
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:16
SlidingHornmorning lotuspsychje03:17
lotuspsychjehey SlidingHorn03:18
lordievaderGood morning06:00
SlidingHornmorning lordievader06:00
lordievaderHey SlidingHorn06:00
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:00
SlidingHornNot too bad - just looking into switching twitch bots atm06:01
SlidingHornand banging my head against the wall in the main channel in the meantime lol06:02
ducassegood morning!06:19
SlidingHornducasse: morning06:19
SlidingHornRIP ubottu -06:20
ducasseit'll be back, i expect06:21
SlidingHornwe hardly knew ye06:21
lordievaderHey ducasse06:37
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:37
ducassemorning lordievader - all well, thanks, how are you?06:39
lordievaderDoing good here 😁06:40
ducassehaving a good morning so far? :)06:41
lordievaderHaven't had coffee yet06:42
lordievaderGoing to get some now 😀06:43
ducassemustn't forget that06:43
lotuspsychjework time guys cu laterz08:09
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
BluesKajHi folks10:32
JimBuntuGood morning10:46
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu10:48
BluesKajinsomnia here again, woke up at 4...couldn't get back to sleep after that :/10:50
BluesKajbut a nap this afternoon should help10:53
BluesKajhey daftykins12:10
daftykinsBluesKaj: hi hi, how're things besides the sleep troubles?12:14
BluesKajok otherwise daftykins, how about you?12:16
daftykinspretty good cheers! i did a huge overhaul of my home server earlier this week, so i am much upgraded... saving power and made life easier :)12:16
BluesKajahh, cool :-)12:16
BluesKajsaving power is money in the bank, especially at our rates here...been consolidating our electrical devices and now I have about 6 or 7 old devices that were continuously drawing power thru the wall warts they came with, "always on" is not a good thing in the name of convenience.12:27
daftykinsindeed! these modern games consoles are quite crazy for wanting to automatically start up and get updates etc, too - strange time12:28
leftyfbBugzie: knock it off12:30
daftykinsyep just keep feeding that troll12:31
Bugzieleftyfb: When you say knock it off, do you you feel proud of youself?12:32
leftyfbdaftykins: the problem is, this troll is dangerous. They constantly give very bad and dangerous advice in there12:32
daftykinsoh yeah? do tell - but still, you really think saying the above is gonna combat a troll effectively? :)12:33
Bugzieleftyfb: From I am reading about you, I believe I have enough information to say that you are strange dude12:33
BugzieAlthought, you might be a guy, or gay12:33
BugzieI judge you leftyfb12:34
daftykinsBugzie: don't try and help people when all you do is use a live session and have no clue how to use Linux12:35
BugzieYes, I have no idea what you are talking about12:36
BugzieCan you give examples?\12:36
Bugziedaftykins: ?12:39
daftykinseverything you say, obviously12:39
BugzieSo me speaking is the cause of the problem?12:40
daftykinsyes it is a huge problem for freenode12:40
BugzieOkay, I acknowledged that I am the bain of the problems of Freenode12:41
BugzieI am the huge problem for Freenode12:43
BluesKajstfu and go away, we don't care about your personal problems12:44
BugzieMuch better than saying garbage12:45
BugzieBtw, what Personal problems are you talking about?12:45
* BluesKaj enables ignore on the troll12:47
JimBunturuh roh.12:48
=== Bugzie is now known as BugzieAFK
hggdhi really wish you all could understand that feeding a troll just gives it strength14:19
daftykinswhich is worse, inactive ops or trolls?14:20
BluesKajI don't understand why he wasn't silenced14:20
hggdhtrolls, and feeding them14:21
daftykinsi think he was a known ban evader, at least that's my best guess14:21
hggdhhe is a known figure, yes14:21
daftykinsshame on you for pointing the finger though, do your damn job or quit14:22
BluesKajso his IP is on record as being a troll or whatever the classification is.14:22
BluesKajwell < drank the local cable tv company kool-ade and a tech guy is coming by soon to install a dvr/receiver...IPTV is just too damn clunky. Kodi needs a lotta work IMO14:25
daftykinsi don't think it's Kodi that needs work, IPTV is just something it's capable of - it's the addons14:28
leftyfbhggdh: I don't understand why you believe letting trolls run rampant and putting the onus on us to ignore them is a better solution than just removing them14:28
daftykinsleftyfb: it's because they're not willing to do their jobs14:28
leftyfbhggdh: what's the point of ops if your solution is to never do anything about it?14:28
daftykinsalways has been the case on freenode14:28
leftyfbespecially in this case where it's not only a repeat offender, but they're blatantly admitting their intentiobs14:29
JimBuntuI re-propose my idea of a special channel that when you ban/kick people... they go there... with all the other trolls. They can troll-roll each other14:39
leftyfbJimBuntu: you've said this before. It's not a thing14:39
JimBuntuleftyfb, correct, it's not... but I think it should be. I guess I should consider writing some sort of IRC server plugin14:44
leftyfba plugin won't work14:44
leftyfbyou can't force someone into a channel and stay there14:44
JimBuntuWell, whatever the proper nomenclature would be for an IRC server. I never suggested (that I can remember) that the person is forced to stay in that channel.14:45
leftyfbJimBuntu: you'd have to make all the Freenode server admins run your code14:45
leftyfbit would be much easier to just have admins/ops that do their job14:46
JimBuntuI'm not trying to make anyone do anything. That's why I said perhaps I should think about writing a solution. Then whoever wants to use it, could.14:46
daftykinshehe the #u namespace playpen14:46
SquarismAny "global" reason not upgrade to 18.04?15:46
JimBuntuIf Blueskaj was on, he could give you lots of good info on what it's been like to use for the last several months15:47
JimBuntuSquarism, do you want to upgrade for a personal machine with good backups or for a commercial/production machine with excellent backups?15:48
SquarismJimBuntu, for my super-important-it-works 9-5-work laptop wo backup methods15:49
SquarismThe best scenario =D15:49
JimBuntuWhat version are you running today... 16.04 ?15:52
kostkonSquarism, wait until 18.04.1 comes out. in the meantime start working towards adopting a viable backup strategy since you mentioned it's a 9-5 work laptop15:54
BluesKajSquarism, production machines are usually advised to wait until the first Bionic point release is ready, most likely sometime in July15:54
JimBuntuJuly 26th according to the "schedule"15:56
JimBuntuSorry BluesKaj , I didn't intend that in a mean way15:56
BluesKajIt's working well for me atm, but I'm a home user Squarism so probly nowhwere near the number and kinds of apps you might need15:58
BluesKajJimBuntu, no worries :-)15:58
Squarismthanks guys. Appreciate the info.16:14
JimBuntuBluesKaj, can you confirm that when in terminal, you aren't able to ALT+F to access the file menu?16:18
BluesKajyes, confirmed JimBuntu, nothing happens16:23
JimBuntuThanks. That seems whacky to me. I seldom use it, but I saw someone complaining and wasn't sure if it was an actual issue.16:24
BluesKajnever used that before16:25
* pragmaticenigma curious what tool JimBuntu and BluesKaj are talking about (irc logs is lagging)16:28
BluesKajJimBuntu, yeah, what is that suppoded to do?16:31
JimBuntuALT+F while in terminal should ause the "File" menu to drop-down so you see 'Open Terminal", "Open Tab", etc16:34
JimBuntuALT+T should cause the Terminal menu to drop-down. I'm guessing none of them work16:35
naccJimBuntu: it's also configurable16:36
nacci turn it off because it intercepts irrsi, e.g.16:36
JimBuntunacc, I guess it's off by default with 18.0416:36
naccJimBuntu: yep16:37
pragmaticenigmaoh, terminal shortcuts... most of those are disabled for me too since applications I run (e.g. finch) also use some of the same key combos16:37
naccJimBuntu: gnome-terminal -> preferences -> global -> general -> enable mnemonics16:37
naccpragmaticenigma: right, that's my guess why it's disabled by default16:37
naccprobaby an upstream gnome decision, but not sure16:37
JimBuntunacc, Thanks, I'll check that out if someone brings it up again, literally putting that in notes16:37
naccJimBuntu: np16:38
BluesKajnacc, I'm on KDE/Plasma, doesn't work here either16:38
JimBuntuThis machine will be upgraded when 18.04.1 comes out, since it's Unity, I wonder if the setting will change.16:38
JimBuntuDefault UI for Ubuntu desktop for a while now, idk, maybe 3-4 years16:40
naccBluesKaj: hrm, possibly changed in all terminal emulators? dunno :)16:40
naccBluesKaj: i assume they meant they were upgradeing from 16.04 to 18.04.116:40
JimBuntuThis machine deserves some stress, so I'll be moving it up to 16.04 first, lol.16:41
naccfun fun fun spectre-ng17:51
daftykinshow delightful17:53
=== BugzieAFK is now known as Bugzie
nicomachusoh yay18:17
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
kostkonhttps://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/mosaic  :)21:46
oerhekslolz @ bing.com21:55
daftykins"just bing it" :)21:57

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