
valorieBionicMac: I think people are working on nextcloud integration, but I dunno if it is finished00:06
valorieshould be possible, because the gdocs kio works really well00:07
Lucifer_armatnss: I've already upgraded one machine, and am working on the second one right now00:13
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instoogentallsnaps not using the selected cursor theme is a known problem? does it happen on all DE's?00:24
tnssi have had it before in every DE when using the Discord snap00:33
tnssexcept (at times) GNOME00:34
schnoodlesWhat is the best way to reset monitors before you even log in? Unfortunately I get a black screen on my monitor but if i use hdmi i get the correct screen. I cant login though so I need to set display from cli before logging in.01:38
IrcsomeBotTony.U. Johnny was added by: Tony.U. Johnny02:13
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schnoodlesjoin #sddm03:45
valorieif you click it, at least in konversation, it will join ya03:47
IrcsomeBotStranger_A was added by: Stranger_A07:32
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kubast2Yo ,how can I slow down "circle" animation that shows up during compression/copying and login07:50
kubast2seems like it causes my plasmashell to use an entire cpu core07:51
kubast2instead of the chill 5%07:51
not_foundI believe the animation is showing that your system is busy... not the animation making your system busy07:55
kubast2yeah ,but the animation is executing a lot faster than it should be :think:07:55
not_foundhmmm... made any changes to desktop animation speeds etc. in settings?07:56
kubast2animation speed in the middle ,scale method crisp ,backend opengl 3.107:59
not_foundbetter wait for someone who actually knows something to show up08:00
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Guest87518I am trying to install Spotify on Kubuntu but I can't find it in the software store. I was able to find it on Ubuntu. How do I install spotify on Kubuntu?09:03
rohdefGuest87518: go to www.spotify.com download the deb file and install that09:05
Guest87518How come I am unable to find Spotify in the software store?09:06
rohdefGuest87518: dunno, never used it xD09:06
otomoHi, somebody knows if the update of 17.10 to 18.04 it's coming soon?09:34
diogenes_otomo, it's on the way :)09:35
otomothanks diogenes09:37
otomosorry for be so impatient, I have chronical versionitis09:37
acheronukotomo: it is available. see for manually triggering it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BionicUpgrades/Kubuntu09:54
otomokdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE" doesn't work as I was told it was not ready yet for 17.10, and I don't want to force it, so I will wait10:03
diogenes_do-release-upgrade -m or do-release-upgrade -d10:04
acheronukotomo: it does work10:07
otomoit's not better to wait for 18.04.1 as it is advised for 16.04?10:09
otomoacheronuk: the one that wrote before didn't work yet, I will try diogenes options if you recommend me to update right now (if it is stable and safe)10:10
acheronukotomo: it DOES work. just tested it, and I know the updates were switched on by the Ubuntu release team10:15
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acheronukas for waiting, doing that for a while will only result in more upgrade bugs being fixed as time goes on10:16
acheronukso it's your choice, bearing in mind that 18.04.1 will be out on or just after 17.10 end of life date10:16
viktori installed 18.04 recently, am new to kubuntu. I can't find any preinstalled backup utility. is it not included?10:22
viktorshould i just install deja dup?10:27
diogenes_good app ^^^10:28
otomoif too much time them, I will try to upgrade with do-release-upgrade -m or do-release-upgrade -d tomorrow them10:29
krisehow can i install Startup disk creator via terminal ?10:40
acheronukkrise: sudo apt install usb-creator-gtk10:41
acheronukI would suggest using the gtk front end, as the Qt one has been known to have issues for some people10:43
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krisethanks acheronuk, i have some problem here  - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pXKbCbnDcz/10:46
acheronukkrise: you are on 16.10 from that paste, which reached end of life a while back. so the repo urls got archived10:48
acheronukkrise: so in /etc/apt/source.list you need to replace all 'ee.archive.ubuntu.com' with 'old-releases.ubuntu.com'10:49
acheronukthen 'apt update'10:50
kab0mHow do i change settings like color depth or keyboard layout in KRDC when connecting via VNC?11:08
krisethanks again acheronuk11:19
kriseok, i made live usb but it wont load on startup,11:28
diogenes_krise, try rosaimagewriter11:29
vespertatiaHello, I'd like to ask if there's any solution to the problem where title bars keep on disappearing? One of my machine uses kubuntu 18.04. I am using OpenGL 3.1 as rendering backend. I'm also using proprietary NVIDIA driver, option provided by driver manager.11:29
nlsthzn-alsoI've not had the toolbar issue but I'm still using the default OpenGL 2.x11:32
nlsthzn-alsowhich makes me wonder, what is the difference and when should which openGL be used?!11:33
nlsthzn-alsoO Google, Google, wherefore art thou Google?11:34
BluesKajHowdy folks11:38
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iliashi all. could you please advise me about system requirements of 18.04 ?12:21
BluesKajilias, better still, tell us what your pc specs are and we can advise you12:25
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iliasBluesKaj: Desktop: Intel Core2Duo 2.40GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce. I am running Xubuntu smoothly. Laptop: Intel N2840/4GB/1TB . I am running Xubuntu very smoothly.12:36
BluesKajilias, Kubuntu will run fast and well on 2GB Ram as long there aren't too many apps open at once. The rest of the specs are fine too.12:38
iliasI supposed as long there arent't too many tabs open at once @web browser too.12:39
luc4Hello! From now and then in my kubuntu virtual machines it seems that network manager fails to bring up the etherent device. Any idea how to fx that?13:14
kab0mIs there any way i can disable the "screen edges" aka "hot corners" feature via a terminal-command in KDE/Kubuntu?13:14
kriseim tryng to burn iso image to dvd-r with k3b and i get this error message https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sG7nNqZSZ2/13:53
xct-futurepastchat test14:10
nlsthzn-alsoI go home bye...14:11
oberthi I don't remember how to check if kubuntu 18 is out14:11
obertand how to download it if available14:12
BluesKaj!bionic |14:21
ubottu: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes14:21
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obertty BluesKaj17:24
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kriseIm tryng to burn iso file to dvd-r and K3B gives me error messamges- OPC failed.Please try writing speed 1x and Fatal error at startup: input/output error20:28
krisehow can i fix it20:29
valoriekrise: can you try `sudo apt install --reinstall k3b`20:40
valorieand see if something got corrupted or so20:40
valoriehowever, that sounds like possible problems with your dvd drive20:40
valorieso you might open it and spray it with some canned air?20:41
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