
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashricotz: I can confirm that .cache/mozilla/firefox-esr is being used now21:34
brainwashfirejail still needs an extra whitelist though21:35
brainwashprobably something that could be forwarded to the firejail dev21:36
brainwashdoes nightly use firefox-nightly?21:37
brainwashI assume that this is only a downstream tweak21:38
ricotzbrainwash, yes, it is -- to completely separate their user-space21:46
ricotzit is "firefox-trunk"21:46
brainwashI'll create a firejail issue then. there is probably no benefit in whitelisting .cache/mozilla/firefox explicitly instead of only .cache/mozilla21:50

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