
uweI like to report a bug but I dont like to create an account first. How to do?12:14
cjwatsonYou can't, I'm afraid, at least not on Launchpad.12:14
cjwatsonYou could try to find a direct contact for some appropriate developer, but lots of people don't like getting bug reports that aren't in a bug tracker because then it's more effort for them to keep track of.12:15
cjwatsonOr perhaps you have a friend with the same problem who could proxy the report for you.12:16
uweCurrently I am really pissed of. Everytime I like to help I found gated communitys.12:16
cjwatsonNeeding to create an account is very different from "gated".12:17
cjwatsonNot many gated communities with >4 million members12:18
uweI be very carefull with my data and create an seperate e-mail account for every community. So this is hard work for me to create an new account. Why nobody like to understand this?12:20
cjwatsonI'm sorry, but Launchpad isn't going to change in this regard12:20
rbasakMost bug trackers in our ecosystem require a confirmed email address which requires registration.12:22
cjwatsonThere are a number of practical reasons why this is common practice in just about anything written in the last couple of decades: spam mitigation is one of them12:22
rbasakYeah I was about to say spam.12:22
rbasakIt's a choice. Either require contributors to spend a tiny bit of effort to massively reduce spam volumes, or require project volunteers to be human spam filters.12:23
rbasakBug trackers would be far less effectively if they were full of spam.12:23
cjwatson(they've left)12:23
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
* rbasak has been getting a timeout for a few minutes trying to post a bug comment to bug 1764314. He'll try again later.15:12
ubot5bug 1764314 in netcf (Ubuntu) "libvirt doesn't show all interfaces" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176431415:12
cpaelzerrbasak: comment?17:44
cpaelzerI see it arrived, so let me read it ...17:45

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