
sivaI need some help. I am on Kubuntu 18.04 and I can't use k3b to burn to a cd. Apperantly it needs to be aded to the group cdrom00:32
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d-fishThe kleopatra gui won't start. I can see a session running with "ps aux", but when I launch kleopatra no gui opens03:29
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d-fishI killed the service and the gui opend when I re-ran kleopatra03:37
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nlsthznis there an official KDE application that handles xmpp (is kopete still a thing)?06:26
nlsthznI could just install pidgin but gtk :p06:33
valoriekopete is still a thing, yes06:44
valorieunfortunately telepathy isn't supported any more, but kopete is still alive06:45
nlsthzninteresting as telepathy was supposed to be the replacement for kopete (from what I can gather online)06:46
nlsthznthanks for the info valorie06:46
valorieit was, yes06:46
valoriepart of the problem was that platforms kept closing their APIs06:46
valoriekopete has old deprecated ones that still work!06:47
nlsthznHmmm... what would be used if I simply added the jabber info to the online accounts in settings (I am @ work and away from my system at present)... perhaps I should just try it :D06:47
kbroulikhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=393827 anyone aware of this? looks like a packaging issue07:04
ubottuKDE bug 393827 in general "Crash when searching an app in main menu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:04
valoriekbroulik: I can't reproduce07:08
valorieand this is an upgraded install too07:08
lordievaderGood morning07:17
valoriekbroulik: I commented on teh br07:18
valoriemorning, lordievader07:18
lordievaderHey valorie07:18
kbroulikvalorie: thanks07:19
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:19
valoriethanks for bringing it to our attention, kbroulik07:19
kbrouliknp :)07:19
valorielordievader: it has been a great day (my bday)07:19
valorienow winding down07:19
lordievaderOh. Congratulations!07:20
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> @valorie, Many more happy returns of the day07:20
valoriethank you, @Uthayakumar C07:20
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> I need best E-learning sites to learn Linux07:22
lordievaderThe best way to learn Linux is to do. Break stuff, fix them again, repeat 😉07:26
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valorielordievader is totally right07:40
valoriebreak stuff and fix it07:40
nlsthznhappy b-day valorie, hope it was a great day and the start of an amazing year07:43
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valoriethank you, nlsthzn07:50
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six86Hello. I upgraded from 17.10 on my home PC yesterday without problems. Now I wanted to do th same on my notebook. I have a bunch of "unmet dependencies now. "apt --fix-broken install" ends in an error. See pastes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dz4dTRtQFf/ and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/C5rsmvpxd2/08:23
acheronuksix86: did not see that in any of the test upgrades I did, but it's one of thsoe things you might only hit if apt installs things in a slightly odd order08:31
acheronukcd /var/cache/apt/archives/08:32
acheronuksudo dpkg --force-all -i libkf5mailtransport-data_17.12.3-0ubuntu4_all.deb08:32
acheronuk^^^ should work around it until we can fix the package interrelations08:33
six86acheronuk: wow, thanks that worked with "sudo apt --fix-broken install". Now the system is happily installing stuff with dist-upgrade. Thank you very much!08:38
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w0lfhello all10:42
w0lfI have two graphic cards10:44
w0lfintel and ati10:44
w0lfwhen I try to start the app with DRI_PRIME=2 fgfs --launcher10:45
w0lfit doesnt show me that its running with ati card10:45
w0lfI have tested it on Linux mint earlier and it used to work but not working on Kubuntu10:45
w0lfany pointers10:45
drop_I am having trouble with Nvdida10:45
drop_17.10 worked are you on 18.04?10:46
drop_they changed to mur / systemd in 18.04 i bleive10:47
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lordievaderw0lf: Shouldn't that be `DRI_PRIME=1 ...`?10:48
lordievaderw0lf: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME#PRIME_GPU_offloading10:49
w0lflordievader, yes it worked with 110:49
w0lflordievader, thank you10:49
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* drop_ looks at RaghuramE10:50
* drop_ dissapears10:52
BluesKajHowdy all11:05
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IrcsomeBotkatnip1 was added by: katnip113:38
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necrosoulпривет всем15:03
necrosoulhello guyz15:03
IrcsomeBot<weltimeister> Hi! I found this yesterday. Maybe interesting for a lot of people here: … https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/kubuntu-beaver.html15:57
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o_aHello, all. I just updated to Kubuntu 18.04 and I'm running Plasma on Wayland. It's all working fine except that dead keys somehow are activating krunner. Can anyone confirm this?16:20
o_aAlso, screen rotation is not working properly either16:36
o_aYou can rotate the screen upside down, but that's it16:36
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ahoenigon ubuntu 16.04, qtbase5-dev installs QtWidgets/QApplication, but kdelibs5-dev has kapplication.h which looks for QtGui/QApplication.  Seems like kdelibs5-dev is trying to use Qt4?  Am I installing the right versions of the dev packages?18:04
SzykCechahoenig: Why do you think it is trying to use Qt4?!? QGui/QApplication is perfectly valid for Qt518:06
ahoenigas I understand it, QApplication was in QtGui/ in qt4 and moved to QtWidgets/ in qt5?18:07
SzykCechOne minute - I will check it...18:07
ahoenigthat's the problem I'm having, including kapplication.h fails because it has #include <QtGui/QApplication> but none of the qt5 packages on xenial have this file in that directory18:08
ahoenigthe libqt4-dev package has that file there though18:08
SzykCechAcording to the documentaion on their website QApplication is belong to widgets module...18:09
ahoenigso then it is a bug that kdelibs5-dev tries to include <QtGui/QApplication>?18:10
SzykCechahoening: I am not sure whether Qt dev package is shiped with Ubuntu.18:10
SzykCechNo. This is not bug. packages are stored in different directories and have diffent names in pro/qmake files18:11
ca-on-adambe back in an hour or two!18:12
SzykCechFor now I am on Kubuntu and in order to compile my Qt programs I install Qt from their online installer - because I was unable to find Qt dev package in repository.18:13
SzykCechBut I am not sure if it exists or not.18:13
Fire-Dragon-DoLwhere can I find the .desktop files used by KDE Application Launcher ?18:15
ahoenigSzykCech the kde-devel channel pointed out that kdelibs5-dev accidentally got a version bump.  It is actually libs for kde4 and links to qt4.  Thanks for the help.18:16
Fire-Dragon-DoLoh, /usr/share/applications :)18:17
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ohallot_An issue I get since 17.10: Takes one minute between authetication and start of KDE desktop, in all my system end-users. PLain black screen, no disk acitivty. Seems the session is wating for a timeout, which I wasn't able so far to detect. Hints appreciated21:12
smbshhi everyone21:30
smbshim really struggling21:30
smbshi cant get a damn simple samba folder share working on kubuntu 18.04. i installed samba and try to share a folder withing dolphin...folder does nt get shared and settings for that folder resets them self21:31
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