
hackeronWhoops, sorry that should be Chipaca00:00
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zygagood morning!07:28
zygaCaelum: hey07:29
zygaCaelum: to answer your question, snappy used to do that in 15.04 days07:30
zygaCaelum: snappy used a/b updates exclusively07:30
zygaCaelum: but this method used way too much space07:30
zygaCaelum: snappy now uses a single writable space and can use any rootfs and kernel without unpacking them, if the architecture supports that07:31
zygaCaelum: so we can have any number of new core snaps, new kernel and new gadgets to test07:31
zygaCaelum: and choose the one to run in the boot loader07:32
zygaCaelum: this is especially important on devices with very littte storage07:32
zygaCaelum: but in general it means that you have all the space to use07:32
zygaCaelum: and as for mender, you can ask mborzecki next week, he used to work on mender before he joined canonical07:32
zygahackeron: ^07:37
zygahackeron: sorry, I'm not really awake yet it seems, this was the answer for your questions07:37
zygahackeron: the way we can do this is that the boot loader can pick wich kernel to load and in turn the kernel can pick (based on bootloader data) which rootfs to mount (from squashfs)07:38
* zyga -> breakfast07:59
jameshzyga: hi.  w.r.t. my document-portal branch, the main issue at the moment is how to handle systems without the document portal available.  I don't want snapd trying to create missing directories, so what do you think of an extra mount option to tell it to ignore when there is a missing source path? (and maybe target path?)09:19
zygax-snapd.no-create-{source,target} ?09:20
zygasomething like this?09:20
jameshI was just thinking of x-snapd.ignore-missing09:20
jameshbut no-create could work too09:20
zygaor x-snapd.skip-if-missing09:21
zygasomething appropriate09:21
zygabut yeah, +1 on the idea09:21
zygaI'm wondering what's wrong with CI09:21
zygaeverything is read09:21
jameshI'm thinking doing the check on the source only would be sufficient09:21
zygafor this case, yes09:21
jameshthis could also be used for the host font mounts, where we currently check if the various font directories exist on the host before adding the mount entries09:22
jameshwe could just add them unconditionally with the ignore-missing option09:22
zygayeah, that's a nice cleanup09:25
jameshzyga: btw, CI finally passed on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/508209:27
mupPR #5082: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>09:27
zygadid it pass just now?09:28
jameshthat was from earlier today09:28
jamesh2 hours ago according to Travis09:28
zygahmm, let's hope that whatever was slower/wrong is fixed now09:28
zygaI saw that some branches exceeded 49 minute mark09:29
zygaperhaps store downloads are much slower (or were) lately09:29
jameshI haven't tried to prod https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116 again: last time it failed with the debian backend timing out09:29
mupPR #5116: interfaces: move host font update-ns AppArmor rules to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116>09:29
jameshIt's probably okay though09:29
mupPR snapd#5124 opened: many: add `snapd.seeded` service <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5124>09:34
dokomvo: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#dpkg snapd autopkg test failures10:37
cachio_Chipaca, I have updated the arch image to avoid this problem when rebooting11:08
Chipacacachio_: what was the issue?11:08
cachio_I found an issue in the snapd test code doing that11:08
cachio_the issue that the google shutdown script hungs11:08
cachio_more than 30 minutes when the machine is shuting down11:09
cachio_Chipaca, we don't configure that shutdown script, it already comes with the image and we don't use it11:11
Chipacacachio_: and the state error?11:11
cachio_Chipaca, still working on the other error where snapd does not start properly after reboot11:12
Chipacacachio_: ah ok11:12
Chipacacachio_: i thought it was that one that you'd figured out :-D11:13
cachio_there are 2 issues around arch11:13
Chipacacachio_: 1. ar, 2. ch11:13
cachio_Chipaca, no, the other one11:13
* Chipaca hides11:13
mupPR snapd#5125 opened: spread: add adt for ubuntu 18.10 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5125>11:14
cachio_the other was more important beause it could leave headless machines also preparing the test suite because arch is also rebooted there11:14
Chipacacachio_: and it gets expensive, also11:15
cachio_Chipaca, then I found our test code fails when we have an arch image which has not any package to install during the upgrade11:16
cachio_I need to talk to maciej about this11:16
zygadoko: addressed in master,11:17
* Chipaca -> lunch, probably11:24
zygaChipaca: #512511:27
mupPR #5125: spread: add adt for ubuntu 18.10 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5125>11:27
mupPR snapd#5126 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: add support for ignoring mounts with missing source/target <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5126>11:35
jameshzyga: ^^^ here's a branch implementing the ignore-missing logic11:36
zygajamesh: ack, thank you11:36
zygajamesh: reviewed11:42
jameshzyga: thanks.  I've made the change11:45
cachio_Chipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gcGHFVYYmf/11:45
cachio_Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart11:45
cachio_it is taking few minutes to start after reboot and I see this log11:46
Chipacacachio_: the hold off is set to 0, ie no hold off afaik11:46
Chipacacachio_: snapd is crashing11:46
Chipacaor otherwise not happy11:47
cachio_Chipaca, :(11:48
Chipacacachio_: question is, why don't we see the debug messages11:48
cachio_I'll increase the journlal log to degug11:48
Chipacacachio_: SNAPD_DEBUG=1 is set, right? (in the .conf.d thing11:48
Chipacaso we should be seeing them11:48
Chipacaah, i don't know how our debug interops with journald's11:48
Chipacaanyway, i need to get lunch11:49
cachio_Chipaca, sure11:49
cachio_enjoy it11:49
* cachio_ afk11:54
dokozyga: I don't care, I need it in cosmic11:58
dokowill haress mvo in person ... ;p11:58
zygadoko: is c- named now?12:03
jameshzyga: I'm knocking off for the day.  I think all my PRs except the xdg-document-portal one (i.e. #5082, #5116, and #5126) should be ready to land if you're happy with the code.12:13
mupPR #5082: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>12:13
mupPR #5116: interfaces: move host font update-ns AppArmor rules to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116>12:13
mupPR #5126: cmd/snap-update-ns: add support for ignoring mounts with missing source/target <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5126>12:13
zygayeah, I really hope to get some 2nd review but today may be tough12:14
zygathank you for this! it's very close to being all in12:14
jameshyeah.  There's probably some more stuff needed to get portals working really well, but I think we're reaching the end of the mount related parts12:15
jameshyou've been a great help with all this12:15
jdstrandniemeyer: hey, the forum seems to be down12:18
jdstrandzyga: can you tg niemeyer? ^12:20
niemeyerWill look into it12:21
niemeyerSeems back12:22
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga: ^12:22
dokolet's make it cockroach12:23
jdstrandhuh, weird12:24
jdstrandniemeyer: it does indeed seem to be working again. it was several pages in the span of a few minutes12:24
* jdstrand is curious if the snap got upgraded12:24
niemeyerjdstrand: Might have been a forced reboot12:24
zygaChipaca: standup today?12:39
zygamy daughter just asked me to go to a coffee shop for a shake12:40
Chipacazyga: I don't have anything12:40
zygaI'm preparing some code for next week12:40
zygaand I'm looking at the forum, one case is interesting again12:40
zygathe lowercase vs uppercase bug12:40
mupPR snapd#5125 closed: spread: add adt for ubuntu 18.10 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5125>12:44
* zyga preps laptop for the move12:47
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
zygaorganizing kids == going into production :)13:19
mupPR snapd#5127 opened: HACKING: fix typos <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5127>13:36
* zyga removed a bucket load of stale braches13:38
Son_Gokuzyga, it looks like snappy is finally getting looked at in opensuse-factory13:40
Son_Gokuin the ML13:40
zygaSon_Goku: oh, I need to check then13:41
zygaI have to file some bugs but I was looking for someone that would be interested in guiding me from the other end, I think we may finally got that13:41
Son_Gokuzyga, well, I could have helped you too :P13:42
Son_GokuI've gotten my fair share of packages in openSUSE :)13:42
zygaSon_Goku: you _always_ help :-)13:42
* zyga hugs Son_Goku 13:42
zygathank you13:42
zygaand I'm sorry about that vodka13:42
Son_Gokuit only took you a year to apologize :P13:42
zygaI was secretly hoping you would enjoy it after some time13:43
Son_Gokuyeah, that didn't happen13:43
zygaSon_Goku: the systemd unit thing is a clear win for presets13:44
Son_Gokubut fortunately that's easy to do13:45
Son_Gokuwe've done that rodeo before13:45
zygaSon_Goku: the rpmlint thing is a two fold case: one is easy (I suspect) - the polkit side13:45
zygathe other one is probably just us aking and waiting but I don't know13:45
Son_GokuSimon let me know that the FHS compliance check in rpmlint is going to turn from a warning to an error soon13:45
Son_Gokuit's technically an error by policy13:45
zygathe /snap thing is something I'd like not to change and I would argue that it makes sense to do FHS aside (until FHS allows for /snap eventually when everyone will say "of course it should be /snap, read the FHS man" ;-)13:45
zygaSon_Goku: it's all about what suse wants13:46
zygaif they want it in, that's in13:46
Son_Gokuwhat I never understood is why wasn't it /run/snap/ for snap mounts?13:46
Son_Gokuthe mounts are managed as systemd units, so they come up early enough anyway13:46
zygaSon_Goku: it could be but that's not what (I think) this is about13:48
zygait's about the /snap being a first-class concept and the /snap/bin launchers being visible easily13:48
zygaSon_Goku: even with /run/snap/ with mount points, you need /snap/bin13:49
Son_Gokuah, right, you need a persistent place for the bin files13:49
zygaand the concept can be grown, maybe we will do /snap/man/13:49
Son_Gokuthat's why we put it in /var/lib/snapd/snap13:49
Son_GokuI feel like maybe we should split the two13:49
zygayeah, which is a "unnice" place because it is "far", I think this is just that13:49
zygaSon_Goku: splitting it out would be fine IMO13:50
zygathey are managed by one variable today13:50
zygabut it should be non-painful to fix13:50
Son_Gokuthe location where the mounts are and where the persistent files are would make it better13:50
Son_Gokuand less dumb for other reasons13:50
zygawhat may be more painful is that snapd doesn't manage exisitng mount units13:50
zygait doesn't update them in place13:50
zygaI would say that this is a prerequisite13:50
Son_Gokudoesn't that happen on snap refresh?13:50
zygait does13:50
Son_Gokuwe could force a refresh on upgrade13:51
zygabut it also affects unit names13:51
Son_Gokuto migrate all the units13:51
zygawe would need some non-trivial code to get the transition correctly13:51
zyga(should I stop snap-$SNAP_NAME-$SNAP_REVISION.mount13:51
Son_Gokumaybe a helper program that would be executed for migrating legacy locations to the new split layout?13:51
zygaor that other ting)13:51
zygain all cases13:51
zygaI think it sucks because it's a transition13:51
zygaand it can go south on us13:51
Son_Gokuhistorically, transitions aren't handled very well in snapd :/13:52
zygaso I'd really do something this cosmetic only iff we had a solid framework for altering those units correctly13:52
Son_Gokuwe probably should have it for other reasons13:52
zygawell, it depepnds on which one but yeah, it's complex to do13:52
zygadeja-dup / duplicity suck at backups13:53
zygathey are so worthless I cannot believe there's nothing better that's also simple13:53
zygaI'm trying to backup while on my LTE data13:53
zygaand so far I'm streaming the backup back here13:53
zygato "compare"13:53
zygahow moronic is that13:53
zygait's been going on for an hour at least13:53
Son_Gokuthere's definitely good backup solutions13:54
Son_GokuI'd probably agree those two aren't it13:54
zygaAnything that is nice on a laptop and not highly complex?13:54
popeysnap install restic ;)14:06
popey"Backups done right!" (apparently)14:07
popeycjwatson: I have a snap which appears to have gotten wedged in launchpad https://launchpad.net/~build.snapcraft.io/+snap/4b4138ec2bc6c3cd4339177e27938c64-xenial/+build/20818614:19
popeyit says it's been building for 22 hours.  but looks stuck14:19
kyrofazyga: I've been pretty impressed with the nextcloud clients14:23
cjwatsonpopey: I've cancelled it to free up the builder, but I don't know what the actual problem is14:23
popeyI'll re-trigger if that's okay, to see if it was a one-time thing?14:24
zygakyrofa: thanks for the advice14:30
zygaTexting while riding a bike is not safe14:31
popeydiddledan: we're looking into the gimp 2.8 issue16:27
mupPR snapcraft#2120 closed: many: dedup environment entries <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2120>16:27
popeyzyga: how can i find the revision number for a previous release of core, I'm trying to debug something and need to go backwards16:32
zygapopey: AFAIK you cannot easily16:32
popeythat is frankly insane16:32
zygapopey: snap list --all16:32
zygaif you have it16:32
zygaif you are a contributor you can see the channel map16:33
diddledanwhat's the issue, popey ?16:33
zygabut there is no easy nice history16:33
popeygimp wont launch at all anymore16:33
diddledanI'm currently working on getting 2.10 building16:33
popeybroken on 16.04, 17.10, 18.04. All on 2.32.516:33
popeyand I want to roll back to .4 but see no easy way to do that16:33
zygapopey: if you have it locally you can rollback16:34
zygaif you don't you cannot16:34
zyga.4 and .5 differ a bit16:34
popeythis is not optimal behaviour16:34
zyga.5 and .6 a little16:34
diddledancan we just add the gtkrc file into the build (don't unstage it)16:34
zygapopey: this is the design16:34
zygapopey: unless you are a snap owner16:34
popeyI _think_ core 4452 is amd64 2.32.416:34
popeyso how do I debug this?16:35
zygano idea actually16:35
zygado you have .4 on disk?16:35
zygaif not you cannot do it16:35
popeyi (as a reviewer) can find the snap in the store and manually download it16:36
popeyok, done it16:37
popeygimp works fine on 2.32.4, 2.32.5 broke it16:37
popeyperhaps we were unfortunately relying on broken behaviour in 2.32.4 and that got 'fixed' in 2.32.5?16:38
zygapopey: hmm16:38
zyga.4 was not published, was it?16:39
zyga4->5 change was AFAIK tiny16:39
popeyshall i file a bug in snapd?16:40
zygapopey: I bet it is something else16:42
zyga.4 and .5 are the same really16:42
zygait must be something else that is changing16:42
popeywell, it's something in between revision 4452 and 448616:45
mupBug #1769210: snapd 2.32.5 broke gimp <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1769210>16:46
diddledangimp is working for me on 2.32.517:00
diddledansomehow the error message refers to files which are in a different location - it's trying to copy files from $SNAP/usr/etc when they're installed to $SNAP/etc17:02
popeytry removing it completely and reinstalling17:02
popeyperhaps you already had some of this in snap/gimp17:02
zygapopey: question, could gimp benefit from layouts?17:04
cjwatsonpopey: re-trigger> sure17:07
mupPR snapd#5128 opened: Revert "Skip test lp-1721518 for arch, snapd is failing to start afte… <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5128>17:15
tewardis there a rule against snap applications requiring donation/payment before you can actually use the applications?17:55
diddledansuper helpful errors for the win (AGAIN!)18:17
diddledanwhat kind of error is that? surely I need to know why it thinks lib isn't a directory and what it's trying to do with it to figure out what I did wrong?!!18:18
kyrofadiddledan: I'd need to see the YAML to help19:29
diddledanit's huge19:30
* diddledan pushes it to git19:30
diddledankyrofa: https://github.com/diddledan/gimp-snap/blob/2.10-gold/snap/snapcraft.yaml19:31
diddledanwhat's 1400 lines between friends19:31
kyrofaOh darn, it's a remote part19:34
diddledanyeah it was fine until I added the pulseaudio part to that yaml19:34
diddledanalsa normally installs fine but I've tweaked it for this build to not install any prereqs in the `alsa-plugins` part19:35
diddledaninstead the pulseuadio is supposed to be picked up from my shipped pulseaudio part in gimp's yaml19:35
diddledanI've got this in the gimp yaml:19:36
diddledanso something with either the dependency on pulseaudio or the build-packages or stage-packages override is killing it19:37
kyrofadiddledan, from the error, it sounds like a part that gets staged ahead of alsa-plugins has a lib directory, but somehow alsa-plugins is providing a file there instead of a dir19:37
diddledannope, there's no ./lib in parts/alsa-plugins/install19:38
diddledanthere is a ./lib in stage, yes, which is why it's complaining, but what it's trying to do with it I can't tell19:38
kyrofaIs the lib in stage a directory or a file?19:39
diddledanit's a directory with libraries in it19:39
kyrofadiddledan, if there's no lib in parts/alsa-plugins/install, why does it have a `stage` keyword with `lib` in it?19:40
diddledanok, I see that now. thanks for the eyes :-) the remote part has a define to include ./lib while staging but that folder doesn't now exist because I overrode the stage-packages to be null19:41
diddledanwe could do with an error condition for such cases, then, where stage: or prime: keywords include references to paths that don't exist19:42
diddledanthat was a much simpler problem than I thought it was going to be19:43
diddledanI'm gonna clean my build and start it anew to be sure that it's definitely that19:44
* diddledan cuddles kyrofa 19:45
mupPR snapd#5129 opened: cmd/snap-confine: allow any base snap to provide /etc/alternatives <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5129>19:51
zygajdstrand: ^19:51
mupPR snapcraft#2122 opened: many: introduce variables for part src and build <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2122>19:56
mupPR snapd#5130 opened: interfaces/apparmor: allow bash and dash to be in /usr/bin/ <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5130>20:02
zygajdstrand: one more20:02
mupPR snapd#5127 closed: HACKING: fix typos <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5127>20:03
diddledanyup, kyrofa , that was the problem - having a path specified in stage: that didn't exist20:06
diddledan(my build finally got there)20:06
diddledantwenty minutes of building to get to that point :-p20:07
diddledanit's not a small build by any means :-D20:07
mupPR snapcraft#1064 opened: pluginhandler: support colliding with directories <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1064>20:17
kyrofadiddledan, yeah... I'll never understand why you guys use cleanbuild to iterate :P20:25
kyrofaYou could have just cleaned that one part and tried again20:26
kyrofaHeck I still iterate on bionic before throwing to LP for final builds20:28
kyrofaI very rarely use cleanbuild20:29
kyrofaIf I have larger projects, I have lxd containers dedicated to iterating on them so I don't dirty my host20:29
kyrofaWith ccache installed on them, haha20:30
* zyga found a bug in base snaps20:30
zyga(well, a new bug)20:30
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel
mupPR snapcraft#2123 opened: file_utils: don't let FileNotFoundError escape <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2123>21:35
mupPR snapd#5131 opened: tests: fix interfaces-network test for systems with partial confinement <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5131>23:26

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