
tarzeauit'd be easy to upgrade qtractor to 0.9.0 (from 0.8.5)08:08
tarzeau(even with the official packages)08:08
OvenWerkstarzeau: step one, get qtractor upgraded in debian. Step two ask for a sync in ubuntu.15:31
OvenWerkstarzeau: so check if there is already a bug report asking for update and create one if not.15:31
SlidingHornWhat are people's thoughts on adding Cadence & Carla?15:33
OvenWerksCarla yes. cadence not as sure... the next ubuntustudio-controls pretty much replaces it15:38
OvenWerks(and adds to it)15:39
SlidingHornI didn't even know USC was a thing...lol15:40
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I have been waiting to see one or the other make it into debian. So far no one has touched it... due to licencing?15:41
OvenWerks-controls next starts jack at session start allowing using more than one audio device and allows seeting which ports pulse gets connected to.15:42
OvenWerks-controls next will auto connect a USB device to jack as well15:42
OvenWerksthis will allow using the USB mic15:42
OvenWerks(lets not call it a pro-mic :P15:43
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Cadence is GPL, there's no reason why it can't be added.17:08
ErichEickmeyerThat said, with -controls being so good, it might just be something to add to the repos, but we'd have to work with upstream.17:09
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: take a look at yesterdays log of #ubuntustudio for some of the problems Cadence gives for trouble shooting.Cadence is, Carla can be if some things are left out (like linux sampler) Carla would be a much better addition as there is nothing else that does what it does any more.17:28
OvenWerksOpps the last part of that was in responce to ErichEickmeyer comment17:28
OvenWerksCadence makes system changes that are hard to revert temporarily without removing cadence.17:31
OvenWerksI am not sure if that is good or bad :)17:32
OvenWerks-controls makes any changes to pulse on the fly. Cadence does not deal with USB mics.17:33
OvenWerksAdding cadence to the repos if -controls is default would result in conflict. Both can not be installed at the same time.17:34
ErichEickmeyerYeah, that's true. I think that is something that needs to be left to the user to decide, tbh. My biggest issue (and advantage for Cadence) is that, when using a dummy card, I can specify how many ports it has in & out, whereas with qjackctl I cannot. Is that something we can put in -controls?17:34
SlidingHornI didn't know about -controls to begin with, so I'll be playing with that to see how it works17:34
OvenWerksOnce I have -controls working as it should, it should be possible to allow both to co-exist.17:35
OvenWerksI could certainly add dummy as an option and allow for number of ports in and out17:36
ErichEickmeyerWell, here's my idea: I'll work on packaging both Cadence and Carla (and Calf 0.90.0) and have them in my PPA and, when -controls can do it, we'll try to push Cadence upstream. Carla and Calf can be more immediate.17:36
OvenWerksI am finding I will have to rework the GUI yet again anyway :)17:36
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Oh man, sorry. :/17:36
ErichEickmeyerIs the goal for -controls to be able to replace much of qjackctl's funtionality?17:37
OvenWerksWell, in playing with USB stuff I am realizing that if the user has more than 1 USB device, things get wierd. I need to allow the user to tell which usb device to use as master if they want that.17:38
OvenWerksqjckctl will be changing for sure Rui has announced that we should all watch his LAC presentation this year :)17:39
ErichEickmeyerOH good. For all of its functionality, it definitely needs a revamp.17:39
OvenWerks-controls is not set up to make connections or to show them.17:39
ErichEickmeyerYeah, that's where something like Carla could come in, and of course Ardour can manage connections.17:40
OvenWerks-controls will start jack and add extra clients from hw changes.17:40
OvenWerkspatchage can work too.17:40
ErichEickmeyerUnfortunately, patchage is unmaintained. :/17:40
OvenWerksThe author has gotten a real job... (with Ableton?)17:41
ErichEickmeyerIf we can get Carla in the repos, then I'd honestly recommend dropping patchage from our metapackages.17:41
OvenWerksmaybe look at Catia as a patch bay17:42
ErichEickmeyerCatia is part of Cadence.17:42
ErichEickmeyerCan't be separated.17:43
OvenWerksthe kxstudio repos show it as separate17:46
ErichEickmeyerStrange. Any time I compile Cadence from source it installs /everything/. 17:47
ErichEickmeyerOr if I install cadence from the KXStudio repos.17:47
ErichEickmeyerThey're not separate in github.17:48
OvenWerksYa, I see that, I downloaded Catia from kxstudio and Cadence is in there too.17:49
ErichEickmeyerCarla, however, is separate.17:49
OvenWerksYes. I have built it here a few times... will have to again for 18.0417:50
OvenWerks I will see if I can build Catia separately17:50
ErichEickmeyerIs it a build option?17:50
OvenWerkslooks like.17:51
OvenWerksmake catia should work17:51
ErichEickmeyerOh cool! If that works and can be packaged, there's our solution. That said, having Carla couldn't hurt, it's a good (potential) competitor to Waves Central.17:52
OvenWerksI haven't played with cadence at all17:52
ErichEickmeyerTry it out. Maybe we can take ideas and integrate them into -controls.17:53
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: the hard thing about Carla packaging is that it does not use any auto build17:53
OvenWerksWhen it builds it just seems to build with whatever resources it can find.17:54
ErichEickmeyerHmmm... I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with. Probably just needs some build dependencies defined.17:54
OvenWerksI could not figure out how to set up a src package when I tried.17:54
OvenWerksIt needs a build script17:55
ErichEickmeyerMight even be a matter of working with upstream (FalkTX). He seems like a reasonable guy.17:55
OvenWerks(a custom build script)17:55
OvenWerksfalktx (now that he is no longer doing MOD) may be packaging for debian himself.17:56
ErichEickmeyerI thnk he is, but he's still using his PPA as his repo.17:56
ErichEickmeyerPerhaps, if that's the case, then it's just a sync request?17:57
OvenWerksYes, but it is easy to create a binary package... but debian/ubuntu require a buildable src package first17:57
OvenWerksSo the KXstudio stuff is binary, but there are no src packages I know of17:58
ErichEickmeyerThere's got to be a way.17:58
OvenWerksThat is why controls is in python rather than c++ in case you were wondering  ;)17:58
ErichEickmeyerEasier to code, I get it. :)17:59
OvenWerksI am sure there is a way... I just don't have the time and patience to learn it at this time17:59
ErichEickmeyerNo worries. If I were you, I'd focus on -controls. It's good stuff. :)17:59
OvenWerksI really do want to get -controls our in the next 3 months17:59
OvenWerks And I have a half done bit in Ardour I want to get done before Paul adds his huge chunck of code.18:00
ErichEickmeyerI'll see what I can do about Carla. I'm no coder (haven't coded since MS BASIC 2.0 on a C64) but I've been learning packaging.18:01
OvenWerksIt would be no problem to have catia run from with in -controls.18:01
OvenWerksCarla is very easy to build (from my POV)18:02
ErichEickmeyerWould you just call Catia from a button?18:02
ErichEickmeyerOr make it a tab?18:02
OvenWerksI think getting the depnds right is the hardest part.18:02
OvenWerksfrom a button. Unless it is written in python.18:03
ErichEickmeyerPretty sure all of Cadence (incl. Catia, et al) is written in Python.18:03
OvenWerksIf it is written in python it would not be so hard to swallow it18:03
OvenWerksCatia is a binary18:04
OvenWerksThe Catia I downloaded from KXStudio is a binary file18:06
ErichEickmeyerWhich makes sense since he's probably compiling it before uploading it.18:07
OvenWerksSo maybe it is written in python but compiled to a binary for dist.18:08
ErichEickmeyerThat's what I'm gathering.18:08
OvenWerksIt is qt418:09
ErichEickmeyerThe binary, yes. The code on github is ported to Qt5.18:10
OvenWerksI was reading INSTAL.md18:11
OvenWerksI guess it is out of date18:11
ErichEickmeyerHe just recently finished the port and hasn't updated his docs yet.18:11
OvenWerksya it says he finished the qt5 port 2 months ago.18:12
ErichEickmeyerYep. I'm subscribed to the watch ML for the project.18:13
OvenWerksif you play with it his INSTAL file suggests libjack-dev don't install that!18:20
OvenWerksyou have to install the jackd2 version :)18:20
OvenWerksOh and they are all QT4 of course.18:22
ErichEickmeyerYeah, looks like he needs a branch to fix the Install file and a pull request to follow.18:26
OvenWerksCatia when run is still looking for qt418:38
OvenWerksModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt4'18:39
ErichEickmeyerSounds like a bug report needed.19:05
ErichEickmeyerOr a dependency issue: python3-pyqt419:22
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OvenWerksIn any case, Carla just builds. Just make and it builds. Running make features tells what it wil (or has already) include. If there is something not included... look for the missing dep.21:51
SlidingHornso is the -controls application supposed to have a GUI?  It asks me for my admin password and then nothing (when selecting from menu)23:05
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: that would be the old one23:07
OvenWerksIt should show the GUI with no password.23:07
OvenWerksI normally down load the file and install it23:09
SlidingHornjust add that ppa & install the new version23:09
OvenWerksI dl just the file so I don't get all the stuff in there :)23:10
OvenWerksBut I think controls is the only active one right now.23:10
SlidingHornshould I just grab the deb, or do I need the whole source package?23:11
OvenWerksdeb is fine.23:11
OvenWerksonce installed it will not do much till you have logged out and back in.23:13
OvenWerksI see something else I could change/improve23:19
OvenWerks(added to NOTES)23:19
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I use this on my daily machine. I have used something similar (not as refined) for over 3 years now.23:20
SlidingHornrequired cpufrequtils & libcpufreq0 - got everything installed23:21
SlidingHornwill check it out in a min23:21
SlidingHornwatching youtube vids and don't feel like logging yet lol23:22
OvenWerksI should make it so it doesn't need cpufrequtils as that package doesn't really work right23:23

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