
tewardso, I think there's a problem with bog-standard postfix...03:12
tewardi'll have to dig into it, but it's odd that a postfix server with no firewall rules at all and a base "local site" instance cannot receive connections on port 25...03:13
JanCteward: "local site" only listens locally IIRC?04:43
lordievaderGood morning06:06
cpaelzergood morning lordievader07:16
lordievaderHey cpaelzer07:17
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:17
cpaelzergood, just too busy on most mornings to remember saying hi :-)07:18
cpaelzerand 4 hours after I start or so it feels wrong to then say good mornign :-)07:19
lordievaderGood afternoon is a thing too 😋07:20
cpaelzerbut I feel bad already for forgetting the community :-)07:22
cpaelzerso I better stay silent07:22
Neo4how it could be 43 000 dislikes and 26 734 views? :)08:39
Neo4many Kremlin bots in ru-net08:39
OpenTokixNeo4: a view is only caluclated after a specific % of the clip or time viewed. But you can dislike right away.08:39
Neo4OpenTokix: no, here army of kremlin bots, they barely touch USA ellection, but here in local ru, they harder work, here factory of bots08:40
Neo4OpenTokix: promotion, in runet better do video that support power, more chance that it will promoted by kremlin bots08:41
Neo4about power say only good, or nothing )08:43
Neo4is PTR record for server correctly customized?10:13
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pr0conhello everyone, So i believe i have a compromised ubuntu server, alot of [sync_supers] processes grinding the CPU, this server hosts many wordpress sites which seems to be the root of the cause. I found alot of malicious file removed those did a fresh ubuntu install reattached the drive and about a week later they appeared again.. is there any way outside of  using wordpress plugins to identify where and how and what is go12:02
pr0coning on?12:02
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pr0conthank you for any help in advance12:03
Squall5668Well, for now, take it off the network. They will reappear again unless you can figure out how the keep getting in. You need to start reading log files unfortunately12:19
Squall5668On web servers, outdated stuff are usually the culprit12:19
Squall5668You should never just rebuild and redeploy unless you have found and mitigated the issue12:20
ahasenackcpaelzer: I'm struggling whether to mark #1767886 as invalid or wontfix, see comment #3. tl;dr some settings changed their default values between 1.13 and 1.14. I updated the bionic release notes12:33
ahasenackin terms of packaging fixes, I guess we could detect upgrades from < 1.14, check the config file, and adjust settings, but I'm not comfortable messing with config files on upgrades, not even sure we can12:33
ahasenackany opinions?12:33
ahasenackhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#SSSD my release notes update12:34
cpaelzerahasenack: only seeing your ping now12:54
* cpaelzer is reading12:54
cpaelzerahasenack: we can mess with config files, but I certainly would not recommend it12:56
cpaelzerthe release not entry is great12:56
cpaelzerahasenack: I'd think you can do a few things to make people realize, but not mess with the config12:57
cpaelzerahasenack: e.g. you could have a news entry on this that would pop up in some environments12:57
cpaelzerOTOH I only see people immediately-close those :-/12:57
cpaelzerso I'm not sure how useful that would be12:57
cpaelzerif you think they actually watch the console you could detect your former version and warn there12:58
cpaelzerbut again - will it be read at all12:58
cpaelzerahasenack: you release notes entry is already great12:58
pedrojhello, can anyone help me?12:58
cpaelzerpedroj: if you just need somebody answering you - yes, otherwise one would need the actual question :-)12:59
pedrojhaha, how can I do a incremental backup without change the folders and docs to one archive?13:01
ahasenackcpaelzer: I think not many people are affected, or the other ones that were just figured it out themselvez13:05
ahasenacksince this change was introduced in 1.14.0, and the first ubuntu release that had >= 1.14 was zesty13:05
ahasenackcpaelzer: about console warnings, I think that's not applicable because people would hit this in release upgrades, not regular upgrades13:06
TheEagerPadawanwhat seems to be the problem?13:07
cpaelzer_ahasenack: then I think you have done all you can13:07
cpaelzer_the bug is just another piece that will direct to the release notes13:07
TheEagerPadawancan somebody file me in regards to bug you guys are talking about?13:08
ahasenackcpaelzer_: ok, so "wontfix" or "invalid"? :)13:08
ahasenackI always find "invalid" so rude13:08
cpaelzer_TheEagerPadawan: bug 176788613:08
ubottubug 1767886 in sssd (Ubuntu) "sssd-ldap breaks automount on bionic" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176788613:08
ahasenackif there were a release notes task, I would add it to the bug13:08
ahasenackand mark that task as fix released13:08
TheEagerPadawanah had issues my self with cryptsetup during my 17.10 -> 18.04 updated. Had to use a liveusb, decrypt the luks partition, decrypt the private desktop13:09
cpaelzer_ahasenack: I thought there is such a task13:09
TheEagerPadawanbackup up everything :p13:09
ahasenacktbh, I haven't searched13:09
ahasenackwow, found ubuntu-release-notes13:10
ahasenackcpaelzer_: ^ sounds good?13:10
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pedrojhello, how can I do a incremental backup without change the folders and docs a one archive? ^^ thanks13:17
lordievaderpedroj: What do you mean with 'without change the folder and docs a one archive'? Just a simple A -> B sync?13:22
pedrojlordievader: I am trying to do the incremental backup with TAR but TAR change the files into .tar13:24
lordievaderYes, that is what tar does. You might be interested in dirvish. Makes incremental backups using hardlinks.13:27
pedroj^^ nice, I'll try dirvish now, thanks13:30
cyphermoxblackflow: if you have issues with netplan, I invite you to please file bugs in Launchpad so we can address them...13:39
blackflowcyphermox: my issue with netplan is the existence of it. I doubt you'd address that, but thanks. :)13:39
tewardJanC: i mistyped, i meant "internet site"13:43
tewardit was late when I posted :P13:43
tewardJanC: core issue is a POstfix listening on port 25, 587 wasn't accepting connections on this one system13:43
tewardbut i've since ruled out Postfix and pointed at a networking issue where the server sits, so I have some tickets pending to upstream.13:43
tewardat the DataCenter13:43
cyphermoxblackflow: alrighty then. what would you prefer, we keep ifupdown?13:43
trippeh_25 is indeed often filtered upstream.13:43
blackflowcyphermox: is it broken?13:44
trippeh_(thank you spammers)13:44
blackflowso why not networkd directly?13:44
blackflowor NetworkManager for desktop installations.13:44
cyphermoxbecause you also have NM13:44
cyphermoxand that makes it hard for everyone having to deal with different setups13:44
cyphermox(for one, with netplan you can copy settings across systems trivially)13:45
cyphermoxor switch the renderer to NM if you also need, say, some random wifi feature in extra13:45
cyphermoxmy example is my own setup here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5sMkW4S5DH/13:46
cyphermox^ this works with NM because I also want NM to deal with wifis when I travel, give conferences, etc.13:46
cyphermoxand this works the same on my server, with the renderer changed to networkd13:47
blackflowI wonder what percentage of deployments are switching between networkd and NM so frequently that a third layer and increase in complexity is needed.13:48
cyphermoxit's not about switching13:48
cyphermoxit's about being able to have one single config file you can comprehend13:48
blackflowthe 15th standard? :)13:48
blackflowhttps://xkcd.com/927/   in case the reference is  unclear :)13:49
cyphermoxI know that reference.13:49
blackflowthe funny thing about that comic is how true it is.13:49
blackflowso that's my problem with netplan. addition of new complexity that does not solve any actual real world problems.13:50
blackflowreally this Canonical's invention of Canonical specific things is only being harmful to the community. creates more fragmentation and does not solve any problems. Systemd was supposed to be the one ring to rule them all, among distros, and what happened in reality is that different distros deploy different versions, with different features, and different abstractions atop of it. 15th standard all13:55
blackflowover again. ;) Was snappy really needed? couldn't take flatpak and evolve it? now we  have vendors who AGAIN have to figure out which of the 15 standards to support.13:55
blackflow /rant.13:55
axisysany idea why OS build comes up with em1 instead of eth1 for some HP servers?14:02
cyphermoxaxisys: your system has embedded devices, they are detected as such so they are named that way to make sure things don't change name across reboot (there used to be issues where it might be eth0 or eth1 depending on scan order)14:03
axisyscyphermox: how do I find out how ubuntu decides it?14:05
axisyscyphermox: good to know .. thank you14:06
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cyphermoxaxisys: it's systemd work14:12
cyphermoxaxisys: there's a list somewhere I think14:12
axisyslooking for it.. not in /etc/systemd or /usr/lib/systemd14:13
sdezielthat https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/udev/udev-builtin-net_id.c#L20 ?14:14
axisystrying to see which file in the system14:17
axisysis the OS*14:17
Squall5668there shouldn't be one, but I could be wrong14:18
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ahasenacknacc: hi, should I unassign you from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logwatch/+bug/1644057 ?17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1644057 in logwatch (Ubuntu) "Excessive Disconnect unmatched entries from sshd" [Undecided,Triaged]17:54
coreycbfrickler: if you get a minute, can you take a look at our testing results for 1750121?19:28
naccahasenack: yeah probably :/20:46
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ahasenacknacc: thx, not a problem :)20:54
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kevrwith the live 18.04 iso, i'm getting boot holds on a "Holds Snappy daemon refresh," after it finishes, it just seems to be sitting at the boot log (nothing else is happening)21:11
kevri see, about 5 minutes after, it did continue.21:13
compdocshouldnt pause tho, although ive only tried the minimal install21:16
kevrhow do i opt out of cloud-init?21:23
kevram i missing a minimal iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ ?21:25
powersjkevr: the traditional d-i based installer is available here right now http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/bionic/daily/current/21:54
powersjalthough I'm confused as to why it is a "daily"21:55
powersjand the minimal is available here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:55
kevrpowersj: AHA, thank you!21:56
mwhudsonkevr, powersj: i think http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.iso is a better link btw22:13
powersjah yes it is22:14
kevrwhat does the -live- mean?22:16
kevra nightly build?22:16
powersjlive is using our new installer based on subiquity22:17
kevroh.. i see22:18

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