
Wild_Mankrytarik, is it okay with you if some of the links from the blogs are added to other news to fill in the gaps a bit?00:23
krytarikWell, not if they are from news blogs.00:26
Wild_Manfor example omgubuntu00:28
Wild_Mandoes that qualify as a news blog?00:29
krytarikYeah, that's exactly the type I had in mind here.00:30
Wild_Manokay thanks, I will move it then00:31
krytarikAlso, it makes no sense to move posts to other sections they don't really fit in, just because that section is little used while the one they do fit in is overused - then I'd rather try and decide which posts in the latter are the most relevant.00:35
krytarikLike I've already dropped some earlier today for this reason.00:36
lotuspsychjekrytarik Wild_Man i found uwn newsletter rss feeds on fridge, tnx to guiverc hint03:20
krytarikYeah, I'm using that for years already myself too. >_>03:21
lotuspsychjeperhaps an idea to add few ubuntu feeds to a news rss in here?03:22
lotuspsychjeso you guys can easyly find articles?03:22
krytarikWell, if you mean broaden our spectrum a little - sure, if you got any suggestions.03:23
lotuspsychjekrytarik: lets say you run a limnoria bot here, you can add rss plugin, then announce news here03:24
lotuspsychjelike, insights, usn,fridge,etc03:24
krytarikEww, that'd be a little much.. O_o03:24
lotuspsychjeyeah its a bit spammy indeed03:25
lotuspsychjekrytarik: the idea was i talked with bashing-om and Wild_Man about, is i added !fridge to my rss announce in channel, so users get back to know UWN, more users=more joy=more interest03:29
krytarikhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~tsimonq2/paulw2u_feedlist.opml - this is what we are more or less subscribed to individually currently btw.03:30
lotuspsychjeso now every new issue, gets to announce :p03:30
lotuspsychjekrytarik: nice list03:31
lotuspsychjethese are ours:03:31
krytarikWhere are you running said bot btw?03:31
lotuspsychje<[MARVIN]> lotuspsychje: add, anandtech, announce add, announce list, announce remove, arstechnica, engadget, fridge, gizmodo, info, insights, kodi, linuxjournal, lxer, macrumours, omgubuntu, packetstorm, phoronix, remove, rss, snaps, softpedia, trailers, ubports, and usn03:31
krytarikYep, that'll be similarly spammy indeed. :P03:32
lotuspsychjekrytarik: well we dont have them all announced03:32
lotuspsychjemost of them we use manual trigger03:33
lotuspsychjebut i like the idea of a seperate channel for rss spam i dont mind :p03:33
lotuspsychjecheck your invite krytarik03:33
krytarikYep, did. :P03:34
Bashing-omseen this : http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1522 ? sabdfl scam alert .19:12
leftyfb"you are most likely being targeted by fraudsters" ... as in, there's a small possibility you're being contacted by Mark about a make-money-fast story that refers to him and crypto-currency? :)19:15
Bashing-omleftyfb: Uh Huh .. will be old when we publish .. Not worth the effort to include ?19:16
leftyfbit was posted 2 hours ago19:17
leftyfbwhen will we next publish?19:17
Bashing-omleftyfb: But we do not issue UWN for 3 more days .19:17
leftyfbmaybe things like this might need a post to twitter instead? or a RT if he's got one out there. That's my opinion.19:18
Bashing-omleftyfb: Our release target is Monday eve .19:18
Bashing-omleftyfb: Wildman  handles PR. not on at this time; Will see what he thinks when he appears .19:19
Wild_Manbashfulrobot, how are you doing?21:32
Wild_Mansorry I meant bashing-om21:33
bashfulrobotWild_Man: hey, how goes?21:34
bashfulrobotAh, ok. Np21:34
wxl<bashfulrobot> what, me? you want meeeee???????????21:35
wxl<Wild_Man> no, actually21:35
wxl<bashfulrobot> :21:35
bashfulrobotwxl: always man.21:35
Wild_Manbashfulrobot, good and you?21:35
wxlit's ok, i still like you bashfulrobot :)21:35
bashfulrobotWild_Man: not bad21:35
bashfulrobotwxl: good. I was stressed there for a second21:36
Wild_Manthat is good, I am not use to someone with bash in there name other then bashing-om so tab fail21:36
bashfulrobotwxl: maybe even a tear21:36
Wild_ManHi wxl21:36
bashfulrobotHaha. It happens21:36
wxlhey Wild_Man21:36
Wild_ManBashing-om, Hello, I tweeted about the scam alert but I did it from the forums account because uwn account is really only for posting when the letter has been published22:42
Wild_ManI hope you are doing okay!22:43
krytarikWell, like I said recently, we can also use the social media outlets when there are other news that we also post to the Fridge - but yeah, in this case it doesn't apply either, so..22:46
Wild_ManI did not think it applied and I still thought is should be posted22:47
Wild_ManI posted it to the forum under announcements, I can not remember the last time something was posted in that forum, there is no old thread in that forum at all22:48
Wild_ManI guess they have all been archived22:49
Wild_Mankrytarik, you think we can use this and where to place it https://www.networkworld.com/article/3269587/linux/customizing-your-text-colors-on-the-linux-command-line.html22:55
krytarikIn the forums post, I would link to the actual blog entry page (https://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1522) and drop the trailing colon off the title.22:58
krytarikAnd looking..22:58
krytarikWell, that's a how-to, and we don't post about how-to's.22:59
Wild_ManI wondered if we did or not since I have not seen any23:01
Wild_ManMade the changes to the forum post23:01

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