
studio-user366Hi everyone, I just installed UStudio to my newly refurbished Thinkpad x230t=tablet... =>13:43
studio-user366Can anyone tell me if this software is good for doing digital artwork?13:46
cfhowlett"this" software? WHAT software?13:46
studio-user366cool  I can be heard  ....13:46
studio-user366I've been using linux since 1999 and think it is the best thing that is happening to computing13:48
ElaineHi,  Anyone know the secret superuser password,  I cant use sudo nor log into su on this fresh install14:16
cfhowlettElaine, if you already installed, the password is whatever you set it to.14:22
Elainethk,   su seems to be barred but my sudo is working....  just no gedit here,   is there a superuser text edit program   "sudo vi..." not priviledged it seems14:27
BionicMacHello. Is there anyway to keep cients from automatically making jack connections? I even set in qjackctl: Setup -> Options -> COnnections -> "Activate Patchbay persistence - ticked" "Reset all connections on patchbay activation - ticked"  "Warn on active patchbay disconnections - ticked" I've looked in all the clientspreferences that I can find and unticked anything that resembles17:22
BionicMacauto-connect-to-jack... I've settled it down somewht, but not to my liking. I am at a loss here.17:22
OvenWerksThat is up to each individual jack client17:22
OvenWerksthat means there is no overall setting that can stop all clients from doing auto connections17:23
BionicMaccorrect. And this could be a bad situation.17:24
OvenWerksThere is jack-plumbing that will talk a preset graph of connections and make or break connects to match that graph.17:25
BionicMacEspecially in a studio setting with aying clients. One wrong click and well: possible brain damage from the vloume, 2: time to reset. thank goodness that when I "activate a pacthbay in qjackctl I have it set to reset all coneections in activate.17:25
OvenWerkseach application that connects to jack _should_ allow setting no auto connect.17:25
BionicMacOvenWerks: You would definitely hope so. I have found this to not be the case with some key apps. well, no way in an obvious setting menu that is. I will do further testing. non-timeline is one of them.17:29
BionicMacI start non-timeline and all hell breaks loose on my perfect jack routing.17:30
OvenWerksnon-stuff is built to use NSM to help make sure connections make sense.17:30
BionicMacI'm using nsm.17:30
OvenWerksI am not very familiar with nsm/nontimeline. I use Ardour for most of my stuff.17:32
OvenWerksArdour does tend to auto connect as well, but will save whatever connections are set from session to session. Also it default new channel to not monitor inputs.17:34
BionicMacI think something is running in the background. hmmm I closed all visible gui's , started nsm... started qjackctl from within my session, started jack from the qjackctl menu and --- I get a notification from "Claudia" that a studio was started with no visible claudia GUI. This could be part of the problem.17:36
OvenWerksIf you have installed claudia, it will start at session start to start jackd, pulse bridging etc.17:37
BionicMacThe notification from Claduia was exactly when I clicked "start" from the qjackctl menu. I'll need to see if Claudia still runs in the background, apparently so. I had shut it down from it's own gui menu.17:37
BionicMacand there she is 3 or 4 bg processes with the gui closed by the claudia menu. This is part of the issue. I'll report back here in case you are wondering. Let me ask falkktx also.17:40
BionicMacBut when I close Claudia ( stopping all studios first) from it's own menu I expect it to die.17:41
OvenWerksI think part of it runs as a daemon.17:46
BionicMacyeah, several. I had to kill 4 CLaudia procs -> "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/cadence/src/claudia.py"17:53
BionicMacthen Cadence ->  /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/cadence-session-start --system-start-by-x11-startup /usr/bin/startkde ( I never set this to auto start either )17:55
BionicMacthen and finally, ladishd17:55
OvenWerksladish was the main reason I never installed kxstudio a second time after removing it ;)17:56
BionicMacnow no more auto magic ghosts in the machine. I really like tht suite of apps too. I will check into settings and configs for more control of those.17:56
OvenWerksI think the new versions of kxtools don't need ladish though17:56
BionicMacI hope so. At least I want more control over ladish in any event.17:57
* BionicMac sticks with qjackctl's very own patchbay presistence.17:58
BionicMacoh my, nsm session started flawlessly .. yes baby!18:01
BionicMacToo bad the only packages I found of the non-* suite was kxstudio.18:01
BionicMacI may have to buid my ppa of that suite.18:02
OvenWerksYa, no one has taken the time to package for debian/ubuntu18:02
BionicMacsome of the best audio tools out there too.18:02
OvenWerksI am not sure why18:02
OvenWerksjust the mixer is quite good and fills a gap nothing else really does18:03
OvenWerksLast time I installed it was to build it.18:05
BionicMacYes, I am buiding it now.18:48
BionicMacOvenWerks: Do you know if Patchage is capable of saving its own connections/sessions?20:54
OvenWerksBionicMac: I do not know for sure but it does not look like it to me.21:49
OvenWerksBionicMac: Also be aware that patchage has not seen any changes for some time so if some lib it depends on is removed it may vanish for the repos (for example GUI libs)21:50
OvenWerksmaybe I am wrong about that, there are some things that look like they have been changed in the build script not too long ago.21:52
OvenWerksQuite honestly, I have not been able to even get it to leave things where I put them let alone keeping the same connections.21:56
BionicMacOvenWerks: Right. Yes, it really seems the linux audio world is in need of a graphical jack patch bay that actually works. Well, you know what I mean. Save patchbay, contorl of the actual patchbay. Settings that stay put, etc etc.22:21
BionicMacPatchage & Claudia seems to be the only two apps in that arena. I guess I will stick with Jacks patchaby seave sessions.22:22
BionicMacI will work in qjackctl's patchbay sessions.22:23
BionicMacerr not claudia, catia I mean. and catia is heavely integrated with cadence suite. Maybe it can be used alone though but I don't think Catia has the ability to save session patches.22:25
BionicMacI take that back, I see a full list on JACK's homepage under "control". I shall test these out.22:27
BionicMacOvenWerks: Wow this looks right up my alley: -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/njconnect/22:29
BionicMacwe shall see how well the save/restore sessions works.22:29
BionicMacnjconnect has had commits as recent as last week.22:32
BionicMacOvenWerks: When all is said and done I like this cli control for jack tht I found in the Ubuntu Studio repo: aj-snapshot. works great22:54

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