
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
jochaHi all, so during a regular ubuntu 17.10 azure deployment I'm seeing a 15 second delay between two lines of cloudinit log, wondering if I could tap into some networking experts here who could tell me if something looks fishy here, logs here, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/83MQQ8qQYr/18:12
jochajust realized I used here 3 times, :p18:12
blackboxswjocha: you've been good and patient, I'm currently thrashing a bit on your branch trying to apply a patch to rework logic a bit more18:12
blackboxswchecking your comment18:13
blackboxswyour logic in the bug fix is good, I had wanted to avoid leaking the MARKER file outside scope of poll_imds  as it's not needed above that level, unfortunately I'm going through unit test changes now as a result18:13
jochammm ic fosure!18:16
* blackboxsw wonders about bug: #173967218:16
ubot5bug 1739672 in systemd (Ubuntu Artful) "Regression in getaddrinfo(): calls block for much longer on Bionic (compared to Xenial), please disable LLMNR" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173967218:16
blackboxswI know there's either a dhcp6 or ipv6 router advertisement bug that adds about 10s + to boot times. trying to fish for that bug #18:21
blackboxswjocha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/176517318:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1765173 in systemd (Ubuntu) "networkd waits 10 seconds for ipv6 network discovery by default" [Undecided,Fix released]18:25
jochasweet I'll take a look! thanks!18:28
blackboxswjocha: I'm done on your branch for sure. testing it now on azure18:52
blackboxswhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MsVK5PZZ98/ is a suggestion to limit leaking REPORTED_READY_MARKER_FILE knowledge outside of poll_imds since nothing at outside that scope cares about the report_ready flag/file18:53
jocha@blackboxsw: thanks! also the bug you sent me looks exactly like what we're seeing, and it looks like the fix has been released, will look to try it out!18:53
blackboxswtested your bug branch + the minor fix patch and things look good on my end . updated it for flakes http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DtSmYqbgMV/19:45
jochablackboxsw: Looks good to me! thanks for going through with it for me! :)20:26
blackboxswgood deal jocha, if you can apply that patch and git push, then I'll land it20:29
jochacool will do!20:30
jochagit applied and git pushed :)20:40
blackboxswcheers jocha20:44
blackboxswoops fixing your commit message so each line is  < 74 chars long20:47
blackboxswjocha: do you approve the updated commit message I added to your branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~jocha/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34419220:48
blackboxswjust prefaced with azure: and reformatted line length20:48
blackboxswlanded jocha thanks for the contribution20:53
blackboxswit'll show in our next SRU to bionic20:54
jochanice, ill be on the lookout20:54
blackboxswwe'll update the bug #1765214 when it officially publishes to (bionic|xenial|artful)-updates20:55
ubot5bug 1765214 in cloud-init "Multiple success messages sent to Azure Fabric if reboot occurs during pre-provisioning" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176521420:55
paulmeyrharper: I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~paul-meyer/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/344538 and added your suggested checks, ptal21:46

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