[05:04] * flocculant wonders if wxl bothered yet :p [05:04] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [05:04] :p [05:05] Only one way to find out. [05:05] bit expensive for me to fly out to some foreign country :D [05:07] Come on, Oregon is cool I hear. :D [05:07] does it have a capital city? [05:09] Somewhere. [05:09] Salem? [05:09] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [05:12] aah there we are - 1 seat left on a virgin flight in first class > £1400 [05:12] I'll wait for him to reply I think :D [05:14] :D [05:15] unless I win millions tomorrow night - in which case I'll just freak him right out lol [13:14] Isn't Portland the Capital of Oregon, great place to visit... its has a great real ale, micro brewery scene.. only problem is the 12 hour flight from UK