
ubptgbotbrandoncote was added by: brandoncote00:12
ubptgbot<njlyf2011> @advocatux, Okay.Thanks!03:08
ubptgbot<njlyf2011> @DanChapman, Thanks!03:09
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @jja2000, Sam says yes, with Nexus 5. Apparently close now03:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @njlyf2011, The entire Q&A was about the Purism collaboration, so other questions will not be answered until the next Q&A03:41
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Dan has answered it very clearly though03:42
ubptgbot<amolith> @UniversalSuperBox, Are we still live? 😉04:58
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Yes! Ask me anything05:03
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> yay unity8 session now installs on 18.0405:07
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> but doesn't work 😨)05:07
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> still better than before05:07
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> https://github.com/ubports/unity8-desktop-install-tools/issues/2205:07
ubptgbot<peternerlich> Hey, is anyone interested in the transcript of the #QnA 27? If so, help us fully prepare it. Most topics are in there, but it lacks some detail. Find everything at https://github.com/ubam/community/blob/transcript-QnA/transcripts/qna06:55
ubptgbot<peternerlich> [Edit] Hey, is anyone interested in the transcript of the #QnA 27? If so, help us fully prepare it. Most topics are in there, but it lacks some detail (and timestamps & stuff). Find everything at https://github.com/ubam/community/blob/transcript-QnA/transcripts/qna06:56
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @brandoncote !!! Check this put for more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome09:04
ubptgbot<brandoncote> @Bolly are you a bot?13:16
ubptgbot<Bolly> no 😢13:17
ubptgbot<brandoncote> Oh okay13:17
ubptgbot<brandoncote> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ej0hnPYb.webp13:18
ubptgbot<Bolly> @brandoncote, I look like a bot. 😒13:18
ubptgbot<brandoncote> I mean, your profile pic looks like an advertisement if I'm being honest13:18
ubptgbot<Bolly> I am the ad man 😂😂😂 😜😜13:19
ubptgbot<brandoncote> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ZhgL3X80.webp13:20
ubptgbot<Bolly> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/E9w1xEsB.mp413:22
ubptgbot<brandoncote> Lol13:22
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Please don't offtop here13:23
ubptgbot<vanyasem> We have a separate chat for OT discussions @ubports_ot13:23
ubptgbot<brandoncote> Oh thank you13:23
ubptgbot<amolith> @brandoncote, Lol the only bots we use (AFAIK) is one in the Welcome & Install room that says it's a bot and one connecting to our IRC channel 🙂13:25
ubptgbot<K31j0> Did anyone ask about mainline yesterday? Will Librem5 be supported on mainline on-launch or what?15:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That's the sentiment, yes15:54
ubptgbot<K31j0> What a pity it's 599$15:55
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
ubptgbot<Javacookies> has anyone asked in the Q&A if Librem 5 will have a notch and how will UT handle it? LOL17:10
ubptgbot<jonny> @Javacookies, 😄17:13
ubptgbot<Stereofont> It will not. Rectangular 😎17:29
ubptgbot<Stereofont> 720p17:29
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Javacookies, Yes actually17:45
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Marius did ask that17:45
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And I screamed internally17:45
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Flo face palmed18:32
ubptgbot<Yann Roth> I listened to the last Q&A yesterday. Someone mentioned that the Android Kernel is "old and securitywise a nightmare". What does that mean? Where can I find more information on that?18:32
ubptgbot<K31j0> there was no notch in any promos18:33
ubptgbot<K31j0> so why would they think that18:33
ubptgbot<amolith> @Yann Roth, **From what I understand**, the Android kernel, based on the Linux kernel, doesn't keep completely up to date with the Linux kernel and because the Linux kernel is constantly under development and they release an update every . . . is it 5000 lines of code? something like that. Because the Android kernel hasn't bee18:39
ubptgbotn strictly updated every single time the Linux kernel is updated it isn't very secure. There are also some other vulnerabilities that make it horrible for security but I don't remember what they are.18:39
ubptgbot<amolith> @Yann Roth, [Edit] *From what I understand*, the Android kernel, based on the Linux kernel, doesn't keep completely up to date with the Linux kernel and because the Linux kernel is constantly under development and they release an update every . . . is it 5000 lines of code? something like that. Because the Android kernel hasn'18:39
ubptgbott been strictly updated every single time the Linux kernel is updated it isn't very secure. There are also some other vulnerabilities that make it horrible for security but I don't remember what they are.18:39
ubptgbot<amolith> @Yann Roth, [Edit] _From what I understand_, the Android kernel, based on the Linux kernel, doesn't keep completely up to date with the Linux kernel and because the Linux kernel is constantly under development and they release an update every . . . is it 5000 lines of code? something like that. Because the Android kernel hasn'18:39
ubptgbott been strictly updated every single time the Linux kernel is updated it isn't very secure. There are also some other vulnerabilities that make it horrible for security but I don't remember what they are.18:39
ubptgbot<amolith> @Yann Roth, [Edit] From what I understand, the Android kernel, based on the Linux kernel, doesn't keep completely up to date with the Linux kernel and because the Linux kernel is constantly under development and they release an update every . . . is it 5000 lines of code? something like that. Because the Android kernel hasn't18:39
ubptgbotbeen strictly updated every single time the Linux kernel is updated it isn't very secure. There are also some other vulnerabilities that make it horrible for security but I don't remember what they are.18:39
ubptgbot<K31j0> @amolith, Android always uses LTS kernel18:40
ubptgbot<K31j0> that's a rule18:40
ubptgbot<K31j0> they wouldn't be able to keep up with HEAD and API/ABI changes18:40
opendatathe upstream android kernel IS the linux kernel on mainline18:40
opendatabut they use LTS for devices18:41
ubptgbot<K31j0> he means the shipping one18:41
ubptgbot<K31j0> probably18:41
ubptgbot<amolith> I stand corrected 😅 I said it was from what I understand; what I've gathered from hearing other people talk about it lol18:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> LTS is irrelevant when the LT has passed18:42
ubptgbot<K31j0> opendata: aren't options to support android available on torvalds' mainline though?18:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> also, 3.4 and 3.10 (android 4.4 and 5) are not LTS18:43
ubptgbot<K31j0> Yep, that's why I have EOL kernel on all of my devices18:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> hence, they are lacking many security fixes18:44
opendatayes i just said18:44
ubptgbot<K31j0> Okay18:44
ubptgbot<K31j0> We need moar mainline18:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think anyone is going to backport the spectre fixes to them (among probably plenty of other fixes that aren't there)18:45
ubptgbot<K31j0> @dohbee, >backporting to 3.x from 4.x … No, nobody's gonna do that18:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> and then there's firmware and binary blobs not getting updated because google/broadcom don't care about those devices any more18:45
ubptgbot<K31j0> although you could port from 3.1818:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> @K31j0, it's still a huge amount of work18:45
ubptgbot<K31j0> and some fixes basically require you to backport half of the kernel rendering the device unusable18:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> meh, i guess i need to figure out how to draw up a keyboard pcb and get it manufactured18:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @K31j0, yeah, you have to be very careful to avoid breaking internal API/ABI, to keep drivers working18:47
ubptgbot<K31j0> I'm still wondering whether there are generic firmwares for qcom modems18:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> maybe i'll just build a keyboard that's slightly off from optimal for now18:48
ubptgbot<Milan> Hi all. Is Ubuntu touch stable enough on Nexus 5? Camera and gps working?19:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes19:45
ubptgbot<Milan> Thanks for fast answer :)19:47
ubptgbot<Milan> (Photo, 269x187) https://irc.ubports.com/hVtrL474.png19:49
ubptgbotVft_dan was added by: Vft_dan19:54
ubptgbotBorja was added by: Borja20:08
ubptgbot<K31j0> Camera HAL is always the worst to bring up from my experience20:11
ubptgbot<Milan> @K31j0, You are talking about nexus 5 ?20:12
ubptgbot<K31j0> in general, devices I ported to sailfishos20:12
ubptgbot<Milan> Oh ok20:14
ubptgbot<Milan> Is sailfish on nexus 5 still active?20:14
ubptgbot<samzn> @Milan, Ye20:14
ubptgbot<Milan> 3.0?20:15
ubptgbot<samzn> https://t.me/joinchat/AWx9iUE-U9qNKNpGgSbd3w better asked here20:15
ubptgbot<samzn> 3.0 isn't out yet20:15
ubptgbot<samzn> Should be supported forever once mainline has more stuff working20:15
ubptgbot<Milan> Thanks  for info20:15
ubptgbot<K31j0> 3.0 is coming this fall20:16
ubptgbot<Milan> 3.0 is supposed to support android apps?20:18
ubptgbot<K31j0> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/8eHsk6R1.webp20:18
ubptgbot<K31j0> Why does everyone care about Android support20:18
ubptgbot<K31j0> Android ACL from Sailfish is non-free and working only on official devices20:18
ubptgbot<Milan> People love apps20:19
ubptgbot<samzn> @K31j0, Because silicon valley's a piece of shit20:19
ubptgbot<K31j0> there are efforts of getting Anbox up and there's some progess, but I can't say anything about avaiability, ETAs or the current state20:19
ubptgbot<Milan> More apps more popple20:19
ubptgbot<Milan> People*20:19
ubptgbot<K31j0> @samzn, Yesh, of course, by the way, how's that Lumia?20:20
ubptgbot<samzn> They try everything to avoid third party developers from making their own applications to plug into their services20:20
ubptgbot<samzn> Snap Inc goes as far as suing third party developers that just want to support their services on another platfor20:21
ubptgbot<K31j0> Fuuuck that20:21
ubptgbot<K31j0> they can't even program an app that shoots photos20:21
ubptgbot<samzn> WhatsApp isn't as bad but their API is locked down very hard and changes very quickly :(20:22
ubptgbot<samzn> And it sucks because they prob say it's against bots but the web api is used broadly by bots20:23
ubptgbot<K31j0> and they ban for using 3rd party clients20:25
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @Vft_dan & Borja !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available.20:42
ubptgbotMichael A. Quintero was added by: Michael A. Quintero21:32
ubptgbot<amolith> @Michael A. Quintero, Welcome, Michael! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started and feel free to ask any questions you may have either in here or in our Welcome & Install room! 🙂21:39
=== ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr

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