
Unit193I did the syncysyncy for tumbler and parole.00:05
bbbeAnyone know of a fix for: 'apt-setup: W: Signature verification failed for: /cdrom/dists/trusty/Release.gpg' from the 18.04 installer?00:16
bluesabreUnit193: much appreciated01:00
bluesabreI think I'm nearly done with my technology break, and should get back into the groove of things this week01:00
Unit193I still need to reply to that indicator email.01:00
Unit193knome: https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/+git/xubuntu-docs in case you forgot. :>01:35
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SpassI'm running 18.04 with devel PPAs on my "just for testing purposes" Xubuntu install, should I upgrade/reinstall to Cosmic daily from ISO tracker? what would be more helpful?16:03
flocculantSpass: you can do - though it's likely to be a while before it's not just 18.04 plus some bits16:42
flocculanttbh I've only done it out of habit16:42
Spassok thanks, so I'll reinstall it in a while16:43
flocculantre your plugin issue - have you got ppa's installed on that system? if so - might be worth checking you see it on a vanilla install16:46
flocculantanyway - wandering again now16:46
Spassit's on 17.10, 18.04 vanilla and 18.04 with PPAs, on 2 laptops and 1 PC, NVIDIA and Intel :)17:00
Spassand it's not only panel plugins issue as it also affects other apps (Plank)17:03
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