
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> @KMyers, I was thinking of waiting to use it on Solo when it comes out.01:10
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers Awake?07:07
floridagram-bot<govatent> Finally saw avengers07:29
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Sorry, I was on a ladder fixing cameras last night, to get the best view12:47
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi, I am now13:29
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> btw, i'm home, lol13:52
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Did you go straight home or crash at Judd's?13:56
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers He made it home I think16:42
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers I found printable game tiles: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:97674316:42
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi, Those look easy to print16:50
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> You forgot to give Judd the notebook16:50
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Yes, and you the SSD16:51
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Those hex pieces are used in a lot of tabletop games.16:53
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @AdamOutler I'm getting sucked into battletech16:53
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Although I really like will Wheaton, I dislike tabletop games.16:54
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> He is the most famous table top gamer, right?16:54
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I wasn't a fan either but after playing Battletech on PC I've been thinking about it a lot16:55
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I played Mechwarrior 4 when I was a kid16:55
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Me too.16:55
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> But you may as well be playing dungeons and dragons.  It's less mess to clean up.16:55
floridagram-bot<RazPi> It needs to be sci fi for me and have robots16:56
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Also I've been wondering how I could automate then pencil and paper part with either OpenCV or PADI Stamps16:57
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> so i just tried the rift on my pc... awesome, but more power needed18:04
floridagram-bot<govatent> I'm running pop os 18.04 but I can't get apps to show up in the tray notification area. Hangouts, VMware workstation, things that normally show an indicator. any idea how to get gnome to show it again? @ahoneybun19:42
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> http://pop.system76.com/docs/status-icons/19:50
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> @govatent19:50
floridagram-bot<govatent> Thanks. I actually thought about opening a ticket to ask lol20:49
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> XD20:51
floridagram-bot<govatent> doesn't seem to work. maybe i should switch to kde :P21:02
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> What doesn't work?21:10
floridagram-bot<govatent> i still don't get the icons.21:18
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> I had to logout and logback in to get it to work.21:19
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> I currently have Pop!_os installed as well21:19
floridagram-bot<govatent> i'll try21:20
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> That and the extension might not be on.21:22
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> I have had an issue where I logout then back in and just hangs to the point where I have had to reboot21:23
floridagram-bot<govatent> I actually don't get the option in question. I do have the extension installed via apt get21:23
floridagram-bot<govatent> hum...21:30
floridagram-bot<govatent> maybe i'm missing another package21:30
floridagram-bot<govatent> gnome-shell-extension-appindicator is already the newest version (18.04.1).21:33
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> I open Gnome tweak via gnome-shell-extension-prefs and it was there22:06
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers Would you be opposed to printing some rpg hex tiles? 😅22:56
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi, I would not be, It will need to wait until I am done with my current project22:59
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Sweeeet!!22:59

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