
mupPR snapcraft#2119 opened: repo: automatically prune unneeded stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2119>00:12
mupPR snapd#5123 opened: tests: skip test lp-1721518 for arch, snapd is failing to start after reboot <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5123>02:26
Chipacamoin moin08:06
dokowhy does snapcraft depend on binutils?08:54
Chipacadoko: readelf09:04
Chipacadoko: although that seems to be in tests, so maybe something else09:05
Chipacadoko: why?09:05
jameshit was using readelf in the past (I ripped that code out to use pyelftools instead)09:06
jameshmaybe the deb packaging is out of date?09:06
Chipacajamesh: when you ripped it out, did you also update stuff under debian/? :-)09:27
Chipacajamesh: (tbh there might be something else that needs it, dunno)09:27
jameshChipaca: I didn't: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1913/files -- I guess I wasn't sure whether it was in use elsewhere or not09:29
mupPR snapcraft#1913: elf: pyelftools to parse ELF files rather than readelf <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1913>09:29
Chipacajamesh: you know how people sometimes annotate C includes with what they were included for, to track when to remove it?09:30
Chipacajamesh: i wish there was a similar practice for this09:30
Chipacaalthough the answer might be 'move it to source-deps and see if anything breaks'09:31
jameshat the time, it sounded like the snapped version of snapcraft was the main focus09:31
Chipacamvo: o/!09:41
Chipacamvo: how's things?09:41
mvohey Chipaca - things are going well09:41
Chipacamvo: cool09:41
mvoChipaca: how are you?09:42
Chipacamvo: not envious09:42
mvoChipaca: hahahaha09:42
* mvo hugs Chipaca 09:42
* Chipaca hugs mvo back09:43
Chipacamvo: 'snap install mosaic' might bring a bit of levity to your day09:45
mvoChipaca: woah09:48
mvoChipaca: WOAH09:48
mvoChipaca: this even works without layouts and a custom base? nice09:50
Chipacamvo: yeah, this is a rebuild, nothing fancy09:50
Chipacamvo: still working on the other thing09:50
* mvo nods09:50
Chipaca(not today though)09:50
Chipacamvo: also I somehow tricked popey into picking that one up :-D09:50
* popey shakes fists at Chipaca 09:51
* Chipaca likes this "break stuff and then make it somebody else's problem" MO09:51
Chipacapopey: have you tested it on arm?09:51
popeyno, i dont have an arm machine which is connected to a display09:51
popeyactually, I could ssh -X09:52
popey(or can I?)09:52
jameshexpense a Chromebook?09:52
jamesh(if you need to touch arm often enough, that is)09:52
Chipacapopey: IIRC you'd need x11-utils (or was it xauth)? for -X to work (use -v to see the error)09:53
Chipacapopey: ssh -v and look at errors before you get shell09:57
Chipacathere'll be something like 'nah nah no xauth'09:57
popeymaybe later :)09:57
* Chipaca tries to get back to work that isn't emails09:58
=== mcphail_ is now known as mcphail
Chipacacachio_: let me know when you're around10:25
dokoChipaca: because binutils now triggers snapcraft autopkg tests, and these fail10:31
dokoChipaca: when it's just a test dependency, then please remove it as a dependency10:32
Chipacadoko: it'd be a build dependency, right?10:33
dokoChipaca: yes. and you could even annotate it as <!nocheck>10:36
Chipacadoko: I don't know what that means, but I'll forward the information to sergiusens or ev when they're around10:37
Chipaca(I can imagine what it means, yes)10:38
nickmanHey! I have tried to find some information about this, but haven't had any luck. Hopefully you can help me. Is there any way to set up Ubuntu Core on a RPi2 without a monitor and keyboard (headless)?11:09
Chipacanickman: yes, if you have serial11:11
nickmanChipaca: okay, there is no way to just boot up directly with the SSO credentials and internet settings in place?11:14
Chipacanickman: AFAIK not without a custom gadget snap, but maybe ogra_ knows more11:17
Chipacaauto-import only does assertions, which those aren't11:18
Chipaca(auto-import is the feature where it'll load assertions from removable media)11:18
ogra_well, it defaults to serial console ... so it depends how headless your definition oif headless is ;)11:18
Chipacaogra_: but there's no way to get sso creds and netplan on there, right?11:19
ogra_but yes, you can use a user assertion via usb device to set up a user account ...11:19
nickmanogra_: Headless as in, insert sd card, bootup, done.11:19
ogra_Chthe user assertion provides the SSO  creds ... i think at least11:20
ogra_Chipaca, ^^^11:20
Chipacanickman: out of curiosity, what do you need this for?11:21
Chipacaand yes, i just checked and user assertions have ssh keys so you can do that11:21
Chipaca(don't know how to do it myself, though -- maybe pedronis)11:22
Chipacastill no answer for netplan though11:22
nickmanChipaca: I have a bunch of RPis that will be running Ubuntu Core, they all are going to use the same SSO credentials. Connecting every RPi to a screen and keyboard is a bit tedious.11:22
nickmanSSHing to every one of them and finishing the set up in that way would also be nice and could easily be automed with the use of Terraform.11:23
Chipacanickman: sounds reasonable. You want to go to the forum with it? it sounds like a longer/deeper conversation than can be addressed here11:24
ogra_yu could create your own gadget with an extzra vfat partition where you include the user assertion ... but that kind of defeats all security11:25
Chipacaogra_: security is overrated11:27
* Chipaca hides from jamesh11:27
Chipacai meant from jdstrand11:27
* Chipaca hides from all the jameses11:27
Chipacaogra_: also, https://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Super-GAU-fuer-Intel-Weitere-Spectre-Luecken-im-Anflug-4039134.html11:27
ogra_pfft intel ...11:28
ogra_onbolete architecture11:28
ogra_*obsolete too11:28
* Chipaca covers his processor's ears11:28
nickmanChipaca: I suppose  I could post something on the forum. Can't seem to find any Ubuntu Core specific sub forum though?11:29
ogra_nickman, the "device" topic11:29
Chipacanickman: 'device'11:30
nickmanI suppose Ask Ubuntu would suffice?11:32
ogra_(see channel topic btw :) )11:33
nickmanHah, my bad. Sorry!11:35
mupIssue snapcraft#2093 closed: manifest.yaml does not indicate the release the snap was built on <Created by jdstrand> <Closed by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2093>11:40
popeycjwatson: do you know when we will get the ability to tell build.snapcraft.io to *only* trigger builds for specific architectures? (e.g. a snapcraft.yaml that ingests an amd64 deb only, won't build on armhf)?11:41
cjwatsonpopey: Can't say, because I'm waiting for the snapcraft team to provide the necessary support as discussed in New York11:42
popeyOk, thanks. kyrofa ^ When will snapcraft ( :) ) grow the abililty to say "only build this for $ARCH"?11:43
mupPR snapcraft#2120 opened: many: dedup environment entries <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2120>11:43
ogra_Chipaca, uhm ... are we aware that a "snap switch core --$targetchannel" does not actually switch core at all on ubuntu-core devices ?11:47
Chipacaogra_: whaddya mean?11:47
ogra_(it does not touch the bootloader, so the old core is booted, but in state.json the channel info is updated)11:47
popeyjust a little bit11:48
Chipacaogra_: can you file a bug?11:48
Chipacaogra_: I don't want to risk forgetting, and have too much state right now11:48
Chipacaogra_: and by 'state' i mean 'lunch'11:52
* Chipaca -> lunch11:52
ogra_Chipaca, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176882211:53
mupBug #1768822: snap switch core on ubuntu-core does not update the bootloader, but state.json <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1768822>11:53
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
cjwatsonkyrofa: re popey's question, I believe the promise was also that snapcraft's parser would be split out in a way that we could consume from py2 code11:57
popeyogra_: I always thought "switch" was supposed to be followed by a "refresh" - that was the design12:04
popeywhen you "switch" it's instant, it doesn't actually do the download/install of the snap12:05
popey..until the next refresh12:05
ogra_hmm, i thought it is only instant if the snap is installed and otherwise installs it12:08
popeyI *think* it's working as designed.12:09
ogra_i'll try it on the next test run12:09
popeyno mention of switch in https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/usage12:10
ogra_looks like someone didnt update the docs :)12:11
Chipacaogra_: popey:  having had a bit of lunch,12:17
Chipacaogra_: popey: snap switch <args> a-snap && snap refresh === snap refresh <args> a-snap12:18
Chipacathat is, switch just changes what the snap is tracking12:18
Chipacaeven the --help output could use some love12:19
Chipacapatches welcome :-D12:20
Chipacapopey: ^ hint hint nudge nudge12:20
* Son_Goku waves12:20
ChipacaSon_Goku: o/12:21
Son_Gokuzyga, so where's Zygoonix? :D12:22
Son_Gokucjwatson, why do you need snapcraft's parser to be py2 compatible?12:24
cjwatsonSon_Goku: Because I need to use it in Launchpad12:25
cjwatsonIt needs to know which architectures to dispatch to12:25
Son_Gokuyou can't just read the yaml and figure that out?12:25
cjwatsonThe parsing rules for architectures are non-trivial12:25
cjwatsonWe *might* be able to duplicate it, but I'd rather avoid that if possible12:25
cjwatsonSergio seemed OK with the idea of splitting out the parser.  If that's changed, we can of course revisit duplicating code12:26
cjwatsonIt's not a completely hard requirement, but I don't want to drop it on the floor just because people forgot about it either12:26
Son_Gokuanother way to do it would be to write a small Python 3 program that would output JSON that you'd capture from LP12:26
Son_Gokuas a stop-gap until LP itself can run that aspect in Python 3 natively12:26
cjwatsonPossible, but the build manager is a tight loop and we'd rather avoid the fork/exec overhead12:26
cjwatsonWe already have problems with the one other place that we do fork/exec there12:27
Son_Gokuthe build manager is difficult to port to Python 3?12:27
Son_Gokuindependent of the rest of LP?12:27
cjwatsonIt doesn't have particularly py3-difficult bits itself, but it's not very separable12:28
zygaAfk on a bike12:28
cjwatsonsergiusens: ah, good timing.  Is it still your plan to split out the snapcraft parser in a form that we could consume from LP (py2), or should we expect to need to duplicate the architectures parsing/interpretation code in the LP build manager?12:30
Son_Gokubrrr py2 :P12:30
cjwatsonbelieve me I'd rather we were on py312:31
cjwatsonand I'm aware we only have a couple of years12:31
Chipacacjwatson: how split out does it need to be for you to be able to use it?12:32
cjwatsonChipaca: in the previous discussion, my memory is that sergiusens said "separate PyPI package"12:32
cjwatsonof course this is worth rechecking from time to time12:33
Son_Gokucjwatson, is there a py3 port of LP stuff in progress, out of curiosity?12:33
cjwatsonSon_Goku: it's been ongoing for some time, but it's a huge job12:33
cjwatsonSon_Goku: >700K lines of code and >200 dependencies12:34
Son_Gokuthat's... a lot of code12:35
Son_Gokuthat's a similar scale to what's going on in Fedora12:35
Son_Gokuthough now we're _nearly_ done12:35
Son_Gokuwe just have two major applications left to port12:35
Son_Gokuthe Koji Build System and the Pagure VCS12:36
cjwatsonand I can't just down tools and work on nothing else for three months12:36
Son_Gokucjwatson, well, you could :P12:37
Son_Gokuyou'd just have to go on a sabbatical :P12:37
Son_Gokudunno if your bossman would let you do that, though :)12:37
cjwatsonI kind of like the whole getting paid thing12:37
sergiusenscjwatson: we can certainly consider splitting it out, but we are a very small team; I'll discuss with sparkiegeek whose sitting real close to me right now12:37
cjwatsonsergiusens: we're an even smaller team12:38
sergiusenswe might consider just going into launchpad code and adding the code there12:38
sergiusenscjwatson: we are 2 people ;-) kyrofa and me12:38
cjwatsonsergiusens: I didn't expect this to be a new requirement, though - we've discussed this before.  I just wanted to check whether it was still a current plan12:38
cjwatsonsergiusens: LP is mostly just me at the moment12:38
sergiusenscjwatson: right, so I proposed that we just do the work (kyrofa or myself) on launchpad itself12:39
Son_Gokucjwatson, well, it'd be a paid sabbatical :D12:39
cjwatson(not entirely, William does a lot of infra, but in terms of application code I'm producing most of the changes right now)12:39
Son_Gokusomeone must see the value in having LP last beyond 2019, right?12:39
Chipacasergiusens: cjwatson: I don't know this variation of the three yorkshiremen sketch, but I'm not liking it12:39
cjwatsonsergiusens: I'm good with that too of course, but I thought snapcraft was going to have to have the corresponding code too12:40
sergiusenscjwatson: the grammar we have is much more complex than what you need to do the detection and taking that back to python2 might be a huge pain12:41
cjwatsonsergiusens: OK, so if there's been a change of plan then that's fine, I just need to know12:41
hackeronHi, apologies for the ignorant question, I'm trying to choose a platform for an IoT Hub: I'm looking at Ubuntu Core and Yocto (and ResinOS also looks great). What would you say are the advantages/differences of Ubuntu Core over Yocto?12:42
cjwatsonsergiusens: is the which-architectures-should-this-snap-be-built-on logic (as discussed in New York) in snapcraft as yet, or still in progress?12:42
cjwatsonSon_Goku: Ubuntu has committed to supporting 2.7 out to 2023 by virtue of shipping it in 18.04 main; obviously it gets harder the longer we go12:43
sergiusenscjwatson: it lives in snapcraft already and is documented https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/architectures/497212:43
cjwatsonsergiusens: aha, nobody told me :)12:43
Son_Gokucjwatson, sure, and it's supported in RHEL 7 until 202412:44
sergiusenscjwatson: hmm, I thought kyrofa discussed with you a couple weeks ago, I'll figure out where the communication broke down12:44
Son_Gokuand SLE 12 until 202712:44
Son_Gokucjwatson, but for the normies, py2 is dead on Jan 1, 202012:45
Chipacahackeron: do you think you could ask that question on the forum? https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/device12:45
Chipacahackeron: answers are probably going to be interesting to other people as well12:45
hackeronChipaca: sure, I'm also on #yocto and so far my understanding is Yocto is more low level, allowing you to build exactly what you want and ubuntu-core is more of a higher level package, trying to tie you into their cloud services and container type but eeasier to get started12:47
cjwatsonargh sergiusens I was still typing something to you12:51
cjwatsonemail it is I guess12:51
kenvandineslangasek, i've opened and closed stable/ubuntu-18.10 branches for all of the seeded snaps13:15
kenvandineseb128, ^^13:15
seb128kenvandine, great, thx13:16
slangasekkenvandine: does that include the gnome-3-26-1604 snap?13:17
kenvandineslangasek, yes13:17
slangasekkenvandine: excellent, thanks.  I'll kick off another image test build13:17
kenvandineslangasek, let me know if you need anything13:18
cjwatsonsergiusens: taken to email, since you're bouncy here :)13:22
sergiusenscjwatson: yeah, I am client mode and at the product sprint; email seems to be the best path forward :-)13:22
jdstrandChipaca: you cannot hide!13:24
=== Chipaca is now known as TotallyNotChipac
* TotallyNotChipac whistles innocently13:27
=== TotallyNotChipac is now known as Chipaca
jdstrandhehe :)13:32
zygaHey guys :-)13:34
zygaWe have fantastic summer this spring13:35
Chipacazyga: shut up shut up shut up shut up13:35
cachio_zyga, Chipaca  when you have 1 minute #512313:35
mupPR #5123: tests: skip test lp-1721518 for arch, snapd is failing to start after reboot <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5123>13:35
Chipacacachio_: I've been looking at it13:35
cachio_Chipaca, tx13:36
Chipacacachio_: is what you're seeing that «cannot reconnect may031403-609338 (google:arch-linux-64) after reboot: dial tcp connect: connection refused» ?13:36
* zyga hugs chipaca wearing his sweaty biking shirt ;-)13:36
* Chipaca isn't wearing a sweaty biking shirt13:36
zygaIt is very warm even in the forest13:36
cachio_Chipaca, it can reconnect13:37
Chipacacachio_: ok, i'll run it a few more times13:37
cachio_after reboot it reconnects and tries to run the command to validate interfaces13:37
Chipacacachio_: i've been trying to reproduce the error you were seeing and every time getting a different, unrelated error13:37
cachio_and it hungs doing that13:37
Chipacacachio_: right13:37
cachio_Chipaca, snapd is not starting correctly13:38
cachio_after the reboot13:38
Chipacacachio_: yes, that's what I understood from the PR13:38
Chipacacachio_: I'm trying to get in to it to figure out why13:38
Chipacacachio_: I'd rather not disable the test if it's going to hide an issue13:39
Chipacacachio_: but if I can't figure it out before eod i'll +1 so we're not blocked on this13:39
* Chipaca extends his eod a bit13:39
cachio_Chipaca, well the idea is not to hide an issue, the idea is stop making the builds fail until we discover why it is happening13:40
Chipacacachio_: yes13:40
Chipacacachio_: hiding the issue is a side-effect of that though :-)13:40
cachio_Chipaca, I mean, we already know there is an issue there, and as it is causing machines don't die and keeping consumig resources13:41
* Chipaca nods13:41
cachio_Chipaca, I'll continue working on this today13:41
Chipacacachio_: I'm hoping I can get in with -debug13:42
cachio_Chipaca, if you use -vv you will see the details13:42
Chipacacachio_: yep13:42
Chipacacachio_: but so far it's failed twice with some TLS nonsense, and once with the above 'cannot reconnect' thing13:43
hackeronChipaca: done :) < https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ubuntu-core-vs-yocto-and-resinos/526613:43
Chipacahackeron: thanks! looking forward to the replies :-D13:44
cachio_Chipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cXdsZV8Rg3/14:24
cachio_it remains in activating14:24
cachio_and I see "Dependency failed for Snappy daemon."14:24
cachio_I just retriggered the test becuse the machine was killed14:25
Chipacacachio_: do you still have that shell?14:44
cachio_Chipaca, no, I rexecuted and I got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CQvw6mSRh5/14:48
cachio_Chipaca, I triggered another run14:49
cachio_I'll hopefully have a similar shell in few minutes14:49
cachio_Chipaca, it is like there are different problems when we reboot arch14:50
Chipacafor very small values of nice14:50
mupPR snapcraft#2114 closed: meta: stop creating empty snap directory in prime <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2114>15:12
kyrofasergiusens, cjwatson communication breakdown was my fault, we were sort of talking here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issues/1685 but then in the 18.04 ramp I never managed to circle back15:19
kyrofacjwatson, things have greatly simplified, there's no special grammar anymore like there was in the previous proposal15:20
cjwatsonkyrofa: all right, hopefully the duplicated code won't be too bad then15:21
cjwatsonkyrofa: and you're right, sorry, I'd forgotten about the discussion in that issue15:22
kyrofacjwatson, no apology necessary, I'm sorry for not getting back to you15:22
kyrofacjwatson, there should actually be very little overlap. If you take a look at the proposal sergiusens linked, you'll see that snapcraft is really only concerned with a specific host, where build.snapcraft.io has the big picture15:23
sergiusenskyrofa: we solved all problems already, no need to go into them again ;-)15:24
cjwatsonkyrofa: (see email, too)15:24
cjwatsonstrictly speaking BSI doesn't really have the big picture, LP does :)15:24
kyrofaAh, should have looked there first15:24
cjwatsonBSI is probably just going to say snap.requestBuilds() or similar and let LP figure it out15:25
kyrofasergiusens, read the email, I'll take that task unless it's one you want15:30
kyrofacjwatson, python2, right?15:30
cjwatsonkyrofa: Yep - ideally the sort of bilingual code that doesn't impede porting15:32
kyrofaYep, easy15:32
cjwatsonkyrofa: Don't worry too much though, I'll massage it into shape, it's more the logic I want15:32
Caelumzyga: was switching to quassel, let me know if you need me to do anything re: factory submission16:26
zygaI’m off now. We need to file bugs to unblock badness on our package16:27
zygaJoin opensuse-admin perhaps, I was talking there a few days ago16:28
Pharaoh_AtemCaelum: there's quite a few things that the snapd package currently does that's completely against Factory policy16:48
Pharaoh_AtemCaelum: the number one thing is that you can't have an rpmlintrc file for factory submissions16:49
Pharaoh_Atemwhich means you have to make rpmlint actually pass your package16:49
CaelumPharaoh_Atem: I see, and for things that can't be fixed, we file bugs, what do we file bugs against?17:22
Pharaoh_Atemyou don't get to file bugs17:23
Caelumok but, like, there's an apparmor file for instance, it has to be there17:23
Pharaoh_Atemwell, the stuff with permissions and whatnot requires a bug request to security team17:23
Pharaoh_Atemwell first take care of the rpmlint errors17:24
Pharaoh_Atemfor example, FHS compliance and things like that17:24
CaelumFHS compliance might not be possible17:24
Caelumbut we'll look17:24
Pharaoh_Atemactually, it is17:25
Pharaoh_Atemwe did this for the Fedora package17:25
mupPR snapd#5123 closed: tests: skip test lp-1721518 for arch, snapd is failing to start after reboot <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5123>17:29
Wimpressdiddledan: https://transfer.sh/gceSf/snapcraft-pr2120.snap17:57
WimpressShould fix the Gimp 2.10 issues17:57
zygaPharaoh_Atem: at a cost, you know that :)18:40
zygaPharaoh_Atem: it's all a matter of people acking that18:40
* zyga is happily tired after biking with family lately18:40
diddledanWimpress: seems not19:28
diddledanI used `snapcraft-pr 2120 cleanbuild`19:28
mupPR #2120: Fix installed-size not being set in GET v2/snaps <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2120>19:28
popeydiddledan: don't use snapcraft-pr, I did and it seems a bit broken19:29
popeyI think it still uses the deb19:29
popeyso you're not actually using the new version19:30
popeymight be "easier" to grab the pull request, and make a snap from it, install that in devmode and use that to build cleanbuild style19:31
diddledanok, I've pulled the snap that Wimpress built now19:31
popeyor that19:31
kyrofadiddledan: snapcraft-pr is still running from source. When snapcraft is running from source and requested to cleanbuild, it doesn't copy that source over to the container, it installed the deb instead19:48
kyrofadiddledan: so it's only really useful if you're building locally (on the host or in a container)19:48
kyrofaIf you're testing out PRs, I suggesting running it either without cleanbuild, or building a snap and cleanbuilding with that, which will copy that snap into the container19:54
hackeronQuick question from a noob, this SSO account I register, if I deploy Ubuntu Core on 2,000 devices, is there any pricing or limits? - Is there an overview of what is sent to the cloud servers and is there a way to disable them if needed?20:07
mupPR snapcraft#2121 opened: cli: add provides command <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2121>22:27
hackeronI installed latest Ubuntu Core but the "snappy" and "ubuntu-core-upgrade" commands are both missing. How would one update the OS/kernel? -- Also, I checked cfdisk /dev/sda and there's just 1 single root filesyste, how would one rollback a failed kernel without having 2 root partitions?23:02
Chipacahackeron: hi23:20
Chipacahackeron: what are you reading, that it talks about "snappy" and "ubuntu-core-upgrade"?23:21
Chipacahackeron: in ubuntu core everything is a snap, the root filesystem, the kernels, and everything23:21
hackeronCaelum: all over the place, e.g. https://www.unixmen.com/getting-started-with-snappy-ubuntu-core/ -- I guess things have changed since then :) -- so how would you upgrade from 16 to the new 18 that was out? - or is that just ubuntu, not yet on core?23:52
hackeronCaelum: and it doesn't seem very resiliant to filesystem corruption, I would've thought it would use something like this? < https://mender.io/user/pages/02.product/02.How-it-works/arch-1HTTPS.png -- any reason it doesn't?23:59

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