
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswforgot to mention smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/344976 switches to pyflakes16:12
smoserblackboxsw: reviewed... suggesetd a change in your comit message.16:18
blackboxswgreat thx16:24
blackboxswsmoser: confirmed launch-softlayer os:xenial 'cloud-init clean --reboot' continues to detect ConfigDrive19:04
blackboxswtesting template 'launch-softlayer -i xenial' now19:05
blackboxswand confirmed configDrive is re-dedected across clean reboots on xenial19:31
blackboxswre-detected rather19:31
blackboxswbut again that's with the ds-id warning banner we know about saying NoCloud initially detected but cloud-init properly applies the mounted ConfigDrive19:32
smoserblackboxsw: ok. in hangout again19:38
blackboxswsmoser: I'm there19:39
blackboxswok smoser I'm back19:57
blackboxswI'm in hangout, things have settled.19:57
smoserblackboxsw: well, i've convinced myself that the path for error is template with user-data20:58
smoserso i think focus on that if you're looking to reproduce something.21:07

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