
jellycat1hiya, is it possible to run cloud-init with a test yaml-file that I'm debugging on the server? I have a file (test.yaml) that is under /root and I'd like to run it the same way a userdata-script would be ran.10:12
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=== blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting: Monday 5/14 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 18.2 released (03/28/2018)
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1769690 in cloud-init "IBMCloud ds-identify detects NoCloud but cloud-init determines ConfigDrive " [Low,Confirmed]15:41
blackboxswunble to reproduce cloud-init clean reboot switch to NoCloud from ConfigDrive. may just be an Artful(unsupported by IBM images) thing15:42
* blackboxsw heads to wrap up bionic SRU15:43
paulmeygood morning! I was hoping we could get  https://code.launchpad.net/~paul-meyer/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/344538 to a state where it can be merged... LMK what you want me to do.16:59
blackboxswpaulmey: we can address this this week. rharper is out today (as he had  initial thoughts on this branch I'll defer to him).17:05
paulmeyok, I'll try to ping tomorrow morning then, but feel free to remind him. :-) Thanks!20:31
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blackboxswhrm just ran into this on bionic https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/176975421:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1769754 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "salt-minion: public/private keys not preserved in /etc/salt/pki" [Undecided,New]21:19
blackboxswcan't reproduce it across clean reboots, but just fresh installs.21:19
blackboxswit was affecting our clean intregration test runs on bionic21:20
blackboxswcloud-init in that case claimed to have written the pub/priv keys into /etc/salt/pki/* but the directory has a modification timestamp later than when the write took place (and the files are no longer there()21:21
jochaoops, accidentally sent that, pls ignore :)21:51

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