbear: then sudo apt-get -f autoremove15:24
EriC^paddingtonbear: you use sikulix?15:24
paddingtonbearNever heard of sikulix, EriC^.15:25
EriC^aha noticed some image recognition stuff15:25
paddingtonbearEriC^ now the autoremove is going to remove 969 Mb worth of stuff?15:26
EriC^oh wow, nevermind then15:26
EriC^only do sudo apt-get -f install15:26
Marikosnicomachus: sshd_config https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4kRSY5ndyr/15:27
paddingtonbearEriC^ https://pastebin.com/r3bLHU4p15:27
paddingtonbearabout the autoremove.15:27
paddingtonbearIt could be a good thing. :D15:28
Marikoschecked my user entry in /etc/passwd everything looks kosher15:28
EriC^paddingtonbear: nothing seems incredibly important15:29
EriC^paddingtonbear: go for it ;)15:29
paddingtonbearI've never had anything towards having an extra gigabyte of space...15:30
paddingtonbearAnd then I "sudo apt-get -f install" ?15:32
EriC^paddingtonbear: yeah15:34
paddingtonbearDidn't install anything. 0 on every category.15:34
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paddingtonbearBut the tail -f /proc/11307/fd/54 is still loading.15:35
Marikosnicomachus: Seeing a bunch of entries like this in my auth log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z6BpytkS42/15:35
EriC^paddingtonbear: aha close the tail -f one15:36
EriC^paddingtonbear: cat /etc/issue looks good?15:36
EriC^sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:36
paddingtonbearUbuntu 18.04 LTS \n \l                      EriC^15:37
EriC^paddingtonbear: is it using the bionic repos in /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:37
paddingtonbearEriC^ https://pastebin.com/80fKAaS415:38
schangthis morning I did a dist-upgrade on my 16.04 LTS and libc-bin (which was one of the few packages to be upgraded) failed during configure. Then any command would result in a segfault...15:39
schanghave other encountered the same issue or is it just me ?15:39
nicomachusMarikos: yea, I think changing the PAM setting, like in the link I sent you, may correct that.15:39
schangI've pasted error messages in google but only found similar occurences from like October 201715:40
nicomachusschang: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt install -f'15:40
Marikosnicomachus: Trying that, need to figure out how to restart sshd...15:40
EriC^paddingtonbear: looks good15:40
schangnicomachus well the machine would let me do any of that. every command ended in segfault15:40
EriC^it has valmis'd15:40
Marikoswas able to get into the filesystem by making an ubuntu container in my docker UI and mapping the host fs15:41
paddingtonbearWhat about the /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:41
EriC^paddingtonbear: give it an upload15:41
EriC^cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999915:41
dithmerschang: Tried to use a rescue system, mount your fs and do that in chroot-like environment?15:42
schangdithmer no, I had a full backup which I just finished restoring.15:42
paddingtonbearEriC^ https://pastebin.com/CcwjxavF15:42
dithmerschang: Did the dist-upgrade again? Happened again?15:42
schangdithmer I've then re-run the upgrade to see if same causes would lead to same consequences. which it did not15:43
schangdis-upgrade actually15:43
EriC^paddingtonbear: looks good15:43
EriC^try rebooting, see if the normal mode works without recovery15:43
schangdithmer weird, dnt know what happened exaclty but I thought if here is  general problem with that update on libc-bin then I would certainly not be the only one ending with this issue15:44
schangdithmer but apprently it is just me15:44
BluesKajodd that his sources still show artful altho commented15:44
paddingtonbearOh yeah! Thank you (in advance?). You have been a great help. I hope there are good things coming to you EriC^ !15:44
paddingtonbearI'd shake your hand, but the distance, the longing, the distance... You know how it is. :)15:45
schangwell thanks anyway :)15:46
renjiehi guys!15:47
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Marikosnicomachus: that was super weird. I rebooted the machine after making that change and everything seems to be fine15:52
luxiothe classic "have you tried turning it off and on again"15:53
nicomachusMarikos: glad to hear it.15:53
Marikosnicomachus: Not sure if it was that or the reboot that fixed it.  But that was probably the jankiest reboot I've ever done... ubuntu docker container, with /proc mapped into /tmp/proc, and doing a magic sysreq reboot from inside that docker container shell in a browser window15:54
Marikosnicomachus: just really weird that it suddenly started doing that15:56
tpw_ruleshey. i just installed ubuntu 18.04 into a virtual box guest on my mac and it seems it's having trouble getting graphics started. i get the 'ubuntu' screen with the dots under it for a few seconds and then it freezes when i'd expect the login screen to show up15:58
rmooreIs there a relatively easy CLI command series to join an Ubuntu system to a Windows domain?16:06
nicomachusMarikos: sometimes linux is just weird. For example, I can't get an alsa output to work with librespotify, but it works with every other sound-outputting program on the device.16:09
Fuchsrmoore: if you have already set up sssd: yes16:10
Fuchsotherwise: no16:10
Marikosnicomachus: Very true.  Just trying to keep this as simple as possible.  Ran into a fun issue yesterday after firing up a cadvisor container.  I think there's some kind of memory leak and my slab memory went from the ~2.8 gigs is usually runs to close to 14, and my system load was 90+ :/16:12
nicomachusthere was a huge issue with Gnome memory leaks, not sure if that's related. And I think that's been resolved..16:13
nicomachusI don't know much of anything about containers.16:13
Marikosnicomachus: doubt it.  This is a headless box running 16.04 server16:13
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MarikosI've been trying to use docker for all my services to keep things clean and easy to update.  I had to redo the machine a couple months ago and I was able to get all my services back up and running inside of 5 minutes thanks to it being all in containers16:14
BionicMacHow do I blacklist certain packages frmo being upgraded from a repo I added to my 18.04 system? In other words when I do 'apt-get full-upgrade' there are certain packages that will upgrade frmo the repo (which I need and really do not want to keep reoving it and adding which would be a short term answer)16:19
genii!pinning | BionicMac16:19
ubottuBionicMac: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto16:19
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BionicMacPlus, there are only certain packages that I do not want it to upgrade unless from the ubuntu official repo.16:19
john_ramboI used dd to burn the 18.04 iso to usb ...When I select "Install Ubuntu" it reboots back to bios screen16:19
geniiBionicMac: See the bot's link16:19
BionicMacgenii: Thank you kindly!16:20
geniiBionicMac: np16:20
john_rambomd5sum is correct16:20
rmooreanyone familiar with using SSSD to join an Ubuntu system to a Windows domain?16:28
yournamei have an older labtop and it doesnt boot sd cards.. can grub boot sd cards?16:38
Cheezwhat's the simplest way of choosing a wallpaper for each monitor in unity?16:42
naccyourname: does the laptop not boot them or does grub not seem them? those are different things (one is controlled by the BIOS)16:43
yournamenacc: hey! i believe the bios doesnt support it. so im trying to try to get grub to do it. im at the grub menu now trying geometry (hd0) but its saying command now found16:45
Cheezhmmm, i was hoping my question would be simple to answer, whenever i've googled everything seems gnome based :(16:45
osa1is there a way to get the list of all packages I've installed so far?16:47
Cheezdpkg -l | grep ii16:47
osa1thanks, but that includes stock packages too16:48
naccyourname: if your bios doens't support it, then it's most likely not exposed to grub as a device16:48
MonkeyDustosa1  by date    cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "16:48
Cheezapt-mark showmanual apparently, osa1. that's a new one on me though.16:49
Cheezand to be honest it's showing things like unity as manually installed for me16:49
MonkeyDustthat makes 3 ways to show the list16:49
tgm4883Depending on the end goal, some are better than others16:49
osa1the end goal is to make a list of packages I need on a stock Xubuntu 18.04 so that I can quickly install stuff I need on a new system16:50
naccCheez: all 'manual' means is that at some point, you possibly said `sudo apt install unity`, iirc16:50
osa1I guess it doesn't hurt to include stock packages in this list16:50
yournamenacc, ah oh ok.. guess its just time for an upgrade haha.. thanks16:50
MonkeyDustosa1  use apt-clone to that end16:50
tgm4883osa1: only hurts if you want to change environments16:51
Cheeznacc: this is a fairly new install of 16.04 - i haven't installed unity beyond clicking the install button in the install disk menu :)16:51
MonkeyDust!info apt-clone16:51
ubottuapt-clone (source: apt-clone): Script to create state bundles. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4.1ubuntu2 (artful), package size 12 kB, installed size 62 kB16:51
osa1nice, I'll take a look16:51
naccCheez: hrm, ok -- perhaps i'm misremembering then16:52
MonkeyDustosa1  apt-clone clone [dest] .... apt-clone restore [file on dest]16:53
osa1ideally I'd just have a text file with some package names because I'm hoping to push this to a git repo...16:54
MonkeyDustosa1  dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}' > ~/Documents/packages16:55
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badxboy666hey guys installed Cinnamon-disktop and when i reboot ubuntu and try to login to Cinnamon disktop but i cant :|16:57
osa1thanks MonkeyDust16:57
badxboy666sry for my bad english16:57
MonkeyDustosa1  save that line somewhere, in case you'll need it again16:58
thinkyI cant boot ubuntu 18.0417:06
thinkyIt opened black screen17:06
thinkyUser and password17:07
thinkyBut not booting in17:07
thinkyIt says Welcome to ubuntu 18.04 lts ...17:07
thinky*Meltdown, Spectre and Ubuntu: what are the attack vectors,17:08
atlas_0x01Watch that17:08
naccatlas_0x01: please don't do that17:08
brenster21hey so my computer is going to emergency mode. how can i export the log to another machine?17:09
naccatlas_0x01: if you don't want to answer, don't, but don't link to potentially random youtube videos, IMO17:09
thinkyPlease i need hell17:09
nicomachus!enter | thinky17:09
ubottuthinky: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.17:09
Wirehunteratlas_0x01, Did you perform an upgrade from a prior version?17:09
SlidingHorn!patience > thinky17:09
ubottuthinky, please see my private message17:09
nicomachusthinky: what's your graphics card setup?17:09
naccthinky: what happens when you enter your user and password? this is on a tty? or at the greeter?17:10
thinkyIntegrated graphics17:10
thinkyNacc yes tty1 it says17:10
thinkyUbuntu 18.04 LTS tyy117:10
atlas_0x01Are you booting from a usb? What exactly happens on boot up? Is it a login loop? Did you try anything else?17:10
naccthinky: ok, tty1 -- what happens?17:11
atlas_0x01nacc: It's not random17:11
thinkyI restarted then i faced this17:11
thinkyDont know how to go back actual ubuntu login17:11
naccatlas_0x01: there's no way for any of us to know that without watching the video, which is not a reasonable way to provide support17:11
naccthinky: you still haven't answered my question17:12
naccthinky: what happens when you do attempt to login on tty1?17:12
atlas_0x01Well then watch the video. ie if a stackoverflow link ansewers a question somone asked, I'm not gonna copy paste the whole thing. I'm just gonna send the link17:12
thinkynacc it asks my user name and password17:13
thinkyI enter17:13
naccatlas_0x01: i have no interest in watching a video.17:13
BionicMacgenii: This is so beautiful man! Pinning is my grail. Thanks again!17:13
nicomachusatlas_0x01: but stackoverflow is historically a tech support forum. Youtube is... anything. regardless, this is all off-topic.17:13
thinkyIt shows some information about meltdown and spectre thats all17:13
naccthinky: yes ... (and please stop using enter as punctuation)17:13
naccthinky: you mean it shows you the message of the day?17:13
thinkyNothing else happens17:13
naccthinky: are you at a $ ... prompt?17:13
thinkyYes user:$17:14
Wirehunteratlas_0x01, what question does the video answer? I mean, It's about a CTF challenge.17:14
naccthinky: then you're logged in17:14
naccthinky: is your question actually why you weren't presented with a graphical interface?17:14
atlas_0x01Wirehunter: no, it's about how (not) to ask a technical question.17:14
thinkyNacc yes why cant i see actual desktop?17:15
nicomachusWirehunter & atlas_0x01: let's stick to support and drop the youtube debate.17:15
atlas_0x01And it provides information that I think everyone should know before doing so17:15
Wirehunteratlas_0x01, It's a nice video to discuss elsewhere. Not here.17:15
geniiBionicMac: Glad to assist :)17:15
naccthinky: there are several reasons, possibly. has anything changed recently? when you restarted, was it a normal reboot, or did you have to physically restart your machine?17:15
naccthinky: what does `ps aux | grep X` report (you can run that at the prompt you are at)17:16
riotzhow do i disable all those gnome-settings-daemon processes that are launched?17:16
riotz.. /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-wacom /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-smartcard17:16
naccriotz: I don't think you can in gnome17:16
riotzwtf.. i neither have a wacom tablet nor smartcard enabled17:17
thinkyWell i tried to lock to see lock screen, but i couldnt login back with my password. It said something like authentication failed17:17
thinkyThen i forced to close the laptop by power button17:17
naccriotz: iirc, it's not about what you have installed, it's about possible settings17:17
naccriotz: and if you don't have the device, i doubt those processes are taking any cpu17:17
naccthinky: did you perhaps just typo your password?17:18
riotzthey eat ram.. cpucycles and they disturb me in my ps list17:18
thinkyNacc it is impossible17:18
riotzthey are totaly useless17:18
naccthinky: force resetting seems a bit extreme17:18
naccriotz: i seriously doubt they use up any of your RAM in a way you notice (given you are on a desktop running gnome in the first place)17:18
naccriotz: if you really don't want them, i think don't run gnome17:19
Wirehunterthinky, what happens when you run xinit?17:19
riotzthey are even two times in my ps list17:19
riotzi just had time to walk thru the ps list now.. wtf17:19
thinkyCommand returns with : 1600 0.0 0.0 22952 1052 tty1 S+ 20:18 0:00 grep - - color=auto X17:19
naccriotz: probably because you have two sessions running -- one for gdm and one for your logged in session17:19
riotzi dont remember seeing those processes on 17.1017:19
naccriotz: 17.10 was unity still, iirc?17:20
riotznope it was gnome already17:20
naccriotz: did you fresh install it?17:20
riotznope.. upgrade17:20
thinkyWirehunter xinit giving up unable to connect xinit server17:20
naccriotz: i don't think 17.10 changed you to gnome, but i could be wrong17:20
nacc(even if it was the default on fresh installs)17:20
nicomachusnacc: I thought 17.10 was the first iteration of default gnome17:21
naccnicomachus: on fresh installs, yes.17:21
naccnicomachus: i'm not sure that upgrades changed what was installed, though, unlike 18.04 (iirc)17:21
nicomachusah ok.17:21
riotzyes.. on 17.10 unity got dropped17:21
nicomachusi'm still on 16.04 on everything17:21
naccriotz: in any case, it's not particularly relevant, this is how 18.04 behaves17:21
nacc(and how gnome itself behaves in principle)17:22
naccriotz: tbh, if you really can't gloss stuff that's not super relevant in ps output, then don't run ps :)17:22
naccriotz: but in any case, i think the answer to your original question is you can't (stop/remove the gsd processes)17:23
naccriotz: and if you did, i believe you'd lose state in your session17:23
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riotzthere seems to be a switch to disable smartcard support17:24
thinkyAm i ignored?17:24
naccthinky: no17:24
riotzand cups aswell17:24
riotzbut whats the crap with wacom17:24
deepeshI am having problems with suspend in ubuntu 18.04 (upgraded today)17:25
riotzprobably only 0.001% of gnome users run it on a wacom17:25
riotzwhat the heck is this process doing in my ps list17:25
naccriotz: flags to what?17:25
naccriotz: you seem to be ignoring what I've told you17:25
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Wirehunterthinky, Your display server can't start then, can you share your logs? sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999917:26
naccthinky: it's possible that by force resetting your system, you basically crashed something that is now preventing your system from starting properly, what Wirehunter is suggesting should work17:26
nacci would also possibly look in syslog and dmesg if it's something more critical17:27
thinkyLet me try17:28
Wirehunterthinky, You'll get a link, If you share that we can look into the logfile of your window server17:28
thinkyWirehunter cat: /var/log/Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory17:30
riotzcheck the syslog then17:30
thinkyI am typing mobile phone now17:30
naccthinky: why aren't you using the computer that is at the tty?17:31
thinkyOn tty i cant message you17:31
thinkyTty is also open infront of me now17:31
naccthinky: you can run the command requested17:31
naccthinky: and you can also run irssi or whatever you want on that tty or on a different one17:32
thinkyI am typing commands17:32
riotzsudo cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999917:32
riotzthis will create a link to share your whole syslog file17:32
thinky2i am back on irssi17:32
thinky2now how can i see tty screen?17:32
WirehunterYou can switch between tty's using ctrl + alt + F1-917:33
thinky2now what should i do?17:33
Wirehunterexecute: sudo cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999917:33
thinky2ok just a min17:34
thinky2mouse doesnt work to copy paste :/17:34
ioria!info gpm bionic17:35
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.7-5 (bionic), package size 173 kB, installed size 495 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:35
ioriathinky2, install gpm17:35
thinkyWirehunter : http://termbin.com/etr417:35
thinky2ioria: left-right clicks dont work i think17:36
rajiv_guys, how to update the grub2 in ubuntu 18.04 (UEFI)?17:37
riotzrajiv_, what about update-grub?17:37
rajiv_riotz, oh. thanks!17:38
thinky2riotz: does it work?17:38
thinky2oh never mind17:38
thinky2i thought related with my problem17:38
rentshello! just trying17:38
riotzthinky2, i'm reading thru it.. a lot of errors.. didnt find the root cause now17:38
riotzhard to read this log damn17:38
rajiv_is it this 'grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg'?17:38
thinky2riotz: actually i was playing with /usr/share/backgrounds  xml files17:39
ioriathinky2,  works here17:39
o0oscarhi all. i have a problem concerning my bluetooth. it just disappeared after having worked well. i can no longer activate it. lspci doesnt show it, i assume it did before, since it was working properly for a long time. no hardware switch on my laptop, no bios deactivation whatsoever...17:39
thinky2to slideshow wallpapers17:39
ioriathinky2,  probably you need to start it: sudo service gpm start17:40
thinky2then i ruined actual bionic wallpapers xml and reinstalled them17:40
thinky2after that i locked my user but it didnt accept my password. i had to hard reset by power button17:41
Wirehunterthinky2, Yeah, I see that17:41
riotzthinky2, and then?17:41
thinky2then i am here :S17:41
thinky2first time i am here17:42
thinky2weird black screen17:42
riotzuhm, what about restoring the file you edited then?17:42
thinky2i mean first time i faced this problem17:42
WirehunterThe shell gives crashes and the stacktrace starts at May  :org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1853]: #0 0x55b7c62acbb0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/background.js:718 (0x7f12f000f450 @ 22)17:42
rentshey guys, why don't u just use Windows? Ubuntu is like.. i want but i can't17:42
riotzyeah.. i saw that too17:42
thinky2riotz: i thought i restored. i deleted bionic.xml then i reinstalled ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic17:42
riotzand? is that file there now?17:43
thinky2riotz: should be17:43
thinky2last time i checked file was there17:43
naccrents: please take rants to another channel.17:43
naccWirehunter: gnome-shell segfault?17:44
rentsjajaj just fucking around, i wanted to see if my messages arrived17:44
naccrents: please don't do that here, and also watch your language.17:44
thinky2can i install gnome shell again if it helps?17:45
riotzthinky2, you have a lot of access denied errors17:45
ioriathinky2,  you can try    apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop17:45
thinky2can i?17:46
WirehunterYeah, that might help17:46
naccthat would be my suspicion as well, something critical was removed manually (although not described as such so far)17:46
thinky2installing now17:46
riotzmaybe do a "sudo chown -R myuser:myuser " in you home directory17:47
iopqUbuntu can't detect my second monitor connected to onboard graphics, my main monitor is on an AMD gpu17:47
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iopqbut when I reboot I can see that it's working17:47
ioriathinky2,  and about gpm, you don't have a copy/paste menu  ; you just select the string and  click17:47
thinky2< ioria> thinky2,  and about gpm, you don't have a copy/paste menu17:47
thinky2thanx ioria17:48
Wirehunternacc, it's in the javascript.17:48
ioriayeah, gpm is cool17:48
thinky2Wirehunter: it was just xml file how comes it gives critical error :S17:48
naccthinky2: possibly you corrupted a file that told gnome-shell how to draw the background17:49
Wirehunterthinky2, The xml might confuse the gnome-shell17:49
naccthinky2: (note you did that as root, so ... yes you can break your system)17:49
bunnyman13Hello All,17:49
thinky2as root? i dont think so17:49
thinky2i did sudo rm..17:49
thinky2reinstalling desktop is done17:50
WirehunterAnd somehow it tries to swap an old background for a new one, while there might not be an old background anymore17:50
naccthinky2: you wouldn't have been able to edit /usr/share/backgrounds/*.xml without root,17:50
skoupwhat email server program would you recommend for a beginner?17:50
naccthinky2: sudo is root.17:50
thinky2nacc:  i did gedit /usr/share...17:50
naccthinky2: you just said you did sudo rm?17:51
Wirehunterthinky2, Super-User do, THat causes something to be executed using root previleges.17:51
thinky2nacc: first i did gedit to edit xml17:51
naccthinky2: gedit /usr/share... would have opened in readonly mode17:51
thinky2i was trying to add more wallpapers from other xml files17:51
bunnyman13So a little rant, I wanted to use Ubuntu in as a work computer needed a rmm program we use, and i tried to use play on linux. Let's just say my desktop wouldn't start anymore.17:51
thinky2other ubuntu wallpapers17:51
thinky2then when i realised it doesnt work i did rm to delete bionic.xml then i installed back ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic17:52
bunnyman13turned out...play on linux virtual drives kept expanding, and filled the disk17:52
naccbunnyman13: you wanted to use ubuntu to run a windows program?17:52
riotz thinky2 wasnt it you who told me like 2 days ago that you want everything to be default?17:52
thinky2nacc: after opening gedit and editing i saved the file without problem17:52
Wirehunteryou shouldn't have done rm bionic.xml, haha.17:52
bunnyman13@nacc yes it's stupid but easiest way to make it work.17:52
naccthinky2: seems unlikely, unless you have made other changes to your system, or possibly were already root (sudo -s -H or something)17:53
bunnyman13thing i learned from this was....screw windows17:53
riotzyeah.. dont rm files for nothing ddude17:53
riotzmv to bak17:53
thinky2what can i do now?17:53
thinky2re install ubuntu?17:53
riotzsince it was just 2 days you had your system installed i guess you didnt loose much at all anyways17:53
naccthinky2: you've restored the xml files? have you tried rebooting now?17:54
thinky2riotz: i already installed 2 times :S17:54
riotzyeah.. youre to noob to get your system up anyways17:54
riotzjust friggin reinstall17:54
thinky2installing apps back is tiring17:54
matydI'm running 18.04 LTS and since the upgrade from 16.04 the battery on my laptop has been discharging at a quicker rate.. what can i do to begin trouble shooting an to see if it's a program that is installed or something else that's causing the battery to die quicker?17:54
thinky2nacc:  i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop17:54
thinky2let me try reboot17:54
bunnyman13@matyd, hmm...honestly i havn't noticed battery drain issues17:55
bunnyman13What kind of Laptop?17:56
thinkyback on graphical desktop :D17:56
thinkyit worked17:56
WirehunterStill, I don't think gnome-shell should crash when a file like : /usr/share/backgrounds/contest/bionic.xml has been broken.17:56
thinkyit is working now17:56
riotzoh new fedora got just released17:56
thinkythank you all Wirehunter riotz nacc ioria17:56
bunnyman13@Wirehunter it shouldn't17:56
BionicMacIs the linux-realtime kernel no longer available from official Ubuntu repos? all I can find is linux-lowlatency package. I've searched everywhere and readingh here has proved to be no answer:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime17:56
riotzthinky, install new fedora so we can get rid of you17:57
bunnyman13@riotz lol17:57
thinkylol no i like ubuntu :p17:57
naccWirehunter: you have to be root (by default) to edit htat file17:57
bunnyman13@nacc yes17:57
naccBionicMac: i don't think it has been for some time17:57
BionicMacThe link I pasted above:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime refers to linux-lowlatency and linux-realtime. A search by aptcache and elsewhere proves no available linux-realtime.17:58
naccbunnyman13: Wirehunter: and root can make your system unusable in lots of ways, no protection17:58
BionicMacnacc: Thanks. I will have to test the linux-lowlatency and if it doesn't perform the way I need I will build a realtime kernel.17:58
matyddell inspiron 5387 i think17:58
bunnyman13@nacc you are right17:58
BionicMacnacc: Where are the docs for building kernels the17:58
thinkyby the way how can i achieve what i am trying to do? adding more wallpapers in xml file to slide?17:58
naccnow, gnome-shell probably is stupid in this case, but there's a lot of more relevant work in gnome :)17:58
naccBionicMac: presumably on the ubuntu kernel wiki17:59
naccBionicMac: although, ubuntu is not a rtos17:59
BionicMacUbuntu way" ? meaning: I should end up with a package for easy maintenance.17:59
thinkyi installed all ubuntu wallpaper versions since old versions but they all have different xml files. i would like them all in one17:59
bunnyman13but I was thinking what if the desktop was waiting to access the wallpaper, maybe it's a bug where it can't continue past that line?17:59
riotzwasnt that you with a notebook with like 8gb of ram and a cpu a raspi is more powerfull?17:59
riotzwhat the heck do you want with slidable wallpapers now17:59
naccbunnyman13: somethign to look at upstream in gnome-shell, i'd say18:00
riotzreal man dont ever get to see their wallpaper anyways18:00
thinkyriotz: it is fun to see wallpapers changing periodically18:00
bunnyman13lol *raises hand* lol I'm running a bunch of CentOS servers at work18:00
Younderriotz, raspi comes with 1 Gb of RAM, not enouht to run Ubuntu. I wish it did18:00
bunnyman13thinky...you wan't nice looking stuff get electric sheep18:01
riotzYounder, i think that there is a ubuntu raspi version aswell18:01
BionicMacnacc: I ambuilding a Ubuntu Ausio WOrkstation. I started with a Lubuntu minimal core install and customizing from there one package at a time. I may very well need a realtime kernel depending on the X-runs,18:01
bunnyman13@nacc I'll dive in soon check it out18:01
bunnyman13maybe they didn't use a =/18:01
BionicMacnacc: If I could type that would help. Audio Workstation*18:01
thinkybunnyman13: lol18:01
impihello - sorry to bug you - but I keep getting ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'18:02
naccBionicMac: sounds like a fun project, but not especially ontopic here18:02
Younderriotz, The coolest debian version is Hypricot. It's a docker swarm setup18:02
naccimpi: from mysql?18:02
bunnyman13@thinky I'm serious look it up it BAD *ss18:02
impiwhen I try to connect to my local mysql 5.7 on ubuntu 18.0418:02
BionicMacnacc: np, I justneeded to inquire about the realtime kernel package. thanks.18:02
riotzYounder, hmm sounds good..i'll take a look.. swarm is pretty next on my list of todos18:02
brainwashmatyd: a tool like powertop (cli program) could maybe help to identify the culprit18:02
impii followed this slack link, which I thought would work - but it doesn't https://stackoverflow.com/a/3175188318:02
impiwhat am I missing?18:02
o0oscaranyone ever encountered your bluetooth disappear all of the sudden18:02
impinacc: yep18:03
bunnyman13@o0oscar might have to restart a service or update the drivers18:03
riotzimpi, oh yeah.. i remember that error aswell now18:03
o0oscarwhat service could that be?18:04
bunnyman13@impi...i know it's permissions but i would 777 everything until you find it and put it back to normal.18:04
riotztry to login with password.. if not follow the guide on the mysql site to reset your root passwd18:04
naccimpi: i believe root access is denied by default18:04
naccbunnyman13: no.18:04
impioh that could be it18:04
naccbunnyman13: that is terrible advice, do not ever giv eit18:04
bunnyman13@nacc :D18:04
bunnyman13777 the world18:04
riotzimpy https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html18:05
naccbunnyman13: i'm not joking. you are in the official ubuntu support channel and gave very bad advice.18:05
TheSilentLinkwhat can I use to clean up the system so I can update to 18.04 don't have enough room18:05
naccimpi: you might want to seek help in #ubuntu-server18:05
bunnyman13@nacc how old are you nacc,18:05
SlidingHorn impi: do not follow the advice given by bunnyman13 - it is dangerous to over-privilege your system18:05
naccbunnyman13: not ontopic.18:06
Wirehunterbunnyman13, It's animations/fractal things?18:06
bunnyman13@Wirehunter pretty cool stuff idk I liked it18:06
naccTheSilentLink: it depends on what is taking up space18:06
yokowkathere is no sound in ubuntu 18.04.... how to fix?18:07
bunnyman13@TheSilentLink install ncdu and cd / find out what's eating your space18:07
TheSilentLinkthe root partition is full18:07
impiSlidingHorn: hehe i know, i was just chuckleing at that18:07
naccTheSilentLink: that is, on its own, not enough information18:08
bunnyman13@TheSilentLink yea, then you can hunt down what it is exactly, could be logs.18:09
TheSilentLinkbunnyman13: won't that show everything not just what is in the root partition18:10
bunnyman13@TheSilentLink it will show you the directory you run the command in18:10
bunnyman13so if your in /home/bunnyman/Downloads and you run ncdu it will show you what's in downloads18:11
bunnyman13with the size specified and all that stuff18:12
bunnyman13and keep working through the directories18:12
TheSilentLinkI see I have this folder called .dotnet taking up 500mb but I remember removing all of it18:13
Younderbunnyman13, This link has helpe18:13
bunnyman13you might need to... rm -r the folder it self18:13
TheSilentLinkoh isn't that wine?18:13
TheSilentLinkI guess I will just backup my files and nuke the install18:14
bunnyman130_0 so i bet you if you go to your home folder...you'll have wineprefix eating a lot space to18:14
YounderThat link has helped me many times in the past and I have used it on this channel with success.18:14
bunnyman13my Playonlinux install was eating 75 GB18:14
TheSilentLinkbut the root and home are two different partitions18:14
bunnyman13I know but something to check anyways18:15
bunnyman13just as like a side check18:15
TheSilentLinkthe upgrade only uses root so the home shouldn't affect it right?18:15
bunnyman13um...not sure honestly....but maybe @Nacc or someone else can answer that18:16
yokowka there is no sound in ubuntu 18.04.... how to fix?18:16
SlidingHorn!patience > yokowka18:16
ubottuyokowka, please see my private message18:16
naccTheSilentLink: what's your question?18:16
bunnyman13@yokowka, try to update your drivers or rewrite the 17.10 drivers18:16
naccbunnyman13: stop giving terrible advice in this channel please. "rewriting" drivers is not a support suggestion.18:17
Younderroot is a good thing to have if yo are a power user. If something goues wrong you need the root password to do anything anout it. so give one18:17
bunnyman13@nacc what are you talking ABOUT THAT'S THE POINT OF USING LINUX18:17
bunnyman13OPEN SOURCE!18:17
naccYounder: ubuntu does not recommend giving a root password18:17
TheSilentLinknacc: just wondering what partition the upgrader uses. I don't have enough space and my / and home are two partitions18:17
Younderbunnyman13, Don't shout18:17
Youndernacc, I know18:18
naccTheSilentLink: you are upgrading?18:18
naccTheSilentLink: or reinstalling?18:18
yokowkabunnyman13 good to see you! paste the link for update drivers tutorial.18:18
naccTheSilentLink: the upgrader does not know about partitions, it just is looking at disk space available18:18
bunnyman13 "The developer community benefits from this as its members have the freedom to view and modify the source code" @nacc18:18
TheSilentLinknacc: how much disk space do you need?18:18
naccbunnyman13: stop. you are trolling.18:19
bunnyman13straight from ubuntu's website18:19
oerhekswine issues are not ubuntu issues, bunnyman13, so join #wineq for support18:19
oerheksor #winehq18:19
naccTheSilentLink: I'm not sure, tbh. do-release-upgrade I think tells you18:19
jane_booty_doeWhat would cause `screen -r <tab>` to not autocomplete?18:20
TheSilentLinkI'm upgrading to kubuntu 18.04 but I believe it uses the same upgrader. I Have 2gb in the / partition and 5.2 free in the home partition and still can't perform the upgrade18:20
bunnyman13@nacc so what is github?18:20
jane_booty_doeSwitched dedi providers and this 16.04 install doesn't do it for some reason18:21
bunnyman13@yokowka what sound card do you have or at least what computer?18:21
naccbunnyman13: offtopic for this channel. please stay ontopic.18:22
TheSilentLinkthe upgrader is only using the / partition18:22
naccTheSilentLink: I think you misunderstand sommething about how partitions are used18:22
TheSilentLinkIt says please free disk space on /18:22
naccTheSilentLink: Ubuntu is just looking at free space in /18:22
naccTheSilentLink: or possible in /var as well18:23
naccTheSilentLink: your free space in /home doesn't help18:23
nicomachusTheSilentLink: are you sure it doesn't say /boot18:23
TheSilentLinknicomachus: it says /18:23
bunnyman13@nacc where is the supported suggestion rules?18:23
nicomachus!ot > bunnyman1318:23
ubottubunnyman13, please see my private message18:23
nicomachus!coc > bunnyman1318:23
Wirehunterjane_booty_doe, using bash?18:24
naccbunnyman13: i'm fairly sure you know this already, but are being intentionally troll-y. Please stop and respect the channel18:24
naccjane_booty_doe: and you have bash-completion installed?18:24
naccTheSilentLink: how much space does it say you need?18:24
TheSilentLink3gb and I have only got 218:25
nicomachusomg nacc thank you for that bash-completion package name.18:25
naccTheSilentLink: ok, free some space?18:25
naccnicomachus: :)18:25
bunnyman13but it's not off topic, i need to see what's a "supported suggestion"18:25
TheSilentLinkI have removed everything I can lol I will just install from scratch18:25
naccnicomachus: it only helps insofar as packages provide completion files, but it is obviously needed18:26
naccTheSilentLink: as root `du -h --max-depth=1` from / ?18:26
YounderThe new install is nice systemd in the driver seat as it should be. Gnome at the desktop18:26
jane_booty_doenacc, that was it. never even knew that was a package! thanks18:26
bunnyman13@TheSilentLink I don't see it affect, anything besides the root partition, I would do a manual upgrade because looks like upgrading from dist-upgrade isn't working right now for some reason in the US18:26
jane_booty_doehad to install psmisc too. i guess this is just a super bare bones installation18:27
yokowkabunnyman13  i've dell inspiron 353718:27
naccjane_booty_doe: presumably, yeah18:27
YounderFor newcomers to linux: https://www.tecmint.com/systemd-replaces-init-in-linux/18:27
bunnyman13@yokowka, is this your first ubuntu install on that machine?18:28
naccbunnyman13: dist-upgrade is not a recommended way to do upgrades, but that *is* the manual upgrade way18:28
yokowkabunnyman13 - no, the system was update from 17.1018:30
YounderYounder, In a server environment you want to only ose LTS versions. I like to REPLACE the OS every 2 years.18:32
naccYounder: ?18:32
Younderose > use18:33
naccYounder: you just said that to yourself18:33
bunnyman13@TheSilentLink The apparently if that only "manual" way doesn't work you have to change your sources18:33
bunnyman13If you've selected the traditional Debian path, you're going to need to change the /etc/apt/sources.list file and replace the name of your previous release with bionic18:33
bunnyman13If you currently have 17.10, replace artful with bionic.18:33
bunnyman13Then sudo apt update && sudo apt -y dist-upgrade18:33
naccTheSilentLink: wait18:33
leftyfbbunnyman13: that is a BAD way to do things18:34
CoJaBoI'm thinking "hardware defect", but has anyone ever had an issue with the Ubuntu (bionic server 64-bit) CD ejecting at the start of the install? This is a first..18:34
naccbunnyman13: there is a reason upgrades are not yet supported/enabled18:34
leftyfbbunnyman13: please stop giving bad avice18:34
YounderSeriously error in setup accumulate. Error in updates. It just becomes a pain to keep the systems running.18:34
bunnyman13@leftyfb that's what the Ubuntu website recommends in a community thread18:34
hggdhthen it does so wrongly.18:35
leftyfbbunnyman13: that's what some person who doesn't know what they're doing recommended doing at some point in time. It is wrong.18:35
Flannelbunnyman13: No it doesn't.  If nothing else, it'd never recommend using -y.18:35
pragmaticenigmabunnyman13: The community thread should not be followed when there is estabilished official documentation18:35
YounderAdmittingly I am not the best sysadmin in the world, but I think I convay a common experience.18:35
naccYounder: I'm not sure who you are talking to18:35
naccYounder: but your experience is, well, just that. There are many people who upgrade just fine.18:36
TheSilentLinkupgrades have been enabled for kubuntu so they must work18:36
TheSilentLinkthey aren't automatically enabled18:37
Youndernacc, true. I have very custom setups. The more you add, the more trouble.18:37
bunnyman13I really can't with you guys...you guys are truly pains. anyway there are thousands of other articles which suggest doing the same thing, but yes stick to your "hopes" and "voices"18:37
naccTheSilentLink: 17.10 upgrades got enabled in the last day or two18:37
naccbunnyman13: stop. you are not being helpful to anyone.18:38
Younderbunnyman13, Linux is complex and confusing even to experts. What did you expect?18:38
naccYounder: right, so that's not ubuntu -- yes, if you customize (add third party repos, especially, or non-ubuntu software), i reocmmend using a provisioning tool :)18:38
Youndernacc, I use salt18:39
naccYounder: yeah, so then you don't need to worry about upgrades :)18:39
pragmaticenigmabunnyman13: this is the official, and only supported method for Upgrading Ubuntu via GUI: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#018:39
pragmaticenigmabunnyman13: and this is the official way of upgrading via terminal https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html18:40
naccand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_17.1018:40
naccwhich is perhaps most relevant for 18.04 as serverguide has not been updated yet18:40
bunnyman13@pragmaticenigma okay18:40
sergio__Hola soy nuevo usuario de ubuntu MATE alguien podria asesorarme en unas consulta?18:40
Youndernacc, Maintaing servers you worry pretty much all the time. But most of the time the problems sre provides or my own.18:40
nacc!es | sergio__18:40
ubottusergio__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:40
naccYounder: yeah18:41
geniibunnyman13: dist-upgrade does not work in Ubuntu the same way as it does in Debian to move to a newer distribution. the do-release-upgrade script instead should be used, if you're doing it by cli. This will check for potential issues - like PPAs with conflicting libraries to those in the standard repositories, for instance18:41
CoJaBoTrying to boot into the recovery option also ejects the CD the moment that option is selected18:41
yokowkabunnyman13 help18:41
naccCoJaBo: i've personally never encountered that, no.18:41
naccCoJaBo: anything in dmesg? maybe it's getting a weird error18:42
naccCoJaBo: although you may not be able to get to a shell if it's ejected the cd18:42
bunnyman13@yokowka, I'm looking...I'm not finding any drivers need to get more info18:42
naccyokowka: what's your issue, no sound?18:42
bunnyman13i'm scared to suggest anything due to "bad advice" but I'm looking @yokowka18:42
CoJaBonacc: Yeh, it won't load the recovery shell either, because it ejects before getting there too18:43
bunnyman13@CoJaBo what happened?18:43
CoJaBoIn both cases, it just seems to hang; he can hit Alt+Fx, but it just shows a blinking cursor18:43
CoJaBobunnyman13: CD drive has premature ejection issues.18:44
naccCoJaBo: weird18:44
yokowkanacc i can't listen to music, see movies only video plays....18:44
naccCoJaBo: peculiar hardware18:44
CoJaBoI'm thinking it's probably a hardware issue :/18:44
naccyokowka: is pulseaudio running (ps aux | grep pulse)18:44
bunnyman13really weird....sounds like hardware issue18:44
naccCoJaBo: that was meant to be a question, sorry :)18:44
CoJaBoIt's one of those slim trayless drives. This is on a rackmount server18:44
yokowkanacc ps aux.... wrights in terminal?18:45
naccyokowka: yes, at a shell prompt18:45
naccCoJaBo: ah18:45
naccCoJaBo: any reason you are using CD instead of, say, USB?18:45
CoJaBonacc: USB ports on the machine seem to be completely dead; he had to actually go out and buy a PS/2 keyboard to even get it to do anything18:46
yokowkahere it is: root      1230  0.0  0.0   4504   692 ?        Ss   21:05   0:00 /bin/sh /snap/pulseaudio/9/bin/pulseaudio18:46
yokowkaroot      1453  0.0  0.2 388568  9100 ?        S<l  21:05   0:00 /snap/pulseaudio/9/usr/bin/pulseaudio --exit-idle-time=-1 --disallow-exit=yes --system -F /snap/pulseaudio/9/etc/pulse/default.pa -p /snap/pulseaudio/9/usr/lib/pulse-8.0/modules -n18:46
naccCoJaBo: sounds like rather buggy hardware18:46
leftyfbIs pulse really installed as a snap by default in 18.04?18:47
naccleftyfb: no.18:47
bunnyman13@CoJaBo....this is gunna be a terrible suggestion but...install ubuntu on the disk from another computer...Wait is this on a Server?18:47
naccyokowka: is this an ubuntu core installation18:47
leftyfbself-inflicted then18:47
Youndernacc, I believe people shod learn sysctl and stop depending on service. That is the biggest issue. But service sort of works18:47
leftyfbah, even worse18:47
naccleftyfb: i've got a fresh 18.04 install in front of me18:47
spikebikeIn 18.04 thunderbird, images show up in the index view, overlapping other messages even, anyone know what that feature is called?18:47
CoJaBobunnyman13: 1U rackmount with a funky CD drive; it only fits a slim one.18:47
spikebikesnakes, flags, stars, etc.18:47
yokowkanacc core installation? what is that?18:48
naccyokowka: you are running a snap of pulseaudio, did you install it by hand?18:48
bunnyman13@CojaBo, damn...i'm sorry...18:48
Youndernacc: cron sort of works.18:48
CoJaBoI'm thinking best way is going to be to just pull the server and plug in a full-size drive just for the install. Cant even replace the slim, because they don't have any spares that size18:48
naccyokowka: ubuntu core (meant for IoT etc)18:48
naccYounder: systemctl you mean? not sure that is a big issue, but you can fight your windmills as you see fit :)18:48
naccCoJaBo: frustrating, but you might be right18:49
yokowkanacc maybe18:49
bunnyman13@CoJaBo that's scary and unstable but if thats the only way that's what i would do.18:49
naccyokowka: what do you mean maybe? you don't know what's installed?18:49
Youndernacc, Will do: Thanks cevantes18:49
naccYounder: :)18:49
yokowkanacc - yes, i'm a newer in ubuntu18:49
bunnyman13if not....open the server and use the SATA ports for install HD idk throwing stuff out there18:49
naccyokowka: how did you install this machine?18:49
ioriaYounder, cervantes18:50
yokowkanacc i have ubuntu 17.10 then update to 18.0418:50
CoJaBobunnyman13: It's a dual-Xeon CPU and mobo, not something easily just replaced rofl18:50
naccyokowka: hrm, then you wouldn't have been on a core image18:51
naccyokowka: not sure ubuntu core 18 is out yet anyways18:51
bunnyman13@CoJaBo damn...yea that's rough18:51
naccyokowka: ok, so let's just do the easy thing ... are you running the stock ubuntu desktop?18:51
yokowkastock? i work with desktop of highely named ubuntu version18:52
naccyokowka: `sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop -s` what does it say it will do?18:52
naccyokowka: 'highly named'? what do you mean18:52
yokowkanacc nevermind18:52
ioriai think 'popular'18:53
TheSilentLinkWhen installing kubuntu along side windows do I have to mount the efi partition?18:53
bunnyman13@CoJaBo it might be the USB could be locked18:53
yokowkanacc Inst ubuntu-desktop [1.417] (1.417 Ubuntu:18.04/bionic [amd64])18:53
yokowkaConf ubuntu-desktop (1.417 Ubuntu:18.04/bionic [amd64])18:53
bunnyman13in the UEFI or BIOS settings18:53
bunnyman13I've seen it like once18:53
TheSilentLinkHere is my current screen  https://i.imgur.com/jx2jbKr.jpg18:54
BFGDivsionCan someone help me with this?18:55
BFGDivsionMy internet speed is awfully slow under Ubuntu18:55
BFGDivsionI'm under a wireless connection, with a Qualcomm Atheros Wifi adapter18:55
CoJaBobunnyman13: Not sure if we checked that; he pulled the server to do the install, so probably won't be back til thats done18:55
naccyokowka: can you pastebin the whole output?18:55
iopqhow do I install proprietary AMD gpu drivers without messing everything up?18:56
naccTheSilentLink: no, you never need to mount the efi partitionmanually18:56
iopqI'm 16.0418:56
bunnyman13@CoJaBo what i would do, is this for a client?18:56
TheSilentLinknacc: do I select the efi partition to install the boot loader on?18:56
naccTheSilentLink: i've never had to do that myself18:57
CoJaBobunnyman13: I'm not sure whose server it is; could be ours, could be client's18:57
naccTheSilentLink: as in, ubuntu does the right thing, in my experience18:57
banyantreeHi guys - i need your help. My i3 config is not working after upgrading to 18.04 =( no keybindings are working anymore18:58
CoJaBonacc: bunnyman13: ..ha, so he pulled it to plug in a fullsize drive on the bench.. the front USB wasn't even plugged in.18:58
TheSilentLinknacc: right so I create my / home and swap partition and set the boot loader location to the name of the drive not any partition right?18:58
banyantreecan i do something like dpkg-reconfigure i3?18:58
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brainwashiopq: the not supported fglrx? for that you have to use ubuntu 14.04.118:59
CoJaBoIf the rears are dead, the front is probably also dead nevertheless.. but wow.18:59
banyantreeon upgrade i had chosen use my own configuration18:59
yokowkanacc reading sourcelist make  the tree of configuration reading system information.... ready  new 0 sources, onstalled 0, reinstalled 1, to delite 0, and 0 was updated. it's all on russian sorry for wrong translation.18:59
bunnyman13@CoJaBo....with the condition it's in...I wouldn't do anything production on that18:59
CoJaBobunnyman13: It was running flawlessly until someone botched an OS upgrade19:00
JattoHello! I've just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 18.04 live server. But why is it called "live" ?  Are there any other versions for server?19:01
CoJaBoAnd it's not like this ones in any worse condition than half the rest.. I walked into the other site one day last year, there was literally a rack wired to net with nothing but daisy-chained 4-port soho switches.19:01
YounderJatto, You could always turn you srver off. In which cas it woulde se 'dead'.. so no19:02
bunnyman13@CoJaBo you need to get outta there quick lol19:02
CoJaBoInstall apparently started fine with the full-size drive so yeh, it was a hardware issue.19:02
bunnyman13@CoJaBo, I'm glad...hope you have a kick ass day19:03
ioriaJatto, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028580/what-is-the-difference-between-ubuntu-18-04-server-and-ubuntu-18-04-live-server19:03
Jattono seriously, what does the live stand for? The installation process was so unfamiliar compared to 16.04 LTS19:03
naccyokowka: you can pastebin it and i can translate it19:04
naccJatto: live is the new installer (work in progress) -- #ubuntu-server19:04
naccJatto: it's a misnomer that it's called live, afaict, although you ca do the 'try ubuntu' thing on server with it19:04
naccyokowka: apt-cache policy pulseaudio?19:05
yokowkanacc https://imgur.com/a/1SX68pV19:06
Jattonacc: ok thanks ;)19:06
yokowkanacc apt-ca... wrights in terminal?19:06
naccyokowka: yeah19:07
naccyokowka: thanks for the screencapture19:07
naccyokowka: yeah so i'd like to see the policy output19:07
yokowkanacc pulseaudio:19:09
yokowka  Установлен: (отсутствует) that is mean is missed19:09
naccyokowka: my thinking is *something* i don't know what, installed pulseaudio as a snap. Possibly you did this in 17.10 (snaps are outside the distribution and the upgrades).19:09
naccyokowka: what about `apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop`19:09
CoJaBobunnyman13: He's gonna pull the internal drive and mount the server back with a SATA cable hanging out the front. Yeahthat'llfixit.gif19:10
naccyokowka: ubuntu-desktop depends (hard requires) pulseaudio. So if it's not installed, then you probably don't have the metapackage installed19:10
naccyokowka: i wonder if simulated runs don't go through dependencies, but they should19:11
yokowkanacc how to make right?19:11
yokowkaubuntu-desktop:  Установлен: 1.417  Кандидат:   1.417  Таблица версий: *** 1.417 500 500 http://ubuntu.mirror.vu.lt/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status19:12
Orange_Hi all, does anybody know of a PPA containing Python 3.6 for Ubuntu Precise?19:13
naccOrange_: precise is eol19:13
Orange_@nacc Yeah, I know, but it's on a development board and updating cold be more hastle than it's worth19:14
naccOrange_: meaning it's unsupported here19:14
naccOrange_: and ppas are also unsupported19:14
Orange_Is there an unofficial channel where I can ask?19:15
leftyfbOrange_: https://www.ubuntu.com/support/plans-and-pricing19:15
leftyfbOrange_: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/03/14/introducing-ubuntu-12-04-esm-extended-security-maintenance19:15
naccyokowka: ok, very strange. Can you do `sudo snap remove pulseaudio; sudo apt-get install pulseaudio` and then reboot19:15
yokowkanacc yes19:15
naccyokowka: i'm not sure how your system is in the state it is in, tbh. i wonder if it's possible for snaps to provide metasymbols to apt, but i'm not sure if that's true outside of the seeds19:16
naccyokowka: if what i suggested works, you should see /usr/bin/pulseaudio instead of the snap path19:17
naccyokowka: when you run `ps aux | grep pulse` after reboot19:17
yokowkanacc bless you angels19:17
iorianacc, he got a snap pulseaudio installed ?19:20
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rdias002i'm facing this very irritating issue: while typing, my palm touches the touchpad and mouse clicks somewhere. how do i resolve this? i have enabled disable while typing in tweaks but doesn't seem to work.19:21
guardianhello, how can I always enable numlock?19:22
phoenix_firebrdwhere can I get help for flatpak related issues?19:23
SlidingHornguardian: which version & flavor of ubuntu?19:23
Wirehunterphoenix_firebrd, there is a #flatpak channel19:24
yokowkanacc i'm your owner!!!! now it's all works!!!!19:25
SlidingHornguardian: I believe you can accomplish this using gnome-tweaks   (sudo apt install gnome-tweaks) under the layout tab19:26
yokowkanacc in source lists double lines etc/.... in number 53 and 54 how to delete them?19:26
Peyamhi I got following wireless module : iwlwifi what is the proper conky command?19:26
SlidingHornPeyam: you might have better luck asking in #conky (not saying someone here won't know the answer, but it's not *technically* on topic)19:27
nicomachusPeyam: what?19:27
SlidingHorn(assuming you're trying to have conky display your network activity or something like that)19:28
naccioria: yeah and i'm not sure how yet19:31
naccyokowka: nice, glad it worked :)19:31
analogicalwhat is the name of the root folder in Ubuntu the equivalent of the Windows c:\ folder ??19:32
iorianacc, yep, i was asking you if you know some about pre-installed snaps on bionic ...19:32
naccioria: checking on it now19:32
Peyamnicomachus, as SlidingHorn19:32
yokowkanacc skype when i'm log in - disapeared :(((19:32
naccyokowka: dunno what you mean19:33
naccyokowka: oh i wonder if the skype snap depends on the pulseaudio snap now19:33
SlidingHornanalogical: /19:33
naccyokowka: as to your earlier question, open the file in an editor and delete the duplicates?19:33
leftyfbnacc: i'm pretty sure skype has that annoying "feature" that when it opens it immediately closes to the taskbar/notification area19:33
naccanalogical: ... in most installs it's /, but it depends, tbh19:34
yokowkanacc yes delite duplicates in source list line 53  5419:34
eaglgenes101I have a suspicion that the acceleration curve of the touchpad is causing jumpiness19:34
naccanalogical: it's better to just learn how Linux is laid out then to find analogues19:34
eaglgenes101How do I control the acceleration profile of my touchpad19:34
nacc!fhs > analogical19:34
ubottuanalogical, please see my private message19:34
naccyokowka: is it what leftyfb said re: skype?19:34
DraconiatorOh hey Analog, I did that too at first.19:35
leftyfbnacc: yokowka: I'm not sure what that looks like with 18.04. I haven't had the time to go through it yet19:35
naccleftyfb: me neither :/19:36
DraconiatorI'm installing Xubeaver on my netbook now.  was waiting for something that doesn't mess up the graphics like 17.10 did19:36
yokowkanacc i dont see what you mean. i've installed program in terminal and in botom of iterminal troubles with duplicates.19:36
naccyokowka: i don't understand what you are saying, sorry19:36
yokowkanacc skype not log in when i'm pass it. it is off then19:36
naccyokowka: if you can use a pastebin, please do, to show exactly what you mean19:37
phoenix_firebrdWirehunter: thanks19:37
naccioria: only 4 snaps are instaleld by default on ubuntu desktop: gnome-calculator, -characters, -logs, and -system-monitor19:37
naccioria: just an fyi19:37
iorianacc, yeah, thanx19:38
eaglgenes101My current suspicion is that moving the pointer at a slow-moderate speed crosses the threshold between the constant-speed range and the acceleration range19:38
eaglgenes101*straddles the threshold19:38
yokowkaso later. not today. one more time - be blessed by the angels and heaves. how we saying in TePAhowkA - everybody human - not. That mean you have soul!19:38
guardianI did a minimal installation of 18.04 and there's no python pre installed. What's the default python in a full install? python2 or python3?19:41
eaglgenes101python2 can also be installed, but it's nearing end of life and the python folks strongly recommend moving everything to python 319:42
guardianI installed etckeeper which brought python219:42
guardianI also have python319:42
guardianshould I make "python" launch python3? is it via update-alternatives?19:43
Younderguardian, never make python python3. I did that one and half of ubuntu stopped working19:44
guardianok so to the question "What's the default python in a full install?" the answer should have been python3?19:44
YounderIt seems the interface uses PATH to find python.19:44
bluj16.04.4 LTS- how can i change the kernel that grub boots? all 3 kernels are installed via normal package management. if i look at the grub list, the kernel i want to boot is within "Advanced boot options" sub menu. so i tried setting "GRUB_DEFAULT=1>2" as the sub menu is second in the main list, and the kernel i want is 3rd within the sub menu. then i "update-grub"... and reboot and it doesn't19:44
eaglgenes101How do I find the DPI of an input device?19:45
Youndereaglgenes101, lsusb19:45
EriC^bluj: try using the actual names instead19:45
EriC^bluj: pastebin "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg"19:46
blujEriC^: they're really long with spaces and mixed characters. it seems less specific to try and use that19:46
EriC^bluj: it's better19:46
Bashing-omguardian: In order to use some old scripts, I had to install ' python ' ( awaiting the author to update the scripts ) .19:46
eaglgenes101Okay, now it lists a bunch of devices, none of which is the touchpad in question19:46
EriC^and it's more specific too, numbers change, the naming wont19:46
EriC^plus easier than counting :)19:47
matydI am running ubuntu 18.04 LTS, switched from 16.04LTS last week or so. Laptop is inspiron 15-3567, after the upgrade my battery discharges much quicker than before.. what can I begin to look into to see if there are programs causing this etc?19:47
iopqWhat's the best way to install AMD proprietary drivers without messing everything up on 16.04?19:47
matydExample, I just unplugged at 100% and am already down to 96% within 5 minutes or so19:47
blujEriC^: just copy/paste exactly what is required in the 'menuetry' string from grub.cfg, and stick that in quotes in GRUB_DEFAULT ?19:48
EriC^not all of the line19:48
brainwashmatyd: did you check with powertop?19:48
eaglgenes101Younder, touchpad device isn't listed in lsusb19:48
EriC^just 'Advanced menu.. > Ubuntu with kernel blabla'19:48
matydno i didn't is that a program?19:48
brainwashmatyd: yes, it's a cli program19:48
Youndereaglgenes101, lshw?19:49
blujEriC^: well there is for e.g.: "Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-1035-aws" and "Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-1035-aws (recovery mode)" how does it match? is it exactly? if not, it could choose either kernel19:49
Bashing-omiopq: The only AMD propietary is a overlay for AMD-pro driver .. and only IF your card supports that driver . AMD drivers are now open source and included in the kernel .19:49
brainwashmatyd: install it, and then run it as root19:49
matydinstalling now19:49
PeyamI got 8 cores. 4 virtual and 4 physical. how do I see each cores load including the virtual ones in conky?19:49
EriC^bluj: dont put the (recovery mode) in grub, it's quite literal in what you give it19:49
iopqBashing-om so it probably won't solve any issues?19:49
YounderPeyam, htop19:50
SlidingHornPeyam: Seeing as your questions are about some of the basics of Conky, I really suggest asking in #conky instead for more focused support19:50
blujEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qSQbB8CZmV/19:50
YounderPeyam, sudo apt installl htop19:50
blujthe recovery mode string is just what the regular package management decided to name that grub boot option19:50
SlidingHornYounder: htop has nothing to do with conky19:50
Younderwith one less l19:51
Bashing-omiopq: Solves so many many mnay issues - for new generation cards . Not much help for older cards .. then the only driver is the much improved open source radeon driver .19:51
YounderNo It has to do with the perfromance of each core. also the logical cores 'hyperthreaded' which i thought you ment19:51
matydbrainwash: is there anyway I can pastebin that image and have others look at it? i would be lying if i said i knew exactly what was going on in there19:51
EriC^bluj: ok, so you want GRUB_DEFAULT='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-1035-aws'19:52
nussei'm having trouble recovering an ecryptfs homedir after changig the users password with passwd. neither old nor new password seem to work with ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase19:52
EriC^nusse: the older one should19:52
iopqBashing-om so I have a 5850 and my issue is with using igpu at the same time as the AMD card on a different monitor19:52
SlidingHornYounder: (wasn't trying to sound rude...I just realized my response was a bit rash)19:52
EriC^nusse: try to use passwd to change your password back19:52
EriC^and see if it decrypts fine19:52
iopqBashing-om, could installing the proprietary driver help with that issue?19:53
=== gpap_ is now known as gpap
blujEriC^: turns out the submenu designation needs to be quoted? it ships with GRUB_DEFAULT=0, i tried GRUB_DEFAULT=1>2 but it wants "1>2"19:53
nusseEriC^: did that already19:53
EriC^bluj: great19:54
Bashing-omiopq: pastebin: lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' to get the ID that I can cross to what the driver should be .19:54
YounderSlidingHorn, rash is fine, I was off target19:54
nussedoes the timestamp of wrapped-passphrase indicate the time the passphrase was changed the last time?19:55
EriC^nusse: do you have the passphrase? the long one19:55
rdias002i'm facing this very irritating issue: while typing, my palm touches the touchpad and mouse clicks somewhere. how do i resolve this? i have enabled disable while typing in tweaks but doesn't seem to work.19:55
bunnyman13back from lunch19:55
brainwashmatyd: maybe "sudo powertop --dump" will create an output that is pastebin-able. other than that, create a screenshot and upload it to imgur.com19:55
iopqwhoops, I misremembered, it says VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Juniper PRO [Radeon HD 5750]19:55
iopqhow can I check which version of the driver I'm using now19:56
nusseEriC^: no, i only have the loginpassword19:57
EriC^iopq: sudo lshw -c video19:57
eaglgenes101You know what, is it possible to determine which acceleration profile is being used by an input device in libinput?19:57
nussei'm getting two errors: incorrect wrapping key for file [/home/user/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase] and error attempting to unwrap passphrase from file19:58
iopqconfiguration: driver=radeon19:58
iopqdoes that mean open source version?19:58
EriC^nusse: try sudo ecryptfs-recover-private19:59
SlidingHorndumb question: is it a bug that  sudo apt install steam  recommends packages that are not available in the repos?19:59
naccSlidingHorn: is the steam you want from the ubuntu repos?19:59
naccSlidingHorn: what version of ubuntu?19:59
iopqOK, so what's the recommended way to install the proprietary driver to test?19:59
EriC^iopq: sudo ubuntu-drivers device should list your options19:59
matydbrainwash, thank you.. crap have to run and get the kids. thanks again20:00
SlidingHorn18.04 (Studio)20:00
brainwasheaglgenes101: try with "xinput --list-props <device id>". you can get the id from "xinput list".20:00
EriC^"sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" iopq20:00
iopqit outputs nothing20:00
naccSlidingHorn: which is not present?20:00
brainwashiopq: because there are no other drivers for that gpu20:00
SlidingHornnacc: steam-devices:i386 and nvidia-driver-libs-i386:i38620:01
nusseEriC^: unwrapping passphrase and inserting into the user session keyring failed [-5]20:01
naccSlidingHorn: steam-devices is a suggests20:01
naccSlidingHorn: which isn't necessary20:01
naccSlidingHorn: and yeah, i'm not sure on the recommends of the nvidia -- as obviously you don't need that if you don't have nvidia. It probably comes from a ppa20:01
EriC^iopq: which ubuntu version is it?20:02
iopqEriC^, 16.0420:02
SlidingHornnacc: I'm using the proprietary nvidia drivers for my 1060...hate adding ppas, but if it looks like I'll need to, then I will20:02
EriC^iopq: what does 'apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu' give for installed?20:02
iopqInstalled: 1.1.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.120:03
EriC^nusse: try to remember your login pass that you had20:03
EriC^that's your best shot20:03
nussethe timestamp of wrapped-passphrase file is 2015, does it mean it is wrapped with a password set at that time?20:03
EriC^nusse: you could attempt to bruteforce it if it wasn't that long20:03
EriC^nusse: is that the modify time in "stat .../wrapped-passphrase" ?20:04
nusseEriC^: yes20:04
iopqhow about we try to approach the problem from the other end... how do I update my intel onboard graphic drivers20:04
EriC^nusse: i guess so yeah20:05
nusseis it possible that some keyring-thing is interfering?20:05
nussei get an error after login from tty20:05
EriC^nusse: try ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ...../wrapped-passphrase20:06
nussereports an error20:06
EriC^what error20:06
EriC^do you get to type the login pass?20:06
nusseincorrect wrapping key for file20:07
EriC^nusse: i think that means the login is wrong20:08
EriC^are you absolutely sure it's the password you were using to login before running passwd?20:08
nusseEriC^: it's not my laptop, so no20:09
EriC^contact the person then20:09
EriC^odds are the password he gave you is wrong20:09
nussewe tried to change the password by gui, but the gui complained about the new password being to weak. so we tried something like Password1! before using passwd.20:10
EriC^as root?20:10
nussethis is why i'm asking if the timestamp of the wrapped-passphrase-file indicates the last time it was changed...20:10
nusseyes, as root, passwd user20:10
EriC^the password you used to login at first should be it20:11
EriC^to get to the gui20:11
nussewrapped-passphrase timestamp is 2015. installation was 201120:11
nussepassword-change in 2015 is likely20:12
TheSovHow do you add a dependancy to LIO?20:12
EriC^nusse: did you login to the user's de today?20:13
EriC^before passwd20:13
iopqJeez, I've found threads from 2013 with a similar issue https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215450120:17
TheSovI have an issue with ceph rbd's loading after LIO initializes, since the rbd's are the actual disks LIO needs to use, it erases them, is there any way to change the LIO startup to be after RBD's or add ceph rbd's are a requirement for startup?20:17
gadget593Anyone else unable to connect to mirror.lstn.net on update?20:18
nusseEriC^: sorry?20:19
netochkahey guys. i've upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 . i want to change a shortcut on keyboard but i can't. unlike previous version it doesn't let me change the whole combination of the shortcut20:19
SlidingHornnetochka: can you provide more detail?  What is the shortcut, what do you want it to do, how are you trying to assign it, and what happens when you try?20:20
oerheksgadget593, seems like more a question for their helpdesk?20:22
netochkaSlidingHorn, yep. I want to change the shortcut to either "switch to next input source" or "switch to previous input source", in order to switch between 2 languages on my ubuntu. now when i click on the shortcut in the settings, it is set on super+space and shift+super+space by default. when i click on them to change them, ubuntu gives me super + .... option. meaning that i can't set a shortcut that doesnt include super key20:23
EriC^nusse: were you able to login to the gui today? it's not rocket science, if the gui was working fine then the login pass was able to unwrap the passphrase20:24
PeyamYounder, np. #conky i dead20:24
netochkai've been used to alt+ left shift  shortcut for so many years, this is getting on my nerve20:24
PeyamI solved it anyway. thanks20:24
netochkahi EriC^   ^^20:24
nusseEriC^: gui does not work because it is not able to unwrap20:25
nusseEriC^: brings me back to login screen after some seconds20:25
EriC^hello netochka :D20:25
EriC^nusse: when was the last time it did work?20:26
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nusseEriC^: before changing the password with passwd20:27
EriC^nusse: ok, there should be a backup shadow file maybe20:28
EriC^nusse: hash your password and see if they match20:29
nussechecked that already. there is no backup because we changed it back20:29
EriC^nusse: /etc/shadow- ?20:29
nussethis contains the 'new' password i guess20:29
EriC^check it20:29
mdlpehi, what's the best way to make dual boot win10/ubuntu with one system by hdd. efi or legacy for Ubuntu ?20:30
EriC^mdlpe: efi is newer20:31
EriC^and better, and slightly more annoying depending on the manufacturer20:31
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netochkaI want to change the shortcut to either "switch to next input source" or "switch to previous input source", in order to switch between 2 languages on my ubuntu. now when i click on the shortcut in the settings, it is set on super+space and shift+super+space by default. when i click on them to change them, ubuntu gives me super + space option and no matter what i press on the keyboard, it doesn change20:31
netochkaon Ubuntu 18.04 *20:31
Peyamis there any html editor with designer for linux?20:32
SlidingHornPeyam: what do you mean by designer?  A WYSIWYG editor?20:32
PeyamSlidingHorn, more like Dreamwever where you could make a website without looking at the code20:32
SlidingHornPeyam: (that's what WYSIWYG is - what you see is what you get) which flavor and version of ubuntu are you using?20:33
bencchow can I remove preinstalled vbox guest additions from 18.04?20:33
EriC^bencc: on your current install or you mean like a custom iso?20:34
benccEriC^: ubuntu 18.04 guest I just installed20:35
benccEriC^: from the official iso20:35
benccit comes with vbox guest additions preinstalled and I want to remove it20:35
EriC^bencc: type 'dpkg -l | grep vbox | nc termbin.com 9999'20:35
EriC^paste what it gives you here20:35
benccwhat nc termbin?20:36
bencc'dpkg -l | grep vbox' gives me nothing20:36
bencc'lsmod | grep vboxguest' gives me:20:37
benccvboxguest 303104 020:37
EriC^!find vboxguest20:37
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 395 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vboxguest&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all20:37
EriC^bencc: type 'locate vboxguest.ko'20:38
benccI can't find anything with virtualbox or vboxguest in dpkg -l20:38
EriC^bencc: seems it's part of the kernel package20:39
PeyamSlidingHorn, I found BlueGriffen20:40
benccEriC^: no way to replace it with vbox guest additions from oracle cd?20:40
EriC^bencc: maybe if you install the stuff it'll use those instead?20:40
EriC^no idea20:41
SlidingHornPeyam: I think LibreOffice has one (just open a new HTML file) - other than that, I don't know of any that are in the repos.  There a couple of other options out there, but aren't officially supported: SeaMonkey has one, and Amaya are a couple that I believe have WYSIWYG editors20:41
PeyamSlidingHorn, Googgle webdesigner seems promissing20:42
linux_noobianwhat's the best amd drivers for gaming right now? The open source defaults were fine but a bit slow in HL220:42
mdlpeEriC^: whit efi where the grub is installed by default ?20:43
iopqlinux_noobian, you can always try vulkan and see if it runs faster20:43
Skaface82Peyam: http://kompozer.net/20:44
iopqalthough for HL2 won't help lol20:44
kus_ubuntui686I think you will find this amusing https://i.imgur.com/CbzLhFQ.png20:46
linux_noobianHad such good luck so far with the default drivers and rather not have binary blobs but need more performance. recommendations? been a few years since i used linux20:47
oerhekskus_ubuntui686, is there any support issue in that?20:47
konradosHello! I wanted to upgrade my chrome installation, and this is #1 result in google: http://www.techoism.com/installupgrade-google-chrome-56-ubuntu/ - but isn't this weird? I'm used to `add-apt-repository` to add a repo, but they tell me to `sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'`, also they want to me to `get -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub |20:47
konradossudo apt-key add -`20:47
konradosI wanted to ask if this is OK before running these commands :)20:47
linux_noobiankonrados: that doesn't look too legit. use official sources20:48
ash_workI used to be able to hit right-alt (altgr) as the compose key but now it opens the dash... was there a config I was supposed to set?20:48
SlidingHornkonrados: FYI installing applications outside of the repositories means they won't be supported in here.20:48
ash_work(or had set in the past?)20:48
oerhekskonrados, no, just install the deb from the google site, it installed the key and repo, and you would get version 6620:48
konradoslinux_noobian: SlidingHorn oerheks - ok, thank you!20:49
brainwashlinux_noobian: is that an ancient graphics card?20:50
tomreynkonrados: are you aware of chromium-broowser?20:50
BlueGriffinHi. just listening20:51
konradostomreyn: all I know such an animal exists, why?20:51
tomreynkonrados: well it's in ubuntu and thus gets good support and doesn't come with some of the proprietary elements which come with chrome (and which some people might say work against your interests).20:52
tomreynkonrados: so i'm just pointing out it exists and is very similar to chrome20:53
linux_noobianbrainwash: amd 290. should run hl2 fine20:53
konradostomreyn: ok, let my try it! Thanks. AFAIK they both use same flesh? I mean, the js / html engine?20:53
brainwashlinux_noobian: indeed20:53
tomreynkonrados: there's pepperflash for it, i think its a separate download20:54
tomreyn!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree20:54
ubottuPackage pepperflashplugin-nonfree does not exist in artful20:54
linux_noobianbrainwash: i'm just a bit lost on what drivers to use atm. was just now searching and this post sums up my rant fine: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/7s8ea1/whats_the_deal_with_amds_new_linux_vulkan_driver/dt31fkt20:55
tomreyn!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree xenial20:55
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.8.2ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 30 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)20:55
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD20:55
oerheksopen radeon, or amdgpu20:55
konradostomreyn: I mean "flesh", not flash :) I don't use flash at all :) I thought, "flesh" in English means "something inside",here I meant the "webkit" or whatever  chrome uses "inside":)20:55
konradosas an engine20:56
auronandacekonrados: rendering engine is blink20:56
brainwashlinux_noobian: is that with ubuntu 18.04?20:56
konradosyes, yes that ^ auronandace - I have a feeling they change the name all the time o.O :)20:56
konradostomreyn: found it! I think "guts" is what I wanted to say :)20:57
konradosnot... "flesh"20:57
brainwashlinux_noobian: also, how do you measure performance?20:58
tomreynkonrados: oh :) i think it's the same rendering engine, yes. chrome comes with stronger integration of google services (but chromium has this, too), and chrome comes with several proprietary (closed source, binary blob) additions which add support for drm, voice control etc.20:58
konradostomreyn: ok, gotcha, thanks again! Will try it!20:59
linux_noobianbrainwash: yes. so it seems i'm using the correct/best one, i think (open radeon). Performance? haven't tried much yet but a few older games which worked fine. hl2 just seemed to skip frames. have to test more. i also need amd settings so i can change refresh rate (catalyst control manager) or something20:59
tomreynkonrados: welcome20:59
brainwashlinux_noobian: ccc is no more21:00
linux_noobianbrainwash: that sucks. any equivalent now?21:00
brainwashlinux_noobian: I think there isn't anything to replace it21:02
tomreynbrainwash: there are kernel module options, modinfo radeon | grep ^parm, and there are some environment variables you can set, such as vblank_mode=0|1 for vsync21:03
oerhekssettings > devices > displays21:03
brainwashtomreyn: well yeah. obviously some things can be tweaked.21:03
brainwashtomreyn: there is "driconf" also21:03
linux_noobianoerheks: that doesn't give me the needed refresh option. my monitor can overclock, ubuntu just doesn't know it21:04
tomreynbrainwash: oh right21:04
PhazonicRidleyhi, does ubuntu have support for raspberry pi 3B+?21:05
slavicHi. Could anyone take a look at this bug and confirm/infirm if they're having the same issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/176754221:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767542 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Turning off WiFi enables Airplane mode" [Low,Triaged]21:07
TheSovdoes anyone why when i install targetcli, target.service is trying to load vis LSB?21:07
TheSovMay  2 16:05:56 iscsi1 target[1103]:  * Failed to load /etc/target/scsi_target.lio21:08
tomreynlinux_noobian: R9 290 should actually work with amdgpu21:09
tomreynthat's a newer driver than the radeon ones21:09
iopqwhen I switched to onboard video (I set it as the default) the system went into low graphics mode21:10
iopqhow do I fix my intel onboard21:10
coolchrisxbill is a good game lol21:14
linux_noobiantomreyn: thanks. i'm figuring this stuff out little by little21:14
YADW1Hello fellow earthlings. I've got something quite weird going on with my lockscreen on my laptop with Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS21:15
server_q onda esto21:16
YADW1Basically, while in the Unity environment, I can't lock the screen in any way, not by key combo (super+L, ctrl+alt+L) and even from the shutdown menu21:17
tomreynlinux_noobian: actually now that i read up more on this i'm no longer certain that yours works with amdgpu. it's a "Sea Islands" generation card. read up on https://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/ (and again, and again, it's not easy to understand this stuff for me at least)21:17
YADW1All that happens is the screen just goes dark for a second, then it turns on as if nothing has changed21:18
coolchrishello on 18.04 i have xrdp installed i installed xfce4 and put startxfce4 in the .xsession what do i put in .xsession for the default interface21:19
YADW1I've got lubuntu-desktop installed, and oddly enough if I try to lock the screen from there, I end up on the old GDM lockscreen. <--- This. Is. Madness.21:19
linux_noobiantomreyn: i know, don't worry i'll figure it out. i'm not sure i need to change anything but i like to try to understand this stuff21:19
YADW1Just what must I do to make it work properly?21:20
tomreynYADW1: there are lightlocker and xscreensaver as the most common screensvers, i think. and i think you'd need to have (exactly) one of them running for this to ork properly. i'm not sure about what lubuntu uses by default.21:20
Bashing-omlinkmark: AMD Radeon™ R9 290X Graphics; if ya really want to push, that card also supports the proprietary overlay : https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx .21:20
linux_noobianrebooting. thanks for the help guys21:20
blackbird1Hi, I have an issue with droidCam. I get the video stream but the microphone is not detected.21:20
PhazonicRidleyhi, does ubuntu have support for raspberry pi 3B+?21:21
Bashing-omlinux_noobian: ^^ sorry linkmark :(21:21
YADW1tomreyn thank you, I'm pretty sure there is lightlocker installed. Now I have to check if xscreensaver is installed too21:21
tomreynYADW1: 'installed' is okay. 'running' can be an issue.21:22
YADW1Uhm, yup, it's installed. How can I see if they are both running, and in case, how can I stop one of the two?21:22
SlidingHornblackbird1: You may have to find their official support - droidcam isn't a supported package in Ubuntu21:23
blackbird1SlidingHorn: I'm looking for an irc channel :)21:23
YADW1Nvm, by systemctl status xscreensaver appears to be dead21:24
SlidingHornblackbird1: try /msg alis list droidcam21:24
srgjamesI have a Webserver being hosted with Google Compute. I'm wanting to back it up to my External Harddrive is there any way I can complete this ? Perfer to get a Full disk and then once in a while partials21:26
YADW1tomreyn any suggestion?21:28
tomreynYADW1: echo '[light-locker]'; pgrep light-locker; echo '[xscreensaver]'; pgrep xscreensaver21:29
tomreynYADW1: this returns the process id's for the type of screensaver listed above. no process ids = not running.21:30
YADW1tomreyn Only the echo strings were returned, pgrep didn't find any of the two21:30
YADW1So apparently none is running21:31
tomreynYADW1: so i guess you have neither loaded, which matches the result you reported.21:31
tomreynYADW1: see the configuration of your preferred screen locker in your desktop enviroments preferences (if any), and make sure it is loaded in the "sessions and startup" preferences21:33
YADW1I'll check that in no time :D21:33
saexfersrgjames: maybe with rsync21:33
SlidingHornJust repeating as it's been a while & the -steam channel is silent:  sudo apt install steam  recommends nvidia-driver-libs-i386:i386 which is not in the repos.  I have a GTX 1060 running on the proprietary (390) driver.  Is this package something I'm going to need?  If so, where do I get it?  (this steam install is from the multiverse repos)21:41
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shanemikel_I’m having some serious issues with the bionic live disks21:43
Sven_vBwhat's an efficient way to prove that a USB device that claims to be a mass storage device of capacity 128 GB, can actually store that much data? I'd like to invest at most 2 GB storage on the test computer.21:43
Sven_vBwould be nice if the test procedure can be suspended and resumed21:44
shanemikel_I’ve tried a number of the different spins and getting “io error” and crashes for the install.. trying to run firefox or fdisk gives “io error”21:44
naccSlidingHorn: you don't need it, most likely21:44
naccSlidingHorn: i'd file a bug against the steam package in Launchpad maybe21:45
shanemikel_Searched “io error” in the bug tracker but nothing comes up21:45
srgjamessaexfer that might work Ty21:45
naccshanemikel_: sounds like your hardware is failing21:45
shanemikel_No issue running 17.1021:45
iopqany idea how to make intel onboard graphics driver work again?21:46
naccshanemikel_: would need more examples. Can you pastebin the output from fdisk and how you're invoking it, e.g.21:46
shanemikel_Yeah I’m gonna stop at a cafe and I’ll pastebin dmesg and the rest21:47
Sven_vBnevermind, it just came to my mind that huge file downloads + checksum should work if the huge files I download are highly compressed (and still huge).21:48
iseneEriC^: I read somewhere that the bug we talked about earlier is related to secure-boot. And so I went ahead and enabled secureboot, and then the packages (both) installed just fine.21:49
Sven_vBif the device manages to cheat by compressing them even further, there's no longer a useful distinction between "cheat" and "storage technology" :))21:49
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Term1nalSo, uh... is there a way to NOT switch to gdm by default in the 18.04 upgrade?21:59
Term1nalmy system really hates gdm and refuses to launch it22:00
Term1nalbut it's perfectly fine with lightdm22:00
Term1nalI tried 18.04 upgrade and it just gets stuck in an infinite loop trying to start gdm, crashing, and trying to launch it again. I can't even ctrl+alt+f<x> to a tty to try and fix it, because then it starts trying to launch gdm in that new tty somehow.22:01
Term1nalgood thing I cloned my system drive before running the upgrade, I was able to revert22:01
Jordan_UTerm1nal: In the future, you can select recovery mode from the "Advanced options for Ubuntu" entry in the grub menu. (spam escape during boot to get the grub menu, or hold shift during boot if booting via BIOS).22:06
Term1nalJordan_U: that didn't work either. Something about the new kernel and my graphics chip I think.22:07
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Jordan_UTerm1nal: What happened when you tried to boot via recovery mode?22:08
Term1nalWhen I get to the recovery ncurses menu, it just didn't respond to any input, I tried recovery mode with an older kernel, which worked, but trying to enable networking so I could install lightdm it just hung indefinitely, pressing ctrl+c rebooted it22:09
Term1naltried booting normally with the older kernel, same gdm crashing but faster.22:10
Sven_vBTerm1nal, you could chroot into your installed Ubuntu from inside a live session22:10
Jordan_UTerm1nal: Does alt+sysrq+r print a message to the screen?22:10
Term1nalI didn't try that/know to try that. Jordan_U22:11
Term1nalSven_vB: I'm none to experience with chrooting.22:11
ash_workI used to be able to hit right-alt (altgr) as the compose key but now it opens the dash... was there a config I was supposed to set?22:11
Sven_vBTerm1nal, me neither, but sometimes we have people here who are willing to help you, sometimes even guide you step by step. :)22:12
Jordan_U!sysrq | Term1nal22:12
ubottuTerm1nal: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key22:12
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Sven_vBTerm1nal, btw if it's just about deactivating the infinite loop, you probably don't even need a chroot, a normal mount will do22:12
Jordan_UTerm1nal: Note that most sysrq functions are actually disabled by default for local security. Enabling them is the first thing I do with any install.22:12
Term1nalI may just hold off and wait until I get up the gumption to fresh install and reconfigure everything on a clean setup.22:12
Sven_vBTerm1nal, you'd probably just have to block a systemd service, which IIRC can be done by creating a symlink in the right place. I just don't remember where.22:13
Term1nalJordan_U: I was able to reboot by hitting ctrl+alt+delete when it flashed back briefly to the text console with all of the boot up [OK] messages.22:14
Sven_vBTerm1nal, once the loop is broken, you should be able to use a text tty to install lightdm22:14
Sven_vBTerm1nal, would be a good opportunity to install an SSH server as well. ;)22:15
Term1nalnot sure why I'd really need to install an SSH server to a desktop workstation other than this specific situation :P22:16
Term1nalthough how are you suggesting I stop the infinite gdm launch/crash/launch loop when booting normally?22:16
Sven_vBTerm1nal, there's a bunch of other situations where you'll be glad you have one22:16
cYnIxX3Hello, I am trying to install 18.04 from a 16.04 live usb with the 18.04 file? is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance.22:17
Jordan_UcYnIxX3: No, you need to boot from an 18.04 LiveUSB to install 18.04. Is something preventing you from creating an Ubuntu 18.04 liveUSB?22:17
Term1nalSo at least coming to report that upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 was a failure on 4th gen intel i5 with radeon r7 270X.22:18
cYnIxX3Jordan_U, nothing preventing me, just the tool I had on hand and it had some other stuff on it so I was reluctant. Thanks :)22:19
Term1nalwith my big hunch on being the radeon, because everything AMD is complete garbage under Linux in my experience lol22:19
Jordan_UcYnIxX3: You're welcome :)22:19
Sven_vBTerm1nal, 1. boot into live session 2. use syslog to identify what service is looping (ask here if you need further assistance) 3. mount the partition with your systemd settings 4. locate the service file 5. disable it or set a long retry delay 6. reboot22:19
spreeuwamd cpu and gpu work excellent in linux22:21
spreeuwwith the freedom software stack22:22
spreeuw+ firmware blobs22:22
Term1nalwell whatever is loaded by default for AMD graphics simply doesn't work.22:23
Term1nalat least for an older card like mine.22:23
spreeuwwork for what?22:23
Term1nalgdm, at least.22:23
spreeuwhow old?22:23
shiroininjaTerm1nal: I beg to differ, AMD has been a breeze for me under linux compared to Nvidia. I had issues updgrading to 18.04 from 16.04, but that was due to me already running testing versions of gnome in 16.04. But with a complete reinstall to 18.04, everything works great22:23
Term1nalRadoen R7 270X22:23
spreeuwshould work well22:23
spreeuwbut it may have limitations22:24
Term1nalwell, it went from perfect operation under 17.10 + lightdm, to complete failure to launch the login screen after performing 17.10->18.04 upgrade.22:24
shiroininjaand i'm on r9 28022:24
Term1nalwith the switch to gdm, which I don't think I've ever had good experiences with.22:25
shiroininjaI just think the upgrade option borks things, from what I've heard, and it seems to be random things messing up Term1nal22:25
Term1nalcould be. I really dread having to reconfigure everything D:22:25
spreeuwoh yeah I recall some issues with 3d accell in that pre server thing22:25
shiroininjaTerm1nal: You're not the only one havingh issues, but they're so random, it's hard to pinpoint the cause22:26
spreeuwthis preenvironment doesnt have accell22:26
Term1nalthe main issue is inability to select whigh dm to use, since it just forces gdm on me.22:27
spreeuwit fucks up the transparency stuff that login manager uses22:27
spreeuwbringing it to a perceived halt22:27
spreeuwoh no now I remember that was in an emulated VM22:27
Term1nalanother thing, dreading getting all of my wine stuff working again with all of the dumb fonts and stuff22:27
Term1nalsince I noticed in the upgrade it completely removed everything related to my games22:28
GumaI am trying ssh -X to  ubuntu server and display running app on my machine (Mint). Before ssh I did host + on my workstation. After doing ssh -X to server I see DISPLAY is not set. So I did exported DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 and did try xeye. Still getting can not open display. Any ideas? X11 forwarding is set on server22:28
Term1nalsteam, the microsoft fonts, wine-related stuff22:28
spreeuwyeah fonts in general look worse than they could on linux22:28
spreeuwI had my fonts just right on linux from scratch22:28
spreeuwhad a gigabyte installed too22:29
Term1nalyeah and I did something to fix font rendering in 17.10, I forget what22:29
Term1nalsome random article I read22:29
Term1nalmainly it's just the MS fonts needed for running things under wine.22:29
Term1naland libttf issues22:29
spreeuwyeah theres this wine helper thign22:29
spreeuwthat can execute these commands22:29
spreeuwits soem wine laucjher google it22:30
spreeuwit sets up the env22:30
spreeuwin a gui22:30
Term1nalwhich I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to re-do everything once I move to 18.0422:30
spreeuwshouldnt be necessary normally22:30
Term1nalyeah, there's playonlinux (buggy as hell), and Lutris22:30
spreeuwbut it would be wines fault if it does22:30
spreeuwif it cant import old stuff22:30
Jordan_UGuma: You shouldn't need to run "xhost +". Are you using a terminal multiplexer like screen/tmux?22:31
Term1nalspreeuw: I just meant, in the upgrade procedure, it determines all of these packages as something to remove before proceeding22:31
GumaJordan_U No I am not running screen/tmux22:31
GumaHow do I go about debugging this?  Which log files server? workstation?22:32
GumaShould the DISPLAY ip be localhost or my workstation IP?22:34
Jordan_UGuma: Do you have "X11Forwarding yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?22:37
GumaJordan_U Yes I do22:38
GumaJordan_U so is X11DisplayOffset 1022:39
GumaJordan_U This is all on local lan22:40
Gumaxauth is also installed on headless server22:41
Jordan_UGuma: "ssh -v -X ..." might give you some helpful output.22:48
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hanwangis anyone using GTX1080? Are you using X.Org's driver or NVidia's22:51
SlidingHornhanwang: xorg is just a display server...I'm assuming you mean nouveau?  What is your actual question (i.e. what is your problem?)22:51
AarKnoshanwng, I am using a 1080ti with nvidia drivers22:52
hanwangyea i meant Nouveau lol22:52
AarKnoscant play games with proper fps without the nvidia drivers22:53
hanwanggood to know, thx xD22:53
SlidingHornhanwang: it's important to note that AarKnos is just one person.  Your results might be fine with the nouveau driver (which is usually recommended unless you definitely cannot accomplish your needs using it)22:54
shanemikel_I can attest that AarKnos is actually a few people at least22:56
hanwangcool, the reason I was asking about the driver is that ever since I upgraded to 1804, my multi monitor setup is encountering some issues22:56
hanwangevery time when i adjust display arrangement, ubuntu crashes and reboot to signin page22:57
Guest27112during installation on a UEFI-enabled machine it says i have to disable secure boot for third-party driver installation.  All well and good and I understand the technical reasons why, but what is the security key it asks to set? I can't find any information answering that.  https://i.imgur.com/GmeZzYv.png23:00
shanemikel_Guest27112: I had the same question23:02
shanemikel_Now my installation is going okay... no "io error".. strange23:02
shanemikel_I think one of the crashes I had was due to my being connected to a captive portal wifi without logging in23:03
shanemikel_(with ubiquity I mean)23:03
simba_I want to set up an autossh systemd unit. I put it in ~/.config/systemd/user and did `systemctl daemon-reload` but `systemctl start autossh-tunnel.service` says `Unit autossh-tunnel.service not found`.23:03
naccGuest27112: shanemikel_ I believe that is to talk to MOK on reboot23:05
shanemikel_Ok I just got the io error during the install phase23:05
naccGuest27112: shanemikel_ see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot23:05
shanemikel_But I can’t paste dmesg because everything is crashing and I can’t open Firefox23:06
shanemikel_How can I use the command like paste from arch?23:06
naccshanemikel_: dmesg | nc termbin.com 999923:06
Guest27112nacc: ok, so it's basically a workaround to manually approve updating the hash of a given binary?  So you actually are leaving secure boot enabled, and this allows you to add approved binaries without signing?23:08
shanemikel_Can’t do that even “bus error”23:09
naccshanemikel_: you are probably hitting hardware issues23:09
shanemikel_But I can read dmesg23:09
naccshanemikel_: what does dmesg say (it will presumably indicate you got a SIGBUS to some process)23:10
naccGuest27112: I think so -- the password you are using is so that on reboot the system can know it is you enrolling MOK23:10
oerheksGuest27112, nacc, i think you want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot#MOK_generation_and_signing_process23:10
shanemikel_I don’t see any sigs in dmesg..23:10
shanemikel_A ton of squashfs errors though23:11
naccoerheks: yeah, that's the part i was suggesting23:11
shanemikel_And io errors23:11
naccshanemikel_: those all imply hardware issues, most likely. Or a bad USB?23:11
Guest27112thanks; first install of anything on a UEFI system, so trying to make sure i understand what's going on before i actually do anything23:12
shanemikel_I hope it’s the thumb... I’ll try with another one23:12
Guest27112(3 decades on BIOS, though lol)23:12
oerheksGuest27112, i wonder why you want to use drivers outside of the ubuntu ones provided with the driver tool, else an *unofficial ppa* https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa23:12
Guest27112oerheks: i generally haven't needed to, but the text you see in that screenshot says if i want third-party software installed with the rest during normal install, i have to do those steps23:13
Guest27112oerheks: i normally run nvidia binaries, and that's usually been the only thing i've needed to add on the vaios i've primarily used.  I don't predict many issues on this thing since it's from Asus, though i've already identified some reasonably well-documented issues with HDMI audio, it also lists several workarounds, and it's not a make-or-break feature for my usecases23:14
naccGuest27112: it's mostly about the chain of trust implied by secureboot, i think23:14
Guest27112nacc: that was my understanding from the first link as well; about to read the second one about mok in a moment, my spicy ramen lunch wants its revenge lol brb23:15
naccGuest27112: specifically, if you're using dkms, you don't have the signing key, but you're already in a secure-booted environent23:15
shanemikel_Anybody had any luck with dell’s Ubuntu laptops?  Will they take support requests seriously when there are suspected HW probs ?23:15
naccGuest27112: so you generate a new key, turn off secure boot so you can do stuff, build/sign your new module and then reboot to authorize the new signing key23:16
naccGuest27112: the turn off secure boot so you can do stuff step is handwavy, because I'm honestly not sure why it's necessary, but I have a feeling it's something secureboot-y in the build process23:16
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Guest27112nacc: oh, it's definitely hand-wavy, because it's only needed if certain bootloader- or kernel-related stuff is changed.  there's also the tin-foil aspect from the "secure boot is nothing but a killswitch for linux that msft controls" camp (which isn't ENTIRELY meritless, but falls apart so long as we can still disable secure boot or add our own trusted keys, as i can do on this device)23:21
Guest27112oerheks, nacc: the second link about MOKmanager explains it perfectly, thanks mates23:25
shanemikel_I think I was noticing the “disk connected” KDE popups while I was installing and log messages about power management of the usb.. so maybe it’s an ACPI problem ?  Anyway I’m trying with a different thumb drive now23:35
iopqcan someone help me fix my onboard intel drivers? they used to work, but now they do not23:38
simba_I'm having trouble with systemd. I can do this: /usr/lib/autossh/autossh -M 0 -o 'ServerAliveInterval 30' -o 'ServerAliveCountMax 3' -R 2222:localhost:22 remotehost.com23:41
simba_But when I put the same command in a .service file, I get "Host key verification failed."23:42
shanemikel_Man getting from "Software" to the "Disk Setup" step takes like > 5 Mins.. and It's not even supposed to be doing anything yet lol23:44
simba_I wonder if systemd is running the command as the wrong user or something23:44
shanemikel_At most its, what, updating the apt sources?23:44
simba_shanemikel_: i have a dell ubuntu laptop, never had a problem23:45
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stortfordHi, just made clean install of Lubuntu 18.04. Using Canon LIDE 200 scanner with both Simple Scan and Skanlite gives scanned page with 10mm black vertical line down centre. Didn't happen with 16.04 LTS. Any ideas please.23:46
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shanemikel_simba_: do you use the OEM ubuntu or did you do a fresh install?23:50
stortfordThanks Simba. Downloaded ISO from Lubuntu, checked MD5Sum and burned to DVD for install.23:51
shanemikel_stortford: that was me talking to simba_23:52
shanemikel_no worries23:52
shanemikel_okay install finished, now I'm  gonna restart and see23:55
eddyreadyHi, I am getting screen tearing on a Dell 7480 laptop but no tearing on a Lenovo T460s. Both running 18.04. Any idea as to why? Dell uses the onboard intel HD graphics 620 whereas the Lenovo uses the onboard intel HD graphics 52023:55
Guest27112eddyready: check vsync and compositor settings23:57
eddyreadyGuest27112: where would that be located?23:57
Guest27112eddyready: in kubuntu it's under display settings; i'm a KDE guy, not sure where it is in Unity or w/e ubuntu uses these days23:59

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