
oerheksCosmic Chihuahua01:40
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:24
lotuspsychjehey tsimonq204:24
lotuspsychjehey krytarik04:24
lordievaderGood morning06:06
ducassegood morning06:18
lordievaderHey ducasse06:19
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:20
ducassei'm good, thanks - how about you, lordievader?06:20
lordievaderDoing good here :)06:20
lotuspsychje_morning lordievader ducasse06:45
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje_ How are you doing?06:50
lotuspsychje_fine tnx lordievader06:54
lotuspsychje_enjoyed a very sunny weekend06:54
lordievaderYes, was very nice weather 😁06:55
ducassemorning lotuspsychje_ - all going well?06:58
lotuspsychje_yeah tnx ducasse and you?06:58
ducasseall good here, quiet morning07:00
lotuspsychje_great :p07:03
lotuspsychje_bbl worktime08:11
BluesKajHi folks10:18
LtWorfhey BluesKaj10:37
BluesKajHi LtWorf10:38
LtWorfthere is a blues band here called folks10:38
LtWorfstupid choice of course10:39
LtWorfcan't find a single hit on google :D10:39
LtWorfsince it's a common word in swedish too10:39
BluesKajlots of bands aren't found on google10:40
LtWorfwell https://billetto.se/en/e/the-howling-owl-releasefest-folks-the-abyss-tickets-27835310:41
LtWorfu can buy tickets for the next gig :D10:41
BluesKajyeah, my  family language was Swedish...after a few yrs it became English after emigrating to Canada10:41
LtWorfBluesKaj: i guessed, i have a friend here who moved here from USA, named Kaj. He did because he is a swedish citizen even though he had never lived here. And here he could study for free10:42
BluesKajfrom Finland...family is Swedish- Finn10:42
LtWorfhehe like linus torvalds10:42
LtWorfitaly gives citizenship if you have 1 italian grandparent10:43
LtWorfsome brazilians get it to come to study/live in europe10:43
EriC^^i make a mean pizza, i want citizenship!10:45
LtWorfhehehehehe, once i met a swedish guy claiming that only in naples they are capable of producing proper pizza10:46
lordievaderDo they ship from Naples to here?10:48
LtWorfi don't know where here is10:48
LtWorfi'm italian btw, living in sweden10:48
LtWorfi would imagine it might be a bit cold and soggy by the time it reaches10:50
BluesKajI feel for those guys who don't investigate before buying an Optimus equipped laptop10:51
lordievaderHmm, yes... How about express-express delivery? 😋10:51
lordievaderBluesKaj: If you want a bit of performance you quickly end  up with such a dual-video card setup... unfortunately.10:52
JanCI'm sure there are good pizza places in The Netherlands10:53
BluesKajlaptops aren't meant for video performance IMO10:53
JanCand obviously they only make Napoli-style pizzas in Napoli10:54
JanCI'm pretty sure Sicilian style pizzas are best in Sicily, etc.  ;)10:56
lordievaderJanC: There are. But now I'm curious as to how good those Naples ones are 😉10:57
LtWorfJanC: pizza siciliana is deep fried and enclosed like calzone, but with different dough, i don't know why they call it pizza at all :D10:59
JanCbecause it's pizza11:00
LtWorfor, it can also be a regular pizza with capers and anchovies on top11:01
LtWorfgoing to eat, btw :D11:02
LtWorfi went to eat and it became silent…13:05
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
BluesKajyeah, just finished an onion, mushroom and cheese omelette with toasted multi grain bread13:44
JimBuntuGM BluesKaj ... and NOM NOM NOM13:54
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu, still teaching myself how to cook tho13:56
BluesKajomelettes are easy ...been doing them for a while now13:57
JimBuntuEver tried cloud eggs?13:57
BluesKajnot familiar with that term13:58
JimBuntucrack your eggs, isolate whites from yolks. Whip the whites for a few minutes on low with mixer. Put some dollops of the whites on bread as though they were mashed potatoes.14:00
BluesKajok , googled, looks good14:00
JimBuntuyeah, google will answer faster than I can, lol14:00
BluesKajdunno how good I would be at yolk separation14:03
JimBuntuIt is pretty easy and there are "hacks" for ways to do it with things like a plastic water bottle... using it as a suction-bulb. I simply cradle the yolk in my hand and change the gap sizes between my fingers until that white+gravity pull it all off the yalk14:05
LtWorfJimBuntu: i use the egg shell itself to do it14:06
JimBuntuThat's another way, especially if you don't want to waste the egg that sticks to your hands.14:06
EriC^^i usually put it in a glass, then remove the yolk with a spoon14:12
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:03
kostkongOoD eVeNiNg SiR17:03
lotuspsychjehey kostkon17:04
lotuspsychjehey krytarik17:10
ducasseevening all17:11
ducasseheyup, lotuspsychje17:11
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how was your day :p17:11
lotuspsychje30 degrees in belgium...why o why did i have to work :p17:12
ducassegreat day here, did some housework and took a nap :)17:13
lotuspsychjeducasse: sound great :p17:18
lotuspsychje!info limnoria | SlidingHorn17:24
ubot5SlidingHorn: limnoria (source: limnoria): robust and user-friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version 2017.08.18-1 (artful), package size 553 kB, installed size 4364 kB17:24
Squarismhow do I upgrade from ubuntu 17.04 to 18.04?17:57
ubot5End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:58
ducassebut support is in #ubuntu17:59
lotuspsychjeaha !usn has changed to https18:29
Squarismgenerally speaking, what are the most common type of bugs for a new LTS release? Driver problems or just ubuntu/linux core functionality?20:06
daftykinsin server edition, a new installer is being developed - and that has many issues right now20:07
Squarismwhen did the unity -> gnome switch happen? I mean in what release20:08
wirehunterSquarism, I think the LTS releases are not really new releases. Like:20:08
daftykinsunity has always been gnome based technically20:08
wirehunter18.04 is not LTS yet, that will be 18.04.1 right?20:08
xanguawirehunter: it is20:08
daftykinsit's LTS from the outset, once it hits the first point release - direct upgrades from 16.04.x will be enabled20:09
daftykinsthat's how it usually works20:09
wirehunterAh, okay20:09
oerheksthe .1 release triggers the global upgrade20:09
oerheksso yes, current 18.04 users are beta testers :-D20:10
SquarismIt sure sounds like that20:11
oerheksi am still on 17.10, seeding20:12
xangua16.04/unity for ever 🤘20:12
wirehunterI never liked Unity20:12
Squarismwish me luck. Upgrade from EOL 17.04->17.10 completed apart from restart. Now i just hope machine will come back up.20:12
wirehunterI was a ubuntu-gnome user :)20:12
xanguaOr at least some more years20:13
pragmaticenigmaUnity to Gnome switch started in 17.10 I believe20:13
xanguaI was a gnome 2 user20:13
wirehunterI used to be one too20:13
wirehunterBefore I switched to mac for a while :p20:13
Squarism*I survived!*20:14
* pragmaticenigma hands Squarism a t-shirt20:15
wirehunterSquarism, Even your Xorg started again?20:15
daftykinsnow upgrade again (:20:15
oerheksstarted @ KDE ..20:15
JimBuntu!cookie | Squarism20:15
ubot5Squarism: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:15
wirehunterMy X server didn't start after upgrading to 18.0420:16
wirehunterAlways something20:17
Squarismwirehunter, how do i tell? "ps auxf | grep Xorg" shows nothing20:19
SquarismJimBuntu, pragmaticenigma - thanks. Its really ducasse who deserves credit though20:19
Squarismmust say i like gnome better than unity20:20
JimBuntuSquarism, but I have ducasse on a treat diet... do you know how many cookies they would get?! It would be a lot :-D20:20
wirehunterSquarism, Basically, if you can log into your desktop, your x server is running fine.20:21
JimBuntuI would expect your command to have returned that there was an Xorg running though...20:21
wirehunterSquarism, My login shell didn't load and could only go into a tty to fix things :)20:21
wirehunterOr you're on Wayland?20:23
Squarismwirehunter, i dont think so. Just logged in wo configuring anything20:23
Squarismgdm       1146  0.0  0.0 194856  5508 tty1     Ssl+ 22:13   0:00  |   \_ /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-wayland-session gnome-session --autostart /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart20:24
Squarismgdm       1233  0.0  0.1 566536 52584 tty1     Sl+  22:13   0:00  |           |   \_ /usr/bin/Xwayland :1024 -rootless -terminate -core -listen 4 -listen 5 -displayfd 620:24
Squarismmaybe i am?20:24
wirehunterSquarism, You don't really have to. You can switch from the login-shell using the gear icon20:24
Squarismdoes above imply im on wayland?20:25
wirehunterI think so20:25
wirehunterAh apparently 17.10 defaults to Wayland20:26
wirehunterForgot about that20:26
Squarismso is it recommended to run wayland?20:27
Squarismthought it was in a very beta state20:27
wirehunterIt's missing a lot of features that you might not be using20:27
oerheksdepends, on your GPU mostly20:28
Squarismoerheks, in what way? Does it require more of the GPU?20:29
oerheksFedora runs it for years now, since 201520:29
wirehunterI had to switch back to xorg to do stuff like screen capture20:30
oerheksno, depending on open drivers, openradeon/ open AMDgpu are pretty good20:30
wirehunterI couldn't add screen resolutions for my ultra wide screen monitor20:30
oerheksdownside are some tools that do not work well @ wayland, synaptic for example20:31
Squarismoerheks, hmm that feels kind of imporant20:32
oerheksi would like to see that integrated in softwarecenter, metapackage <> detailed view20:32
Squarismoerheks, you mean the UI isnt working properly or that "apt" command?20:33
oerheksthere is a trick to get around, but i refuse to do that. maybe this si fixed in 18.04 now..20:34
oerheks17.10 not20:34
Squarismi mostly use apt so i hope ill manage20:35
SquarismSo what features should one check out? New window manager, new xserver20:36
oerheks"Wayland does not allow gui applications to run in superuser mode like Synaptic." http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/10/ubuntu-17-10-tip-graphical-apps-doesnt-launch-via-root-sudo-gksu/20:36
Squarismwhat can i do that i couldnt do before?20:36
Squarismah ok20:36
=== SlidingH1rn is now known as SlidingHorn
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Squarismdamn, 17.10 with pop theme. Im in love. Ubuntu has never looked this awsome21:05
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
naccSquarism: ... you do know you need to upgrade in hte next few months, right?21:07
Squarismnacc, im gonna wait for 18.04.1 i think. Dont wanna be some beta tester =D21:08
daftykinsgiven the OS you use, you always will be ;)21:09
naccSquarism: no, 17.10 goes EOL in July21:09
naccSquarism: so it doesn't really make sense (to me) to fall in love with something you have to upgrade :)21:26
Bashing-omsneak peek for UWN : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2391254 . Publishing now .21:55
Squarismnacc, well I assume i wont get less in 18.04. Its not like we are backgrading to ubuntu 12.10 right22:13
naccSquarism: you are using wayland, right?22:28
naccdefault is not wayland in 18.0422:28
naccthat will be 'less'22:28
nacchence my point :)22:28

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