
derrinhello, is there anyone here?08:11
derrinI accidentally copied and pasted a chat dialogue into this chat channel weeks ago when I didn't know the rules and got banned, just checking if I am welcome to ask for help here yet, im very new to linux08:17
=== derrin is now known as rumbleskillzin
alkisgrumbleskillzin: sure you are welcome08:30
rumbleskillzinthanks, just wanted to check, I am planning to move to Ubuntu Mate 18.04 but wanted to know if I could still use this chat support in case i have any questions with the new install :)08:33
rumbleskillzinso just to be clear, is any copy/pasting allowed in this chat channel at all?08:34
diogenes_!pastebin | rumbleskillzin08:34
diogenes_damn, bot is asleep08:34
diogenes_paste here only if it's les than 3 lines08:35
diogenes_more than 3 lines, use ubuntupaste website08:35
rumbleskillzinI was a bit stressed out a few weeks ago and pasted a whole chat session with a tech support person into this channel to ask your opinion but got banned, makes sense really, flooding the whole channel like i did, glad im still welcome08:36
rumbleskillzinok cool, thanks, more than 3 lines = pastebin08:36
diogenes_test passed08:42
rumbleskillzinsoon to set out on bigger challenges, like basic addition :)08:47
rumbleskillzinthanks for your help btw08:47
rumbleskillzinalso, my main interest in linux is its security and privacy, is there a link or some general search terms you recommend i study to maximize my security and privacy in linux?, I like Ubuntu Mate, but apparently there are some security and/privacy based distros too, I've been told Debian is the most secure as it is the most customizable, but are there ways/tools that can be used to security harden ubuntu mate just as08:51
diogenes_depends on what's your definition of privacy and security08:52
rumbleskillzinI have a dim view of the direction world politics is taking, so I would like similar privacy to what journalists seek, so I can feel free to discuss my views without concern that my views and statements aren't being recorded and stored somewhere in a way that can be traced back to me, I guess I would rather be prepared in case my countries govt becomes tyranical etc...08:55
rumbleskillzinalso I have become interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets in general, and if I am to invest in anything I will need to be responsible for securing the private keys myself as if I am my own bank, so keeping hackers out is a high priority08:56
diogenes_in that respect linux is secure and respect your privacy but if you use the usual services google-chrome gmail facebook etc. then you're just as exposed as anywhere else08:57
rumbleskillzinI use startpage and duckduckgo as search engines, I use expressvpn to encrypt my network connection out past my ISP and govt (as my govt demands all ISP's must store all our internet traffic for 2yrs already) and also to stop hackers from viewing my internet traffic etc08:59
diogenes_very good09:01
rumbleskillzinI want to get off windows as it is a hacker magnet, so im learning linux fresh, so although I want to start with ubuntu mate as my daily driver, can it also be a highly security and privacy hardened distro with the right tools/software added?09:01
diogenes_rumbleskillzin, tails os09:02
rumbleskillzinI'm changing my email over from yahoo to protonmail which is encrypted at rest, and can even be encrypted from proton mail to another persons email provider, quite an amazing service09:02
rumbleskillzinyes I've read briefly about tails and also Qubes and whonix09:03
diogenes_foe any good security and privacy service you need to pay, all what's for free, collects your data09:03
rumbleskillzinyes expressvpn is the most expensive vpn at the moment, but the best for me at the moment as I need a good one that works on iphone, windows and linux09:04
rumbleskillzinIn linux the expressvpn works as a 'simple' command line app, just enter works like "expressvpn connect" and your connected, or "expressvpn list" to bring up all the possible servers around the world to connect to etc09:06
rumbleskillzinIf I only used linux I would probably go with airvpn, they have an installable gui interface for linux, I think they are the only service that does, and better security features than expressvpn, but no iphone app09:07
rumbleskillzinmy concern with any tor browser or tor centric linux distro is that I have heard of "malicious tor exit nodes"? and that they can be extremely harmful, possibly more damaging than common hacker malware via windows09:09
diogenes_rumbleskillzin, if you wanna find out more about those stuff, type in this chat: /j ##security09:12
rumbleskillzinit was actually a pentesting/hacker teacher on youtube that said that debian would their preferred distro for maximum security, but maybe they had specific tools in mind to use to harden it, but then ubuntu is debian based so I'd imagine it would have similar potential09:13
rumbleskillzinthe video that this teacher to me this on was about Parrot OS which he also highly recommended as daily driver and pentesting tool, interestingly it looks like Ubuntu Mate haha09:14
rumbleskillzinsorry where do i type that in to join that chat? :)09:19
rumbleskillzinapparently i cant' join that channel as I'm currently not identified with services?09:21
cat_hello everybody10:16
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GrimSleeplessHey guys! Anybody else has issues to switch between keyboard layout?14:55
alkisgGrimSleepless: I don't :)15:41
alkisgWhat is the output of `setxkbmap -query` and what are you issues?15:41
KalvoHey everyone. Is it possible to change the size of the buttons on the top of Caja? Maybe by editing some xml somewhere or something? I looked at caja-navigation-window-ui.xml but found nothing referencing size. Thanks!15:42
gnugrKalvo: go to System->Appearence Settings-> appearence->adjustment, and chose a theme that fits you with buttons17:30
Kalvognugr, Oh its adjusted by the theme? I am actually trying to change them them to fit the theme "better" that I already am using xD. So the answer is to modify the theme?17:31
gnugrKalvo: have experience with dconf editor?17:34
gnugrKalvo: aah you meant that method https://evotux.com/customize-caja-file-manager-toolbar/17:39
Kalvognugr, I do not. Yeah that's what I looked up to try and fix it xD17:48
KalvoI mean I have USED dconf editor before. But under instruction lol17:48
Sntdoes anybody know the simple way to get back the old start menu?18:42
alkisgPersonally I created my own panel layout for that...18:52
Sntsorry for the stupid question. finally googled the answer18:56
Sntcontrol panel - mate tweak - panel - traditional - ok18:56
gnugrmate-panel --reset --replace should fix it18:57
gnugrcheck mate-panel --help18:58
Snti meant "control panel - mate tweak - panel - traditional - ok" does the work perfectly19:00
Sntgot the regular panel back19:00
alkisgI think it's using the brisk menu there, isn't it?19:01
alkisgI wanted the old redmond layout, without the brisk menu, so I created my own...19:01
alkisgI think all the new stuff like brisk, mate-hud etc, are crashing too much to be defaults currently19:01
Snt<alkisg> I think it's using the brisk menu there, isn't it?  --  may be. right now i have no idea how to check it19:06
mate|94787alguém do brasil aqui ?19:55
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:55

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