[13:11] hello! o/ [13:13] I'm trying to do a checkout, and have it ignore a specific directory (not check it out) Is this possible? [13:24] knownexus: sort of [13:25] knownexus: you can use "bzr view" to only checkout specific directories [13:25] but I don't think that does "all, except dir blah" [13:25] would i be able to loop that in some way? [17:46] knownexus: Hmm, with some shell scripting perhaps [17:47] I think we really need a better flag to "bzr view" here [18:40] I'm submitting a few that are prequities for other branches, I'll leave the rest to you :) [18:40] we should probably add some more stuff to the website, e.g. link to the main branch, to the ci, etc