
kelvinliuhi veebers, I just saw u mentioned that in standup. I was looking at deploying percona-cluster on caas00:03
kelvinliuveebers, the problem was `leader-elected` hook failed due to `network-get` could not find relation primary address(it's empty `{MACAddress: InterfaceName: Addresses:[]}`)00:06
veeberskelvinliu: ah right, thanks. I could have sworn it was a relations thing but wasn't too sure ^_^00:06
kelvinliuveebers, Is the issue on IAAS ?00:11
veeberskelvinliu: aye, it's charm related. Not sure of the impact for caas.00:16
kelvinliuah, did ur deployment failed at the same hook?00:16
kelvinliuIs the error u got, veebers ?00:18
veeberskelvinliu: no, the percona-cluster error was in deb-relation-changed00:20
veebersit deployed fine, was when I attempted to relate it to a mediawiki app that it fails00:20
kelvinliuthe problem might be different.00:22
veebersI believe it is00:23
=== Makyo is now known as Guest71270
valenitnhi guys08:28
valenitnis it ok to ask for help on deploying with juju here?08:28
rick_h_valenitn: sure thing08:29
valenitngreat, thanks08:30
valenitnI'm trying to deploy a xenial charm on azure with storage08:30
rick_h_valenitn: cool, you've peeked at https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/charms-storage ?08:31
valenitnthis worked fine a few weeks ago, but now I get the agent blocked in "allocating" and storage in "pending"08:31
rick_h_valenitn: hmm, so have to see in the debug log what's up08:32
valenitnyep, that's where I got the command from08:32
valenitnthere's nothing relevant in the juju logs for the unit or the machine08:32
rick_h_valenitn: it might be in the controller logs as it sets up the storage to be used08:32
rick_h_valenitn: the unit itself doesn't make the calls out to the storage provider08:33
valenitnI think the storage works because I see the disks on the machine with lsblk08:33
valenitnbut they are not mounted08:33
rick_h_valenitn: hmm, can you `juju switch controller` and check the logs on the controller machine?08:34
rick_h_if there's nothing in the unit/machine log there it's the only other place I can think to look for any error/issue feedback08:35
valenitnthere is this in the logs, but I remember seeing it even when it was working:08:38
valenitnmachine-0: 08:09:36 WARNING juju.cmd.jujud determining kvm support: INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions KVM acceleration can NOT be used : exit status 1 no kvm containers possible08:38
rick_h_valenitn: yea, but that's nothing to do with storage. That just means you can't create kvm containers on that platform08:39
valenitnon the machine syslog I see May  4 08:15:38 machine-1 HV_FCOPY: open /dev/vmbus/hv_fcopy failed; error: 2 No such file or directory08:39
rick_h_hmm, that looks better more interesting. There's some instances of that out there. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/161461808:41
mupBug #1614618: hv-fcopy-daemon.service system failed start <amd64> <apport-bug> <kernel-da-key> <kernel-hyper-v> <uec-images> <yakkety> <linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614618>08:41
rick_h_valenitn: might have to file a bug.08:42
rick_h_valenitn: does it work intermittently? I see some links around bits of this stuff being racy08:43
valenitnit failed consistently in the last days08:44
valenitnI thought something on azure changed08:44
valenitnmaybe the ami for ubuntu?08:45
rick_h_valenitn: yea, maybe something with a new kernel or maybe something Juju needs to be doing automatically that Azure changed. I'm not sure.08:45
rick_h_valenitn: if you can file a bug with the charm/instructions for what you're trying we can chase it down08:45
valenitnok, will try to look a little more and file a bug08:46
valenitnthanks for help08:46
rick_h_valenitn: yea sorry I don't have a quick fix for you08:47
TheAbsentOnerick_h_: do you know a good, recent interface example. I'm not really getting it how I can properly send information from one charm to another through a self-written custom interface :/ it's to_publish right?09:32
TheAbsentOnehttps://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/developer-layers-interfaces <-- does relations.unit in this tutorial represent all connected charms?09:34
srihashi guys, I have installed nova-compute on our compute nodes, Now I am thinking to install the percona clulster on another three nodes supposed to act as controllers. What does the "deploy --to lxd:0" mean here? I have skipped the neutron deployment as I want to do it later with cisco ACI.11:15
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
roadmrsrihas: "deploy --to lxd:0" means it will deploy into a new lxd container which will be created on machine 012:06
roadmrsrihas: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/charms-deploying-advanced#deploying-to-specific-machines12:06
srihasroadmr: what if the machine is not yet in the list of machines on juju ? then I go the way I do --constraints tags=db --to lxd ?12:27
srihasbut then I cannot specify :0 or 1 or something, right?12:29
srihas"To deploy to specific, pre-existing machines the --to option is used. When this is done, unless the machine was created via add-machine, a charm has already been deployed to the machine."12:30
roadmrsrihas: AFAIk there's always a machine 0, but you may be able to specify any existing machine12:46
roadmrsrihas: it sounds like you're following a document, that should tell you the machines that are available12:46
srihasroadmr: I want to install percona on a new fresh machine thats not yet in the list of machines in juju12:59
srihasjuju machines doesn't show a machine with id 0 for me :o12:59
zeestratsrihas: Are you following along https://docs.openstack.org/charm-deployment-guide/latest/install-openstack.html#deploy-openstack?14:31
srihaszeestrat: yeah14:34
srihasI am on it14:34
srihasbut its sometimes confusing me14:34
srihaslike now the swift-server.config has the bind_ip = instead of specific IP14:35
zeestratsrihas: Gotcha. I'd recommend maybe looking at using bundles which is mentioned in the next step https://docs.openstack.org/charm-deployment-guide/latest/install-openstack-bundle. It will make it easier to define things and map applications to machines in a predictable way14:37
srihaszeestrat: thats a good point. I will study it though I can't deploy directly14:38
zeestratAlso if you find some doc bugs you can file them here https://launchpad.net/charm-deployment-guide14:39
srihaszeestrat: is there a way to add all the "ready" nodes to juju14:39
srihaslike I get them when I do the juju machines14:39
srihaswithout any charms (atleast OpenStack related) deployed14:40
zeestratJust so I understand, is there a reason you can't deploy bundles directly?14:42
srihaszeestrat: yeah, we will be using cisco ACI for neutron and ScaleIO for storage. so no ceph and neutron14:43
zeestratsrihas: Right. But you're using openstack charms with juju for the other components such as Nova compute? You can just remove them from the bundle14:45
srihaszeestrat: aha14:47
srihaszeestrat: I will look around it, thank you for the suggestions14:47
srihaswill get back to you14:47
srihaszeestrat: how can we add custom charms, for example if we use ScaleIO ?14:48
srihas16:39 < srihas> zeestrat: is there a way to add all the "ready" nodes to juju14:50
srihas16:39 < srihas> like I get them when I do the juju machines14:50
srihasI think this is needed, I am missing some thing crucial here14:50
zeestratsrihas: I'm actually not sure. I only use bundles which define which machines I want from MAAS. I'm thinking out loud now, but you can check if you can do a `juju add-machine` which should deploy a machine, then if you do something like `juju deploy nova-compute --to <machine-id>` where <machine-id> is the one you get after the add-machine.14:55
zeestratsrihas: But I really think you should look at using bundles where you can define constraints which allows you to select which machines you want to deploy on from MAAS.14:56
zeestratsrihas: Regarding ScaleIO, are you planing to use the charms from https://jujucharms.com/u/cloudscaling/ or write your own ScaleIO charms? I haven't used them so don't know the state of them.14:57
srihaszeestrat: the ones from juju, they are old?14:57
srihashttps://github.com/thecodeteam/juju-scaleio -> I looked at them before14:58
zeestratLooks like last activity was in Jan 2017 so I'm not sure of the state.14:59
srihaszeestrat: ok15:00
srihaszeestrat: is there a guide to write "hello-world" juju charm ? (please bare with me)15:01
zeestratsrihas: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/developer-getting-started15:02
srihaszeestrat: thank you15:02
zeestratsrihas: No problem. The bundle docs page talks a bit more about constraints and how to place things on different machines. https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/charms-bundles If you tag machines in MAAS you can target those using the `tags` constraint which is one of the constraints available: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/reference-constraints15:05
zeestratsrihas: I can whip up a short example, but you'll have to remind me next week15:06
srihaszeestrat: sure, I will get back to you :)15:06
otamaHELP: Hi Team, is it possible declare a Cross Model Relations into a bundle files ?20:28

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