
=== classyw is now known as classywhetten
classywhettenWhich PPA do you guys use for blender?02:12
SlidingHornwhat's the graphical package manager that comes installed?  (apt-cache policy says Synaptic is not installed) - I need to look for it to file a bug report16:44
SlidingHornNevermind - found it - Gnome Software Center16:45
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I would install synaptic and use it. Gnome SC does not tell you if it has to remove already installed SW to install what you ask.16:50
OvenWerksapt works best.16:51
SlidingHornI typically just use apt - I was just looking around the system...interestingly, the Gnome Software application shows everything with a review as being 5-stars16:54
SlidingHornLook at WINE for example 24x 5 star, 9x 4 star, 5x 3 star, 11x 2 star, 45x 1 star....overall?  5 STARS!!  12/10 would install again!! xD16:56
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: the problem with GUI based sw installers is that they are split into two parts. The GUI runs as the user and the install runs as system. It is hard to show in the GUI all the things that are happening at a system level.16:56
OvenWerks Synaptic gets around that by runnng the GUI as system too.16:57
OvenWerkshowever... wayland and policy in general will lock synaptic out  :P17:04
* OvenWerks goes off to spend some birthday time with his wife.17:05
SlidingHornOvenWerks: Happy birthday to the wife!  Enjoy the time17:07
OvenWerksThanks :)17:07

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