
Unit193tsimonq2: Howdy.  Anything we can assist you with?03:47
tsimonq2Oh, I'm still in here?03:48
tsimonq2Then I'll keep things as they are. :P03:48
tsimonq2But if I am in here and you want me to leave, we can arrange that. :P03:49
Unit193Well, perhaps observe the topic.  If there's nothing you need right now, that'd be preferred, yes.03:49
valoriebtw tsimonq2 is an op in #lubuntu channels as the release manager and one of the leads04:09
krytarikHe isn't the first yet.04:11
Unit193He is not an op in #lubuntu, chanserv auto voices anyone on the ACL04:11
valoriethat team has had issues in the past04:14
* valorie hushes up04:14
FlannelAwkward that Ubuntu.com bugs are tracked on github.06:17
Unit193Awkward that Ubuntu/Canonical uses Github at all.06:18
valorieit's rather odd -- anyone know why they do that?06:30
Unit193Well the message it tends to give is "Launchpad is not a good enough platform" >_>06:31
FlannelIt's one way to cut down on bug reports!  I'm not going to make a github account just to report something.06:31
Unit193Which is amusing because LP does bugs way better than GH.06:39
Tm_Tit's almost like one is done for bug handling and the other one is not06:44

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