
diddledandaftykins: if you're restricted by vmware esxi, it looks like someone is making a community build of xenserver without the license fees - you need to use a webui instead of the citrix xencenter because the latter doesn't work with it - the webui is free if you build it yourself, or has license fees for advanced functionality if you use the blessed build00:31
daftykinsdiddledan: oh i won in the end though, i used vmcenter converter to take my old physical server's OS install and send it straight over the network onto my new server, the ESXi host, now everything is running as if it was never gone00:32
diddledanso if you're happy rolling your own then you can get advanced functionality for freebie00:32
diddledanhow did the windows license cope being moved into a vm?00:32
daftykinsno IOMMU but i don't even know if that would benefit it00:32
daftykinsoddly enough it gave zero hoots - just shows up as activated still xD00:33
diddledanwell blow my raspberry!00:33
daftykinsindeed! i have a feeling they may care very little about 7 now though00:33
diddledanmaybe it copied the hardware strings into the vm configuration00:33
diddledanI don't know which strings are important to do it myself though00:34
daftykinsBarber's Adagio00:35
diddledanI got one of these cheap off ebay .. it's in the post for delivery in a couple days: https://www.lantronix.com/products/lantronix-spider/00:36
daftykinsbut yeah, so the newly converted VM then had the physical disks that OS used to have attached to it via commands to make it think they were .vmdk's - and the RAID controller was passed through so that came up as before, moreover every service in the house is running without batting an eyelid really00:36
daftykinsah yeah, cor you were eyeing that up ages ago :>00:36
diddledanI had a couple £10 vouchers so I used them00:37
diddledancame to ~£6000:37
daftykinscor bit steep for something that looks like your mates Nintendo Wii knock off controller00:42
diddledannew they're super expensive00:43
diddledandirect from manufacturer they're $392.00 new00:44
diddledanso, that's about £290-300?00:45
diddledanat 1.4-1 $-£ that's £28000:45
daftykinsi'd noticed the rate is kinda nice again now00:48
diddledanoh, xe.com says the rate is about 1.35:100:49
diddledanthat adds $800:49
diddledanerr 8£00:49
diddledanbah @ back asses00:49
* daftykins continues the application of the new win10 build00:51
diddledanthe april 18 build?00:51
diddledanthat landed on the 1st of may00:52
daftykinsindeed! but i was busy with the server so refreshes weren't exactly top of my list00:52
daftykinsi had some amusing scenarios during the first boot of that converted-to-vm physical host btw00:52
daftykins"why does it think the IP is in use? oh yeah, 'cause the REAL box behind me is using it"00:53
SuperMattmorning all06:04
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:41
czajkowskiello ello10:30
daftykinswow there's some sun out today down 'ere, wintery in the shade / indoors though11:33
* diddledan wonders what popeycore is doing with core12:58
daftykinschampion idler ;)13:01
czajkowskipopey++ camera is very nice!!14:40
czajkowskiif anyone wants to read a new advenutre I'm working on with Leslie, we're blogging weekly on various of topics and looking for suggestions also14:46
AzelphurDoes anyone know if Virgin needs to lay cables all the way to your house, or if they just need to get fiber to the cabinet?18:37
daftykinsdo they do VDSL as well as coax now or something?18:38
AzelphurI honestly don't know, I'm asking because I live in a listed building, and they are laying cables on the street outside, and the cabinet is literally as close as it can be to me18:38
Azelphurso if it's FTTC, I'm good, if it's gotta come all the way into the house, I get nothing :(18:38
daftykinsmmm pass then, not seen true fiber tech over here18:41
DJonesAzelphur: I keep getting virgin salespeople calling at our house offering their full fibre services, despite the fact that our estate doen't even have virgin cabling installed, they're spammers, they make talktalk look like god service providers19:02
daftykinsDJones: do you have phone lines? i think virgin may also be an LLU ISP choice19:27
diddledanAzelphur: they're fttc but they need to run a coax into your home19:36
diddledanunless you already have the coax installed19:37
diddledanmy ISP doesn't do too badly (AAISP) https://www.thinkbroadband.com/news/8029-aaisp-idnet-and-hyperoptic-the-big-winners-in-april-ratings-battle19:38
daftykinswith a mainlander mates help we picked Zen for London, haven't had it long to comment :D19:40
daftykinsdiddledan: oh is that that Andrews and Arnold i have been told about?19:44
daftykinsso it is19:44
daftykinsthink my mate warned me they had a rubbish FUP or something though, what did he say...19:44
diddledanthey have a transfer allowance19:45
diddledanno FUP just a cap19:45
diddledanI'm on their 1TB/mo service19:45
daftykinsok, still a limit but different meanings :)19:46
daftykinsi would not be a fan of that, although i can see it working for the majority19:47

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