
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:52
lotuspsychjehey tsimonq203:54
ducassegood morning!06:06
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:11
ducassemorning, lotuspsychje - how are you doing?06:14
lotuspsychjegreat here ducasse06:14
lotuspsychjehows your day starting?06:14
ducassegood so far, i think - too early to say for sure ;)06:15
jink'sup, kids?06:15
ducasse\o jink06:16
lotuspsychjeyo jink06:24
lordievaderGood morning07:17
ducassemorning lordievader - all going well?07:20
lordievaderDoing good here, how are you?07:22
jink"too early tosay for sure" :P07:26
lordievaderSounds like ducasse 😋07:26
lordievaderToo little coffee?07:27
lordievader/Black tea/etc...07:27
jinkCoffee + rooibos tea here.07:35
jinkShould I upgrade my 17.10 to whatever we have now?07:43
jinkLast time I forgot to upgrade so "do-release-upgrade" didn't work anymore.  Hacked it into submission with your help. :P07:43
lordievader18.04 is LTS. That one can go longer without release upgrades.07:53
EriC^^that's what she said08:02
NoCodeI'm scared to do upgrades from that one time I tried it and my installation imploded beyond Mars. So I had to do twice the work, and I'm sure I didn't have any install medium then, too. So it was all tomfoolery.08:15
NoCodeFast forward to now, I still do reinstalls, and my setup is a bit more complicated than a regular installation because I make audio configurations.08:16
NoCodeNot sure if any of that would carry over to a new install either.08:16
NoCodewell, new upgrade.08:17
lordievaderEriC^^: I'd be quite surprised if my girlfriend said exactly that 😝08:44
lordievaderNowadays the upgrade process is quite smooth. (If you don't have ppa's installed)08:45
jinklordievader: 18.04 == bionic?08:53
lordievaderBelieve so...08:53
* lordievader is not very up to date with codenames08:53
lordievaderYes, google confirms.08:54
jinkOne of the things I hate about Ubuntu is their mixing of codenames and versions.  It claims "18.04 LTS" is available, and then the upgrade process talks about "bionic".08:54
jinkSo, erhm, here goes nothing? :D09:25
jinkbbiab, I guess (/hope)09:25
jinkDid it work?09:27
lordievaderGood luck09:30
jinklordievader: It's done.  I should be on 18.04 LTS now.09:35
EriC^^wow so many matrix revolution references09:38
EriC^^"did it work?" "it's done"09:39
EriC^^jink: you took a risk, it was a dangerous game you played09:41
jinkHeh. :D09:41
EriC^^(last scene between oracle and architect)09:41
BluesKajHowdy all11:05
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:06
lordievaderHow are you?11:06
BluesKajHi lordievader, doing fine thanks, and you?11:08
lordievaderDoing good here 😀11:08
JimBuntuHappy Friday and Good morning to all.11:14
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:19
ducassehi JimBuntu, BluesKaj - all going well?11:21
BluesKajhey ducasse, fine, and you?11:21
ducasseall good, thanks11:23
JimBuntuAll's well.11:23
sky887Everybody is fiiiine11:34
sky887It's Friday!! Yey! !11:35
pauljwHi everyone11:47
BluesKajHi pauljw, sky88712:38
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)12:40
pauljwhi lordievader12:40
lordievaderHow are you doing, pauljw ?12:41
pauljwgood thanks, how about you?12:41
lordievaderDoing good here12:48
kostkonwtf https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239091317:07
kostkonit's a crypto scam what else17:10
Bashing-omkostkon: The scammers I bet are in for a rough time . considering all the resources he can pull to his disposal .17:14
oerheksi 'd love to own one SABDFL-bitcoin17:17
kostkonBashing-om, he's south african too so i'm pretty sure he knows the right people in sa to do that if he wants17:19
kostkonoerheks, what's stopping you :P yabps17:19
kostkonoerheks, yet another bitcoin pyramid scheme..17:20
oerheksi am more attracted to the euro-scheme, actually17:21
* oerheks is a frog17:25
oerhekskiss me!17:25
kostkonhmm no :/17:28
* nacc is fairly sure rosco doesn't know what enterprise is.18:41
=== royb3 is now known as wirehunter

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