
andyrockrobert_ancell: yep01:04
robert_ancellandyrock, was just checking your gnome-initial-setup MP (I wasn't subscribed so I hadn't seen it). Do you agree?01:05
andyrockrobert_ancell: seb answered before01:07
andyrockrobert_ancell: upstream does not want this, by design they want "quit" to show the wizard again01:08
andyrockrobert_ancell: we can avoid creating the stamp file in other places01:08
andyrockrobert_ancell: but is it worth doing that?01:09
andyrockrobert_ancell: so I'll ask again upstream tomorrow but I can already guess the answer01:11
robert_ancellandyrock, I think if we drop the desktop check the patch will be smaller which is good if upstream doesn't want that.01:13
robert_ancellthere's no penalty to writing them twice that I can see01:13
andyrockrobert_ancell: not sure I'm getting what you're asking me to do :)01:14
robert_ancellandyrock, I mean, why have the is_desktop ("ubuntu") part?01:19
robert_ancellJust always write the files on shutdown01:19
robert_ancellThen this change can be carried separate to our changes01:19
robert_ancellour pages I mean01:19
andyrockmmm are we using  the same gnome-initial-setup  for other desktops too in ubuntu?01:20
andyrockrobert_ancell: I can do that. Tomorrow morning01:20
jbichavanilla GNOME is the only other desktop that uses it01:22
andyrockjbicha: same package?01:22
jbichaBudgie has its own welcome app and it would need some work to be usable in Unity01:22
jbichayes, same package. It shows different pages in vanilla GNOME01:23
andyrockrobert_ancell: that's why I used the is_desktop01:23
jbichaUbuntu GNOME 17.04 included gnome-initial-setup by default01:23
andyrockto not change the beavhior in other desktops01:23
robert_ancellandyrock, sure, I just feel like this is more of a "we consider users who cancel the dialog to have completed it" rather than "this is specific to the Ubuntu desktop welcome"01:24
robert_ancellAnd that leaves us with a smaller patch to carry.01:24
andyrockjbicha: what do you think?01:24
andyrockI don't have a strong opinion on this01:24
jbichait doesn't matter to me01:26
andyrockjbicha: kk thanks01:26
andyrockrobert_ancell: ok I'll drop the is_desktop01:26
robert_ancellandyrock, thanks01:26
andyrocklet me try to do that now01:27
robert_ancellI think this patch has highlighted how annoying the Appmenu is :)01:27
robert_ancellOr is it the dock that people use to close it?01:27
robert_ancellyeah, you can do it from both..01:28
andyrockI didn't test the dock01:29
andyrockbut it should work01:29
andyrockrobert_ancell: I pushed it as a separate commit01:35
andyrockif you want I can rebase the all thing01:35
robert_ancellandyrock, thanks!01:35
andyrockalso I didn't build it (I'm on xenial with ubiquity running on a vm and I cannot restart)01:36
andyrockbut the change was trivial enough01:36
robert_ancellandyrock, It looked fine to me, we can always fix it if not01:36
dufluMorgen thumper06:15
thumperI forgot I had irc open06:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:21
seb128good morning desktopers06:34
didrocksgood morning seb128!06:34
seb128hey didrocks06:35
oSoMoNsalut seb128, didrocks06:39
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?06:40
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:40
oSoMoNoui, et vous?06:40
oSoMoNtout se passe bien à Berlin?06:40
seb128oui, notre review est faite, pas de surprise06:41
oSoMoNtant mieux06:44
c-lobranogood morning to all :)06:48
didrockshey c-lobrano!06:49
c-lobranohey didrocks, how are you?06:49
didrocksgood good, yourself? :)06:49
c-lobranoI doing good :)06:50
dufluMorning seb128, didrocks, oSoMoN, c-lobrano07:09
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:10
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu07:10
dufluseb128, going well. I'm pleasantly surprised to see the bionic bug rush is over (or not started?)07:10
dufluWie gehts Berlin, seb128?07:11
seb128sehr gut07:14
seb128quiet time until we enable upgrades for 16.04 users at .1? :)07:15
didrockshey duflu07:16
dufluah, of course07:16
didrockshey Nafallo07:19
dufluHi Nafallo07:19
seb128duflu, did you made any progress on the ubiquity issue?07:25
dufluseb128, not yet. I'm reviewing and retesting yesterday's theories. Might have got it backwards but on the right track07:28
seb128backwards with uids?07:29
seb128I asked andyrock if he could help yesterday afternoon but I'm unsure if he was able to reproduce/figured out anything07:29
dufluseb128, yes, when the installer is working ps shows its uid is root. When it's not working, it's dropped to 'ubuntu'07:30
dufluBut that may be an incorrect observation, which is why I am checking again07:33
jibelduflu, are you running the installer always from the live session?07:33
duflujibel, yes. I like to wipe the partition table manually first07:33
dufluALthough that may be correlation, not causation07:37
dufluYeah. Seems to be correlated. The problem occurs around the point where the installer switches from uid 999 to 007:39
dufluAnd verified again also that it's not the scale, but timing07:40
dufluWhich would also explain why some reports of similar crashes appear in 16.0407:40
jibelwe had this bug several years ago and completely disabled the slideshow but I cannot find the bug #07:43
dufluOh! Cairo uses that call in 3 places. And only this one place fails to sync and handle X errors.07:45
dufluseb128, I think I might have a fix today...07:55
seb128by making that 3rd call use the same error handling that the other 2?07:55
dufluseb128, yes. The caller already has a fallback. So then it should fall back and keep working07:56
dufluWe shouldn't need to fix the race, only handle it07:56
Laneysomething weird happened to my router08:04
Laneybut internets is happening now08:04
seb128hey Laney08:05
seb128back from London?08:05
Laneyand it is sunny!08:06
Laneywhat's up in berlin?08:06
seb128week is going well, no surprise so far08:07
seb128Trevinho, good morning?08:08
Trevinhoseb128: hey seb... Yeah, good morning to you and rest of the team too08:09
seb128oh, Marco is there :)08:10
Laneyhey Trevinho08:11
didrockshey Trevinho08:11
Laneywb to the proper side of the ocean08:11
didrocksand Laney!08:11
Trevinhothanks Laney08:11
Trevinhoand hi didrocks08:12
Laneywhat up didrocks08:12
didrocksnothing special, swapping with my vms ;)08:12
Laneyenjoying being home08:12
Laneygoing to fish that old inspiron out to see if that gdm bug happens08:14
seb128I wanted to ask Trevinho if he can have a look tomorrow but he was not around08:14
Laneythat sentence feels time travelly08:14
seb128now unsure who wants to own/poke at it, either of you guy would do08:15
Laneyyesterday tomorrow was today but now tomorrow is tomorrow08:15
seb128yesterday :p08:15
seb128I'm tired :p08:15
Laneywell I said I'd get some more logs08:15
Laneynot sure if that is owning08:15
Trevinhoseb128: which one? I didn't see mentions08:16
seb128Trevinho, can you look if you can reproduce https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/227 & help upstream to fix it if that's the case?08:16
ubot5-ng`GNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 16) [Opened]08:16
Laneyanyone know anything about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1767703 too?08:17
Laneyit is collecting a lot of dupes08:17
Laneysome problem installing grub-efi08:17
Trevinhoindeed you did... fkng IRC client. I got no notifications on queries08:18
seb128Laney, let me escalade to our foundations friends08:18
Laneyjibel: ^- maybe you know something about that one?08:18
Laneylike if foundations know :P08:18
didrockslooks like people like the communitheme snap CI integration with per-PR branches: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-participation-an-ubuntu-default-theme-lead-by-the-community/1545/986 and https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-participation-an-ubuntu-default-theme-lead-by-the-community/1545/987 :)08:27
seb128Laney, seems like it could be the same as bug #176694508:35
seb128raised with Patricia/Steve now08:36
seb128thank you for mentioning it08:37
Laneywould be good to have a way to update the installer without needing a new iso08:39
Laneyto be able to fix this kind of thing before the point release08:39
didrockseven just for development…08:39
didrocks(especially in ubiquity-dm mode)08:40
seb128though we might need a new libcairo for the hidpi/xerror bug08:43
seb128but yeah, having the installer auto-updating upfront would be nice08:43
Laneythe inspiron has decided that its battery is fake08:44
Laneyand it tells me this by making a deafening noise08:44
willcookeandyrock, where should I log a bug for the software and updates livepatch UI?  When the g-o-a u1 account expires it shows livepatch as not being enabled08:50
jibelLaney, this is a dupe of bug 176694508:51
willcookeTrevinho, I'm suddenly seeing a lot of "I can see the desktop when I resume from suspend" bugs, anything I can do while its doing this to help debug?08:51
Trevinhowillcooke: oh, are we again on that? :)08:52
Laneyjibel: ok, that's the same one seb pointed to08:52
jibelLaney, it's mainly because they removed the warning saying that installing a EFI system without an EIF system partition will fail.08:52
Trevinhomh... I think we should try to do the same we were doing in unity... andyrock also has a good background on that08:52
Trevinhoso basically painting  a dark frame before giving the ok to suspend08:53
Trevinhoneed to see how we can do that in a nice way though08:53
jibelLaney, and for reference due to fixing bug 166814808:54
willcookeAhh, I wonder if me install the gs connect shell extension has made this worse.08:54
jibelwhere is the bot?08:55
Trevinhowillcooke: can you please add a card / bug on that?08:55
willcookee,g https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/G5P4JFG8S9/08:55
willcookeTrevinho, sure thing08:55
seb128willcooke, so basically it's your fault :p08:55
willcookeyeah pretty much08:56
willcookemakes a change, right?08:56
willcookelemme disable it and see what happens.08:56
TrevinhoLaney: as per https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/227 when attaching such logs also do a `call gjs_dumpstack()`08:56
ubot5-ng`GNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 16) [Opened]08:56
TrevinhoLaney: see what I've added to https://is.gd/wiki_gnome_shell_crash_debug08:56
LaneyTrevinho: I did, see the top of the log08:58
Laneyjibel: ok, sounds like this error was unexpected tho09:01
Laneygood that they're going to look into it09:01
TrevinhoLaney: also those Apr 23 15:45:26 adam-thinkpad-t430 gnome-shell[5986]: g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed seem like it's the cause of one of the bigger crasher we have09:02
seb128willcooke, there is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75367809:08
ubot5-ng`bugzilla.gnome.org bug 753678 in lock-screen "Desktop temporarily visible after wake up from suspend" [Normal, Assigned] - Assigned to gnome-shell-maint09:08
seb128but that's not specific to the case where you disable autolock09:08
seb128willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/153250809:09
seb128willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/1741248 was about gnome-shell09:10
seb128but duflu duplicated it from the unity one09:10
seb128I think we should undup09:10
seb128less confusing09:10
didrocksthose kinds of bug will never disappear…09:12
willcookeOk, I've logged a new bug since my test cases are very specific:09:13
seb128Trevinho, ^ can you look at that one once you are done with 227?09:15
seb128or maybe andyrock?09:15
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, sure09:20
* Trevinho adds cards or his mind won't work09:21
willcookeTrevinho, are you adding them to the 18.04 board for now?  I'll get a new one set up next week if we can last without it for that long09:23
Trevinhowillcooke: yeah, we can move them once we've a new one09:23
Trevinhowillcooke: although not sure we can continue using that for 18.04.x's?09:23
seb128we have a .1 column, stack here for the moment09:27
Trevinhoseb128: ah, i see it... However I'd prefer to have that most on the right as it feels more natural now to move things from left to right when they proceed09:29
seb128Trevinho, right, we do that in the new board next week09:31
seb128Trevinho, I assigned the bug from will to you, but feel free to trade with andy if he wants to take it, please reassign if needed09:37
didrocks\o/ and I screwed the *last* step of ubuntu-release-upgrader!09:38
didrocksglad to have tested it :p09:38
seb128wth communitheme? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/368384621/Zrzut%20ekranu%20z%202018-05-03%2009-21-19.png09:38
didrocksnow fix -> rebuild -> redo a release upgrade09:39
didrocksseb128: told you it's not yet fully ready :p09:39
didrocksthe list of channels09:39
didrockswell, as told, there is a channel for each PR09:39
didrocks(see my blog posts and the posts I've sent above)09:39
didrocksthey autoclose in 30 days, it's not configurable09:40
seb128is that a bug in g-s that they are all named the same?09:40
didrocksand there aren't as much09:40
andyrockwillcooke: why the goa account expires? mmm09:40
dxvxbi am trying to open geogebra in 18.04LTS. it isn't working. program closes after welcome screen...09:40
didrockshum, I wonder how I can get the list from snapcraft…09:41
didrockswhen I release something, I get it09:41
didrocksbut without releasing…09:41
andyrockwillcooke: target gnome-online-accounts and whatever software you used to enable it09:41
didrocksah status…09:41
didrocksseb128: here is the real list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s5sQQ8nKVT/09:42
andyrockseb128, Trevinho iirc they are already showing a black frame before suspend09:42
didrocksyou can notice snapcraft double them though :/ all and amd6409:42
seb128didrocks, what option to dump the list?09:42
andyrockseb128: Trevinho it can be the kernel/intel bug we had in unity as well09:42
didrocksseb128: well, you need to be the snap author and use snapcraft status <snap name>09:42
seb128andyrock, not when privacy->lock is disabled apparently09:42
seb128the lock on idle09:43
seb128didrocks, ah ok09:43
didrocksonly "collaborators/developers/who knows" can09:43
andyrockseb128: I'll givet it a look09:43
seb128andyrock, thx09:43
andyrocki was checking the permission thing in ubiquity09:43
didrocksso yeah, bug in G-S09:43
didrocksor snapd09:43
seb128andyrock, duflu made progress/has an idea about a cairo fix09:44
andyrockmmm i found a problem when we deal with permissions09:44
Trevinhoandyrock: I meant the thing we did painting a GL frame, more than highlevel thing09:44
Trevinhothere's a thing from Jonas though on that bug that might help09:44
andyrockTrevinho: I copied the idea from them :D09:44
TrevinhoI didn't check it yet09:44
seb128didrocks, thx, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1768779 is the bug, can you maybe put your pastebin list on it for Robert?09:45
didrocksseb128: doing09:45
seb128andyrock, oh, can you give details?09:46
andyrockso before we call misc.drop_privileges_save() we have: uid=0 and euid=99909:47
andyrockafter we have uid=999 and euid=99909:47
andyrockafter we call misc.regain_..._save() we have uid=999 and euid=99909:48
andyrockthe all point of those functions is to restore the previous beavhior09:49
andyrockI'm checking what happens in 17.1909:49
seb128k, thx09:49
seb128that sounds weird that it fails to restore09:49
didrocksseb128: btw, I only reproduced repeated key in Xorg but using a VM… I'm not sure if the issue is clearly native though or just related to using the vm (and so, maybe qemu repeating the key…)09:50
seb128ah, good to know09:51
seb128I didn't see it mentioned by users/bugs reports yet09:51
seb128so doesn't seem to hit/annoy lot of users atm09:51
didrocksyeah, maybe it's only VM related, and so, unrelated09:51
andyrockdidrocks: repeated key a broken in mutter/gnome-shell even without vm09:51
didrocksandyrock: Xorg?09:51
seb128andyrock, under xorg?09:51
andyrockdidrocks: xorg for sure09:52
didrocksah… so a real one09:52
andyrockbut when I tested on wayland is not better09:52
didrocksyeah, we started seeing it on wayland here09:52
andyrockI started to take a look before we started the work on gnome-initial-setup09:52
didrockswas better in Xorg… but hemf :/09:52
andyrockdidrocks: just keep f11 pressed while firefox is focused09:53
andyrocksave your session before ;)09:53
* didrocks isn't going to do it then :p09:53
andyrockin compiz we had a way to specify for a keybinding if autorepeat should work or not09:54
andyrockwith f11 it shouldn't09:54
andyrockwith alt+tab it should09:54
andyrockthere is not such a thing in mutter09:55
willcookeandyrock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bug/176879710:04
willcookeandyrock, dont look at that now though :)10:04
dufluseb128, yes my cairo patch fixes the installer crash. I half expect upstream to not like it because of the performance implications. Although they already have a bug open for the same line of code, for similar reasons10:05
seb128duflu, nice, let's see what they say10:05
seb128we shouldn't hit that codepath in "normal use" right?10:06
seb128the xerror is hit only because ubiquity is doing weird uid handling?10:06
dufluseb128, it is a "normal" code path, but only "normal" for setup logic. Not central to animation performance10:07
andyrockwillcooke: I've a weird way to check if the credentials are still valid, it can be this the reason why it fails10:07
andyrockI'll take a look later10:07
andyrockseb128: ubiquity runs with uid=0 and euid=0 in 17.1010:24
andyrockwhen drop_privileges_save the uid and euid stay the same10:24
seb128what part/at what time?10:24
andyrockseb128: in 17.10 from the start10:24
andyrockyou can notice just using ps10:24
seb128well that's right/supposed to be the same in 18.0410:24
andyrocknope in 18.04 is runs as 99910:25
andyrockat least the euid10:25
andyrocklet me check the last commits10:25
seb128well, ubiquity does those drop/restore dances10:25
andyrockthat don't work as they should :D10:26
seb128but the .desktop still do sudo ...10:26
dufluandyrock, you are now assigned part of bug 1751252 :)10:31
dufluseb128, here's a fix: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98883#c6 I think I'm done for today10:32
ubot5-ng`bugs.freedesktop.org bug 98883 in xlib backend "BadAccess errors in ShmAttach due to thread races with XNextRequest() usage in cairo-xlib-surface-shm.c" [Normal, New] - Assigned to chris10:32
dufluandyrock, if you have a fix for ubiquity too, please add it to bug 1751252. I'm heading off...10:33
LaneyTrevinho: this has to be some refcounting thing10:53
TrevinhoLaney: which one? The signal unsubscribe?10:54
Laneynot sure where, these things are the worst10:55
Laneythat's probably just the one that gets unlucky and makes the thing actually be disposed10:55
seb128side effect of the gjs leak fix?10:55
didrocksdist-upgrading, and was almost done in the VM from 17.10 -> session closed, no crash file :/10:55
seb128journal error?10:55
didrocksnothing either10:56
didrocksapart from the session closing part10:56
didrocksI didn't get that starting in the exact same state…10:56
didrocks(and it went further down, as I got the issue on saving the upgade telemetry file)10:56
didrocksI guess that's another try now, reverting to the snapshot10:56
Trevinhoseb128: not sure if that... But indeed it's the garbage colector. However I don't like how it works the glib side of things either, so I was looking into it11:21
andyrockseb128: so the crash has been introduce by https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/commit/?h=bionic&id=dcb538ded2159439e3d9c4c988a6d9d2c413862213:03
andyrockseb128: the commit is correct, but it's triggering the crash13:03
andyrockit's not Laney's fault13:04
didrocksredoing an upgrade test. It seems the issue is with screen locking…13:05
didrocksat least, want to confirm telemetry first before even starting debugging this…13:05
seb128didrocks, what are you debugging/fixing?13:06
andyrockLaney: so without that commit drop_privileges_* does not work and this does not trigger the crash13:06
andyrockbut having drop_privileges_* not working is not a good idea13:06
Laneythe same one duflu fixed?13:06
andyrockbut at least we know why it started happening13:07
seb128duflu is not sure his fix is not going to have a performances impact13:07
seb128so we are waiting to hear from upstream before considering it as the way to go13:07
seb128but yeah, those permissions issues in ubiquity are really annoying :/13:07
seb128we need to make it an user app with proper backend/polkit use13:08
didrocksseb128: I'm adding upgrading logs to our telemetry13:08
seb128not going to be for .1 though13:08
Laneyyes that's well known13:08
Laneybut unless some people get assigned to do this work it's not going to happen13:08
didrocksyeah, we need to have an UI piloting a separate backend with clear communication and permissions between those 213:09
didrockshowever, I'm afraid that's almost a rewrite…13:09
seb128we raised up that installer needs more resources13:10
seb128ideally some extra headcount is needed for installer, n-m, etc13:10
seb128let's see if we get anything13:10
seb128Laney, I've no idea what your backlog looks like atm, do you think you have space to look at bug #1768541? unsure how important that problem is, we got a few reports, would be nice to at least have someone trying to understand what's going on to see if that needs to be fixed or is low importance13:14
ubot5bug 1768541 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "package libp11-kit-gnome-keyring 3.20.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: libp11-kit-gnome-keyring:all (Multi-Arch: no) is not co-installable with libp11-kit-gnome-keyring which has multiple installed instances" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176854113:14
seb128andyrock, so does it mean on 17.10 the webkit code is used as root?13:17
andyrockseb128: that's what I was thinking13:18
andyrockit should not work as root but it does13:18
seb128k, well at least it explains why it started recently13:18
LaneyCan do later.13:18
seb128at least things make sense13:18
seb128Laney, thx!13:19
Laneyandyrock: Try moving the widget creation to the constructor or something that is not running as root13:19
seb128andyrock, k, thanks for poking/figuring that out. Feel free to move back to the other things you were worked on, if cairo's upstream is happy with duflu's patch we should be set13:19
LaneySave it in the class and fetch it out when you need it later13:19
andyrockLaney: thanks.. I'll try to do that13:19
seb128maybe try what Laney suggests13:20
andyrockseb128: let me spend some more time13:20
andyrockon this :D13:20
andyrockseb128: confirmed that the webkit process runs as root in 17.1013:34
andyrockthe two processes13:34
seb128well that explains then13:34
seb128I'm not sure to understand why we hit the access Xerror when being "ubuntu"13:35
seb128I would have expeted to be the other way around13:35
andyrockseb128: I guess it's the change of [e]uids13:35
andyrockthat confuses X13:35
andyrockin 17.10 they don't change13:35
andyrockin 18.04 they change and the change confuses X13:36
seb128hum, k13:36
didrocksphew, first successfull dist-upgrade with do-release-upgrade done13:44
didrockssame, it's a pain to test without publishing a version…13:44
didrocksnow, seems harder to test the gtk version13:44
didrocksI think I'll as it needs to sudo <app> with my download bypass switch to a Xorg session13:45
didrocks(on 17.10)13:45
seb128didrocks, what sort of metrics do we add to the upgrader?14:08
didrocksseb128: which version we upgrade From, and the various step + time they take14:10
seb128k, nice14:10
didrocksseb128: I'm powndering adding the "flavor" of do-release-upgrade which was used14:10
didrocksit's not included right now14:10
didrocks(cli, gtk, kde…)14:10
seb128ah, interesting one14:10
didrocksdo you think that worths inclusion? Shouldn't be hard14:10
seb128yes, it's interesting to know if users update from the gui or cli14:11
didrocksok, let me add it, and then, redoing some tests14:11
didrocksI wonder how you trigger the non interactive one though14:11
didrocksthe 3 others (text, gtk, kde) makes sense…14:12
didrocksI'll have a look at how to try this14:12
didrocksalso --help isn't in sync, I should update it while I'm at it14:12
didrocksunrelated but bug #1738870 is raised on d-d-l14:12
ubot5bug 1738870 in Launchpad itself "GNOME Bug Tracker link is incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173887014:12
* mgedmin twice had the gui upgrader crash in the middle and no longer trusts it14:20
jibelmgedmin, did you send bug reports?14:21
mgedminI did14:21
jibelmgedmin, do you have bug numbers?14:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1573558 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade window freezes when I press Ctrl+Shift+I" [Medium,New]14:24
jibelinspecting the upgrader while it's upgrading is not the typical use case but still.14:27
seb128didrocks, who raised it? I'm not subscribed and there are quite some replies on that discussion, I'm too lazy to click on them all14:28
mgedminthe other one was a known issue, mentioned in the release notes (ubuntu gnome upgrades lost the ability to unlock the screen because some gdm socket directory changed iirc; so of course I was very careful about disabling the screensaver before upgrading but then hit the Lock Screen key when I went to get my tea oops)14:28
jibelmgedmin, so it seems there was a debconf prompt "got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/default/rcS'" that you didn't see14:28
jibelmgedmin, AFAIR there was a bug where the text area didn't open when there was a debconf prompt and it looked like everything stalled while it was actually waiting for user input14:29
mgedminI saw it and told it to keep my version14:29
jibelah okay14:29
* mgedmin has extensive notes ;)14:29
mgedminI even remarked that the buttons on the prompt had icons on them, like in early GNOME 2 days14:30
* mgedmin seems to remember another upgrade that restarted gdm in the middle, killing the X session, but it was more than ten years ago and I had a different computer and my notes for it are backed away somewhere I don't remember where14:32
didrocksseb128: the bug reporter, Jeb Eldridge14:33
seb128ah, https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2018-May/msg00001.html14:34
seb128well, not a lot we can do14:36
seb128his main issue is that launchpad don't know how to remote watch gitlab urls14:36
didrocksyeah, I don't remember what was the outcome after discussing with Colin14:37
seb128which Colin said is non trivial work/needs to be scoped on their roadmap14:37
seb128but I expect that's going to be less important than other snap related work he's doing14:37
seb128other option is that someone is our team is interested by doing launchpad hacking for a week14:38
didrockshum, I'll do the --help outdated fix in a separate commit, as all translations need to be updated as well14:38
seb128though learning curve etc might not make that having sense14:38
didrocksyeah, I don't think if a week is realistic14:38
didrocksespecially with the test infra14:38
didrocks(and also, don't think ;))14:39
jbichaI guess cloning cjwatson is out of our budget too ;)14:39
didrocksinteresting option, --depth=1 or more? ;)14:39
* didrocks leaves quietly with his git joke…14:42
didrocksok, with the cosmic gate opened, my ubuntu-release-upgrader new build with flavor support is delayed by hours14:45
kenvandineugh... i subscribed to cosmic-changes and forgot to setup a filter... inbox exploded15:18
didrocksI had to patch the file manually to make some tests, can't wait for the ppa to be built, the time is pushing back and back15:23
jbichadidrocks: here's a secret, you can skip ahead of other PPAs if you bump the urgency15:31
jbichaor bribe someone that can rescore your builds15:31
seb128blame on dok_o?15:31
didrocksjbicha: well, I know about it, it's not like I'm not using launchpad since 2007 or so :p15:33
didrocksjbicha: I've got my score bumped up multiple times, but it's annoying to ping people for this15:33
andyrockseb128: fixing regain_privileges_save makes the crash go away18:09
andyrockso drop_privileges_save works if and only if you called drop_privileges before18:09
andyrockso the intial situation is (ruid, euid, suid) =  (0, 0, 0)18:10
andyrockwhen we call drop_privileges we get (0, 999, 0)18:10
andyrockthis is not enough to call webkit code (because gtk init will fail! We need ruid == euid)18:11
andyrockso we call drop_privileges_save and we get (999, 999, 0)18:11
andyrockatm if we call regain_privileges_save we get (0, 0, 0) but we should get18:12
andyrock(0, 999, 0)18:12
andyrockit used to be like that, than https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/commit/?id=815fbf12 introduced the regression18:13
andyrockif found a way to do it properly18:13
andyrockseb128: I'll check if kde installer works too18:13
andyrockas regain_privileges_save is used there too18:13
BarrieButsersHi, i run xenial, and want a bugfix that is in zesty, but don`t want to upgrade whole system; is that possible?18:16
andyrockBarrieButsers: which fix and which package?18:19
BarrieButsersandyrock: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/136034218:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1360342 in libxi (Ubuntu) "Add Multi-arch support in libxi-dev" [Undecided,Fix released]18:23
andyrockBarrieButsers: try to manually install the deb, you can download from here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi18:25
andyrockhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/libxi-dev_1.7.9-1_amd64.deb and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/libxi6_1.7.9-1_amd64.deb18:26
BarrieButsersandyrock: ok thanks, gonna try that,have downloaded the debs but gotta go now, thanks in advance for the answer. Will let know if it succeeded later18:30
oSoMoNgood night all19:00
andyrockseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/34505619:19
andyrockLaney too ^^^19:19
jbicharobert_ancell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-initial-setup/3.28.0-2ubuntu6.119:48
jbichathe workflow was a bit of a pain with those merge commits, not sure whether we'd be better off rebasing and force pushing or what19:48
robert_ancelljbicha, I rebase19:57
robert_ancellkenvandine, oh, I remembered the other reason that keeping the changes in the g-i-s branch is hard - you have to constantly rebase on upstream anyway, and that can get hard with a huge list of changes.19:58
kenvandinerobert_ancell, yeah19:59
andyrockrobert_ancell: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-initial-setup/merge_requests/2/diffs21:23
ubot5-ng`Ubuntu bug (Merge request) 2 in gnome-initial-setup "livepatch: Do not dereference a null error pointer." (comments: 0) [Opened]21:23
robert_ancellandyrock, sounds like a good idea :)21:23
seb128andyrock, you keep being amazing :)21:23
robert_ancellandyrock, is there a bug for that? So we can SRU it easily21:25
seb128robert_ancell, it's in the description... :)21:30
seb128also the current SRU just got accepted21:30
seb128I wanted to do another one though, including also the "quit means quit" fix21:31
seb128oh, seems like jbicha did another upload21:32
seb128duplicating existing bugs21:32
seb128well, my other changes are strings changes so I'm going to manually update the template and give translators a notice21:33
seb128then we can do another upload after giving them so time for doing the translations21:33
seb128robert_ancell, kenvandine, see, debian/ in bzr over upstream is better, no rebasing issues :)21:37

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