[05:37] someone devish should reply to the panic thread on the release list [11:16] flocculant: you mean the switch to git? [11:31] also we should discuss about moving to git completely with xubuntu [11:32] since there are several people who prefer it to bzr but none who explicitly prefer bzr (apart from maybe preferring it because it is what we use now and change means work, like me)... [11:33] i mean i'd have no issues moving to all-git if somebody who is knowledgeable enough about the things required to do the migration is willing to do it all.. [11:50] pleia2, i think we should drop deviantart from https://xubuntu.org/contact/, it's really stale and the featured desktop thing still isn't going. thoughts? [11:59] +1 [11:59] I was never a fan anyway ;) [12:00] done [12:00] updated the website artwork with the new stuff i drew at some point [12:09] knome: i agree to the proposal but not to doing the work ;) [12:09] yeah, i laid it out like that because i wanted the git-fanatics to do the work... :P [12:10] i'm pretty sure whoever was in the new council (for which we have no nominations yet...), they'd agree with the statement that it's ok to migrate to git too :P [16:55] ochosi: ack [16:56] knome: and me - who really isn't wanting to get into learning something new [17:56] Hey Xubuntu-Developers! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the latest release. I just migrated from the last LTS and it was a smooth ride after all. Still looks familiar ... I guess I won't notice the upgrade anymore after afew days. This is how I like it: The OS does its job and goes out of my way. Thanks for the good job on this! [20:05] bluesabre, knome: do either of you remember if ali1234 ever pushed his gradient replace scripts and the svgtopng.py anywhere? [20:57] no? [20:57] i mean i don't remember.. [20:58] As far as git stuff is, I'd volunteer but I don't think I'm a git fanatic, so will have to leave it to someone else. :> [20:59] hah [20:59] i mean we can just continue using bzr too... [21:00] !info brz bionic [21:00] brz (source: breezy): easy to use distributed version control system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~bzr6852-1 (bionic), package size 36 kB, installed size 72 kB [21:01] brz?:P [21:01] Yes, bzr is so dead, the maintainers forked it to convert to py3... [21:01] * knome shrugs