
admcleod_could someone please point me to the code where private-address is set? i have had a discussion with stub about this not being the best way to get the private ip due to some bugs, but im very confused because its in a test environment that had previously been working, so its quite possible its something i changed.01:17
veebershuh, how did that happen :-03:34
hmlgood morning13:52
hmlballoons: do we support the case of old client new controller?14:55
balloonshml, that can get a little hairy14:56
hmlballoons: ack -14:56
balloonshml, but in general, it's certainly possible for there to be a little skew14:56
balloonsI think the skew typically happens the other way though.. older controller, newer client14:56
balloonsmost folks seems to try and match them14:57
admcleod_hi guys, any movement on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1765571 ?15:34
mupBug #1765571: lxd container fails to launch on bionic host: No associated target operation <juju:Triaged by manadart> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765571>15:34
hmlexternalreality_: I’m pushing up the changes based on your comments to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8663, please review.  working on the related test changes now15:41
=== hml_ is now known as hml

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