
zleapso 18.04 stops loading at the point where it is loading the user manager for pid 12007:23
zleapi have no idea how to do all the previously mentioned systemd stuff07:24
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=== rikmills is now known as acheronuk
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:54
zmoylan-pithat was a long night... listening to bird song across the world... can't wait for next year...10:10
SuperEngineer!patience | zmoylan-pi10:19
lubotu3zmoylan-pi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:19
SuperEngineerplease wait for next year10:19
SuperEngineernext year may not be online right now10:19
SuperEngineer[I hear next year usually comes online only after new year's eve has gone off line10:21
fujisansup popey and ikonia11:28
zleapjust a question on ubuntu not being able to boot, it stops when loading user manager14:33
zleapas the system is dual boot I can view the file system ubuntu is installed to from my mint install,  what should i look for on the ubuntu file system to try and narrow down (or for people to help me do that) what the issue may be ?14:33
penguin42hmm what's 'user manager'14:34
zleapwhen booting ubuntu,  i can press esc and get messages during boot14:35
zleaphowever when it gets to user manager for pid 120 the system just hangs14:35
zleapoddly the live cd works fine,  it is just post install it has failed14:35
zleapi can also boot fine with recovery mode14:35
* penguin42 isn't sure what 'user manager' is14:36
zleapneither am i14:36
zleapi am just trying to copy the message i get14:37
zleaphowever there 'has' to be a log of this somewhere on the file system it is a case of finding  that then copying the info to pastebin or somewhere to help14:37
Guest32919Hi guys. Just installed ubuntu 18.04 and find that image scan for linux is not identifying my epson printer anymore. It worked fine on earlier versions of ubuntu. Did a bit of googling but no much help. it says sane change has brken soem thrid party scanner drivers on launchpad. Can  some one guide me in the right directions. thanks14:39
penguin42zleap: If you can boot into recovery you can try journalctl -b-1  to get the log of messages from the last boot14:39
zleapis there anything specific i should be lookinng for int eh log14:43
penguin42the thing that made it break :-)14:43
zleapi will give that a go,  brb14:45
NokajiThat's a point, my 16.04 hasn't performed any upgrade to 18.04 - I guess it is in my settings, somewhere14:50
NokajiI have selected: Notify me of a new ubuntu version "for long term support versions"14:52
penguin42yeh but they don't normally enable lts upgrades until a bit later for stuff to shake out14:56
NokajiAh, okay ... it's not just me then15:07
Nokajimaybe I can/should wait, then ... hopefully not too long though15:07
=== fujisan_ is now known as fujisan
zleapok back,  i decided to re install 18.04 and still get the same error17:32
zleapstarted session c1 of user gdm17:32
zleapstarted user manager for uid 12017:32
zleapafter which system stops repondingm but I can reboot with ctrl-alt-sysrq RSEIUB17:33
zleapso there may be some kernel magic I can use to do something other than reboot the system17:33
penguin42zleap: Can you ctrl-alt-f2/f3 at that point to get a text console ?17:39
zleapi will try later, i need to reboot for that17:43
zleapi am sure I ahve tried and it failed but if I manage that, i will see if I can log in17:44
penguin42zleap: My guess would be that it's a graphics driver choking when it tries to start up the graphics17:45
zleapso why do I get a live session ok17:45
penguin42yeh, good question17:45
zleapill grab a netbook and instal on there,  it will be slow but just to figure out if there is an issue with the install media17:46
zleapis there a list of key bindings similar to ctrl-alt-sysrq RSEIUB17:47
zleapnot sure exactly what to search for for that17:47
penguin42not sure; there's two separate things there17:47
penguin42the alt-sysrq stuff is documented somewhere, but that's quite separate to the virtual console switching17:48
zleapyeah but if there is a sysrq thing to release the keyboard it may then allow me to use alt-f2 etc if it doesn't work initially17:48
penguin42note ctrl-alt-f2 or try f3) - you shouldn't need any other keys for that unless it's very very hung17:49
zleapno idea what that page is doing,  trying to print it and it says it can't print as it page still loading17:54
zleapi want to just print to pdf for reference17:54
zleapok i need to do some reading in18:00
zleapto figure out what i am doing with alt-sysrq,  as a few things are not enabled18:00
zleapi am guessing having 256 in there enables everything18:00
penguin42zleap: it takes a special value of '1' to enable everything18:01
zleapah ok18:01
zleapright now it is 176  so 128+32+16 debugging dumps, sync reboot power off18:02
zleapso if I edit https://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sysrq.txt and use 1 is that safe / recommended18:02
zleappenguin42: got documentation printed off,  so some light reading for later :D18:08
zleapback shortly18:09

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