
JackJust read the 18.04 release noes09:47
JackUpgrading from 17.10 with nvidia proprietary drivers installed can result with a black-screen on boot - we are monitoring this situation and it will be resolved either this week or soon after as part of a post release update.09:48
JackWhere can I monitor where this fix drops? this is my exact situation09:48
JackYo can anyone point me to somewhere i can monitor for a specific fix?11:41
JackSpecifically nvidia and 18.0411:41
=== anders is now known as Guest50569
enoch85hey, I'm having issues with setting static IP with netplan20:46
enoch85I use the following YAML: https://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator/cbd763fb20:46
enoch85which is valid20:47
enoch85but netplan apply gives an error20:47
enoch85Error in network definition //etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml line 4 column 13: expected mapping20:47
fossfreedomenoch85, probably better to ask this on #ubuntu or the general ubuntu forums like askubuntucom / ubuntuforums.org - we can help with budgie specific issues here.20:48
enoch85ok thanks20:48
Mo418I installed teamviewer on the latest Ubuntu budgie. I can’t use it Because it says it detected Wayland23:23
Mo418Is it possible to get back to Xorg. I don’t see the option at login screen like in Ubuntu23:24
Mo418Thanks in advance23:24

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