[03:18] Hello! [03:23] https://thepasteb.in/p/pghQJy4QnOVcR [03:24] Just installed Ubuntu Mate, previously used Windows 7. Really liking it so far. Minor issue, but my second monitor is no longer recognizing my laptop (since overwriting my hard disk with Ubuntu Mate). [03:24] Any ideas on how to make it connect again? Thanks! First time here/first time Linux user, so if I'm posting this in the wrong place, I'm sorry. Let me know if so. [05:18] hey folks. any gamedev/graphics type people I could bother for a few tips? I'm trying to "properly" setup an opengl dev environment with glew/glfw and I'm slightly confused (and also noob) [05:20] lclhstr: since this isn't specific to desktop environments, maybe ask in #ubuntu where it has more people? [05:21] alkisg thanks === led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22 [10:11] Hello all! [10:13] hi [11:58] there is someone here? [12:53] como instalar postegre 4 ? [12:58] ciep: do you mean postgresql 9.4.4? [12:59] don't [12:59] 10.3.3 [13:02] current version is 9.6 [13:04] ciep: you can compile version 10.3 https://www.enterprisedb.com/download-postgresql-binaries [13:05] realy ? I know the version 10.3 [13:05] but is not recommented [13:05] okay [13:05] why you need that version? [13:08] for learn more SQL and help my friends using SQL [13:09] anyone? [13:09] why isn't recommented use the version 10.3 ? [13:09] helloooooo [13:10] well i just arrived. so what are talking about? [13:10] ciep: best is to stuck what your distro provides you [13:11] okay [13:11] ciep: to learn about postgresql don't really matters what version you use [13:11] well i am not happy with ubuntu thats why i came here. You know the gnome shit. i think they just made i heavy [13:12] probably i am acting like a noob [13:12] omar_: what is your prob? [13:12] Okay Thanks for your help [13:13] well there is one [13:13] omar_: go a head and describe us your prob [13:14] i tried to explore the welcome page and there was a button that said install aditional theme. [13:14] well when i clicked it said it wasnt in the repo [13:15] does this mean i should switch from local to main repo [13:15] omar_: do you mean 'additional drivers'? [13:15] no no aditional themes [13:16] they added a feture in welcome page [13:19] hi vizius00 [13:19] hello lapaga [13:20] omar_: you can customize you themes in System->Appearence [13:21] hmmmm.... [14:32] hey [14:37] i use xrandr to add some missing resolutions for my screen because I only get 1024x768 and lower. When I switch to 1680x1050 for instance then right mouse click does not work on the whole desktop. It only works on the upper left part of the desktop. [14:45] sssstavr: are you using nomodeset or something similar? [14:45] If your driver can't read the monitor edid information, you should define it, not use xrandr for custom resolutions [14:46] alkisg: how can I check that? and where do I define it? [14:46] Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.*.log [14:53] alkisg:no Xorg logs in /var/log/ [14:53] sssstavr: and that's on ubuntu-mate? which version, 16.04? [14:53] 18.04 [14:54] And what's the exact output of this command? ls -l /var/log/Xorg* [14:54] ls: cannot access '/var/log/Xorg*': No such file or directory [14:55] That can't be ubuntu-mate then... are you using wayland?! [14:59] not sure. I installed mate using taskel [14:59] don't remember if i wasn on Xorg or wayladn [15:00] Which cd did you use for the installation? The ubuntu one? [15:00] yes [15:03] any one here [15:03] can u help me? [15:07] sssstavr: try asking in #ubuntu if you're not running ubuntu-mate... [15:07] Ubuntu-mate requiresxorg [15:10] alkisg: thanks. i'll ask there [15:37] Hello and good afternoon. First of all, congratulations to the new release! Well done, and highly appreciated. I've just got a question. Is there anybody who can tell me if the release is going to be available on the release channel soon, so I can do the upgrade from the update-manager? [18:22] oi [18:23] gostaria de saber como eu baixo aplicativos para [18:23] meu notebook? [19:39] anybody have video issues with login screen on 18.04LTS? [20:04] hello