
Hashtagtomreyn: It was pretty stupid... I tried resizing the linux root partition because I was running out of space. There was unallocated space in front of it.00:00
tomreynPrivateer: lack of security and bug fixes. something you do not want to miss out on.00:00
HashtagI tried expanding the partition to have the unallocated space. It worked, technically00:01
HashtagBut now grub won't load00:01
tomreynPrivateer: reading again, i maybe got you wrong there. by "the latest kernel", do you mean !mainline or !hwe?00:01
Hashtagzanakyn: I have a live usb running now. I just don't know what to do since I didn't have a decidated partition for grub00:01
tomreynHashtag: you should always install grub to / , it can boot both linux and windows if you have the "os-prober" package installed (by default you do).00:03
Hashtagtomreyn: I have gparted open on the live usb but I don't see anything about /00:04
tomreynHashtag: what you'd need to do now is to chroot into the existing ubuntu installaiton on permanent storage, then run update--grub and grub-install to the the boot sector or your first hdd (usually /dev/sda)00:04
zanakynwell one thing i'm reading here https://askubuntu.com/questions/190763/install-grub-to-ubuntu-partition is "Installing GRUB in a partition is not recommended and generally considered to be a bad idea. One is usually better off letting Ubuntu install GRUB in the hard drive's MBR. "00:04
tomreynHashtag: i dont think gparted cna fix this for you.00:04
Hashtagtomreyn: so it's like these instructions? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2189341&p=12854384#post1285438400:05
zanakynthough i thought you actually installed it into the linux install partition, or one of it's own. i didn't realize you typically have it installed into the MBR directly00:05
tomreynHashtag: roughly, yes, but this is not complete. let me find better ones00:06
Hashtagzanakyn: yeah, i noticed that when I was deciding how to set it up00:06
tomreynHashtag: steps 3 to 7 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure00:08
tomreynHashtag: in step 3 you need to replace "sda1" by what your actual permanant ubuntu / file system is on00:09
tomreynHashtag: if this sounds compleicated i can guide a little.00:09
Hashtagtomreyn: ah, I was about to ask why sda100:09
tomreynyes, it can be any other00:10
tomreynlsblk would probably hint on it enough00:10
Kon-zanakyn: if your root partition is on /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2, etc, GRUB should be installed to /dev/sda00:10
Hashtagtomreyn: I used chroot and it tells me 'grub' is currently not installed. that's rather odd00:11
zanakyngotcha Kon. i guess i thought /dev/sda was just the device entry itself that was not really writable (at least not meant to be by user applications like that). i know grub is a special case since you're using it to boot.00:12
tomreynHashtag: on 16.04, the "grub" command is provided as part of the "grub" package, whic is grub 1, AKA legacy grub. you probably do not want this package nor this command.00:13
tomreynso not odd at all00:13
tomreynnote also how "update-grub" and "grub-install" (the commands you should be running inside the chroot) are different commands to "grub" (which you dont need)00:14
Hashtagtomreyn: goodness, I was looking at the wrong set of instructions. The browser on this computer I'm using is a little weird. You mean the "Update Failure" instructions, right?00:15
HashtagI'm rebooting now00:15
HashtagIt works! I've got grub back00:16
HashtagThanks tomreyn and zanakyn00:17
HashtagI just hope I gave it enough space and I don't have to go through that again00:17
tomreynHashtag: congrats00:17
zanakynawesome Hashtag. glad it's working for you00:18
tomreynHashtag: resizing stuff should not result in loosing grub functionality again since oyu have it on the MBR now. but keep in mind you alwas need to have backups before you juggle partitions / filke systems.00:18
zanakynspeaking of, you guys. i've got about 50gb of unallocated space before the start of my linux partition that i'd like to use for the linux partition. i know typically its easy to expand the partition forward but not backwards00:19
zanakynwhat are my options here?00:19
Hashtagtomreyn: yes, I realize the importance of backups now00:19
zanakynbtw Hashtag https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR00:19
Hashtagzanakyn: Thanks. I should get an external drive and look into this00:20
tomreynHashtag: it's a daily experience that people come here seeking help with partitioning mistakes / errors or just follow up errors, and many dont have good backups, and it's just sad.00:20
zanakynnot super hard :) and you can get a nice gzip or bz2 archived backup that doesn't have a bunch of space an image would have. i think as far as restoring you basically create a partition to hold the backedup data, extract there, then reconfigure and install grub again00:20
zanakynjust make sure you test your backup too before you rely on it!00:21
mortal1guys I need help figuring out what's going on with my ssd.  When i try to boot my system i get something along the lines of volume group not found, and it drops me into initramfs00:21
Hashtaggood point00:21
mortal1what's more worrysome to me is that when i boot off of a 16.04 install disk, it doesn't even *see* my ssd00:21
mortal1and i've checked it's connection in the socket a couple times00:21
mortal1it's seated snugly00:22
tomreynHashtag: test as in actually restore form a backup, otherwise it's not worth much.00:22
mortal1when i run lsblk i don't even see it in the list00:22
mortal1(or in fdisk for that matter00:22
tomreynHashtag: the tar approach is fine, if you want something more advanced look into restic or boxbackup.00:22
Hashtagtomreyn: that was almost me00:22
zanakynmortal1 im no expert here, but i think you were right worrying about the connection. any chance the sata port on the mobo is bad? have you tried a different one there? i wouldnt expect it to be but eh, doesnt hurt to check00:23
mortal1i don't have a spare ssd to check00:23
tomreynmortal1: what changed between when it worked and when it didn't?00:24
mortal1i guess i'll have to bring it into work tomorrow and let IT look at it00:24
zanakynwell i mean maybe unplug/replug into a different socket on the mobo side?00:24
mortal1i spilled coffee on my keyboard00:24
mortal1and immediately wiped it off00:24
mortal1and shut it down00:24
tomreynmortal1: is that a laptop?00:24
tomreynso the ssd was below it, right?00:24
mortal1the ssd didn't get effected i don't think00:25
tomreynmortal1: do you have a desktop computer, too?00:25
mortal1i openned the case to look at it, there was a bit of a stain onthe bat00:25
mortal1i do not00:25
mortal1just a mbp00:25
tomreynmortal1: whats an mbp?00:25
mortal1mac book00:25
tomreynmortal1: oh, okay, can you actually remove the ssd off it?00:26
mortal1i cannot00:26
mortal1not if i wanted a job to go back to :^)00:26
tomreynwell, then i guess the "let the IT guys fix it" approach sounds reasonable.00:26
linux_noobianhow do i create a new folder when there's no white space in nautilus? Every time I right-click it gives me file and folder options, no options to create new folder00:27
mortal1sound isn't working either, but screw it, i just want to back up stuff off my drive00:27
mortal1Reminder, if you don't have tested incremental backups, you might be screwed, learn from my pain00:28
mortal1what's weird to me, though, is that the bios seems to recognize a hard drive00:28
zanakynim glad you said this before i tried the 18.04 update. i haven't backed up in months00:28
mortal1oh yeah, i was like, hey i should back up my /home00:29
mortal1before installing,00:29
mortal1and this happened00:29
tomreynzanakyn: i missed your question earlier. if you have backups, you can just boot from a live / installer, install gparted and resize the partition. expanding the partiution forward is not an issue.00:29
Hashtaglinux_noobian: is there an option under "edit"?00:29
mortal1I'm gona go hunting around in my bios for a bit00:30
eddyreadyzanakyn: integrated intel graphics.00:30
zanakyntomreyn oh yeah. issue is i have no space foward. i have 50gb before the linux partiton. my partition map is basically: |windows| 50gb unallocated| ubuntu| on that drive00:30
zanakyneddyready was the screen tearing everywhere? or just in web browser when doing like youtube/netflix playback or something?00:31
tomreynzanakyn: so just grow the ubuntu one to also tack up the 50 gb unallocated. no problem.00:31
guiverclinux_noobian, if using the icon view, white space is easier to find00:31
linux_noobianHashtag: no, i don't see "edit". but i figured something out, i can do it with icon view, not with list view00:31
zanakyni thought you can't grow the partition backwards though?00:31
eddyreadyzanakyn: it tears when moving the file manager and web browser window00:31
zanakynok that i haven't seen. are you running in a VM?00:31
linux_noobianguiverc: so i found out. would be good to know how to anyway because i always use list view. i guess i could memorize another hotkey but since using linux, my memory is filled up with hotkeys00:32
eddyreadyzanakyn: on a physical dell laptop00:32
zanakynexternal monitor or the integrated one?00:32
eddyreadyzanakyn: I tried with and without. Tears on both00:32
linux_noobiangnome's workflow takes so long to get used to. i'm used to kde where you have tons of options not hidden from you00:33
eddyreadyzanakyn: when I boot into the live cd to install Ubuntu, it appears to be fine there ie I can move the file manager around and it feels smooth00:33
zanakynare you using gnome (that's default now with 18.04 right?) or another window manager like i3 or something?00:33
eddyreadyzanakyn: after installation it tears00:33
eddyreadyzanakyn: its the default gnome one. Running the official ubuntu on default00:34
tomreynlinux_noobian: i'm not actually sure this works with nautilus, but it's worth a try. change into the directory you plan to create a new (child) directory under, click anywhere on the right pane (type of view should not matter, and you can also single click a directory or file, no problem) and press ctrl-shift-n00:34
tomreynthat's what works in xubuntu's (xfce's) file browser "thunar", anyways00:35
zanakynso, i've gotten a bit of screen tearing when using i3 with different apps. and upon my research i foudn it's because i3 is a window manager without a compositor. and the compositor is typically the part that handles double buffering the screen, i think. could be an issue with how whatever the compositor is with gnome is set up on your desktop install?00:35
zanakyni know thats not super helpful, but might help get you started researching00:35
zanakynits tricky that the install is behaving different than the live usb. is the live usb also the same ubuntu version?00:36
linux_noobiantomreyn: i know, i'd rather not memorize hotkeys though just to create a new folder. that's one accessibility feature gnome forgets with its 'simple yet hard' workflow. some of us are more visual and suck at remembering hotkeys and commands00:36
eddyreadyzanakyn: yes it is. I also tried it on a lenovo laptop and no tearing there.00:36
eddyreadymight have to revert back to 16.04 for now00:37
tomreynlinux_noobian: 'n' as in 'new (folder)', it's doable. ;-)00:37
tomreynbut i see your point, too00:37
linux_noobiandisregarding those things, been a while since i used linux and especially gnome but overall a good experience00:38
zanakynare there different nouveau driver versions you can swap between in your graphics driver settings eddyready? thats the only other thing ic an think to try00:38
zanakynespecially if you have a really old or really new intel hd version00:38
linux_noobianam i disconnected or did chat stop working?00:53
Meadyour disconnected00:55
linux_noobiani thought this channel stayed really busy, guess not. disabling leaves/joins makes it seem sparse00:57
Meadthis channel can be hopping at times, but it isn't like ##hardware or ##networking busy00:59
fareastcan someone convince me to use ubuntu over debian?01:06
tomreynfareast: yes, you, maybe.01:06
fareastI have reason to believe out of the box the hardware compatibility isn't there on my dell inspiron laptop01:06
fareastis that the truth and do I want to fool around with device drivers all day?01:07
fareastmy battery won't even charge01:07
fareastso no acpi driver I suppose01:07
tomreynfareast: i'd start with a firmware upgrade01:07
tomreynfareast: there will be some dozen or hundreds of dell inspiron models with entirely different specifications. if you're looking for a relevant answer to this question you'll need to provide more (and more precise) details.01:10
fareastwell I am on debian01:10
fareastI am going to first check my bios if i am current01:10
fareastI had to enable non-free repo just to get the wifi working01:11
fareastso I suppose there would be more hardware issues along the way01:11
tomreynfareast: debian is conservative when it comes to integrating proprietary code into the distribution. this should return your bios version: sudo dmidecode --type bios | grep -Ei '(BIOS Revision|Release Date)'01:14
linux_do you want to drink01:15
tomreyn!cn | linux_01:15
ubottulinux_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:15
fareastok its current bios01:15
tomreynfareast: debian is conservative when it comes to integrating proprietary code into the distribution. this should return your bios version: sudo dmidecode --type bios | grep -Ei '(BIOS Revision|Release Date)'01:15
linux_o! hello friends01:15
tomreynfareast: please let's chat here, thanks.01:20
fareasttomreyn, ok01:20
fareastare we going all the way back?01:20
tomreynfareast: back to what?01:20
fareastto the factory bios01:20
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tomreynfareast: i'm not sure what you mean to ask or suggest about going back to the factory bios". i suggested upgrading the (mainboard, so BIOS) firmware to the latest available revision.01:21
tomreynfareast: i.e. i did not suggest a downgrade01:22
fareastok new findings a05 is the latest01:22
tomreynlinux_: hi. do you have an ubuntu support question? since this is what this channel is about (only).01:22
fareastI am always up for updating bios01:22
blue1!screenshot | blue101:22
ubottublue1, please see my private message01:22
tomreynfareast: which model do you actually have there?01:22
fareastsome people argue against it but I update01:23
fareastI know it sounds insane but I might actually install windows see if my acpi is working and then if I can update the bios in windows traditionally01:24
fareastthen go back to linux01:24
fareastthis is a refurbished machine. I am refurbishing it.01:24
fareastI am just being lazy here by not extracting and doing all the usb update crap01:24
fareastI formatted my flash for windows earlier cause I had to crack a password so I am going for it.01:25
fareastI am just looking for a well rounded linux install01:25
fareastI am like linus I suppose I don't want to mess around with code getting stuff to work. He uses fedora right cause it worked for him.01:26
fareastnot that I can't do it but do I want to invest the time....01:26
tomreynfareast: the firmware is packages as an ms-dos executable, so it may not actually work on windows, but require you to run it from freedos.01:29
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geordyjoin gluster01:36
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sysfaulti just received a popup in unity saying "hard disk likely to fail soon".. i have been hearing the processing coming from this laptop. sounding like i can hear the read/writes to my hd02:00
sysfaultis this message accurate by any chance?02:00
nbajamSSD time anyway :)02:01
sysfaultthis is a laptop02:01
sysfaultand come on, this is a fairly new laptop02:01
sysfaultthe uptime on this system is a few weeks at most02:01
sysfaultim currently dual booting with winblows02:01
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guivercsysfault, if you have gnome-disks loaded I'd read its SMART report; otherwise `smartctl`02:02
sysfaultguiverc: is there a specific app i have to install?02:03
sysfaultinstalling now in fact guiverc02:04
guivercsysfault, depends on what ubuntu you are using.  I'd just look in your menu (if unity) and see if it knows 'gnome-disks' or just 'disks' ..02:04
sysfaultthis sucks. could i get a nice eSATA drive if this hd does decide to fail?02:05
guivercsmartctl is a command line tool found in `smartmontools` (from memory)02:05
sysfaultwithout a working hd in the laptop could i run my os from an external hd?02:06
sysfaultand should i be running smartctl on /dev/sda? or the numbered partitions?02:06
guiverci have a laptop with dead drive; I use it from usb-thumb-drive so I'd expect a ext-hdd to work too (does depend on laptop though)02:06
guivercsmartctl reads drives (thus devices) and not partitions - it reads data from the drive chips (not touching data/platters/cells..)02:07
sysfaulti guess wherever the bios finds a bootsector02:07
sysfaultguiverc: ok so do i run it explicitly on /dev/sda?02:07
guivercyep if sda is the suspect drive/device02:08
sysfaultSMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!02:09
sysfaultDrive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA.02:09
sysfaultare you serious? smh02:10
guivercthe popup was valuable then sysfault  -- i'd trust it, and sure backup your data!02:10
sysfaultso the overall health of this laptop is shot?02:10
guivercnot the laptop - your drive...  drives can be replaced02:11
sysfaultok in the meantime in between time, surely i could use a livecd correct?02:11
sysfaultor a usb-thumb-drive of course302:12
sysfaultwhat size is your usb-thumb-drive guiverc?02:12
guivercanyway if lucky, drives can keep working for days-weeks-months (on hours death-eta), though they'll be slow & just suddently die so should NOT be trusted with any valuable data02:13
guivercyep, livecd, usb-thumb can be used (mine is 8gb, but I store data to local [nfs] server & not locally)02:14
sysfaultany recommendation for a good external ssd for a laptop?02:16
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gogoGadgetCopterhi can anyone recommend a wiki that does code highlighting and maybe also markdown?02:41
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gnuyenmy package system is broken because it says diversion of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libEGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libEGL.so.1.distrib by nvidia-34003:10
gnuyeni tried to remove nvidia-340 but it says it doesn't exist03:10
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eaglgenes101Alright, someone told me that my touchpad isn't sampling frequently enough03:36
eaglgenes101I went and did some digging in my hardware configuration, and apparently the system treats the touchpads something like PS2 mice or something03:37
eaglgenes101touchpad, singular, actually03:37
eaglgenes101How would I go about increasing the polling rate of such a device?03:39
spikebikeI'm not familiar with any setting that would do that03:39
noah_Hello, I'm having some issues with Polkit on Ubuntu Bionic. Is this the right channel for asking for help?03:42
eaglgenes101We might be able to help03:43
eaglgenes101Not me personally, but the channel generally has people that know about our systems03:44
noah_Here's a strace of polkitd: https://pastebin.com/mwVRtYUn03:45
noah_and LD_DEBUG: https://pastebin.com/eCv6g33703:46
noah_my polkitd is crashing whenever something tries to use it03:46
RoadRunner_Can't connect to internet. Can ping but not "google.com", ie: seems like a DNS issue in config but can't figure it out. Network is available in the liveCD but not in the HD install while the settings for LAN connection are identical in both.03:46
xar-RoadRunner_: cat /etc/resolv.conf03:48
guivercRoadRunner_, a quick fix is to add "nameserver"  to your /etc/resolv.conf03:49
eaglgenes101Oh, and Cloudflare has set up as a new DNS server, now with encryption!03:49
eaglgenes101(This was news back during April Fools, but whatever)03:50
charnsakNever know that IRC still up!03:53
charnsakany human here?03:53
lotuspsychjecharnsak: 1679 users are03:53
eaglgenes101If you have an idea about how to increase the polling rate of a ps2 mouse interfacealike, I'm all ears03:54
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RoadRunner_xar: file "cat" doesn't exist in /etc/resolv.conf03:57
RoadRunner_guiverc: please explain how adding "nameserver"  to /etc/resolv.conf would allow to connect to diff ip's03:58
eaglgenes101DNS associates domain names with urls04:00
eaglgenes101So, when you go asking for google.com, you implicitly query for the IP address that corresponds to google.com04:01
eaglgenes101In my case, it routed me to
lotuspsychjeeaglgenes101: can this help for you? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input04:02
eaglgenes101If the DNS server is unavailable to the system, your system can't make this association, and all google.com is is a string that you happen to type frequently into an address bar04:02
bgilbhi i just made a VM and upon rebooting i get this error: "/dev/mapper/x--vg-root does not exist"04:02
guivercRoadRunner_, xar- asked you to `cat /etc/resolv.conf` in hopes you would show us what is in the file (or if empty). it contains a list of IP addresses that convert names like google.com to their real addresses (which are numbers).  adding that nameserver just adds the google DNS address to your system as an additional nameserver over what's in your file (and isn't working for you)04:05
michelshello.  how do i install Ubuntu 18.04 "over" ubuntu 17.10.  my 17.10 is borked.. and i think it'd be easier to re-install, than repair.  It is LUKS without LVM.04:05
RoadRunner_guiverc: sorry, was a bit slow to figure that out :), paste coming up04:05
lotuspsychjemichels: the ubuntu setup lets you install ubuntu version 'next' to your current04:06
guivercRoadRunner_, please pastebinit (unless its 1-3 lines)04:06
michelslotuspsychje, i think it's difficult because of the encryption.  it *should* see my previous OS. but it doesn't... so i do i make the install "see" my old 17.10.. so that i can just upgrade it04:07
michels*how do i make the installer see the old 17.10 OS?04:09
lotuspsychjemichels: are you launching setup from a liveusb?04:11
RoadRunner_guiverc: xar-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/spXDfYx5JK/04:11
michelslotuspsychje, yes04:11
lotuspsychjemichels: and partitioning sees, nothing?04:12
michelsi decrypted the LUKS partition, in thunar.  clicked the icon, "install" icon.  it doesn't recognize the old OS... so i picked "something else"...04:13
michelsso do i just install "over", the previous OS?04:13
lotuspsychjemichels: well encryption is always bity tricky, you got a backup of it?04:14
lotuspsychjemichels: cause thats how i would do it...backup, wipe borked install and install bionic clean04:15
michelse.g.   select "/" mount point to be  /dev/mapper/luks-blahalblah.   and select /dev/sda1 to be "biosgrub".   /dev/sda  or "/dev/sda1"? for "boot loader installation04:15
lotuspsychjemichels: why take the risk of upgrade an install half broken?04:15
lotuspsychje!lvm | michels04:16
ubottumichels: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:16
michelsyes, i have a backup, but i'd prefer to not resort to the backup, cuz that is on an old (hopefully not dying HDD)...  plus, i want to learn how to do this  :)    i only need the laptop for a few more months04:16
michelsi dont use RAID or LVM.  i just manually created LUKS-ext4 partition04:17
michelsi lost data with LVM before, so i detest LVM forevermore  ;)04:18
michelsthis is the guide i used to install 17.10.  http://www.thesimplecomputer.info/full-disk-encryption-with-ubuntu04:19
guivercRoadRunner_, your resolv.conf looks first at (nameserver) [sysd-resolvd] and then for any addresses without a . (eg. main) it'll add a telus (main.telus in my eg.).  I don't have skills with sysd-resolvd sorry04:21
michelsor is there a link that explains how to "repair" 17.10?  i've tried boot-repair PPA, & timeshift backup.  but neither work04:22
guivercRoadRunner_, a quick fix is still to add another "nameserver" (meaning for addresses where your systemd-resolved fails, it'll then use google.dns) - its quick & temporary though; reboot or restart of a few services will cause it to be overwritten...04:23
RoadRunner_guiverc: thank's for trying, do you know anyone here who knows this that I may want to track down?04:24
plasmoduckhow do I install the ppa program so I can add ppa's04:25
guiverc(RoadRunner_, ps: i only use as example),   as for help this is a great channel to ask in, so i'd suggest later (when others are available to answer)04:25
plasmoduckwhats it called04:25
lotuspsychjeplasmoduck: ppapurge, wich ubuntu version are you on?04:25
plasmoducksudo: add-apt-repository: command not found04:25
plasmoducksudo apt install software-properties-common04:27
plasmoduckthats what im after04:27
plasmoduckbut thanks for trying lotuspsychje ;)04:27
guivercWelcome someone_, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please ask it (ideally in a single line, and please be patient waiting for replies)04:27
lotuspsychjeplasmoduck: how about you tell us your whole story? ubuntu version? what are you trying to do?04:28
someone_How I can convert my current Ubuntu to .iso file and became able to install it on other PCs?04:28
usixjadso.. is there an easy fix for a missing icon in the unity launcher dash thing in 16.04?04:29
michelsin 18.04 installation:  what is the diff  between designating a partition: "biosgrub- reserved BIOS boot area"  vs  "ext4  mount point /boot"?04:35
michelsand which should i pick? (i am doing BIOS, not EFI)04:35
guivercsomeone_, i'm not sure it's a on-topic question... i can give more in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic04:36
diehardfoxAllocating different BIOS area is consider to efficient in long run04:36
someone_guiverc ok, thanks04:37
EriC^^michels: /boot is the /boot dir in linux, it contains the kernel and initrd and grub files such as the modules and config04:37
EriC^^michels: biosgrub is a tiny partition used with gpt partitions if you're using legacy mode as the bios, so ubuntu can boot04:37
EriC^^michels: which partition table are you using? gpt?04:37
diehardfoxuse ext4 mount point /boot04:38
michelsGPT, yes.04:38
diehardfoxit is more efficient.04:38
diehardfoxif you root partition is broken for some reason still you can boot and fix it.04:38
someone_but I think other channels maybe have not the same interaction as this channle so, I want still here and asking this question maybe someone has an answer.04:40
michelsokay, thx.  i'll do ext4 /boot..   also, for "boot loader installation":  do i choose "/dev/sda" or "/dev/sda1 (which is the 450MB /boot partition)"04:41
diehardfoxuse /dev/sda1 --- boot partition as always smaller04:43
TiredShellHi all, I really need help trying to understand what's happened to my ubuntu box.  It had been ticking along just fine for the past few months and after a reboot today IPV4 networking on my NIC has disappeared.  Configuration shows up in network-manager and the static IP, gateway, etc. are all there, but an IP config doesn't show any IPV4 config and as such it's lost connectivity to the rest of the world :(04:45
someone_Is it possible to get a list of the packages that I installed them on Ubuntu only without default packages?04:46
michelsdiehardfox, what will happen differently if, instead, i select "/dev/sda" ?  (this is default, and how i have always done it.)  like this guide says:   http://www.thesimplecomputer.info/full-disk-encryption-with-ubuntu04:47
diehardfoxIt is ok to use /dev/sda, but if it does not have much memory04:54
michelsok... i clicked "install now"... hopefully this doesn't implode the Universe, it was nice knowin' ya  :)04:55
diehardfoxmichels, usually boot partition required less memory since small and fixed number of files are stored04:55
someone__systemd_is_evil No it is not evil.04:56
syborgSo I need to replace pulseaudio with alsa on my xubuntu 18.04.... anyone know of a good guide for this?05:00
lotuspsychjesyborg: what are you trying to do?05:01
syborglotuspsychje, the headphone jack on my acer aspire 1 is nonfunctional. Some people on the manjaro forums had luck replacing pulseaudio with alsa05:01
lotuspsychjesyborg: checkout pavucontrol, lets you tune alot of things there05:02
syborgyeah I know about that program, it's quite nice. Unforunately, it didn't help me with this05:02
syborgthe system does not recognize when I plug headphones in05:03
lotuspsychjesyborg: sound driver installed properly?05:03
syborglotuspsychje, how would I check?05:03
lotuspsychjesyborg: sudo lshw -C sound05:03
syborgbuiltin speakers work at least05:04
syborglotuspsychje, here is the output https://pastebin.com/PU1DWTzB05:05
lotuspsychjesyborg: yeah bot looks loaded05:06
syborgso I don't know much about alsa and pulseaudio. Is it that alsa is a dependency of pulseaudio, and just disabling pulseaudio should cause my system to use alsa?05:11
syborgwell I just edited a config file, time to restart and find out05:14
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fareastis there anything I need to do to make remix out of budgie 18 besides install docky?05:28
fareastand whatever other widgets I want to run?05:28
lotuspsychjefareast: remix?05:28
fareastyeah theres a budgie remix 1605:29
fareaston ubuntu side05:29
fareastand theres minimal budgie 1805:29
fareastor does docky come preinstalled on 18 i just did minimal so it didn't load it05:29
fareastalso I installed these applets why aren't they showing up?05:31
fareastdoes it require a restart first?05:31
fareastyou guys know what I am talking about right ubuntu budgie05:32
lclhstrhey folks. anyone with some gamedev/graphics experience that could give some tips? I'm trying to "properly" set up a dev env for opengl with glew/glfw and it is a bit convoluted (granted, I'm a noob :D)05:32
Norux!offtopic | lclhstr05:35
ubottulclhstr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:36
michelsdiehardfox, EriC^^ , lotuspsychje , etc  Thanks for all your help!! my weird upgrade to 18.04 worked & the Universe remains intact!  i feel gratefull for being of the Ubuntu family  :)05:41
buschhardtIs there a commandlinetool to change the display position with two displays? I find only the gui application in settings.05:42
lotuspsychje!yay | michels05:46
ubottumichels: Glad you made it! :-)05:46
lotuspsychje!info arandr | buschhardt05:46
ubottubuschhardt: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-2 (artful), package size 50 kB, installed size 309 kB05:46
michelshmmmm, i didn't select "install proprietary WiFi, etc" checkbox , during install because i dislike AdobeFlash(TM)... but now my WiFi, doesn't work :(  any ideas?05:48
michelswhat programs does that "checkbox" include?05:48
buschhardtubottu: nice, thanx05:48
Norux!thanks | buschhardt05:51
ubottubuschhardt: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:51
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | michels05:52
ubottumichels: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB05:52
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michelslotuspsychje, thx05:56
stephend|afkhey folks - just wanted to see if the 503s on insights.ubuntu.com* are known?06:05
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stephendno custom error page, so wasn't sure where else to report it06:05
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Flannelstephend: That's a Canonical website, so I believe the correct place is here: https://github.com/canonical-websites/www.ubuntu.com/issues/new06:17
stephendaha, thanks; yes, cname says as much, as well - cheers06:21
rektdeckardsurya, before you type your password in plaintext make sure you know what you're doing :p06:43
suryai am exploring IRC. sry for that :-P06:44
rektdeckardno worries, i'm betting a lot of us are new to it..06:45
suryapls help in that tektdeckard06:45
rangergordHi. Has anyone here tried Ubuntu 18.04 (desktop) in Virtualbox? Does it run well? (I asked in the Vbox channel 30 minutes ago, no answer)06:46
rektdeckardsurya, type /help to get some basics06:47
rektdeckardok, bye then06:47
SysGhostrangergord: I guess the best thing to do is firing a new vm up and take it for a spin. =)06:48
rangergordSysGhost: I can't, I'm on slow public wifi06:49
rangergordI don't have Internet at home06:49
rangergordjust horribly slow cellular which is good enough for git and IRC, but not large downloads06:50
SSMAdminrangerord I have tested, 18.04 crashes all the time, I had to revert to 16.04 virtual machines06:50
SysGhostrangergord: how about the public library?06:50
rangergordSSMAdmin: thanks! That's what I was looking for06:50
rangergordSysGhost: that's where I am now :)06:50
SysGhostah... well even if it's slow, at least it should be done within a reasonable time.06:51
rangergordhopefully. I think I'm getting 100KB/s06:52
rangergordbut I'm here for the next 4 hours. And will be back during the week-end.06:53
rangergordIn any case I'm getting 16.04 based on what SSMAdmin said06:53
michelsi still don't have WiFi working on my laptop.  any other ideas besides this?  https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/internet06:55
michelsi have card:  "intel wireless 7265"06:57
hateballmichels: what version of Ubuntu are you using?06:58
SSMAdminAnyone able to help?  On my livingroom computer I have upgraded to 18.04 server. Ubuntu-desktop is also installed on this server,this to serve internett browsing and film viewing for the family.  All this standard stuff works, but the server will not detect and show that ethernet has cable connection.  The network icon in the top right statusbar does not show up.  This is more than a cosmetic problem.  I tried to activate remote06:58
SSMAdminviewing in order to control this machine from my computerroom.  But the "sharing" dialog will not let me activate remote viewing, as in the remote viewing dialog box it will not show any connected network, even though the box HAS a full working connection.  What could be the problem?  I should add that this mainboard has two ethernet ports integrated.  Could this confuse 18.04?06:58
michels18.04 just installed it "over" 17.1006:58
hateballmichels: hmm, it should "just work" even in 17.10. What are the symptoms? Can you see the wifi but not connect? or does the device not show up at all?06:59
hateballmichels: and did it use to work in 17.10 ?06:59
rektdeckardmichels: i had to do a little tweaking to get it up and running on a Macbook Air. If you open Software & Updates and look under the additional drivers tab you may see a driver for your network card07:00
michelsdevice doesn't show up.   it used to work in 17.10 yes.  (but my 17.10 stopped booting. i think related to being stuck on kernel 4.13.0-36. like i still am)07:01
lkhhi all, since update to 18.04 my laptop doesn't wake up from suspend. Others seem to have same problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031827/ubuntu-wont-wake-up-from-suspend ... has a bug report been filed as yet? pointers to solutions?07:01
rektdeckardcan you connect to a wired internet connection?07:01
michelsmy wired ethernet works fine to get on Internet, yes07:01
rektdeckardmichels: go to the Additional Drivers tab, it may be able to identify your hardware and automatically download the proper driver07:02
michelsrektdeckard, i already tried "additional drivers", thx tho07:02
hateballmichels: you should be on kernel 4.15 in 18.0407:02
michels4.15 doesn't work.  i can reboot, and give u exact error codes if u want?07:02
hateballmichels: so 4.15 does not boot at all?07:03
michelsno. neither does  4.13.0-3{8,9}07:03
michelswell, 4.15 does work for the LiveUSB07:04
michelsso that is a good sign  :)07:04
michelsbtw.  i am using BIOS(not EFI). LUKS (not LVM)07:06
michelssorry, what does CTCP Ping mean?07:08
SysGhostJust for the records: Ubuntu 18.04 works fine with virtualbox. One just have to disable 3D acceleration if it's on. Does not work at all with it on.07:09
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michelsok, i tried booting into 4.15 recovery mode.  (my guess is that it's can't find the LUKS partition. cuz it doesnt ask for my password)07:11
michels"gave up waiting for root file system device. common problems:07:11
michels-boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)  - check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough)  -  missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)   ALERT! UUID=blahablahabla does not exist dropping to a shell!07:13
michelsthat is what the errors are on boot to 4.15 ^^^^07:13
Azjohow do i open a m2ts video file which is recorded by a sony device?07:20
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rangergordAzjo: I'd give VLC a try, though I can't promise you it will work07:25
Azjoi tried that already07:25
spikebiketry mplayer if you haven't07:26
spikebikeis it encrypted?07:26
Azjospikebike: i believe so yeah07:28
Azjotheres no way to decrypt this?07:29
jinkAzjo: Of course there's a way, but maybe not on Ubuntu.  There's some context and pointers in the link I posted.07:31
Azjoi tried tsmuxer but it cannot recognize it as a video file07:33
karsten77I try for hours to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04, but all I try I get No new relase found. Please help07:36
karsten77or upgrades to the development release are ony07:37
karsten77ly available from the latest supported release07:37
suryaset expand_escapes = ON07:37
CrypticLuxuryanyone here have experience with setting up yum default repositories on ubuntu07:38
vltkarsten77: I think the offical LTS to LTS upgrade will released with
lkh 07:39
PorkChopExpressthat is correct, it should be late July.07:39
karsten77vlt I have broken my desktop environment with neon 5.12 - my hope was upgrading will repair it07:39
suryasurya:rektdeckard: HI07:39
karsten77vlt but I also tried with -d flag to force, but I get no release07:40
karsten77and I cahged release-upgrades to Prompt=normal all failed07:40
suryaHow to enable expand_escapes on ?07:41
vltkarsten77: You could try to edit /etc/apt/sources.list* (assuming you have backups, of course).07:42
karsten77iam searching for the default for neon5.1207:43
Miguel2013I have xubuntu 16.04 on this laptop and I can't get running this card https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/#post-383744507:45
paddy https://pastebin.com/81wVS4RZ this is my mimeapp.list file and my Skype still opens links in calibre ebook editor. I uninstalled calibre and now it opens them in chromium even though firefox is the default.07:55
paddyhow do I get it to open in firefox?07:55
Miguel2013paddy, change default app07:58
Miguel2013are u on windows 1007:58
Miguel2013then I don't know07:58
paddyno, ubuntu, I have changed the default app to firefox, I have changed the file association to firefox too. the mimeapp list shows that firefox is the default yet it'll still use chromium07:59
brainwashpaddy: I would check "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser"08:12
sondreHi guys! I'm using Nvidia-driver-390 (open source), but when I write "nvidia-settings" it says ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded. What is the issue?08:14
sondreI'm on 18.04, fresh install08:14
brainwashsondre: the nvidia driver is not open source08:15
blackflowsondre: 390 is not the open source one, that nvidia's proprietary. the "open source" nvidia is nouveau, part of the kernel.08:15
paddybrainwash: thanks that seemed to work. I won't hold my breath08:16
paddythank you very much though08:16
sondreoh, but why does it say "(open source)" in additional drivers in software & updates? blackflow brainwash08:16
PorkChopExpresspaddy: Did you install skype from the Ubuntu store?08:17
brainwashblackflow: nouveau is an xorg driver also08:17
sondreI'm trying to get displaylink and dell dock d6000 work properly.. And displaylink only works with open source nvidia graphic driver08:17
brainwashnouveau (open source), nvidia (closed source)08:18
blackflowsondre: dunno why it says that there, maybe because some parts of it are open source,  the nvidia proprietary driver has to be compiled anyway, as part of the installation process. but the bulk of it is in the firmware blob, so it's not open source, or libre, whichevre definition of open-source you prefer.08:18
sondrebrainwash blackflow This is what I see in additional drivers: https://i.imgur.com/SXujsUS.png08:18
sondreblackflow: Hmm I see, I did switch to nouveau right now, so will check and reboot if that works08:19
sondrethanks :-) Be back in a sec08:19
blackflowsondre: nvidia-settings require the proprietary driver, iirc.08:20
brainwashto me this looks mislabeled08:20
blackflowit does, yes.08:20
sondreblackflow: I had 390 checked right before I took the screenshot, but no luck there either08:20
blackflowsondre: did you reboot after installing it?08:20
sondreblackflow: This is output for nvidia-settings: https://i.imgur.com/hj3fpCY.png08:21
sondreThe 390 I have yes08:21
blackflowsondre: after reboot, you can check which driver is in effect, by running `glxinfo | grep renderer`. I think it mentions "mesa" or something not nvidia, if it's nouveau. glxinfo is in mesa-utils package.08:21
sondreI haven't rebooted into the nouveau yet08:21
blackflowsondre: what does `glxinfo | grep renderer`  say?08:22
sondreblackflow: Hmm, not found.. :-p08:23
karsten77please can somebody help me with resetting my drivers. since Ive installed a wacom driver, I do not have any keyboard or mouse at sddm login08:23
sondreI guess "sudo apt install mes-utils"? blackflow08:23
blackflowsondre: what is not found? glxinfo?08:23
blackflowsondre: yes, like I mentioned before :)08:23
blackflowmesa-utils, not mes-utils08:23
sondreblackflow: I have some issues with phpmyadmin too, when I ran the command "sudo apt install mesa-utils" it instantly showed me phpmyadmin install setup. So now when I run the "sudo apt install mes-utils" command it tells me that the resources are temporarily unavailable..08:25
sondreblackflow: Filed this bug some minutes ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin/+bug/176908708:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769087 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "package phpmyadmin 4:4.6.6-5 failed to install/upgrade: installed phpmyadmin package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]08:27
SSMAdminOn UB 18.04 server with ubuntu-desktop installed, board has two ethernet ports.  Have wired internet connection working perfectly, but status bar network icon is hiding (indicating no wired connection).  Try to enable remote viewing in the sharing dialog, but it will not let me enable it, as it does not detect any wired connection to choose from (It shold at least say "Wired Connection 1" and let me choose that in order to complet08:27
SSMAdminthe remote viewing setup)  Anyone have any idea what could be the problem?08:27
paddyPorkChopExpress: yes, I did in fact.08:28
sondreblackflow: Here is the output now.. -> blob:https://imgur.com/edf58527-7c22-4f5c-a1cb-8ffb00ebf01308:29
RumblesI just set up a server with 16.04, it has 6 network interfaces, and 16.04 was naming them strangely (dmesg shows they were renamed to rename2, rename5) so I managed to change their names by changing some default grub config and setting a udev rule, but now even though "ip link show" lists the names I selected, the system says "unknown interface" for those adaptors...08:29
sondreblackflow: Sorry, here -> https://imgur.com/a/6yUlXlb08:29
blackflowsondre: thta bug report, looking at the dpkg terminal output, looks like you borked your magento installation and it's preventing phpmyadmin from triggering mysql related tasks?08:29
Rumblesany suggestion on how to have sensible names and set them up?08:30
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blackflowsondre: well, is another package installation/managemend process running?08:30
PorkChopExpresspaddy: I found a few issues with the version from the store. however this was not an issue if you install it from the .deb08:30
blackflowRumbles: sensible names? you want names like eth0 ?08:31
paddyPorkChopExpress: will do, thanks!08:31
RumblesI have named them eth0, 1, 2, 3 and etx0 and 1 for my 10GBE08:31
Rumblesip a shows those names08:32
blackflowRumbles: I'm sorry, I don't understand your problem then.08:32
Rumblesbut ifup eth0 returns "Unknown interface eth0"08:32
sondreblackflow: I see.. Yes, I think phpmyadmin process is still running08:33
blackflowsondre: deal with that magento mysql user being invalid.08:33
Rumblesthe issue blackflow is that ubuntu shows the names I configured, but it doesn't let me bring them up....08:34
blackflowsondre: but uh... why would magento user need to access phpmyadmin database? something is seriously broken there...08:34
ShirakawasunaHi! One of my computers died and I'd like to recover its disks. The challenge: there were 4 disks, set up as RAID1 (so 2 RAID1 volumes), and then I used LVM to create a single FS spanning both volumes. This means I have 4 disks, but I need to know how to properly mount them (ideally read-only) in another computer. Luckily, I have full backups (and direct access to) the root FS containing the LVM configs, etc. My question: I'd like08:35
Shirakawasunato try and get away with *not* setting up software RAID 1 again, and just set up temporary LVM stuff. Is this doable?08:35
blackflowRumbles: how did you configure the names?08:35
Rumblesudev rule08:35
RumblesI may ave just spotted my mistake08:35
sondreblackflow: Yes, I can try to reinstalling phpmyadmin again and test08:35
Rumblessorry :)08:35
Rumblesprobably just me being an idiot08:36
blackflowsondre: not sure that would help. the error message mentions access denied for user 'magento' to database 'phpmyadmin'. that does not look right, magento shouldn't need access to phpmyadmin.08:36
blackflowRumbles: what was it?08:36
RumblesI changed the name in the first line in network/interfaces to the new interface name, but forgot to change it on the second line08:37
Rumbles<<<< idiot08:37
drop_18.04 nvidia sucks08:40
blackflowShirakawasuna: it should pretty much be automatic. if the RAID was set up by mdadm, it should autodetect and set up md devices properly. then LVM should autodetect the pv/vg in those, also automaticlaly.08:40
drop_madam-adam is a girl boy08:40
ice9what's the name of that gui application that show the disk usage?08:41
drop_du -h08:41
EriC^^ice9: baobab08:41
sondreblackflow: Something is really strange now.. I ran dpkg --configure -a, then phpmyadmin setup started again. I leave both password blank (so it autogenerates), but I get "password mismatch"08:41
EriC^^ice9: what a name right08:41
Shirakawasunablackflow, this is on a totally different system now, and I just installed mdadm and lvm2. Are you saying that if I do a reboot, everything should be 'automatic' because there's enough metadata in the partitions?08:41
drop_gparted has a gui ice908:42
blackflowShirakawasuna: ye08:42
Shirakawasunablackflow, cool I'll reboot and cross my fingers08:42
blackflowShirakawasuna: the part I can't remember is if mdadm and lvm need some running daemons, on boot, to do the autodetection, but essentially, those systems should all autodetect.08:43
drop_anyone on xubuntu?08:43
ShirakawasunaI used it a few years ago if there's any chance that's useful, drop_08:44
drop_i can't get dual screens with nvidia proprietary08:44
eddyreadyAnyone with08:45
PorkChopExpressdrop_: I think dual screen support with xfce is an on going issue08:45
nlytnd1eddy are you ready08:45
drop_its mur08:45
aLeSD_is it possible some software unistalled automaticcaly last night ?08:45
aLeSD_I just found out Visual Studio Code and Slack unistalled themself08:45
Shirakawasunalast I knew, nvidia didn't play nice with standards and things like dual-screen required manually messing with nvidia-land tools08:45
eddyreadydoes anyone know how to fix screen tearing on a dell laptop running intel gpu on 18.04?08:46
ShirakawasunaI remember using arandr...08:46
blackflowaLeSD_: check /var/log/dpkg.log and /var/log/apt/history.log. Unless those were snaps/flatpaks?08:46
drop_@porkchop 18.04 came out last month 18 year 04 month08:46
aLeSD_blackflow, what is snaps/flatpaks ?08:47
drop_@eddyreadt intel woking here08:47
PorkChopExpressdrop_: its an nvidia issue08:48
Shirakawasunaoh nice, the logical volume is magically there after reboot blackflow, thanks for the tip08:48
ShirakawasunaI was slightly dreading running commands to re-setup lvm stuff08:48
eddyreadydrop_: intel HD 620?08:48
eddyreadydrop_: works out of the box?08:48
drop_i had it working with 17.10 I''ll ask  in the forums08:48
PorkChopExpresseaddyready: what desktop environment are you using?08:49
blackflowaLeSD_: the bot doesn't seem to have any useful links, so here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snappy_(package_manager)      and google for "flatpak"08:49
eddyreadyPorkChopExpress: Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome08:50
drop_ 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 750M] (rev a1)08:50
drop_06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7260 (rev 6b)08:50
drop_Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)08:51
drop_00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)08:51
drop_oops sorry too much'08:51
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lcjwhat is this?08:52
sondreblackflow: Back now with reboot, what's the best way to uninstall phpmyadmin?08:52
blackflowsondre: apt remove?08:53
sondreI also noticed that with nouveau driver selected, it tends to get purple screen after login, so I have to reboot and go into recovery mode for it to work08:53
PorkChopExpresseddyready: have you tried adding the 20-intel.conf file to xorg.conf.d?08:53
aLeSD_do now we have 2 package manager08:53
drop_what did linus say about Nvidia?08:53
aLeSD_however where is the menu entry fro Visual Studio Code and Slack ?08:54
blackflowaLeSD_: not quite, snaps/flatpaks are containers,  but yes, another _software_ delivery method.08:54
sondreblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kQGVJbhfTp/ This is my output..08:54
eddyreadyPorkChopExpress: where can i get that file?08:54
sondreblackflow: I guess phpmyadmin process is running, therefor I can't do anything in terminal08:54
PorkChopExpresseddyready: https://askubuntu.com/questions/667466/screen-tearing-in-ubuntu-with-nvidia-intel-graphics08:54
blackflowsondre: not phpmyadmin, but dpkg process08:55
sondreblackflow: Yes.. How can I get past this?08:56
PorkChopExpresseddyreaddy: It worked for me on 18.04 gnome on my old toshibia laptop. I don't have to do it on kubuntu 18.04...08:56
drop_i think i just need to configure my screens to not be on top of eachother in Display08:56
blackflowsondre: could be something packagekit initiated?   anything (other than grep itself) listed with    ps axuf | grep -i dpkg    ?08:56
sondreblackflow: This is output -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SkzcK8Njwx/08:57
drop_ping timout?08:58
* drop_ hasn't seen that since dialup08:59
blackflowsondre: this is after reboot?08:59
sondreblackflow: The only thing I did after reboot was command "sudo apt install mesa-utils", then I ran "sudo apt remove phpmyadmin"09:00
sondreWell, tried to remove phpmyadmin, but when I ran the first command I got into phpmyadmin setup again.. blackflow09:00
blackflowsondre: can you pastebin        ps axuf | grep -B10 -i dpkg09:01
drop_@ blackflow sql?09:01
drop_oh mesa09:02
sondreblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZbQmRb4zfh/09:02
SSMAdminHi all.  On Ubuntu 18.04 server (ubuntu-desktop installed). Problem:  In admin panel "Sharing" dialog, not able to activate Screen Sharing. The dialog box, bottom "Network" part of it says there is "No networks selected for sharing".  It should at least show "Wired Connection 1", as in fact the wired connection is working perfectly (the box has internet connection in and out, and I am able to connect to it using ssh).  As the09:02
SSMAdminsharing dialog does not show any available networks to pick from, it is not possible to activate the sharing. Another problem indicator is that the desktop status bar network icon does not show up, when clicked it shows the "Connect" menu item, even if the box is connected to fully working wired ethernet connection.  Any help?09:02
blackflowsondre: ah there. apt is trying to pick up on previous failed task, failing again. not sure what to do here. do you have that 'apt install mesa-utils' running in a terminal?09:03
drop_i got thay message trying to get a steam app to run in wine09:03
drop_try a wine 3209:03
drop_@blackflow just install mesa like it says if you can09:05
sondreblackflow: Not that I can see, but as I mentioned earlier when I ran 'sudo apt install mesa-utils' it started installation process, then suddenly switched to phpmyadmin setup.09:05
sondreNo idea what I can do..09:05
blackflowsondre: yes, but do you have that process running actively? Can you ctrl-c it?09:05
drop_trying to play steam?09:05
blackflowsondre: if not, you'll have to kill those pids, starting with the top one, 271209:05
drop_make a wine3209:06
sondreblackflow: No, nothing is running in terminal right now09:06
blackflowdrop_: cut the noise.09:06
sondreblackflow: Just sudo kill 'process number'?09:06
blackflowsondre: with all dpkg processes gone, try     apt remove phpmyadmin09:06
blackflowsondre: yah09:06
blackflowsondre: if it doesn't go away, add -9 to kill:   sudo kill -9 271209:07
eddyreadyThat appears to have fixed my tearing issue!09:07
sondreblackflow: Did kill 2712, what there anything else I had to kill?09:08
blackflowsondre: check with that ps line again. chances are that child processes are gone too09:09
sondreblackflow: This is output now -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RrjSGcdQbT/09:09
blackflowsondre: oh yeah, they're gone. now try apt remove phpmyadmin09:09
sondreblackflow: I think it actually worked!09:10
sondreThanks :-D Worked installing mesa-utils now too09:11
blackflowsondre: excellent. now, it's important to figure out what went wrong. to use phpmyadmin, you'll need a dedicated user with all privileges, or use root  (mysql's 'root', not system root).09:11
Gargravarrmorning all. interesting issue i think might be Bionic-related - i've just tried to update packages and https://linux.dropbox.com is now throwing SSL errors. i installed curl yesterday and it upgraded me to libcurl4. i assume it's related09:12
sondreblackflow: Yes, I'll try this after I've dealt with nouvaue thing.. Need to fix this so I can get my external monitors working!09:13
blackflowsondre: (and I'm talking about dedicated mysql user account, not system :)  )09:13
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blackflowsondre: great, so with mesa-utils installed, what does    glxinfo | grep renderer   say?09:13
sondreblackflow: Yes, understood. Tought I did the mysql -u root -p command earlier in mysql09:13
sondreblackflow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5BCTyfJXrc/09:14
blackflowsondre: I think it's safe to use mysql's 'root' for phpmyadmin as superuser, on a local machine. phpmyadmin does need, in fact, a lot of privilege to manipulate the DBs09:14
blackflowsondre: that looks like you're not using the proprietary driver.09:15
blackflowsondre: this is the renderer string on my gtx960, with proprietary driver:    OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE209:16
sondreblackflow: You're correct.. Still using nvidia-390. I tried switching to the nouveau driver, but then I can't login. I only get purple screen after I type my password, then I have to reboot into recovery mode etc09:16
sondreblackflow: Are there any reasons I get purple screen instead of desktop after switching to nouvaeu driver?09:17
blackflowsondre: nvidia-390 is the proprietary driver.09:17
blackflowsondre: it's possible that nouveau doesn't support (all the required features of) your GPU. Which GPU is it?09:18
Gargravarrit's throwing errors about SSLv3: routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number, so i assume libcurl4 finally disables it, but running openssl s_client shows it's negotiated TLSv1.209:18
sondreblackflow: See image of additional drivers in software & updates: https://imgur.com/a/BfARfTz09:18
sondreblackflow: Output of ubuntu-drivers devices here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4fvZh6yJRB/09:19
sliddishttps://imgur.com/a/GtKGWfE what font am I missing? i am running the wavemon app09:19
blackflowsondre: right, so the package is installed, but the kernel is not using it, it seems. two things. do you have a xorg.conf somewhere in /etc/X11/  ?09:20
sondreblackflow: Yes, I have xorg.conf, but I checked it and it's empty. Is that correct?09:20
longwordGarg: What happens if you throw in the option --tlsv1.0 ?09:21
blackflowsondre: yeah, should be empty or not existing at all, xorg autoconfigures these days, unless you really need to set up something explicit about the config.09:21
blackflowsondre: so the second thing, I'd check in dmesg if nvidia is failing for some reason so the kernel is picking up nouvau. could also be just a glitched autodetection and nouveau is picked up first, which would require you to blacklist it, but I think instlaling nvidia-* drivers, does that already, lemme check...09:22
blackflowsondre: yeah, it installs  /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf    which blacklists nouveau09:23
blackflowsondre: can you confirm you have that?09:23
sondreblackflow: Yes, but I have to use an open source graphic driver for it to work with displaylink and my dell D6000 dock. Isn't the nvidia 390 driver open source and can be used with displaylink driver?09:23
sondreblackflow: Let me check09:23
blackflowsondre: nvidia-390 is not THE open source driver, when people say "open source nvidia driver". nouveau is.09:24
sondreblackflow: Yes I have this, see output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6F69tZHc85/09:24
blackflowsondre: right, so now maybe pastebin the output of    sudo dmesg | grep -i nvidia09:25
sondreblackflow: "sudo dmesg | grep -i nvidia" gives nothing09:25
blackflowsondre: does     sudo dmesg | head     show times starting at  [0.00000]   or something like that?09:26
blackflow  [    0.000000]09:26
sondreblackflow: Yes, output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJVQnHf3c6/09:27
sondreblackflow: Should I reboot and try to boot normal? The issue I get is that it only displays a purple screen after typing my password and pressing log in09:28
blackflowsondre: right, so it seems the 'nvidia' driver is not being used.   does  `dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia`    show     'nvidia-390   install'     ?09:29
blackflowsondre: whoa wait. what password? LUKS?09:29
sondreblackflow: Output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7qHGSg28R9/09:30
blackflowsondre: okay, seems installed, but not used. no idea why. maybe the GPU is too old for the driver?09:30
sondreblackflow: Well, after reboot I try to log in, but I get purple screen and nothing happens.. Then I have to try reboot into recovery mode for it to work09:30
blackflowsondre: log in where? GUI session, or do you have encrypted root partition?09:31
sondreblackflow: Just a sec, let me try to reboot. No, into ubuntu after reboot :-D09:31
sondreblackflow: So I chose the nouveau driver and rebooted, but in software & updates it says "Continue using a manually installed driver". Why doesn't it choose nouveau driver?09:36
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blackflowsondre: I don't know. you can try   apt remove nvidia-driver-390   to be sure it's uninstalled.09:41
sondreblackflow: It just tells me: Package 'nvidia-driver-390' is not installed, so not removed09:42
blackflowbut your previous output of dpkg shows it installed....09:43
blackflowsondre: dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia     shows anything installed?09:45
sondreblackflow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bcSxMmPCcv/09:45
enissayIs there a way to find on SFTP files containing "SomeText" and which were created between 1/5 and 2/5 ?09:45
sondreblackflow: Yes, but I changed it to nouveau last reboot09:45
sondreblackflow: As I need to use nouveau or an open source graphic driver for it to work properly with displaylink and d6000 dock09:45
EriC^^enissay: can you ssh into the server instead?09:45
blackflowsondre: nouveau IS the "open source nvidia driver"09:46
sondreblackflow: Yes, I get that, but I can't seem to use it :-( I have chosen that driver, but when I reboot it this is what I see -> https://imgur.com/a/ngWx1tG09:48
Miguel2013I have a wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/09:48
blackflowsondre: I don't know why it says that. Have you installed anything manually, outside of the packages? Thing is,  if you don't install the nvidia proprietary driver  (nvidia-driver-390 it seems on bionic), then it's using nouveau, which is part of the kernel.09:50
Miguel2013anybody has answer to my driver problem09:51
hethkarRunning ubuntu 16.04 production server,df -i shows inodes are full(100%),but 2.4 G of free space is left. how do i free the inodes ? logs- http://dpaste.com/1R36T4109:51
eddyreadyDid you mean: 20 intel09:51
eddyreadySearch Results09:51
blackflowsondre: can you pastebin   `grep oadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log`        (yes, oadModule, not a typo)09:54
sondreblackflow: I rebooted now and on the second attempt I got in (without purple screen). I got the nouveau driver selected now and installed nvidia-settings.09:55
sondreblackflow: Do I need to reboot to use nvidia-settings after installing it?09:55
blackflowsondre: nope09:55
sondreblackflow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vRhRjtDtpb/09:56
sondreblackflow: Hmm, 'cause I get "ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system" after running command "nvidia-settings"09:57
blackflowsondre: no nouveau on that list.09:57
blackflowsondre: yes, iirc nvidia-settings requires the proprietary driver.09:57
blackflowsondre: looks like you're using the framebuffer driver.... can you pastebin the entire Xorg.0.log please?09:58
sondreblackflow: Nouveau is selected in additional drivers.. Weird09:58
blackflowsondre: Xorg log should've shown   LoadModule: "nouveau"  then, unless somethign really changed in Bionic about that. but please pastebin the entire Xorg.0.log, I don't know by heart what keyword to grep for to see what's activelly running.09:59
sondreblackflow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QStJFPxyyT/09:59
blackflowsondre: FBDEV alright. you're using the framebuffer. so, something with that GPU is wrong so much that neither nvidia nor nouveau work with it10:00
blackflowsondre: ah.... EFI boot, right?10:01
sondreblackflow: Well, so mission impossible? It's a Dell precision 5510 laptop10:01
sondreblackflow: I reinstalled yesterday, is there anything I've done wrong?10:02
blackflowno idea. this is beyond me unfortunately. but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say something about that EFI boot is blocking the proper GPU driver from being selected. I have no idea if it involves signed modules or what. Is that a very new laptop?10:03
fofaleeHOW to detect my flash drive, seems dead10:03
fofaleeHOW to detect my flash drive, seems dead10:03
sondreblackflow: Well, 2 years old, so not that old10:04
fofaleehey anyone knows how to view a dead flash drive10:04
sondreblackflow: It also looks like nouvaeu is supporting the GPU: https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/#nv110familymaxwell (M1000M)10:04
blackflowsondre: do you have an option for BIOS (non-EFI) boot? I'd go with that, just to see if the proper GPU driver works that way.10:04
sondreblackflow: Sorry, I'm not quite good at this. Do you want me to try booting into legacy instead of uefi?10:06
blackflowsondre: yes, I guess that's it. "legacy" or "BIOS boot"10:06
blackflowas long as it's not efi boot10:06
sondreblackflow: Ok, I'll give it a shot, rebooting now. Cya :-D10:06
strangeqargoblackflow: whoa hello10:08
za1b1tsushould I avoid ppas and use older versions from apt-get? For example for ansible, on their installation guide they recommend ppa for latest version, but there is ansible available in apt-get as well.10:09
SSMAdminHi all.  On Ubuntu 18.04 server (ubuntu-desktop installed). Problem:  In admin panel "Sharing" dialog, not able to activate Screen Sharing. The dialog box, bottom "Network" part of it says there is "No networks selected for sharing".  It should at least show "Wired Connection 1", as in fact the wired connection is working perfectly (the box has internet connection in and out, and I am able to connect to it using ssh).  As the10:09
SSMAdminsharing dialog does not show any available networks to pick from, it is not possible to activate the sharing. Another problem indicator is that the desktop status bar network icon does not show up, when clicked it shows the "Connect" menu item, even if the box is connected to fully working wired ethernet connection.  Any help?10:09
SSMAdminAnd in "Network" configuration dialog, there is no settings for "Wired Connections", only VPN and Proxy settings10:10
SSMAdminLooks like the box is not recognizing my ethernet, even if it is working...strange thing10:11
Miguel2013I have a wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/10:12
sondreblackflow: Naaaah, that didn't look possible.. I have no boot media for ubuntu when changing to legacy10:14
blackflowsondre: hrm, I thought the installation would provide both ways10:16
sondreblackflow: I only have ubuntu on this machine if that says something. I could reinstall again, but is that needed? Is there anything wrong with EFI that makes this complicated?10:18
blackflowsondre: that's the part that's beyond me, I have very little experience with it. but I do know that under EFI, the framebuffer, KMS and all those GPU related things are handled differently.10:20
EriC^^sondre: do you have an option to boot the live usb in legacy mode10:21
sondreblackflow: Could there be anything with the intel graphic that are causing these issues? See output of dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia ->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KxdXPzQWCG/10:21
sondreEriC^^: Oh, hi EriC^^! I can try, I think that can work10:22
blackflowsondre: I doubt it, also intel gpu was not mentioned at all in that xorg log10:22
sondreblackflow: I see. Let me try and reboot into legacy with live usb10:23
EriC^^sondre: you could boot the install in legacy mode from the ubuntu installer's grub that's booted in legacy10:23
sondreEriC^^: So I go in advanced options then try and boot in legacy mode there?10:24
EriC^^pressing "c" and typing "configfile (hd0,gpt1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg" should get you there, or look for the right name from "ls" ouput10:24
EriC^^sondre: yeah, try some F button to get the one-time boot options menu and choose USB legacy or just USB if there's USB and USB UEFI10:25
sondreEriC^^: Ok, I'll reboot now and check, sec :D10:25
EriC^^ah hmm, nevermind, you'd be greeted with a menu and not a grub menu10:25
blackflowEriC^^: I do recall there was a "boot from hard disk" option in one of those live things, but I can't remember if it was debian or ubuntu :)10:26
blackflownot grub menu, but the installer/liveCD environment menu10:27
EriC^^i've never seen that, though i've heard of it in ubuntu as well10:27
nishikanthow to fix the error When i am trying to install ubuntu 18.04 alongside windows 10 in uefi mode after clicking uefi USB stick it gives the error ..... Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.  grub>10:27
EriC^^nishikant: try typing "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"10:28
nishikantanything else please give complete details <Eric^^>10:29
EriC^^nishikant: that's about it10:29
EriC^^maybe try "normal" first10:29
EriC^^or "insmod normal" first if it complains about that10:30
doulos05Hello, I'm having a problem getting my xenial computer to boot up10:30
EriC^^nishikant: if you're still having problems, try to checksum the iso, and try a different usb if that checks out10:31
doulos05I got to a recovery screen and ran ctljournal -xb10:31
doulos05the error message is [drm:drm_add_edid_modes.part.27 [drm]] *ERROR* Unknown HDMI VIC: 5010:31
doulos05What does that mean?10:31
EriC^^do you have an hdmi monitor attached?10:32
doulos05Currently for debugging purposes, yes10:33
doulos05But when I first attempted to boot it, I did not10:33
doulos05I intend for this to be a home server so I initially booted it in a headless configuration and connected to it via ssh10:33
doulos05The last thing I did was reboot it after formatting the old windows partition away10:34
doulos05It was booting just fine in a dual book configuration for months.10:34
nishikantEric: how to checksum the iso10:34
doulos05md5sum /math/to/iso10:34
EriC^^!md5sum | nishikant10:34
ubottunishikant: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM10:34
EriC^^doulos05: what happens if you let it boot10:35
EriC^^and then after couple minutes hook the hdmi up?10:36
EriC^^try booting without 'quiet splash' and with 'verbose or some debug level'10:36
doulos05That's how I discovered the error. After attempting to ssh in and failing to find the path, I connected the monitor and saw the error.10:36
doulos05It had been hung for at least 5 minutes by that point10:36
doulos05I'll try now with quiet splash. What's the specific command for that?10:37
doulos05in grub210:37
EriC^^doulos05: in grub press 'e' then replace it in the linux /boot/vmlinuz line10:38
EriC^^and press f10 to boto10:38
doulos05booting now with verbose10:40
doulos05brb, dinner time. I'll update with any error messages from the booting in 20 min.10:41
sondreblackflow EriC^^ Back now, booted in legacy mode now10:46
=== Aerys_ is now known as Aerys
=== Aerys is now known as RaghuramE
sondreblackflow EriC^^ Output of "lsmod | grep nouveau" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZM5w9gYgf5/10:53
sondreIs this correct?10:53
EriC^^sondre: you're in the ubuntu installer?10:54
sondreEriC^^: Heh.. I created a small partition and installed ubuntu in legacy mode.10:55
EriC^^sondre: way to go10:58
SSMAdminHi all.  On Ubuntu 18.04 server (ubuntu-desktop installed). Problem:  In admin panel "Sharing" dialog, not able to activate Screen Sharing. The dialog box, bottom "Network" part of it says there is "No networks selected for sharing".  It should at least show "Wired Connection 1", as in fact the wired connection is working perfectly (the box has internet connection in and out, and I am able to connect to it using ssh).  As the10:59
SSMAdminsharing dialog does not show any available networks to pick from, it is not possible to activate the sharing. Another problem indicator is that the desktop status bar network icon does not show up, when clicked it shows the "Connect" menu item, even if the box is connected to fully working wired ethernet connection.  And in admin panel "Network" configuration dialog, there is no settings for "Wired Connections".  It appear as the10:59
SSMAdmincomputer has no network cards at all, only the VPN and Proxy settings are visible. Any help?10:59
RumenHi there! in Bionic I don't see the skype icon in the top bar. Any idea how to fix that? Reinstalled couple of times with different versions, but without any success ...11:02
MonkeyDustSSMAdmin  next time, use a pastebin for multiple lines11:04
SSMAdmin@MonkeyDust, ok thank you, I will11:04
BluesKajHowdy all11:05
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713
sondreblackflow EriC^^ Finally got it to work in legacy mode in my new partition that I created! That's great, but is it possible to remove the EFI partition now in a good way?11:25
=== arceus is now known as Guest60810
EriC^^sondre: what's the partition table look like, pastebin sudo parted -ls11:27
sondreEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MDH4dDh6jy/11:28
EriC^^sondre: i'd say just leave it11:28
Guest60810any girl11:29
sondreEriC^^: So just format partition 2 and I'm good to go?11:29
MonkeyDustGuest60810  wrong channel11:29
EriC^^sondre: you havent installed ubuntu yet?11:29
EriC^^sondre: you're going to reinstall now?11:30
sondreEriC^^: Yes, now I currently have 2 ubuntu.. One on uefi and one with legacy11:30
EriC^^sondre: oh11:31
EriC^^choose to erase the whole disk and let ubuntu do it's thing11:31
Guest60810how to resolve this problem"E: Unable to locate package perl-suid11:31
EriC^^sondre: was your gpu problem solved in legacy mode?11:31
EriC^^!info perl-suid11:32
ubottuPackage perl-suid does not exist in artful11:32
sondreEriC^^: Yes, everything works good now! I got displaylink driver and D6000 dell dock working with 3 external monitors.11:32
Guest60810E: Unable to locate package update11:34
tomreynGuest60810: you ran an incorrect command11:34
tomreyn!ask | Guest6081011:35
ubottuGuest60810: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:35
MonkeyDust!find suid11:35
ubottuFile suid found in cdrkit-doc, dietlibc-dev, dist, emscripten, fp-docs-3.0.2, fpc-source-3.0.2, freebsd-manpages, gnulib, golang-gopkg-hlandau-service.v2-dev, gridengine-client (and 47 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=suid&mode=&suite=artful&arch=any11:35
tomreyn!details | Guest6081011:35
ubottuGuest60810: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:35
sondreEriC^^: So just to be clear, delete the partition 2 (394 GB Ext4) or format it? https://i.imgur.com/YBC6xz1.png11:37
AnticomHi all. I'm on xenial. Is there a ppa available for slack chat? I only was able to find the direct .deb download but i'm not a big fan of that11:37
EriC^^sondre: boot the installer in legacy mode again and choose the 'erase the disk and install ubuntu' option11:38
JamyHi, does -O somehow overwrite -P for wget or something? If I add -O it does not download to the folder specified in -P anymore11:38
sondreEriC^^: Ah ok, thanks again chief!11:39
Jamywget -O filename -P path/ -t 10 -T 10 hurl11:40
Jamyis what i am doing11:40
sliddishttps://imgur.com/a/GtKGWfE what font am I missing? i am running the wavemon app11:40
doulos05@EriC^^ So booting it in verbose mode revealed a different error message.11:40
EriC^^doulos05: aha11:41
doulos05One of the GUI tools I used to set up the computer had set the windows partition to auto-mount11:41
doulos05I just deleted the line in /etc/fstab and it booted normally11:41
doulos05thanks for the help!11:41
EriC^^doulos05: aha, great, no problem11:41
=== injo is now known as gluteus
Guest60810how to create mailserver in ubuntu11:46
tomreynAnticom: not really supported here. but: they seem to offer both a .deb (which, once installed, also installs an apt repository and signing key) and a flatpak (which should also have an update/upgrade path).11:47
sky887Know thyself11:48
tomreynGuest60810: installing and, moreover, properly configuraring and finally maintaining a mail server is not an easy task, not suitable in case you're new to ubuntu.11:49
sky887In new11:50
sky887I'm new11:50
tomreynsky887: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question?11:50
sky887Nope. I'm just trying to figure this out. Everything for that matter11:51
tomreynsky887: okay, this channel is just for support but there is #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting if you like.11:52
MonkeyDustsky887  then follow some conversations here and learn from them11:52
sky887Yup I'm on it11:53
ember_Anyone struggling with horrible graphics performance on 18.04?11:53
Anticomtomreyn: omg i hate this crap. Why don't they just give me the repo url directly. Skype was doing the same BS11:53
MonkeyDustember_  that's a yes/no question, what brings you here11:53
tomreyn!details | ember_11:53
ubottuember_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:53
AnticomGuess it's because they're windows/osx centric companies11:54
ember_Sorry about being vague! https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/8gylez/updated_from_ubuntu_1710_to_1804_and_getting/11:54
ember_I can move to pastebin if preferred11:54
tomreynAnticom: i would not know (but it's also not topical here)11:54
AnticomSorry for the strong language but it really bugs me11:54
AnticomThanks anyway tomreyn o/11:55
leftyfbAnticom: sudo snap install slack11:55
Anticomi don't like snaps either. They where giving me headaches before, don't wanna go through this again11:56
Miguel2013I have a wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/11:56
tomreynember_: consider using a more light.weight desktop, such as xubuntu, mate or the like.11:57
leftyfbAnticom: If you had problems with snap, you did it wrong. Or you installed some critical system piece that conflicted or something. There's nothing wrong with installing apps via snap. It's going to be the cleanest and easiest way to get slack installed.11:57
Anticomleftyfb: or the software provided was outdated11:58
Anticomleftyfb: talking about minikube11:58
ember_tomreyn: I appreciate the effort, but this PC can handle PlanetSide 2 on ultra :) It's not a hardware-capability issue.11:58
tomreynember_: does 3d acceleration work actually?11:58
Anticomback when i installed it via snap (which was the recommended way for ubuntu btw) it was really old and had bugs in it that made it unusable11:58
Anticomand those bugs where fixed a long time ago even back then11:58
ember_tomreyn: How do I check that?11:58
leftyfbAnticom: that has nothing to do with snap being a problem11:58
uweHi, I think I found a bug. Where can I report a bug WITHOUT creating a account?11:59
leftyfbAnticom: if you don't want to install slack with snap, then don't. Good luck.11:59
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:59
leftyfbAnticom: I've been using the snap package for slack for over a year now11:59
Anticomleftyfb: well it kind of is IMO. Cannonical wanted to do its own thing again like they did back with upstart for example. Why can't they just stick to the community accepted standards?11:59
uweWrong aswer. There I need an account.11:59
tomreynember_: glxinfo -B | grep Accelerated11:59
Miguel2013leftyfb, what's slack slackware?11:59
tomreynember_: glxinfo -B | grep rendering12:00
MonkeyDustuwe  then post it on some public forum and hope someone picls it up12:00
leftyfbAnticom: I think you miss the point of snaps12:00
longwordSlack is like IRC but with pictures.12:00
leftyfbAnticom: but whatever. Good luck12:00
ember_tomreyn: accelerated: no; direct rendering: yes12:00
tomreynember_: then let's look at the whole output: glxinfo -B | pastebinit12:01
ember_tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mqqpbxd7ZT/12:02
Anticomleftyfb: well it's just their own way of doing docker from how i understand snapd12:02
uweMonkeyDust: Any suggestions? All I know I must have an account. But I really hate to create new accounts only to post a bug. (I use several distros)12:02
ember_tomreyn: Wait, VMware? What the hell...12:02
tomreynember_: also: pastebinit /var/log/gpu-manager.log12:02
ember_tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Xvg6HJkXXn/12:03
leftyfbAnticom: you should read and understand more about snaps then. Since that is incorrect12:03
leftyfbOr don't12:03
tomreynember_: was this file last written/updated after the 18.04 upgrade? ls -l /var/log/gpu-manager.log12:04
enissayEriC^^: SSH worked... Thanks for the hint <312:04
MonkeyDustuwe  as far as i know, there's no such thing as an accountless forum12:05
ember_tomreyn: 1h 20m ago... that's about when I did the upgrade, I would say probably after but can't be sure12:05
tomreynember_: the "uptime" command tells you when you last booted the system12:06
MonkeyDustuwe  first try resolving the problem here12:06
uweMonkeyDust, why? I like to help but i cant understand why I should for every tiny think create an new account. I really hate this!12:06
tomreynember_: please show also: lspci -knn | grep -A 4 VGA | pastebinit12:06
MonkeyDustuwe  you're going offtopic, type /j #ubuntu-offtopic12:07
ember_tomreyn: looks like it was changed at last reboot12:07
ember_tomreyn: I rebooted once after the upgrade reboot though12:08
ember_tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kTDW3cxMzz/12:08
tomreynember_: okay, we may also need to look at "pastebinit /var/log/syslog" then12:08
tomreynember_: and finally: dmesg -T | pastebinit12:08
ember_tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bjPwvDfJM4/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2zbc6tS9X7/12:09
tomreynember_: okay, reviewing those will take a few minutes12:12
ember_tomreyn: thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it :)12:12
tomreyn:) welcome, hope i can help12:12
tomreynember_: how did you upgrade from 17.10?12:15
ember_tomreyn: the standard prompt of "your (something) is up to date, however, there is a new version of your OS (18.04)"12:16
ember_tomreyn: closed all windows and didn't use the PC at all during the update12:17
tomreynember_: oh i wasn't aware that's available, yet. and the upgrade finished without errors?12:17
ember_tomreyn: I wasn't watching it but when I came back it was booted and seemed fine. it did manage to lose my wallpaper but that's the only problem I've noticed aside from the sluggishness12:18
tomreynember_: it would not reboot by itself, i don't think12:18
ember_tomreyn: no, you're right, it said it was done and prompted me to reboot12:19
ember_tomreyn: sorry, my memory is vague at the best of times12:19
tomreynember_: no problem, same here. your upgrade probably went fine and you just have some leftover configurations from 17.10 which weren't removed (usually when they're from third party repositories). take a loo at the output of "dpkg -l  | grep ^rc" - those are packages which were removed but still have configurations left. you can use "sudo apt purge PACKAGE" to remove them (if desired).12:22
rdzhey all. i'm on bionic using qjackctl and it doesn't show a systray icon, when i enable it.. it seems to be an old problem. maybe someone know something about it or know of a way to fix it?12:22
tomreynember_: i finished reviewing the syslog, need yet to look at dmesg, will ping you when done.12:23
rdzthis is th ebug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qjackctl/+bug/154632812:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546328 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "Systray option does not work." [Medium,Fix released]12:23
ember_tomreyn: awesome, thanks very much :)12:23
rdzhm.. it says fix released.. but in bionic it is still broken12:23
hidi had a problem with bumblebee to manage optimus video card,, now that i installed the nvidia driver only, the temperature is still higher from what i expect (70 to 75°C instead of 49°C)12:24
Kon-hid: Idle, or under load?12:26
hidKon-: idle12:26
hidwhen i was on ubuntu 16.04lts i had 49°C, same on windows when i bought the pc so that's my idle reference12:27
tomreynember_: looks like you never updated your bios. yours is version 0906 (03/26/2012), the latest is version 2203 (2016/02/19) according to https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P8Z77M/HelpDesk_BIOS/ . it might be advisable to upgrade it.12:28
ember_tomreyn: I'll make sure to do that :)12:29
tomreynember_: i suspect your existing bios will be able to upgrade itself by loading the new firmware from usb stick with msdos partition table, with a single partition (use gparted to create both) containing a fat32 file system (use "mkfs.vfat" to create it), with the unpackaged bios file (P8Z77-M-ASUS-2203.CAP) on it.12:31
ember_tomreyn: thanks for the tips. is that likely to be related to the performance degradation though?12:32
ioriaember_,  have you checked  'top' and 'free -m'  ?12:32
ember_ioria: gnome-shell is at 95% O.o12:34
ioriagood :þ12:34
=== Throttled_ is now known as Throttled
ioriaember_,  and free -m ?12:34
ember_Mem:           7932        3407        2461         122        2064        490912:34
ember_Swap:          7811           0        781112:34
ember_I guess? two browsers open12:35
ioriaember_,  journalctl -b | grep ureadahead | grep relative | wc -l12:35
ember_returns 012:35
tomreynember_: not directly related, no, since the system worked fine before. what i see is that radeon, the proper kernel module to drive your hardware, was detected as available and was loaded, but for reasons i am unable to determine it then falls back to non-accelerated graphics mode, but your logs don't seem to say why (or i missed it).12:36
ioriaember_,  well, can you reboot and log in in 'gnome classic' ?12:36
ember_tomreyn: that's really bizarre! it's progress though, hardware acceleration being disabled explains this behaviour perfectly12:37
ember_ioria: sure, after I look up what that entails :)12:37
ioriaember_,  you can select if from the login screen12:38
ember_ioria: ok, brb12:39
Miguel2013longword, I don't care about slack I use what I use. give me one good reason to use slack12:41
tomreynioria: those otions might be named differently. here's what my 18.04 VM offers (after also installing xubuntu-desktop) http://i.imgur.com/dixR5T6.png12:41
tomreynyou are probably referring to "GNOME on Xorg"12:42
ioriatomreyn, mmmm12:42
ioriatomreyn, you don't have 'ubuntu on wayland'12:42
tomreynno, not supported by the driver, i think. it's virtualbox.12:43
ioriai see12:43
tomreynthe "Ubuntu" choice starts the default desktop (Gnome 3 shell with ubuntu modifications)12:44
tomreyn... on X12:45
ember_tomreyn, ioria: so there are four options there: gnome, gnome on xorg, ubuntu, ubuntu on wayland. the third one (ubuntu) was selected. it's also the only one with the performance issue xD12:45
ember_why on earth was it selected?12:45
tomreynember_: it's the default ubuntu desktop12:45
ioriaember_, on 18.04 wayland is not default12:46
ember_not 'ubuntu on wayland'?12:46
ioriaember_, xorg is default12:46
tomreynthat menu is a good way to irritate and frustrate users. :-/12:47
ember_so are there any gotchas I should look out for having changed this option?12:47
ember_my understanding is I was using wayland the whole time with 17.10 so nothing new, right?12:47
ioriaember_, yes12:48
ember_well the performance issue on x remains, but I don't need to worry about it any more :) thanks for your time ioria and tomreyn12:48
ioriaember_, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE12:49
ioriaember_,  still sluggish ?12:49
tomreynember_: with 17.10 you were probably (unless you didnt initially install or later moved away from the default ubuntu desktop) using unity on wayland. right now, you're using ubuntu's modified gnome 3 on X.org (titled "Ubuntu" on this menu)12:50
tomreynoh wayland, ok, then i'm wrong12:50
ember_nono it's fine, I switched to 'ubuntu on wayland' and it's fast again, I just mean that the fact that the problem persists on x is presumably not good12:50
ember_as in hardware acceleration should not be arbitrarily disabled12:51
ember_but this functionally solves my issue :))12:51
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ioriaember_,  no it's not: looking at your syslog you really have some issues12:51
tomreynthere are ACPI issues which a bios upgrade might solve12:51
tomreynthere are also suppsedly leftovers from the old system, but those should not be critical.12:51
ioriaember_,  dbus, gnome-software and ureadahead service at leat12:52
tomreynioria: did you spot anything else?12:52
ioriatomreyn,   dbus, gnome-software and ureadahead service at leat12:52
ember_I saved your messages so I'll do the cleanup and bios update when I have some time :)12:52
ember_ioria: are those part of the leftovers of which tomreyn speaks?12:52
ioriaember_,  maybe ... or the effect of some bugs , like this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/1579580#312:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579580 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "ureadahead reports relative path errors in journalctl output" [High,Confirmed]12:53
ember_maybe the real lesson here is to stay on old LTS versions for longer :))12:54
tomreynhmm right dbus-daemon seems to be stuck in a "Reloaded configuration" loop there.12:54
ioriaember_,  gnome-software can be removed if you don't use it12:54
ember_what is gnome-software?12:54
tomreynember_: the graphical tool to install software from, like a software shop12:54
ioriaember_,  the sw center ... you should see it in the left dock12:54
ember_I have only used it because sometimes double-clicking a .deb throws it at you I think12:55
ember_but if there's a cli way to do that I guess it's not necessary?12:55
ioriaember_,  yes12:55
ioriaember_,  gdebi it's a gui tool for manual .deb pkg installation12:56
ember_ah nice, I'll grab it12:56
ember_how do I deal with the dbus and ureadahead issues?12:56
ioriaember_,   i'd check also the size of your logs folder ...  (/var/log)12:57
ember_ioria: assuming these are bytes, the biggest file is syslog at 5mb12:58
ioriaember_,   du -sh /var/log12:59
SSMAdminHi all.  Ubuntu 18.04 server (ubuntu-desktop installed) with working wired internet connection, refuses to activate screen sharing, says no network connection available, even though the internet connection is there and working: https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/hugadufuxo.http12:59
ember_ioria: oh wow, 203mb12:59
ioriaember_,    not huge but big12:59
SSMAdminThis maybe easier to read: https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/raw/hugadufuxo13:04
tomreynSSMAdmin: have you installed extra software for screen shoaring to be offered? since i dont have this option13:07
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay i got this option now, as provided by "vino"13:12
tomreynSSMAdmin:what does "nmcli c" show?13:15
aLeSD_really guys13:16
aLeSD_problem : spanish keyboard ... the key < is shown as \13:16
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MonkeyDustaLeSD_  looks like it's alt-gr related13:17
SSMAdmin@tomrayn No I have not installed extra software for screensharing. 'nmcli c' shows only this: NAME  UUID  TYPE  DEVICE and nothing more13:18
SSMAdminThat was to @tomreyn13:18
aLeSD_MonkeyDust, what do you mean _13:19
MonkeyDustaLeSD_  do you see the alt-gr key on your keyboard13:19
aLeSD_it ir right in fron of me13:20
aLeSD_→ æµ ¢¶→ĸĸ→nŋ →ŧ13:20
darkdrgn2khi all13:20
MonkeyDustaLeSD_  normally you get \ when alt-gr is pressed, with the < key13:20
darkdrgn2kim trying to SNAT but im getting "unknown option "SNAT"13:20
longword-t nat and -j SNAT13:21
MonkeyDustaLeSD_  make sure the al-gr key is not stuck13:21
SSMAdmin@tomreyn No I have not installed extra software for screensharing. 'nmcli c' shows only this: NAME  UUID  TYPE  DEVICE and nothing more (sorry for double posting, had to get his nick correct so he can find the answer from me)13:21
longwordIf it's iptables commands you're trying to put together that is13:21
darkdrgn2k"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT -–to-source
darkdrgn2kcomplains about SNAT13:21
longword"unknown option" sounds very wrong, are you sure that's the command line you're running?13:22
darkdrgn2kcopied and pasted from the terminal13:22
darkdrgn2ksounds like there is a module not installed or something ?!?!?!!?13:22
longwordCan you try typing in the command by hand in case there are some sneaky webish UTF-8 chars in there?13:22
longwordIt should say unknown target if your -j option is well out of order13:23
darkdrgn2k-–   <- one is a - one isnt!!!13:23
* darkdrgn2k hugs longword :P13:23
longwordI came across a doozie of a one last week13:23
longwordTurns out there's a UTF-8 multibyte character for &nbsp;13:23
longwordMany expletives were unleashed that day13:24
SSMAdmintomreyn, you there?13:24
plasm0duckhow do I tell what version name of ubuntu im using?13:24
Miguel2013I have a wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/13:25
plasm0duck4.13.0-39-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 5 16:43:10 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:25
tomreynSSMAdmin: you there?13:26
Exterminadorplasm0duck: you can try: lsb_release -a13:26
MonkeyDustMiguel2013  what'w wag51113:26
SSMAdmintomreyn, No I have not installed extra software for screensharing. 'nmcli c' shows only this: NAME  UUID  TYPE  DEVICE and nothing more13:26
darkdrgn2kok this should do a SNAT+DNAT fro port 8088 right?13:26
darkdrgn2kiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 8088 -j DNAT --to-destination
darkdrgn2kiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -j SNAT --to-source
Miguel2013MonkeyDust, it's a netgear wireless card13:27
tomreynSSMAdmin: thanks, i read your reply. so you don't have a NIC that is managed by network manager, which is maybe why you can't setup the screen sharing option.13:27
Miguel2013MonkeyDust, wifi13:27
tomreynSSMAdmin: or more precisely, you have no connection profile setup on network manager (NM)13:27
SSMAdminThat seems correct, but this must be a bug, at this works perfectly on this machine I am now using13:28
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, then search for an existing bug report on it, and, if you can't find one, report one.13:28
SSMAdminAnd as I may remember, it did work right after installation (network systray icon showed up), but after a while, it dissappeared13:29
Miguel2013SSMAdmin, may be a problem similar to my wag51113:30
tomreynSSMAdmin: see "nmcli help" to find out how to provide more information on your configuration / on NM's perspective on your system.13:30
SSMAdmintomreyn, How do I manually set up such a connection profile, to solve the problem while waitng for a bugreport to solve it?13:30
Miguel2013it works for a few seconds then get irq pool problems13:30
SSMAdminMiguel2013, maybe, but I dont know...what is wag511?13:31
tomreynSSMAdmin: if the NM icon does not show on your desktop in the top right notification area, even after logout and login (please try if you haven't), then you can still use mncli to create the profile, starting from 'nmcli help'13:31
MonkeyDustMiguel2013  better start from the beginning, give more details13:32
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tomreynSSMAdmin: this is probably not related to Miguel2013's issue, since you have a stable network connection.13:32
SSMAdmintomreyn, it is like you describe it.  Does not show up even after log out and log in, even after reboot13:32
tomreynSSMAdmin: so your issue seems to be somehow related to network manager not initializaing properly, or the applet not loading.13:33
syntaxfreeso I've accidentally removed myself from the sudoers list on my laptop.13:33
syntaxfreebut I've never had a root login. so I don't know how to fix this.13:33
SSMAdmintomreyn, is there a guide somewhere.  Guess I must know a bit more information than nmcli help can provide, in order for me to be able to use it.  I have only very basic command line knowledge, not a tech guy13:34
SSMAdmintomreyn, yes, that seems correct13:35
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, let's see if we can work it out together. do you have "pastebinit" installed? pastebinit -v13:35
john_ramboMy smplayer now looks like this >>> https://postimg.cc/image/okh12t0vh/...How do I bring back the controls ?13:35
SSMAdmintomreyn, no pastbinit installed13:36
SSMAdminapt install pastbinit?13:36
tomreynSSMAdmin: "pastebinit" note the 'e'13:36
tomreynSSMAdmin: install it if missing, yes13:37
SSMAdminyes, v 1.513:37
MonkeyDustjohn_rambo  what's in View13:37
chuunis it possible to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04? if yes, is there anything i should have in mind?13:38
john_ramboMonkeyDust, Nothing related13:38
SSMAdmintomreyn, installed13:38
tomreynSSMAdmin: then: nmcli -p g | pastebinit; mcli -p n | pastebinit; mcli -p r | pastebinit; mcli -p c | pastebinit; mcli -p d | pastebinit;13:38
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tomreynSSMAdmin remove the trailing ";"13:38
tomreynSSMAdmin: sorry, more typos, let me retype13:38
tomreynSSMAdmin: then: nmcli -p g | pastebinit; nmcli -p n | pastebinit; nmcli -p r | pastebinit; nmcli -p c | pastebinit; nmcli -p d | pastebinit13:39
SSMAdmintomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4c9d6BBqDW/13:39
tomreynSSMAdmin: this should return 5 urls13:39
SSMAdminonly one url13:39
tomreynSSMAdmin: copy this entire line to your temrinal:13:40
tomreynexport LANG=C; nmcli -p g | pastebinit; nmcli -p n | pastebinit; nmcli -p r | pastebinit; nmcli -p c | pastebinit; nmcli -p d | pastebinit13:40
tomreynSSMAdmin: this should return 5 urls13:40
syntaxfreesorry, I saw the advice on the web to boot into recovery mode and dropped out of here.13:40
SSMAdmintomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4N8ksTMYSM/13:41
syntaxfreebut then when I get a root prompt and try to visudo, it tells me /etc/sudoers is read-only.13:41
syntaxfreecan't sudo add myself sudo either.13:41
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, be careful about posting many< lines here on irc, you may get silenced or kicked.13:41
pragmaticenigmasyntaxfree: try this sites recommendation : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:42
tomreynSSMAdmin: it does not seem like you ran the lastest variant of the series of commands, or i made a mistake. was there any error output before the urls?13:42
syntaxfreepragmaticenigma: will try.13:42
SSMAdmintomreyn, ok, last command gave: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GbffQKy3gs/ followed by http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5CvrwqcpGf/ followed by http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7jYh9NVHNX/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cZv7dnSDPv/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sMVBmPQvS5/13:43
tomreynSSMAdmin: thanks, i understand english much better than norwegian (?)13:44
SSMAdmintomreyn, in the first command you wrote 'mcli' instead of nmcli, that gave errors13:44
tomreynSSMAdmin: alright, thanks. so network manager doesn't seem to consider itself in charge of managing your connection, do you have a static network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces ?13:45
john_ramboMonkeyDust, Any ideas13:45
SSMAdmintomreyn, not shure I understand what you are asking.  I have not made any custom modifications to anything, so dont know13:46
tomreynSSMAdmin: i see. is it possible that someone else did on this computer?13:46
chuunis there any known issues to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?13:46
SSMAdmintomreyn, no, no one else have access13:47
tomreynchuun: yes, it is not supported. that's an issue.13:47
tomreynchuun: not *yet* supported, that is13:47
zapadasAny 14.04 networking gurus around?13:47
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, then can you confirm that "cat /etc/network/interfaces" returns nothing or just comments (starting with #)?13:48
tomreyn.. and maybe blank line,s too13:48
SSMAdminjust comments13:48
SSMAdminlast line is #    sudo apt install ifupdown13:49
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andaiHi! Is there a way to access the CD or USB device the LiveCD is running from, so that I can burn the LiveCD to another medium from the running LiveCD?13:49
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, give me a minute13:50
chuunok thank you tomreyn13:53
designbybeckHot Corners in Ubuntu 18.04? I thought Gnome Tweaks would have it ,but I don't see it13:55
am_exdesignbybeck, you can add applet for this13:56
tomreynSSMAdmin: so you have two wired (ethernet) NICs, enp4s0 and enp5s0, do you know which one should be connected?13:56
am_exAnd configure as you want13:56
designbybeckam_ex, which applet?13:56
designbybeckor where do I find that am_ex13:57
SSMAdmintomreyn, I think it is enp4s0, but honestly not sure13:57
tomreynSSMAdmin: we can just try both: nmcli d connect enp4s0; nmcli d connect enp5s013:58
SSMAdmintomreyn, if I click the systray I get the menu option to "Connect", and it says enp4s013:58
am_exdesignbybeck, https://i.imgur.com/8IdEMEf.png13:58
tomreynSSMAdmin: you said you did not have the network manager applet showing there13:58
tomreynSSMAdmin: now you say you do13:59
syntaxfreeso  I fixed the sudo problem. but let tell you where my solution deviates from instructions.13:59
syntaxfreeI was already doing what that link suggested: rebooting to recovery mode.14:00
designbybeckam_ex, so is this the Gnome extension thing you install via a web browser? I'm new to Gnome stuff14:00
syntaxfreebut even on a root console I kept seeing "/etc/ is a read-only filesystem"14:00
am_exI have this applet in my Ubuntu Budgie14:01
jr_adminhi i keep getting email's from www-data saying that awstat cannot open access.log..i went to /etc/awstats/awstats.conf and input my hostname and i also modified to /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 to 666 root adm yet i still get emails every 10 minutes how can i stop these emails14:01
syntaxfreeso I tried the option in the recovery menu to enable networking. so I could come back to IRC.14:01
am_exI think it's compatible applet for all gnome versions14:01
am_exTry google it14:01
syntaxfreeand then that remounted my filesystem in read-write mode. even though it didn't enable  no networking.14:01
SSMAdmintomreyn, no, the network manager applet (systry network Icon is not there) but if I click the very right side down arrow, I get the icon which shows enp4so)14:01
syntaxfreethen I was able to fix the problem.14:01
am_exdesignbybeck, I install it trought Budgie Applet manager14:01
syntaxfreepragmaticenigma: thanks anyway.14:02
syntaxfreecan I rename my current user altogether?14:02
am_exI like Ubuntu Badgie very much :)14:02
tomreynSSMAdmin: oh, okay, great then just use that.14:02
designbybeckbut even though I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 and not Budgie14:02
am_exIt's compatible i think14:02
silasHi.  Cannot install Ubuntu to a external HDD driver (USB) via qemu.  Getting "[   22.696915] Initramfs unpacking failed: write error".  Any tips?14:02
am_exTry to find out14:02
syntaxfreemy whole problem started because Matlab refuses to run if the linux username doesn't match my username at mathworks.14:02
SSMAdmintomreyn, both gave error: Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: Connection 'enp4s0' is not available on the device enp4s0 at this time.14:02
am_exdesignbybeck, I have 18.04 too14:03
am_exBut Budgie edition14:03
syntaxfreeso I created a username that matches. but then I've got my whole Dropbox in this username, etc. so I was trying to add the other usrnam to sudoers.14:03
syntaxfreebut it now occurs me that maybe I can just rename my current username??14:03
designbybeckam_ex, I've came across this one, I tried the manual install, but i'm going to try the extension route and see if it works: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1037/customcorner/14:03
davide136Hi guys, need some help...with x11vnc and a server14:04
davide136no display connected, when starting it says XOpenDisplay("") failed.14:04
syntaxfree(yes, I can su into "xheimlich" from "diego". But Matlab needs the GUI to have logged in as "xheimlich".14:04
tomreynSSMAdmin: hmm, do you get the same error messga ewhen you run "nmcli d connect enp4s0"?14:05
am_exdesignbybeck, try it14:05
SSMAdmintomreyn, the network icon shows as a network of three computers, with a cross on top of one of them, probably the enp4s014:05
SSMAdmintomreyn, yes, same error14:05
tomreynSSMAdmin: okay, this is just there to indicate that you'r enot currently connected14:05
davide136!join ubuntu-it14:06
tomreynSSMAdmin: how about "nmcli d connect enp5s0" ?14:06
SSMAdmintomreyn, same error14:06
tomreynSSMAdmin: please post: dmesg -T | pastebinit14:07
tomreynSSMAdmin: oh wait you probably cant since you may no longer be online?14:07
tomreynSSMAdmin: well just try14:08
SSMAdmintomreyn, thats the strange part, I AM online14:08
SSMAdmintomreyn, can I pm you the link?14:08
tomreynSSMAdmin: yes14:08
davide136Hi guys, need some help...with x11vnc and a server14:10
davide136no display connected, when starting it says XOpenDisplay("") failed.14:10
bioc0dehello, there is a possibility to change the shortcuts related with <Super> to <Super_R>, in order to create new shortcuts with <Super_L>?14:10
zapadastomreyn: you seem like a network guru...can I get in line for some help on 14.04 after SSMAdmin?  :)14:11
designbybeckam_ex, do you use the Gnome Tweaks or gnome-tweak-tool ?14:11
designbybecktrying to find where to change the setting14:11
tomreynzapadas: just ask your question here, there's are others around who ma ybe able to help, too.14:13
zapadastomreyn: OK cool.14:13
zapadasStruggling with a strange 14.04 networking issue.  I have a default gateway on eth2.111, when I ifdown eth2; ifup eth2 VLAN111 comes back, but the default gateway doesn't!14:14
zapadasI tossed a request up on SO: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031695/default-gateway-in-a-vlan-does-not-come-back-up-when-physical-interface-is-ifdow14:14
tomreynSSMAdmin: i'm actually a little puzzled there. your nic comes up, it is not managed by NM, and when NM tries to manage it it just states that, at this time, it cannot. i'm actually not really into networking on anything past ubuntu 16.04, yet, so i may have conceptional mistakes there.14:14
tomreynSSMAdmin: i searched this message "nmcli d connect enp4s0" returned, but could not really find anything specific to your situation.14:16
SSMAdmintomreyn, that is ok, thank you for your help so far, at least you tried.14:16
SSMAdmintomreyn, I am no good at the tech language, how do you suggest I formulate a bug report?14:17
dan01Testing the IRC client from Android :)14:17
tomreynSSMAdmin: actually, can you post /var/log/syslog as well (private is ok)14:19
tomreynSSMAdmin: that's "sudo pastebinit /var/log/syslog"14:19
tomreynSSMAdmin: network manager should log to this, and it may provide a better error message there14:20
SSMAdmintomreyn, see pm14:21
designbybeckis 18.03 using Gnome Shell 3.28.114:22
tomreynzapadas: i think you'll need to provide more details: how is the network configured (show configuration files) and what does it look like when it's fine, what does it look like when it's wrong?14:22
designbybeckis that what the Gnome 3.28.1 means in Details?14:22
IRC-Source_30721hi .. i got a mystery here .. when i run hostname i get server.domain .. when i run hostname -f i get localhost .. when i run domain name i get (none) .. why? how to fix?14:25
christos_Hey guys. how do I add a self signed certificate to my system so it stops saying "Not Secure" in my browser?14:26
tewardchristos_: all self-signed certificates will be considered 'invalid'14:27
tewardthere's no real way to suppress that14:27
tewardespecially since the "Not Secure" parts are browser-level implementations14:27
tomreynSSMAdmin: you have pending updates, inclduing a kernel update. please install all of them , reboot and come bakc if this issue persists.14:28
christos_teward: Really, Windows systems can trust a self-signed but linux cannot? I find that hard to belive.14:28
tomreynSSMAdmin: the vino log line is a follow-up error. it dpends on network manager managing your connection, which fails.14:29
IRC-Source_30721christos_: that would be typical windows :D14:29
teward^ this14:29
tewardchristos_: Windows does some odd things to the 'certificate stores'14:29
tewardLinux doesn't.14:29
tewardwhat Windows permits is actually "broken behavior"14:29
christos_teward: so what good are self-signed certs then?14:30
MonkeyDustteward  christos_ take the discussion elsewhere14:30
christos_MonkeyDust: sorry14:30
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tomreynSSMAdmin: read also this since you may be using systemd-networkd rather than network manager at this time: http://xmodulo.com/switch-from-networkmanager-to-systemd-networkd.html14:31
tomreynSSMAdmin: but you should probably use network-manager instead.14:31
syntaxfreesorry. still problems. I googled this desperately but.14:34
syntaxfreeI renamed an user account with usermod -l and it no longer shows up in the ubuntu graphical login screen14:34
TorielHello. It is possible to get help here with Kubuntu ? I'm sorry, I'm newbie...14:35
tgm4883!ask | Toriel14:35
ubottuToriel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:35
* tomreyn afk for a bit14:36
TorielI'm deeply sorry.14:36
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MonkeyDustToriel  let's hear it, in one line14:37
TorielI have a iMac 16,2 with Kubuntu 18.04. My sound card is CS4208. There is no sound from speaker, but sound from headphone. alsamixer does not recognize some of my speakers on my iMac. Sounds is perfect with headphones. Someone knows how to fix it ?14:37
tgm4883Toriel: no worries dude, what are you having issues with?14:37
SSMAdmintomreyn, you told me I have pending updates, that is strange, because I just did a apt update and it says "All packages are up to date", so there is nothing to update?14:38
zapadastomreyn: you got it, I'll update it on SO.14:38
SSMAdmintomreyn, thanks for the link thought, I go read it14:38
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TorielBy the way, when I active "Surround analogique 4.1", I have sound from one speaker but this sound sounds weird. (I'm French sorry for my English). There is no sound with Duplex Surround Analogique from Speakers, but there is sound from Headphones. So I don't think it's a problem with sound card. Thanks you very much. :)14:41
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
syntaxfreeI keep on dropping in and out, but it's because I'm frantically trying things.14:44
syntaxfreerecap, I renamed an user account with usermod -l and can no longer log in from the GUI log in screen.14:45
Borw3Help, getting segment fault when luanching packettracer on ubuntu 18.0414:46
tomreynSSMAdmin: well there is a newer kernel than the one you have running, that's all i really know. it may have been installed since you last rebooted.14:46
geniisyntaxfree: You usually also need to tell usermod to move their home directory to the new name as well, with the -d /home/newloginname -m   ... switches14:48
Borw3guys, ubuntu 18.04 crashing packettracer 7.1.1 with error: (segmentation fault) please help14:49
SSMAdmintomreyn, how can I find out what kernel I am running, and what is the new version?14:49
m27is there a torrent client with a terminal interface, and web-interface (but not perse regular gui)?14:50
syntaxfreegenii: if I understood things correctly I did that and undid it (for reasons). Is "cd ~; pwd" enough to check what's my home directory?14:50
MonkeyDust!find packettracer14:50
ubottuPackage/file packettracer does not exist in artful14:50
MonkeyDust!find packettracer bionic14:50
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 222 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=packettracer&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all14:50
syntaxfree(I'm su-ed in from another account.)14:50
SSMAdmintomreyn, think I am on 4.15.0-20.14:52
Borw3MonkeyDust: packettracer doesn't exist in ubuntu repos14:52
syntaxfreegreat. my old username doesn't exist anymore.14:52
syntaxfreeall my files are there and an account/home dir with the new name exist.14:53
tomreynSSMAdmin: there is the linux-image-generic package, a package which always remains installed and always depends on the latest available actual kernel image package. https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/linux-image-generic14:53
tomreynSSMAdmin: linux-image-generic currnetly depends on the https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/linux-image-4.15.0-20-generic package.14:54
tomreynSSMAdmin: and package linux-image-4.15.0-20-generic is availabe in version 4.15.0-20.2114:54
MonkeyDustBorw3  better contact the maintainer of the app14:54
syntaxfreealso: why dropping into tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1) doesnt let me log in either?14:55
tomreynSSMAdmin: to determine the version you are currently running, use "cat /proc/version"14:55
Borw3MonkeyDust: The maintainer is cisco LOL... no hopes14:55
SSMAdmintomreyn, Linux version 4.15.0-20-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-039) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)) #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 06:16:15 UTC 201814:56
tomreynSSMAdmin: you have the latest already, sorry, my bad. 4.15.0-20.2114:56
tgm4883Borw3: packet tracer 6?14:57
Borw3tgm4883: No 7.1.1, why 6 works?14:57
tgm4883Borw3: no idea. But there's a thread on the forums saying you need  libssl1.0.0:i38614:58
SSMAdmintomreyn, could installing ubuntu-desktop in the server have contributed to these type of problems?14:58
tgm4883Borw3: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239040114:58
Borw3tgm4883: Already installed that, hmm, let me try 6.0 then14:58
tomreynSSMAdmin: i need to head to food, will probably be back later, but can't say when exactly. feel free to try debugging this more with seomeone else around here, or to file a bug reporting this network manager message where it says it cannot handle your connection. use the "ubuntu-bug network-manager" command to file it.14:58
tgm4883Borw3: did you also see this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031008/packet-tracer-7-1-1-crashes-on-startup-xubuntu-18-04?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa14:58
SSMAdmintomreyn, ok, thank you for all help so far14:59
tomreynSSMAdmin: hmm yes, that's possible. i assume ubuntu.server may not use network-manager by default but systemd-networkd, btut i'm not actually sure.14:59
Borw3tgm4883: Yes, and I end up with segfault just after 1 second of startup14:59
tomreynSSMAdmin: if so, it's maybe not a bug then. but a featuzre request to make it easier to switch between systemd-networkd and network-manager15:00
tomreynSSMAdmin: welcome, ttyl15:00
SSMAdmintomreyn, or someone else, just a last question:  If I instead of the 18.04 server install the Desktop version, will the Desktop version detect and set up my current Raid1 automatically?15:00
theTOOLMANSSMAdmin: !mdadm15:01
theTOOLMANno? damn bottu doesn't knwo mdadm15:02
tgm4883!info mdadm15:02
ubottumdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 4.0-2 (artful), package size 433 kB, installed size 1317 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:02
SSMAdmintheTOOLMAN, I know mdadm to set up Raid1, but I already have a raid1 in the computer.  If I scrap 18.04 server, and instead install desktop version, will mdadm be there to automatically detect current raid1 and autoconfigure it, as the server install does?15:02
OnkelTemHi all. KWalletManager stopped working on 17.10 after todays update15:02
OnkelTemDoes anybody have any idea?15:03
leftyfbSSMAdmin: is it hardware RAID1 you're looking to do or software RAID?15:03
theTOOLMANidk about 18.04 but nothing changed between mdadm on server/desktop15:03
SSMAdminsoftware raid15:03
leftyfbSSMAdmin: was the software RAID setup using linux?15:04
nacci'm not sure mdadm is preinstalled on desktop, though (it is on server)15:04
theTOOLMANmdadm will even let you control hardware raid. just an fyi15:04
SSMAdminleftyfb, yes, it was set up in previous 16.0415:04
leftyfbactually, I don't know if the desktop installer will detect it and use mdadm15:04
theTOOLMANand to see what it is doing, cat /proc/mdstat15:04
compdocbe nice to be able to remove or disable mdadm15:04
leftyfbyou might need to install mdadm in the live session and is to scan for your volume15:04
leftyfbSSMAdmin: why not just recreate it?15:05
SSMAdminI have now upgraded to 18.04, raid1 is working, but now i have network problems, so consider installing 18.04 desktop and doing the LAMP install manually, but don't want to mess up my raid115:05
tgm4883SSMAdmin: wait, why are you scrapping 18.04 server? You could just install the desktop package15:05
metrumIs someone here who used CUDA on Ubuntu before?15:05
tgm4883SSMAdmin: what kind of networking problems?15:06
nacccompdoc: in what sense?15:06
SSMAdmintgm4883, because 18.04 has given me a lot of problems with network management15:06
SSMAdmintgm4883, https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/raw/hugadufuxo15:06
SSMAdmintgm4883, tomreyn has been trying to help out, but we did not find a solution15:07
OnkelTemHow to check if everything is fine with my encrypted home?15:09
compdocnacc, every time apt installs new kernels, update-grub tries to apply mdadm, which never exist for me. Once, something I did I assume, mdadm tried to create a raid using drives in a zpool. I had to backup the pool, erase all partitions, and recreate the pool.15:10
syntaxfreeyeah. the more things I try, the more things I break it seems.15:11
OnkelTemsystemd[1]: dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device: Job dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device/start timed out.15:12
OnkelTemWhat does that mean?15:12
OnkelTemsystemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device.15:12
OnkelTemystemd[1]: Dependency failed for /dev/mapper/cryptswap115:12
Egyptianhow do i set the domain name on ubuntu16?15:13
leftyfbEgyptian: which version of ubuntu?15:14
solsticehi. I have skipped livepatch on first boot. How do I enable it now ?15:14
solsticeoops. I found itin 'Software'15:15
hidSomeone'having problem with bumblebee on ubuntu18.04?15:16
MonkeyDusthid  that's a yes/no question, what brings you here15:18
PeyamI have xubuntu 16.04 and windows 10 installed. everytime my computer goes to sleep and I want to wake it up it goes to boot menu15:19
hidMonkeyDust: i didnt find a tutorial on how to make it work on the latest ubuntu release15:19
hidi cant get it worked on ubuntu1815:20
oerhekshid, bumblebee is old, prime is current15:21
solsticewhy do I have 2 version of the same snap mounted ? like gnome-system-monitor_36 and gnome-system-monitor_3915:21
solsticeis that a bug ?15:21
oerheksyou would get prime when you use our drivers from the repos15:21
hidprime :o15:21
syntaxfreenow I was just betrayed by my internet connection.15:21
hidi'll check this out15:21
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »15:21
slyrusanyone else having NVIDIA troubles post-bionic upgrade?15:24
chiefnoahI had a few problems15:24
chiefnoahnvidia always has problems15:24
slyrusheh, fair enough15:24
chiefnoahI also had Polkit star segfaulting15:24
slyrususually I can sort them out. so far no luck with bionic.15:24
chiefnoahwhat issues are you seeing?15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768906 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg crash" [Undecided,New]15:25
slyrus2 of 3 systems are fine, but one crashes on login15:25
slyrusI'm getting to the point where I'm thinking an OS reinstall might be necessary15:26
chiefnoahit's usually the easiest in my experience. It looks like you might still be loading the mesa drivers15:26
slyruschiefnoah: have any pointers to a relatively pain-free way to do an OS reinstall with minimal data-loss/pain?15:31
slyrusand how might I go about making sure the mesa drivers aren't actually loaded?15:31
cap_i have trouble connecting wirelessly to my router but can connect to my other router wirelessly, what could be the problem?15:31
cap_i have trouble connecting wirelessly to my router but can connect to my other router wirelessly, what could be the problem?15:32
compdocthose are quite different subnets. do you have a wired network too?15:33
tgm4883cap_: different wireless networks that aren't connected15:33
geniiThe x.x.254.254 probably just has a stronger signal which it wants to use over the other15:36
cap_compdoc: my router was working perfectly a few days ago, i can access the admin settings, and browse the shared folder with it. but now it's hard to connect.15:36
cap_tgm4883, my phone can connect to the router easily.15:37
JimBuntucap_, equipment does also wear out over time, it's a possibility.15:37
compdoccap_, do you have it set to use a specific channel? maybe other people near you are using the same channel15:37
cap_compdoc, other people in my house use the router for internet. and their limited till 11pm, it's already 11:30, im the only one using it right now.15:39
compdocI mean other routers in your neighborhood could be tryig to use the same channel. theres often a setting that set it to 'auto' to try to grab the least used channel15:39
cap_JimBuntu, i can access the admin settings via my phone easily. i don't know whats the prblem with the desktop pc.15:40
oerhekscap_, reset the router, if that does not fix it, i guess it is not an ubuntu issue15:40
ledenicap_, reset router15:40
cap_compdoc, im not really sure about the channel. but i do know the wifi and router is password protected.15:41
JimBuntucap_, are both of your routers using the same radio band... as in, are they both 2.4G or both 5G (when you are connecting to them) ?15:41
cap_JimBuntu, the asus router is 2.4g and the other one im not sure, it was provided by the isp, its a huawei wifi modem.15:42
cap_i dont have any problem with the asus router days ago. can't access the admin settings, cant connect to it's network. but my phone can access admin settings and shared folders.15:43
oerheks.. but you have now15:43
JimBuntucap_, I suggest you check on your laptop, however you want, to confirm that the other one isn't using 5G. If it is, it could be that there is an issue with one of the bands on your pc. As others have said, reset the modem.15:43
oerhekscap_, did you turn it off/on again yet?15:43
cap_oerheks, yes i've tried that.15:44
cap_JimBuntu, the other one is a 4g modem router.15:44
JimBuntu4G has nothing to do with the 2.4GHz or 5GHz that I am talking about15:45
JimBuntu4G, is as in, 4G cellular (which never even existed), they dropped the requirements so they could give up and move on to working out 5G15:46
cap_JimBuntu, okay. but the thing is, my phone can access the asus router without a problem. my other pc wired can connect to asus router.15:46
cap_but this pc im using cant connect via wifi to the asus router.15:47
Adrancap_: what do the logs say when it attempts to connect?15:47
ledenicap_, turn off the router like puling plug off and wait 5 mins15:47
JimBuntucap_, I'll put this plainly. It's possibly, your phone is accessing the ASUS over 5GHz... and that your 4G router is also using 5GHz... and your laptop is using 5GHz.... yet... the ASUS or your laptop may have trouble with the 2.4GHz side. You can flip those numbers equally and it *could* be the same issue.15:47
JimBuntuI think Adran has the right idea, since you can access the admin via your phone15:48
Xardseems like in ubuntu 18.04 the ubuntu dock refuses to pin any .desktop files which have different filename from the desktop file name parameter for unknown reason15:48
cap_Adran, how do i see the logs?15:48
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
cap_ledeni, already tried that.15:48
Adrancap_: open terminal do so journalctl -fn 1000 and try reconnecting to wifi15:48
Adransee what happens15:48
Adransudo journalctl*15:49
cap_Adran, too many logs15:49
longwordDoes the router have any logs? Is it configured to restrict access by MAC address?15:50
Adrancap_: When you try to reconnect, you'll see it as it happens with the journal15:50
Adranalternatively sudo egrep -i "Network|NM|wifi" /var/log/messages15:51
cap_Adran, okay. need to do the journalctl if im login to that network provided by the asus router?15:51
Adrancap_: you said that you cannot connect to wifi, which means there's a problem with connecting before you're on that network15:51
Adranif you are actually on the network but cannot access the router, then thats an entirely different set of troubleshooting steps.15:52
Adranfor the first, you need to try to connect, so logs are generated to see why its failing15:52
cap_Adran, okay. i cant connect to the asus router, cant connect to wifi.15:52
cap_Adran, im still waiting for the result for grep15:53
cap_Adran, hmm it's taking so long..15:55
Adrancap_: thats a bit annoying.15:59
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
JimBuntuAdran, maybe `sudo egrep -i "Network|NM|wifi" /var/log/kern.log` ?15:59
Adran^ cap_15:59
AdranI usually use journalctl so I don't know where ubuntu puts log files these days (i also use a custom syslog configuration)16:00
JimBuntuI don't think there is a /var/log/messages any more, at least I don't interact with one.16:00
hggdh/var/log/messages was moved into /var/log/syslog many releases ago16:01
JimBuntuAdran, oddity is... why would it simply hang on that command?16:01
cap_JimBuntu, what should i be looking for in the kern.log?16:02
Adrancap_: Anything NetworkManager/Wifi Related16:02
JimBuntucap_,  You should pastebin it... https://paste.ubuntu.com16:02
cap_Adran, no result it just hang.16:02
Adrancap_: I'm kinda with JimBuntu, upload you /var/log/syslog16:02
AdranAnd we can try to guide you through what the problem is.16:03
naccJimBuntu: what command is hanging?16:04
=== BionicMac is now known as mesa
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
JimBuntunacc, cap_ ran 'sudo egrep -i "Network|NM|wifi" /var/log/messages' and it hung... we know there is no messages file, but I'm confused why it hun16:05
CheetahPixieI have a problem here16:05
CheetahPixieI just updated to Bionic.16:05
JimBuntunacc, we are awaiting the upload of either 'sudo egrep -i "Network|NM|wifi" /var/log/kern.log' or the /var/log/syslog16:05
compdocuh oh16:05
CheetahPixieMy problem right now is the fact that one of my monitors on my RX480 is not turning on.16:06
cap_JimBuntu, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FHyb8JTBty/16:06
CheetahPixieAnd, well16:06
CheetahPixieI want it back on.16:06
RoadRunner|2Can't connect to internet: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WrmPqZR5fP/16:06
CheetahPixieIt works in the BIOS, so the card isn't broken.16:06
CheetahPixieWhat could be wrong?16:06
CheetahPixieThis is on amdgpu drivers, by the way.16:07
compdocthe amdgpu drivers from before the upgrade?16:09
=== Panoptes is now known as Aztec03
CheetahPixiecompdoc: I did a full system upgrade. I thought they updated amdgpu too?16:10
CheetahPixie(as they should, what with this being a new kernel)16:10
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
CheetahPixieI tried updating via UKUU to 4.15, no dice.16:11
ask-ygU5AP56I want a particular program to use local dir libs first, then system wide libs16:11
CheetahPixieNo ideas?16:11
cap_how do i mention a user here?16:12
ask-ygU5AP56I try w/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=local_dir:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./app16:12
ask-ygU5AP56no go16:12
JimBuntuSorry cap_ , something came up - peeps, please check this for wifi connectivity issues - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FHyb8JTBty/16:12
cap_JimBuntu, thank u.16:15
JimBuntuSo others know, what is the name of the ASUS network?16:18
cap_JimBuntu, asus router ssid is wifico16:18
metrowhy isn't the Synaptic Package Manager part of Ubunut ??16:20
JimBuntucap_  state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ip-config-unavailable') [70 120 5]16:21
webmindThe ubu nut16:21
oerheksmetro, it is, just not standard installed16:21
tgm4883!info synaptic | metro it is16:21
oerheks!info synaptic16:21
ubottumetro it is: synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.2 (artful), package size 1732 kB, installed size 7764 kB16:21
cap_JimBuntu, how did that happened?16:21
JimBuntuI'm only guessing, but I think perhaps MAC based permissions. Or perhaps you are out of available DHCP entries (I have seen this before).16:21
JimBuntuI would have expected the reset of the router to clear those, but I know sometimes they aren't and you have to wait X hours16:22
cap_JimBuntu, hmm.  but mac address is permanent on a device?16:22
cap_JimBuntu, thank u. i'll try to reset the asus router tomorrow, i'll save all the saved mac entries from the people who used the router.16:24
cap_JimBuntu, i'll update u if ever it fixed or not. thank u. its running late now here, need to sleep. thank u guys.16:25
JimBuntuHave a great night cap_. You may find that the router simply corrupted your MAC in it's tables. Good thing to check for AND... MACs aren't permenant.16:27
CheetahPixieMy computer is not picking up this screen, no matter what.16:34
xar-CheetahPixie: this is a support channel driven mostly by volunteers, if no one knows the answer, it's doubtful you'll get any response, have you tried the ubuntu forums in the mean time?16:35
badsekteris ubuntu still all the rage?16:36
leftyfbbadsekter: your question is not a support question. Feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
omarvHi all, could someone tell me what is the channel to ask about Docker CE installation on Ubuntu Bionic(18.04) ?? thanks...16:44
EriC^^omarv: try /msg alis list docker16:46
JimBuntuCheetahPixie, I have the same video card, I can try using a USB bootable with 18.04, but not for about 5+ hours :(16:56
JimBuntuI was already planning to upgrade the primary drive on that very machine tonight/tomorrow as well.16:57
omarvEric: Sorry I can´t understand you..16:58
JimBuntuomarv, type in what EriC^^ said, starting with the forward slash...17:01
JimBuntualis is a function to help you find a list of channels with docker in the name17:01
=== bart is now known as Guest28031
=== Guest28031 is now known as bart__
bart__18.04 release is great, well done. Only issue I've seen is when you enter a wrong password at the login screen, then you get just purple screen.17:06
tytanHello everyone, when I try to create a network bridge on ubuntu server 18.04 the boot process get's very slow. It's waiting for some network stuff then ...17:10
omarpHi all, could someone tell me what is the right channel # to solve a question about Docker CE installation on Ubuntu Bionic(18.04) ?? ,,I have a problem trying to find the repository : https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu ,,thanks17:22
tomreynomarp: how do you mean you can't "find it"?17:24
CheetahPixieJimBuntu: Any idea of how to actually turn the thing back on?17:28
oerheksomarp, the instructions are pretty clear, https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository17:29
CheetahPixieAlright, kernel downgrade go.17:30
matjamdoes anyone have a problem with google chrome fonts vertical spacing being too small?17:30
matjamon some fonts, not all17:30
matjamis a good example17:31
omarptomreyn: when I try to add the repo using the command sudo add-apt-repository \  "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ $(lsb_release -cs) \  stable"  ,  it show some errors i.e. : Err:24 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/stable bionic Release 404  Not Found [IP: 443]17:31
matjamyou can see the first line kind of disappears off the top of the page and every line is crammed17:31
matjamI've fiddled with font settings but this has been this way since I installed clean17:32
SSMAdmin18.04 server with ubuntu-desktop installed.  Have lost control with network connections, it may appear that Network Manager is no longer in control of the network connections. How can I investigate and fix it (revert it back) to Network Manger control?17:32
omarpoerheks: yes,but this is for Xenial 16.04 (LTS) , and I have 18.04(Bionic) ..I'm not sure if this docker CE version works with 18.04 ubuntu17:34
tomreynomarp: that's weird, since the release file is ther eon the server this hostname resolves to for you.17:35
SSMAdminIn /etc/NetworkManager.conf I see [ifupdown]17:35
SSMAdminmanaged=false  Could I try setting this to managed=true without destroying anything, and maybe fix the problem?17:35
tomreynSSMAdmin: oh yes, indeed!17:36
tomreyngood find17:36
tomreyni forgot about this setting17:36
SSMAdmintomreyn, box rebooted, now we will see :-)17:37
ash_workis there a way to check if `deb ... bionic stable` is a valid repo?17:38
tomreynomarp: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zzQJxWMvbw/17:38
JimBuntuCheetahPixie, does it work if you boot from 16.04 ?17:39
SSMAdmintomreyn, did not work17:39
tomreynSSMAdmin: :-/ a pity. see if you can create a new profile, though. delete the existing one, create a new one.17:40
SSMAdmintomreyn, maybe I need to change something else to make that command in effect?17:40
naccSSMAdmin: managed under the ifupdown section17:41
SSMAdmintomreyn, for testing I can just create an extra ordinary user profile?17:41
naccSSMAdmin: are you using e/n/i ?17:41
omarptomreyn:may be I have a mistake in curl command, I will try again..17:41
SSMAdminnacc, I have no idea, I am not a tech, just trying to fix this: https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/raw/hugadufuxo17:41
tomreynSSMAdmin: a connectionprofile in network manager is what i meant17:42
SSMAdmintomreyn, how to do that?17:42
tomreynSSMAdmin: and yes, you can just create a new one.17:42
SoniEx2can I use netctl on Ubuntu?17:42
tomreynSSMAdmin: using the top right corner GUI elements, as before17:43
naccSoniEx2: what is netctl?17:43
SSMAdmintomreyn, I still have no access to the "Network" Wired connections part of that area, only VPN and Proxy settings shows up17:43
SoniEx2better than NetworkManager17:43
ducassenacc: an arch thing, i think17:44
naccSoniEx2: no, it's an arch thing17:44
naccducasse: yeah you're right17:44
SoniEx2it's an arch project17:44
oerhekswicd-curses > https://askubuntu.com/questions/891885/is-there-a-wifi-menu-from-arch-linux-equivalent-in-ubuntu17:44
SoniEx2that doesn't make it "an arch thing"17:44
naccSoniEx2: ... well it's only available on arch afaik17:45
naccSoniEx2: if the arch developers want to make an ubuntu package, i'm sure they would be welcome to17:45
tomreynSSMAdmin: well i'm out of ideas. try to sum up the issue and your environment (basically your ubuntu version, customizations you made) again and see if you can get someone else to help with a fresh take17:46
SSMAdmintomreyn, Yes I have filed a bug report also.  thank you for all your help today17:47
naccSSMAdmin: what specifically is  your network issue? (sorry if you said already) that required you to install desktop on server17:47
SoniEx2so "build it myself"?17:47
SSMAdminnacc, no I have not installed desktop on server.  That was just a question I tossed out, as I wondered if the server trouble I have could be eliminated by installing desktop version instead.  To sum up the problem in question, now occuring in my server, see here: https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/raw/hugadufuxo17:49
JimBuntuSoniEx2, that would be an option17:49
SSMAdminnacc, maybe some confusion here.  I have server installed, and in it I installed ubuntu-desktop to let my family view video and tv and browse the internet from the same box, it is a HTPC17:51
naccSSMAdmin: right, so you did install desktop on server :)17:52
SSMAdminahh, yes then, but I have not installed the Desktop version of Ubuntu 18.04, I have installed the server, and enchanged it with the desktop.  The other part of my questions earlier today was IF I reinstall the system, but now just using the desktop version instead of the server, i that could fix the network managin problems...but just forget about that, it only adds confusion to the discussion :-)17:54
omarptomreyn: i got this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sNCH5Jt2Jf/17:56
rosco__Hi, /usr/bin/python is missing from the default install of the latest 18.04, am I missing something? Why doesn't /usr/bin/python links to /usr/bin/python3?18:00
Picirosco__: because python and python3 are different things. python is always python 218:00
blackflowrosco__: PEP-39418:01
rosco__well then python2 and python are different things.18:01
rosco__this is ridiculous18:01
rosco__a lot of scripts are calling for python in general without mention of the version18:02
ash_workhow do you uninstall something you installed from a deb package?18:02
blackflowrosco__: then they're asking for python 2. PEP-394 defines what "default" python command should be.18:03
ioriarosco__, what you mean with '/usr/bin/python is missing from the default install of the latest 18.04' ?18:04
JimBuntuCanonical said they were removing python2 from default install... a few more years and I think no more apt for it either18:05
Picirosco__: if the script's themselves specify /usr/bin/python in their shebang, then they want python2.  That is the standard.18:05
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ioriarosco__, https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/python-minimal/filelist18:05
Piciioria: that is not installed by default.18:06
JimBunturosco__, https://linuxconfig.org/install-python-2-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux18:06
ioriaPici ho, didn't know that18:06
rosco__ioria: python2 has been removed from ubuntu 18.04, and /usr/bin/python is missing as well18:07
JimBuntu"Python 2 is no longer installed by default. Python 3 has been updated to 3.6. This is the last LTS release to include Python 2 in main." as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes18:07
ioriarosco__,   python-minimal  pkg, then18:07
enissayHi, I have a list of words in a textfile, and I want to find which file they are located in another folder containing 1000+ text files x_x .... is it doable with find cli ?18:08
rosco__I'm ok with removing python2 from ubuntu 18, but at least make "$ python" point to python3 instead of returning a "command not found"18:08
JimBunturosco__, that would be a disaster. They aren't directly compatible18:08
Guest49957Has anyone heard of BothanSpy & Gyrfalcon?18:08
ioriarosco__,   idt it's a good idea18:08
Guest49957Has anyone heard of BothanSpy & Gyrfalcon?18:09
naccrosco__: ... python2 wasn't removed18:09
blackbird1Hi, I have a big problem, I use a kit (mic & headphones) to record a video. The microphone records a loud big static noise. How to fix that please ?18:10
germs@enissay grep seems like it would be a better choice... find you would need to use -exec grep18:10
naccrosco__: and do *not* remove python2 from ubuntu; python pointing to python3 would be a violationof pep as well18:10
omarptomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sNCH5Jt2Jf/   , any advice ?18:10
germsto be clear, yes you could use find18:10
naccrosco__: if you need python2, use it, otherwise don't.18:10
enissaygerms: my bad, grep would be fine as well...18:10
enissayjust found a lead on it and was reading the man18:11
germsgrep -RiE "word1|word2|word3" <path>18:11
enissaygerms: can I use a file as entry... it contains 50+ words, one per line... better read from the file than put them in one line :x18:12
rosco__nacc: install it if I need it otherwise don't install it? What kind of argument is this? python is the base of so many scripts that the standard install should at least return one valid interpreter for /usr/bin/python.18:13
naccenissay: perhaps you want `man grep` ? :)18:13
enissayyes yes, on it :P18:13
germssounds like some kind of while read line; do find something something -exec grep er something18:13
naccrosco__: base ubuntu does not need it anymore (aiui) and if a package does, then it should express that dependency18:13
naccrosco__: if you need it for some hand script, install python2.7?18:14
naccrosco__: and there is *one* interpreter for /usr/bin/python, it's python2, if you need it.18:14
ioriamy 18.04 has python-mininal  (but i upgraded from 17.10)18:15
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naccright, if you already had scripts taht used python2 in previous releases, you will still have python18:15
naccif you fresh installed 18.04, you can't have scripts that need python2, until you put them on the system18:16
=== melissa is now known as Guest84535
ioriaright , right18:17
naccat least, that's the logic afaict :)18:17
David_HedlundWhat's the package responsible for Ubuntu Live USB creator?18:20
naccrosco__: JimBuntu: also removing from main and/or not installed by default, does not mean removed from Ubuntu18:20
xfcethemehey, guys! how would i go about installing manjaros xfce theme on my xubuntu?18:20
naccDavid_Hedlund: source: usb-creator, binary: usb-creator-common/usb-creator-gtk18:21
David_Hedlundnacc: Thank you.18:22
brainwashxfcetheme: https://wiki.xfce.org/howto/install_new_themes18:23
SSMAdminOn ubuntu 18.04 server, using command 'nmcli d' show devices managed by Network Manager. For me this gave 2 ethernet cards and loopback device, all show UNMANAGED.  How can I set this to be MANAGED by Network Manager?18:26
rosco__nacc: just point /usr/bin/python to python3 instead of removing /usr/bin/python completey. Not doing it shows that ubuntu is miles away from unerstanding the enterpris needs. also, not installing by default a package called "python-minimal" is really telling a lot: no python by default on ubuntu 18. Enough for me tonight, see ya.18:27
xfcethemebrainwash: ive seen it and it doesnt help since i dont know the gui components by name, just saw it at uni18:27
brainwashxfcetheme: gui components?18:28
Guest84535Has anyone heard of BothanSpy & Gyrfalcon?18:29
ioriaSSMAdmin, you should have a file in /etc/netplan   ; check the renderer18:29
xfcethemewhat the theme(und which sparte id search for it) is called, waht the cursor is called, how18:30
omarpbrainwash: Hi, could you help me with an issue ?18:30
xfcetheme*how id install it18:30
brainwashxfcetheme: uhm.. shouldn't you ask that the manjaro people?18:31
SSMAdminioria, renderer says networkd18:31
ioriaSSMAdmin, so it's not managed by NM18:31
xfcethemetrue, off i go18:31
SSMAdminioria, so that may be the reason I can not manage network connections in the desktop?  If so, how do I change this so these network connections can be managed by Network Manager instead?18:32
SSMAdminioria, here is the problem, if you care to read: https://pastbin.smartskandalen.info/raw/hugadufuxo18:33
ioriaSSMAdmin, first make a backup of that file ..18:33
SSMAdminioria, done18:34
ioriaSSMAdmin, ok, using static or manual ?18:34
ioriaSSMAdmin, sorry, dhcp or static ?18:35
SSMAdminioria, I get assigned an ip adress, but in the router it is set to static18:35
SSMAdminso it is dhcp actually18:35
omarpbrainwash: I'm trying to install docker on 18.04(Bionic), following:  https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository , but get errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7yKzCWDY6K/18:35
ioriaSSMAdmin, ok, replace that file with this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PSWHYgdQrZ/18:36
SSMAdminioria, router assing the ip, but router is configured to give it the same ip each time18:36
SSMAdminioria, ok..done, now reboot?18:37
ioriaSSMAdmin, yes18:37
useradwere are you from?18:38
ioriaSSMAdmin, be sure network-manager is running18:38
brainwashomarp: but the file is there https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/stable/binary-amd64/18:39
naccuserad: stop. this the support channel. chitchat elsewhere18:41
userad bb b b b18:42
SSMAdminioria, thanks a lot, problem solved, its working.  At least I can now manage network connections in the desktop.  Now I will test Screen Sharing :-)18:43
ioriaSSMAdmin, ok, what you mean with Screen Sharing ? vnc ?18:43
DraconiatorBleh I need more coffee...I'm already here.18:43
* genii 's ears perk up for a moment, then he goes back to doing work18:44
humehey guys, I'm trying to get cuda working on my fresh 18.04. It turned out I needed an older version of gcc (gcc 6), which installed using "apt-get install gcc-6"18:44
SSMAdminioria, yes, I was not able to active screen sharing (vnc) as I could not choose network connection in the Sharing - ScreenSharing dialog box (because Network Manager did not control the connections)18:44
humehwoever I can't seem to start gcc because `gcc` tells me you need to 'apt-get install gcc' or whatever. Do I need to link gcc-6 to a new env or something?18:44
useradi have a problem my laptop shutdown allein. please help18:44
SSMAdmintomreyn, problem solved by ioria18:45
Miguel2013I have a netgear wireless card wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/18:45
ioriaSSMAdmin, i don't remember if vino is installed by default in bionic:  dpkg -l | grep vino18:45
omarpbrainwash: yes the file is in server, but i got :  Err:21 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/stable bionic Release  404  Not Found [IP: 443] , I don't know why ?18:46
ioriaSSMAdmin, btw, is Desktop Sharing18:47
SSMAdminioria, that is correct, but it is called "Screen sharing" in the Ubuntu interface18:47
ioriaSSMAdmin,   dpkg -l | grep vino18:48
SSMAdminioria, I just tell you what it says when you go to desktop tools/admin "Sharing" area18:49
SSMAdminit say "Screen sharing"18:49
ioriaSSMAdmin,  ok,    dpkg -l | grep vino     what's the output18:49
brainwashomarp: maybe this https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/29018:49
naccomarp: ioria you are running the wrong command, afaict18:50
iorianacc, meaning ?18:50
naccioria: i think it's wrong for it to say 'bionic stable'18:51
naccioria: in the sources.list addition18:51
naccioria: as bionic is in the path, no?18:51
naccioria: or if it is bionic stable, then the url is wrong18:51
SSMAdminioria, it says: ii  vino 3.22.0-3ubuntu1 amd64 VNC server for GNOME18:51
naccyes the url is wrong18:51
naccomarp: re-read the webpage and run the command *exactly* as shown18:52
srukleWhere is the repository for the Ubuntu install program for mini.iso? Located: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD#A64-bit_PC_.28amd64.2C_x86_64.29_.28Recommended.2918:52
naccsrukle: what do you mean?18:53
iorianacc, wrong nick ? :)18:53
naccioria: err, yes! brainwash --^ as to helping omarp18:53
iorianacc, ok18:53
sruklenacc: I don't know the technical name. When mini.iso boots, it's an installation program. Do you know that name of that installation program? I understand it's different from Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server.18:53
ioriaSSMAdmin,  ok,  ps -A | grep -i vino18:53
naccsrukle: i dont think it is18:54
naccsrukle: mini.iso just doesn't have packages on the iso18:54
sruklenacc: So it's the same project as Desktop and Server? I'm looking for the source.18:54
naccsrukle: i'm fairly sure it's still ubiquity18:54
sruklenacc: I'll look. Thank you!18:54
naccsrukle: yes, read the first few paragraphs18:55
SSMAdminioria,  3223 ?        00:00:03 vino-server18:56
ioriaSSMAdmin,  so it's running ....18:56
srukleThat's a lot of stuff to look at on the week before exams. I'll look at this again after classes. :)18:56
SSMAdminyes, and I am connected using Remmina :-)18:56
ioriaSSMAdmin,  ok then (but you don't need remmina)18:57
SSMAdminioria, thanks a lot for you help18:57
ioriaSSMAdmin,  no problem you're welcm18:57
SSMAdminioria, what do I need then?18:57
SSMAdminioria, what do I need then, instead of Remmina? :-)18:58
SSMAdminsomething better?18:58
ioriaSSMAdmin,  vino is a server18:58
ioriaSSMAdmin,  you connect to a server witha client18:58
ioriaSSMAdmin,  e.g.  vinagre or another client18:59
SSMAdminioria, yes, and I am sitting on my personal computer, using Remmina to connect to my server we have just configured. This so I can control the living room server without disturbing the rest of the family watching tv :-)18:59
ioriaSSMAdmin,  right :)19:00
SSMAdminioria, we may have just misunderstood each other. I thought you ment there was something better to use than Remmina19:00
ioriaSSMAdmin,  i don't mean 'better' ; i eman there a lot of other clients available ... but if remmina is ok, problem solved !19:01
SSMAdminRemmina has crap resolution, maybe I just have to tweak it19:01
SSMAdminResolution fixed, imagine what one can find if one just look around in config settings :-)19:03
Miguel2013SSMAdmin, hey I used to run ubuntu 7.10 on a pentium 3 and it gave me distorted resolution the laptop was even older but using ubuntu 10.10 just worked out of the box why19:04
SSMAdminMiguel2013, now all is working perfectly :-)19:05
xirghi I'm learning ubuntu and I can't seem to get my ssh keys to work19:07
xirgi'm running ubuntu 18.04 LTS and i'm trying to generate the keys on a windows 10 machine using putty's keygen19:08
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria: I follow  https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/290 , and I got some errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m234QYxq6n/  ,.. that are related that the repository does not have a Release file, I tried with test _edge) and get(release) installation , both fail with errors in repository and source.list19:11
blackbird1Hi, how to fex the static noise when recording ? (ubuntu: 16.04.4, kernel: 4.4.0-112-generic)19:15
blackbird_Hi, how to fex the static noise when recording ? (ubuntu: 16.04.4, kernel: 4.4.0-112-generic)19:20
EriC^^call ghostbusters ;)19:21
EriC^^blackbird_: do you have the mic set to 'boost' ?19:21
naccomarp: you did something wrong when you added the repository before19:21
naccomarp: and instead of reading the webpage and correcting it, you did somethign else19:22
naccomarp: you need to start over and do the right thing the first time )19:22
naccblackbird_: 16.04.4 should be on 4.4.0-121 or 4.4.0-12219:22
RoadRunner|2would really appreciate help with internet connection19:23
sweinDoes anyone know why installing 16.04 server on a NVME mdadm raid 1 won't boot? /boot is raid 1 md127 device, it's listed as a bootable partition. grub install says it installed, but no boot. BIOS options all look fine, in legacy mode.19:23
blackbird_nacc: with  4.4.0-121 or 4.4.0-122, I had retpoline problem.19:30
Criminal[m]Why does restarting systemd-logind seem to restart the display manager? (Ubuntu 17.10)19:33
v0lksmanI just upgraded a system from 12 to 14 and now want to upgrage again from 14 - 16 but am getting an upgrade error.  It's likely due to a package I've installed, how would I figure out which one?19:34
leftyfbv0lksman: which 12, 14 and 16?19:34
v0lksmanoh and just ran teh ubuntu-bug thing and this is a known problem but because I'm headless I can't see the bug number and no browser popped open19:34
v0lksman04...lTS on all19:35
leftyfbthat makes a huge difference since .10 isn't supported anymore on any of those19:35
leftyfbv0lksman: why do you have a desktop OS running headless?19:35
leftyfbor are you19:35
rdias002can somebody please help me with how do i get pinch to zoom and disable touchpad while typing. i have searched dozens of articles and none of them seem to work. i have even installed gnome tweaks but it doesn't seem to work . i have ubuntu 18.19:37
v0lksmanno this is on a server19:37
v0lksmanis there a sever specific channel19:37
ioriav0lksman, /var/log/dist-upgrade/    and what kind of error do you get ?19:37
leftyfbv0lksman: there is, but what errors are you getting?19:38
ioriav0lksman,  most of the problems from 14.04 to 16.04 are systemd related19:39
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria: I got same error even with sudo ap-get update: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nTXjsN566W/19:39
v0lksmanthat's the one!  looks like one of my postgres packages is holding it up19:40
debkadrdias002: take a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/111510/how-to-activate-pinch-to-zoom-twisting-with-synaptics-touchpad?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa19:40
oerheksomarp, what confuses me, is that docker uses https..19:40
leftyfbv0lksman: you need to post error messages19:41
leftyfbv0lksman: what about removing posgres, do the upgrade and reinstall?19:41
v0lksmancan't remove the entire DB but it's complaining about postgis so I've removed it and trying again19:44
leftyfbv0lksman: I didn't say remove the db. Just the package. Also, you have yet to post an error message.19:45
rdias002debkad, thanks but i have already visited that page. didn't help much. pressing ctrl is only a shortcut and not a gesture. also i want to disable touchpad while typing because my cursor keeps jumping here and there19:45
v0lksmanall good...seems that was it...now dealing with not enough disk space19:46
leftyfbv0lksman: NOW you gotta remove the db ;)19:46
ioriav0lksman,  df -h19:47
RoadRunner|2How to resolve an ip into a name?19:47
v0lksmanhahaha...not out of tricks yet...I can resize my disk19:47
v0lksmanviva la vps19:48
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: host, nslookup, dig, nmap19:48
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: why?19:48
omarpoerheks: I'm trying to install docker on ubuntu 18.04. yes Docker’s official GPG key is https ,...   :$ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -19:48
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: having problems with dns19:48
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: those only work if your DNS has reverse DNS setup19:48
de-factov0lksman, top 100 files "sudo du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 100"19:49
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: Does resolv.conf get overwritten after a kernel update?19:49
v0lksmanall good...upgrade is now running...thanks guys!19:50
v0lksman(gals too!)19:50
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: depending on how you've got your networking setup, whatever network stack should override it19:50
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: a kernel change has nothing to do with resolv.conf19:50
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: what version of ubuntu?19:50
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: 16.0419:51
oerheksomarp, ahhh https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/29019:51
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: server or desktop?19:51
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: desktop19:51
oerheksomarp, " Expect the release of 18.05.0-ce within the coming weeks. Please note that the 18.05.0-ce release is for the edge channel only"19:52
oerheksso you found the edge version, that is all there is now19:52
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: then Network Manager (resolvconf) will override your /etc/resolv.conf each time you (re)connect to a network/VPN/etc19:52
SSMAdminIs there a way to force 18.04 to accept user accounts without a password?  I want my family to be able to log in to the HTPC (ubuntu server) to watch netflix without typing a password, specially my kids should not need to do this19:53
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: perhaps you could help me with my problem then? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WrmPqZR5fP/19:53
de-factoSSMAdmin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin maybe?19:54
rdias002_what should i do?19:54
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: nmcli device show|grep DNS19:54
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria, oerheks:I did that and have just one error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2tWny8g8dx/ ,, I think is the file /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria, oerheks: something related to ppa19:56
brainwashomarp: disable that ppa then19:56
oerheksjust told you, only edge is out19:57
brainwashoerheks: you didn't even check the pastebin19:57
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: nmcli device being the gateway/router?19:57
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria, oerheks: edge mean test ?19:57
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: type exactly what I posted into a terminal19:58
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: I did :) but can only do it on this comp; the one I am trying to fix is at  a diff address...19:58
oerheksbrainwash, oh i see, ubuntu-make ppa..19:58
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: Whatever computer is failing to do lookups, run the command I posted above and post the ip's here19:59
oerheksomarp,  this ppa has no candidate, so it is safe to disable/remove https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-make20:00
brainwashomarp: I would switch to a different solution. ubuntu 18.04 has been released and those docker guys are unable to support it right away. unbelievable!20:00
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: my point is, I can't do that  now because I and the comp in question are at different locations; so the best I can do is try to understand the whole diag process using my current working computer as a prop20:01
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: you'll need access to the computer we're troubleshooting in order to troubleshoot it. Otherwise, you're not going to get much help here20:01
omarpbrainwash: those docker guys are sh....! ...jajaja..20:03
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de-factoRoadRunner|2, btw you always can ask a specific DNS server and see its answer with dig, eg. "dig @ freenode.net" to ask google dns so you can try to ask the configured ips of your problem box and see if they answer20:03
rdias002_here is a link for anybody who wants to disable touchpad while typing: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-disable-touchpad-while-writing-article-or-documentation-in-ubuntulinux-mint-or-derivatives-linux20:05
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: going back and forth btw locations for each indiv command is a nightmare so I am hoping someone could walk me through all  the steps in one go20:06
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: That's not how troubleshooting works. Steps can change depending on what we find20:06
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: check/change the public DNS your router uses ... .try that. Preferably, use and no other DNS20:07
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: who's ip is
oerheksrdias002_, it is an option now, in gnome-tweak-tool for 17.10/18.0420:08
de-factoRoadRunner|2, "whois" -> APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project20:10
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: Cloudflare/APNIC20:10
leftyfbtoo late :)20:10
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/what-is-
odroidoracle or open java20:11
oerheks!java | odroid choose the one you like20:12
ubottuodroid choose the one you like: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:12
oerheksuse open source, ofcourse20:12
leftyfbodroid: That's an opinion query. Not a support question. Use the one that works best for your purposes. If you don't have one, use open source.20:12
oerheksthere is an advantage, yes, no need to add a funny ppa20:13
SSMAdminde-facto, thank you20:14
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RoadRunner|2leftyfb: regarding the DNS  for the router on the problem comp: IPv4 Primary DNS
leftyfbthat's not the public DNS server your router is using20:17
leftyfbif it is, then absolutely nothing is getting resolved anywhere on your network20:17
atlas_0x01Wait...is that off topic??20:21
Miguel2013test what dns other computer using the same isp works20:22
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: and the nameserver ip from  resolv.conf doesn't help?20:23
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: no, that points to your localhost which points to the local ip of your router which is using a public DNS which you can only get by looking at the config of your router20:23
Miguel2013add dns-nameservers line to interfaces20:24
Miguel2013yea try the router ip too20:24
SSMAdminIs there a way I can increase password strenght in Vino (remote desktop viewing)?  Currently I can only set, either so server has to accept a VNC connection, or using a password of maximum 8 characters.  8 is too weak in my opinion20:25
omarpbrainwash, nacc, ioria, oerheks: Docker on ubuntu 18.04 working like a charm: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BYjJjrcCZ2/  , Thanks to all for your help and support ,, you are the great!!20:28
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: does this help? https://imgur.com/a/SNxuXuV20:29
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: is that the config of your router?20:29
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: that's the info from the comp that can't connect for its only wired connection20:30
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: the answer is no. That is not the config from your router. You need to check what DNS server your router is using for it's public DNS and what DNS servers it is handing out via DHCP20:30
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: the router belongs to my isp, when I try to dial into its gui from browser, I just get a 'welcome' screen without any real info or option to go deeper to look up anything20:34
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: would I then have to call them to get the info you are asking?20:35
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: then edit your network manager config the computer you are using and on the ipv4 tab, change Automatic(DHCP) to Automatic(DHCP) address only and in the addional DNS servers, put
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: then either reconnect to the wired connection or reboot20:36
SSMAdminHow do I configure ufw to allow incoming tcp connections only from computers on the local network?20:38
SSMAdminexample port 590020:38
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: if this works, would that be a permanent change or would it get overwriten by next reboot or something?20:39
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: it's perm, only on that 1 device and until you connect via some other network device (wireless, usb wireless/wired,etc). This is why I was trying to get you to make the change at your router where it belongs20:40
ohallothi... is this the end-user support channel? suitable to ask end-user questions?20:44
leftyfb!ask | ohallot20:45
ubottuohallot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:45
phinxyIs there a package for AlrGr-intl virtual console keymaps?20:45
phinxydpk-reconfigure console-data did not have any AlrGr keymap at all.20:46
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: there is another comp on that network, so it will reck the setup I take it...  So to do it right, I will have to call isp and get them to implement the change on their router.  Except that they know nothing about linux, so unless I tell them exactly what to do, they will not know what settings to use for me.20:46
ohallotI'm chasing a config bug in latest Kubuntu 18.04. My session opens at tty1.  Is that correct? Used to be tty7 with 17.10.20:47
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: they don't even have to know how to spell linux. They only need to set the public DNS of the router to and make sure it's only giving out the ip of your router for DNS via DHCP or the same public DNS if they're not running local DNS on their router.20:47
leftyfbohallot: probably not a bug. It's probably how they do things now. What does it matter to you though?20:48
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: and then any number of comps on that network will work fine?20:50
debkadphinxy: Test If it is working by `xev` command20:50
dave09Hey guys, does anyone have any idea why the login screen appear twice?20:50
phinxydebkad, Its all fine in X20:50
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: they'll either work better or not at all ;)   at which point your ISP has some splainin to do20:50
debkadso it is working then20:50
ohallotleftyfb: yes. may be it how it is now.  The second issue is: when I start a second session for a second user, it opens on tty1 and kills the current tty1 session instead of opening tty2.20:50
leftyfbgotta go now20:51
phinxydebkad, I'm trying to not use X as an experiment20:51
Miguel2013why is akamai so in bed with microsoft20:51
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: here's what I don't understand: the problem started after a bad kernel update; comp stopped booting and I had to remove old kernels to bring it to life.  Everything returned to normality, except the comp couldn't connect to the internet. So, if no changes where made to the router, why did it work before but not now?20:53
leftyfbRoadRunner|2: you said you only had problems resolving DNS and that ping worked20:54
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: after the kernel fix, correct20:55
ohallotAnother issue I get since 17.10: Takes one minute between authetication and start of KDE desktop, in all my system end-users. PLain black screen, no disk acitivty. Seems the session is wating for a timeout, which I wasn't able so far to detect. Hits appreciated20:59
FurretUberIs there a way to remove the Dock in Ubuntu other than uninstalling? The Tweak tool didn't work21:01
RoadRunner|2leftyfb: ?21:02
L00P3XHello and good evening, I got this mouse, is there any chance it could work? I do not know how to do so.. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1057043/Tecknet-M001.html?page=2#manual21:03
jpleauI notice the gnome-3-26-1604 snap seems installed by default on 18.04, is there harm in removing it?21:06
Miguel2013SSMAdmin, hey I used to run ubuntu 7.10 on a pentium 3 and it gave me distorted resolution the laptop was even older but using ubuntu 10.10 just worked out of the box why21:14
oerheksjpleau, you might be able to, yes, not seen anyone tried before..21:15
Miguel2013I have a netgear wireless card wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/21:15
naccMiguel2013: ... why do you keep asking the previous question? neither 7.10 nor 10.10 are supported any longer21:17
naccMiguel2013: and the question before that is trolling. So please stay ontopic.21:17
L00P3Xi remebered the comand now.. on dmesg i got "[57519.611244] usb 4-2: Product: 2.4GHz 2way RF Mouse Receiver " recognised.. but i don't know how to get this mouse work21:17
naccjpleau: i believe if you do that, some of the installed-by-default snaps will fail21:21
naccjpleau: there are others for gnome21:21
jpleaunacc: I removed every other snap besides "core" and this one, was wondering if anything else was using it :)21:22
naccjpleau: gnome-calculator, -characters, -logs, and -system-monitor are the ones that need it, i assume21:23
naccjpleau: if you already removed those snaps, you no longer have the functionality (which is assumed to be core gnome functionality, as it's installed by default) nor those apps21:23
jpleaunacc: I was wondering why those snaps were installed, since they were available from the repos (with a newer version)21:24
jpleauAnyway, I understand that it's safe to remove now, thanks :)21:24
L00P3Xwould it be a try worth to chmod the port like "sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0" to get this mouse work? would ust knowif thers any chance.. I got it recognised whit dmesg21:26
RoadRunner|2sorry, never mind :)21:27
nicomachus1.1.1.1 is Cloudflare DNS21:34
* nicomachus answered a support question. ticket closed.21:34
Miguel2013nacc, yes21:35
Miguel2013I have a netgear wireless card wag511 I can't install on xubuntu any hand? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/netgear-wag511-pcmcia-card-fails-to-load-on-linux.243733/21:49
adymitrukany guidence on changing license from BSD to GPLv2?21:50
SlidingHornadymitruk: what exactly do you mean?  Are you forking a project or something?21:57
SlidingHornMiguel2013: which version and flavor OS?21:58
pavlosMiguel2013: is the card recognized?21:58
SlidingHornMiguel2013: (correction - just need the version. I'd missed the "xubuntu" part)22:00
RoadRunner|2How to decrease the size of a LVM partition?22:01
pavlosMiguel2013: you may have to build a driver, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/331667/no-wireless-for-intel-corporation-7260-version-63 ... the answer voted 2722:03
Miguel2013pavlos, thanks22:06
RoadRunner|2Also, what's the easiest way to reformat a usb flash drive?22:08
stevendaleRoadRunner|2 Gnome Disk Utility22:08
emesixHello i have a question about the Realtek RTL8168 with Ubuntu 18.04. I cant get the network up even after installing r8168-dkms...22:08
Miguel2013pavlos, what do u mean by answner voted 2722:10
pavlosMiguel2013: there are 2 answers, the first has a 27 to the left (which is voted by other ppl)22:11
pavlosMiguel2013: also green circle with checkmark22:12
pavlosMiguel2013: SlidingHorn asked for xubuntu version ...22:13
mattfly1can anyone give me an idea for a hack up or proper way to listen to mono youtube videos on both ears?22:16
mattfly1sometimes videos are only hearable on the left or right and this annoys me22:16
mattfly1i wanted to be able to convert the audio stream on the fly and make it more confortable, can anyone help me?22:16
oerheksmattfly1, mpv can do that, mpv --audio-channels=1  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<movie>22:21
mattfly1but that wont pause when i pause the video22:21
mattfly1oh wait will mpv play the video too?22:22
oerheksyes, space = pause22:22
thesebnewb question... https://pastebin.com/G7Wuanx2 <--- Where is swap on that 18.04 fstab file?22:22
oerhekssome speech recognition programs work better this way, though22:22
oerheksvlc should do this also, not sure what option22:23
thesebdo new ubuntu vers call swap "tmpfs" ?22:23
mattfly1theres no swap there22:23
mattfly1im also having problems to hibernate on 18.0422:23
oerhekstheseb, yes, fresh 7.10/18.04 uses swapfile22:23
mattfly1it has a swap file now22:23
oerheksor 17.1022:23
thesebmattfly1: oerheks : ok wait..so i shouldn't be alarmed 18.04 fstab does not show swap?22:24
mattfly1is it a fresh install?22:24
Miguel2013pavlos, I don't understand completely askubuntu but that could help me22:24
thesebmattfly1: yes..how check on the swapfile?22:24
mattfly1well thats weird, you can just manually create an swapfile and add it to the fstab22:25
nacctheseb: swapon should indicate if there is one22:25
mattfly1are you sure thats your whole fstab ??22:25
naccthat's not an fstab, that's /proc/mounts, fwiw22:26
oerheksfstab should have an entry for swapfile > /swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       022:26
mattfly1on a fresh install i got /swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0   0"22:26
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions22:26
pavlosMiguel2013: d/ the tar.bz2, extract, compile, make install, then cp iwlwifi to the firmware area, attempt to insert the module22:26
naccyes, i meant the pasted output above22:26
naccsnap mounts are not in fstab22:26
pavlosMiguel2013: d/ = download22:26
thesebmattfly1: yes..i'm using lvm...does that not use swap? i read somewhere only non-LVM has these swapfiles22:26
mattfly1use cat /etc/fstab insttead theseb22:26
naccin particular, as the user said in the paste, the above is df output22:26
mattfly1or swapon -s22:26
Miguel2013pavlos, I have netgear with atheros chipset tho22:27
thesebmattfly1: ah..cat gives this line... /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       022:27
theseb 22:27
nacciirc, if you use LVM, no swapfile22:27
nacc(by default)22:27
mattfly1well thats your swap22:27
pavlosMiguel2013: I've read that it would work for wag511 ... I'll find the link22:27
mattfly1swapon -s will also show it22:28
mattfly1now can anyone tell me if you had success on hibernating ubuntu 18.04 ?22:28
Miguel2013pavlos, kidding?22:28
thesebmattfly1: swapon gives /dev/dm-1 partition 980M   0B   -222:28
thesebmattfly1: i assume that's good?22:28
mattfly1I always get stuck on s2disk snapshooting system22:29
thesebmattfly1: thanks for the help..i think i confirmed i have swap ;)22:29
mattfly1theseb: yes you certainly have, looks weird that it is not the one on ur fstab and its a partiton. A personal tip is use htop to have a nice ncurses CLI view of your memory and running processes and swap usage22:30
pavlosMiguel2013: not sure I understand "kidding?" I'm trying to help ... http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man4/ath_hal.4freebsd.html Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL) supports AR5212, see  Netgear WAG511       AR5212    CardBus    a/b/g22:31
mattfly1anyone knows why s2disk is getting frost? how to debug this? the only solution is alt+print REISUB or force turnoff on the power button when this happens22:32
thesebmattfly1: well there was an issue with a "Gave up waiting for suspend/resume" issue so i have to disable a line mentioning the swap in /etc/initramfs/conf.d/resume22:32
thesebmattfly1: then i made a new initramfs22:32
thesebmattfly1: hence my concern...that i somehow removd the swap22:32
mattfly1well you have a small swap there, it seems 980M only22:33
mattfly1were you trying to hibernate?:22:33
thesebmattfly1: no22:33
thesebmattfly1: when i boot the Ubuntu VM it was giving warnings/errors22:33
mattfly1that happened while booting?22:33
thesebmattfly1: it boots fine now and ubuntu 18.04 works...i just didn't know if i borked the swap with that hack22:34
mattfly1dont force turnoff a vm or the host machine without turning off the vm properly22:34
thesebright.....i rebooted properly22:34
pavlosMiguel2013: https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1307467.html22:35
md_5anyone else seen issues with hanging nvidia drivers on 18.04? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176793222:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767932 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 causes kernel hang" [Undecided,New]22:35
mattfly1md_5 im currently using nvidia-390 and i dont have something like that at all22:38
md_5:( yeah I can't see anything similar reported yet which is surprising22:38
md_5and unfortunately there is no downgrade path to nvidia-38422:38
mattfly1i have a gtx 1050 ti22:39
mattfly1what DE are you using? are you using wayland?22:39
mattfly1when does that happen?22:40
md_5"randomly" - https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1033054/linux/kernel-task-hang-on-390-48-396-18-gtx770-/post/5256234/#525623422:40
md_5its generally close to startup22:40
md_5like < 10 minutes22:40
mattfly1but if you dont login does it happen?22:41
mattfly1never made that test?22:41
md_5might've happened once on the gdm login screen, but havent specifically tested22:41
mattfly1well here i have ldm and kde plasma desktop22:42
oerheksmd_5, lots of bugreports on launchpad about the 390 driver, this might be a solution, for now, 396 -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053/comments/11622:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]22:42
md_5oerheks I'm on 396 now22:43
oerheksoh oke22:43
md_5same hang, both the original 396 and the one released yesterday22:43
md_5left backtraces of both hangs in the ticket, but theyre identical22:43
oerheksdid you purge  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau too?22:43
md_5nope, guess I can give it a shot22:43
md_5I don't have an Xorg.conf22:44
zeffyguys can you help me with virtualbox even if i use parrotsec ?22:44
md_5Worth noting when it works, it works fine. Currently chatting from the affected desktop22:44
L00P3XI don't know what else to try to get this mouse working... i made a pastebin from "tail dmesg" and "hwinfo --mouse". it is full recognised but i have no idea on what to do now.. if someone would please give it a look I would be very gratefull for any help.22:44
oerheksmd_5, ubuntu generates one, and removes it during shutdown, AFAIK22:44
oerheksyou might want to read the full post, what has been tried,, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205322:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]22:45
md_5ubuntu just uses /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d mostly22:45
oerheksjups, to populate xorg.conf22:45
md_5oerheks seem to be different issues, I boot fine, just get a deadlock "randomly"22:45
ringzer0I have nginx running; I can see the process.  and netstat -a | grep LISTEN - shows port 81 open.  I can connect to it via: curl loalhost:81 ... but I cannot do curl mytld.com:81 ... it just hangs.22:50
ringzer0I have turn ufw off via: ufw disable22:50
md_5Check its listening to or a public ip22:51
oerhekssudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP' -- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-nginx-on-ubuntu-16-04#step-2-adjust-the-firewall22:54
oerhekssudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP:81'22:54
pavlosringzer0: https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/server_blocks/23:00
riotzwtf.. "df -h" "root on nautilus" and diskdrive manager all show different values23:03
riotzon df -h i have 95gb free.. nautilus says its 101gb disk manager shows 121,6gb23:03
genii5% gets reserved for superuser23:04
riotzhmm that would give a answer to df -h and nautilus23:06
riotzany clue how disk manager gets such a huge value?23:07
riotzmaybe it ignored tmpfs23:08
riotzwhereas i have only 24 assigned to tmpfs23:09
riotzwick wack cadillac23:10
NoImNotNineVolthey, i'm running 14.04 and apparently apache 2.4.7... 2.4.0 through 2.4.25 have broken directory indexes... i was considering moving to 16.04, but that's only apache2 2.4.18....23:15
NoImNotNineVoltand i don't think i'm going to be able to convince anyone to run 18.04 in prod just yet...23:15
riotz16.04 is still supported?23:15
NoImNotNineVoltisn't it lts?23:15
riotzyeah but it shouldnt be supported for that much longer23:16
NoImNotNineVolteven 14.04 is supported, isn't it?23:16
riotzlts was like 4 years or what23:16
riotzthat should be over soon23:16
riotzlets see23:16
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, so 16.04 will be supported for another 3 years still.23:16
NoImNotNineVoltbut that's not really the issue.23:17
oerheksondrej would give 2.4.33 https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/apache2?field.series_filter=xenial23:17
NoImNotNineVoltnice, even for trusty.23:18
NoImNotNineVoltis that a trustworth ppa? :P23:18
oerheksor upgrade to 17.10/18.0423:18
NoImNotNineVoltlts is a requirement, and i don't think i could get any buy-in to move prod to 18.04 if they're still pushing back against 16.0423:19
oerheksit a commonly used one, yes, but a ppa is a ppa, use with care.23:19
NoImNotNineVolt"they" being management :P23:19
riotzNoImNotNineVolt, why dont you simply install the latest from the apache site?23:20
riotzthe binaries there should be as good as the ppa23:20
oerheks.. would the apache site give security updates?23:20
riotzyeah well. no23:21
NoImNotNineVoltis ondrej fast with patches?23:22
jpleauNoImNotNineVolt: 2.4.7 doesn't mean vanilla 2.4.7, there are patches applied from latest upstream fixes23:23
oerhekslast updates, 5 weeks ago23:23
riotzApache HTTP Server 2.4.33 Released  March 23, 201823:23
riotztook them a week23:23
riotzshould be reasonable23:23
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riotzstop posting your passwords in here23:24
jpleauNoImNotNineVolt: what bug are you referring to exactly? You meant Directory Indexes being broken? Have an example?23:30
riotzthe other question is why do prod servers run ubuntu at all.. why not simply debian?23:33
xamithango to the offtopic channel if you just want to chatter riotz23:35
riotzxamithan, how come that this is a offtopic question?23:36
xamithanWell it has nothing to do with a support question23:37
riotzwell i would say its reasonable question23:37
xamithanIt is.   Debian doesn't have business support23:38
xamithanUbuntu does23:38
Skaface82ok I have a very unsusual thing happening... I have my main display on a DVI port and a projector on a HDMI port... as soon as I turn my projector on, my LAN stops working. As soon as I turn my projector off my LAN works again23:38
ntdcome on, canonical released an os unbootable on thinkpad t-series users23:38
Skaface82only since upgrading to 18 from 17.1023:38
ntdbionic: len ultra/pro dock=no23:38
ntdand i warned them23:38
riotzntd, it works good on my t470p23:39
ntdwith ultra/pro dock?23:40
ntdyeah, hence me clarifying23:41
riotzok.. sorry overread that23:41
ntdnomodeset works, but multimon is then out of the question without major tinkering. warned them23:42
zeffyguys if im in /home/user/Picture , and i want to move a file, i use : mv file1 /Downloads23:43
zeffywhat happend if i did that ?23:43
jordinohi... im looking for help about smb.conf i swear i already readed a lot but it seems that every tutorial or guide is from 3 years ago!!23:44
ntdit would move it to an assumed root dir named "Downloads"23:44
ntdso maybe look up the ~23:44
ntdor get a grip, generally23:44
xamithanThe guide for smb.conf is ..  "man smb.conf"23:45
zeffyis empty /Downloads from root dir23:45
xamithanIt should have everything you need,  a long with the example file23:45
jordinoi already...23:47
jordinoim looking for help23:47
xamithanCan't help until you ask a question23:47
jordinocan anyone please help me?23:47
jordinoim sure is a detail but i just cant find out23:48
riotzjordino, read the syslog.. it will tell you whats going wrong23:48
riotzor was it smb.log?23:48
oerhekspost it on paste.ubuntu.com ..23:49
jordino[2018/05/04 18:21:30.290276,  0] ../lib/param/loadparm.c:1750(lpcfg_do_service_parameter)   Ignoring unknown parameter "valid user"23:50
jordinowhy is ignoring?23:50
jmgb4Hey fellas. I am trying to remove the ubuntu version of Virtualbox. Yet again the fork is broken and doesnt pul whats needed. Suggestions on the best way to nuke it23:51
xamithanbecause "valid user" is not a parameter you can use23:53
xamithanI assume you meant to put "valid users = "23:53
oerheksuse the -f option, sudo apt remove virtualbox -f23:53
kevrin 18.04 live server install23:54
kevrit says i can use a key from github, i selected github, entered my username23:54
kevrbut nothing happened23:54
jordinoxamithan: ok is fixed but it stills not letting me go into the share23:54
oerhekskevr, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server, live server is fresh  with 18.04 ..23:55
xamithanpastebin the config and the error message you get on smbclient.  Then we'll be able to see what is wrong23:55
oerheksnot sure it is usable with github23:55
riotzjordino, wait dont touch your keyboard pls.. i'm trying to mindcontrol your syslog now23:55
jordinobut the problem is not on this computer23:56
kevroerheks: github is an option23:56
kevrso it must.23:56
jordinosamba$ testparm Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384) WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated Processing section "[homes]" Processing section "[printers]" Processing section "[print$]" Processing section "[publica]" Processing section "[privada]" Loaded services file OK. Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE23:57
jordinoin the log:  INFO: Profiling support unavailable in this build.23:58
flotwighaving a bit of a weird bug23:58
jordinoi guess...23:59
riotzjordino, stop posting random lines of this syslog23:59
flotwigwhenever i get a permissions prompt, like when installing something from the Software Center, it now asks me for an "Administrator" password23:59
flotwignot my account password23:59
flotwigI'm assuming it means the root pw23:59
riotzpaste it to the link mentioned before23:59
flotwigIt changed I guess when I upgraded to 18.04. Now I can't do anything via the GUI23:59
jordinoriotz: im just trying to give some info in order to get help...23:59
flotwiganyone run into this?23:59

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