
ZuninoHello. What is the ideal way to have some commands run when the user logs in (initial login, resume from suspend)?01:02
sleehi, should i use secure boot with xubuntu or leave it disabled?02:15
Spasshello slee, you can leave it disabled02:23
sleeyea, chatting on #linux...what few responded, they weren't big on secure boot either02:25
drb1my site (PHP) no longer works02:27
drb1It's been rendering code in place of data instead.02:28
pmjdebruijndrb1: while it's probably not a xubuntu specific issue, presumably php isn't properly configured for apache? anymore06:42
pmjdebruijndrb1: are you using modphp? or php-fpm?06:42
pmjdebruijndrb1: dpkg -l | grep -i php06:48
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baldorHi. I have an issue with xubuntu 17.10, whenever I switch to an already opened app with whisker menu, it comes into foreground but the focus stays on the previous foreground window08:15
baldorAny idea how to change this behaviour?08:15
knomei'd try if the problem persists with 18.04, the newly released LTS release08:15
knometbh probably yes, but then again maybe something has changed08:16
baldorok. I tried switch 'prevent window from stealing focus' in the settings08:17
baldorbut this only makes the window I want to open stay in the background08:17
knomeyou don't want to use the application button widget in the panel then?08:18
knomeor alt+tab?08:18
knomei mean i guess that's the usual way to change applications08:18
knomealt+tab is also slightly configurable now08:18
baldoryeah i can use alt tab, but i find it quicker to open whisker menu and type the name of the app I Want08:22
baldorbecause the app might not be already opened08:23
flocculantin 18.04 (ish) it doesn't even come to the foreground08:24
flocculantknome: ^^08:24
baldorflocculant: even with the setting 'prevent focalisation stealing' unchecked?08:27
flocculantbaldor: no idea what that setting is - nor where it can be set08:34
baldorin xfce window tweaking settings08:41
baldor-> focalisation settings08:41
flocculantbaldor: that's unchecked09:26
glitchdhaving an issue with 18.04 and wine, help?12:24
glitchdi installed wine from the winehq repo, but after installation, it does not appear in my applications menu.12:30
drb1pmjdebruijn: still there?12:39
Spassglitchd, I don't think that new wine version is creating any shortcuts in the menu12:41
Spassyou can add it by yourself adding "winecfg" using Menu Libre for example12:41
Spassbut if you install something using wine, it should create a menu entry, but sometimes it shows after restarting12:43
glitchdSpass, yea its not even in menu libre13:03
drb1pmjdebruijn, i'm not sure what i would need to do to configure it properly.13:08
drb1although, i think it is an interpreter issue13:08
drb1php code is being commented out in the inspection tool13:09
pmjdebru1jn"inspection tool"?13:21
drb1in the browser, pmjdebru1jn13:23
pmjdebru1jnI don't see how that matters13:26
pmjdebru1jnif your webserver returning php code, as opposed to output php isn't configured properly13:26
pmjdebru1jnwhat did you do to set it up?13:26
drb1i can't recall what i did last time13:27
drb1to get it working13:27
pmjdebru1jnwhat does 'dpkg -l | grep -i php' return ,please put it on a pastebin13:28
drb1pmjdebru1jn: https://hastebin.com/afiqexuzek.css13:29
pmjdebru1jnso you have mod php13:30
pmjdebru1jndpkg -L libapache2-mod-php7.213:30
pmjdebru1jnwill give a list of relevant files you can check13:30
pmjdebru1jncheck /etc/apache2/mods-enabled13:30
drb1pmjdebru1jn: what am i looking for?13:35
drb1within that directory13:35
Spasshello, I need your help with a bug report, I want to report it in the right place this time14:23
SpassI'm talking about this one - https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1350914:23
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13509 in General "Button loses highlight when moving cursor on screen edges" [Normal,Resolved: moved]14:23
Spassnow I know that this issue is bigger than Whisker Menu itself, it affects other panel plugins and even other apps (like Plank)14:24
Spassweirdly enough, this issue occurs only on the left and the top edge of the screen14:25
Spassso is it an issue with xfdesktop? something else? where I should report this?14:26
knomeSpass, i can't reproduce14:43
knomeoh, left and top only14:44
knomestill no though...14:44
Spassknome, you're using VM maybe?14:45
knomedefinitely not14:45
Spassthat's weird, I have that issue on two computers, and I have it from 17.04, it still occurs in 18.04 :/14:46
Spasslike you see in my previous bug report, Dave Pearson confirmed that on his hardware too14:47
SpassI was checking this on both Nouveau and proprietary NVIDIA drivers, no difference14:48
Spassalso, I created 4 workspaces, it occurs on every workspace14:49
knomei'm running on intel14:49
knomebut sounds unlikely this is a driver issue14:49
knomebut who knows..14:49
Spasshmm, yeah that's definitely worth checking14:50
SpassI'll wait for someone with NVIDIA graphics who can confirm14:50
knomeSpass, you're the bug reporter (Mariusz)?14:50
knomeok, i left a comment on the bug14:52
knomeyou aren't running a multiscreen setup?14:54
Spassnow I'm just wondering whre this bug belongs, because it's bigger than just xfce4-panel, I have the same issue with Plank dock for example - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8qh4-wxxEZ7b3ZTZ0stb1VvdGM/view14:54
SpassNope, just one screen14:55
SpassAnd with Plank is the same story, only on top and left edge, on bottom and right it behaves properly14:55
knomemaybe it is a driver issue then :P14:55
knomei too have multiple workspaces, so it can't be that14:56
flocculantI don't appear to be able to replicate14:56
knomeflocculant, nvidia?14:56
flocculantBUT - our ppa's so more of the gtk3 type stuff14:56
flocculantyea nvidia - but nouveau14:56
knomeright, but Spass reproduced with both nvidia drivers14:57
SpassI'm on 18.04 with some devel PPAs right now, bug still occurs14:57
knomei'm on plain 18.0414:57
knomei can try on intel hardware on plain 17.10 later14:57
Spassmy main system is 17.10 and I have that there too14:57
knometbh i don't think i've ever seen this bug and i used to run nvidia too14:58
knomebut then again it might have just slipped me14:58
knometoday i have no nvidia hardware in the house...14:58
flocculantI did see it during a cycle or two ago - but only if panel at top and big - not like my panel at all14:59
knomei tried top and big as well14:59
knomebut nope14:59
knomealso non-100% and 100% width14:59
knomeand locked14:59
knomeand pretty much every scenario14:59
knomegtk2 and gtk3 stuff14:59
knomenothing at all14:59
knomeanyway, got to run15:00
Spasshmm, so it may be something on my hardware only?15:00
flocculantcould be15:00
flocculantnot sure what to report it against15:00
flocculantwandering too15:00
Spassif it would be just a visual bug I'd probably live with it, but it's also an usability issue, because sometimes when I want to open Whisker my click just won't "register", the Whisker Menu won't show up because I clicked on that "weird edge spot" :/15:02
Spassok, thanks for testing, if someone here can test it also or confirm I would be grateful, I'm living with that bug for a year now on Xubuntu15:03
SpassI would be VERY happy to kill that bug before 18.1015:04
Spassbut now I have small hopes since no one could reproduce that15:05
Spassany way to kill xfdesktop without it restarting itself?15:09
SpassI just checked it on another laptop - my parent's old Toshiba with Celeron and Intel graphics, fresh 18.04 install, same issue, so it's not NVIDIA specific, and it's not only on my personal hardware15:30
SpassI've posted this issue on the forum also - https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=1219015:36
artemглюки на глюках17:59
artemсистема очень класснач17:59
artemсистема очень класная но глючнач хвалю но 18.04 не то вообще одни глюки 16.04 была нормальной очень крутой а новая глюки на глюках хвалю 16.04 была бомбиной крутой18:02
krytarik!ru | artem18:02
ubottuartem: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:02
xubuntu22ivueby nahui suka blyad18:33
xubuntu22ido your hear me?18:34
xubuntu22iIDI NAHUI BLYAD18:35
Spassban this guy^18:35
krytarikEnglish please.18:35
krytarikSpass: Why?18:35
xubuntu22ii am good guy18:36
SpassThose are profanities.18:36
krytarikxubuntu22i: So leave out the profanities, or yourself.18:36
xubuntu22iFUCK OFF18:36
xubuntu22iI am russian18:37
xubuntu22ii fuck your open sours18:37
xubuntu22ievery day18:37
xubuntu22iPutin best president ever18:37
xubuntu52iSuka blyad18:38
xubuntu52iyour cant ban me18:39
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clevercloglive cd 1024x768 but after install only 64021:55
clevercloginstall runs well at 102421:56
cleverclogbut on first boot stuck on 64021:56
cleverclogI am new to IRC.  No clue how this works21:57
Javabeani don't know the answer, but i can say that knowing what graphics card you have would help21:57
cleverclogOld laptop with SIS integrated graphics21:57
well_laid_lawnsis have alwas had poor support21:58
cleverclogYes I nkow.21:58
cleverclogThought there was a way to disable it.21:58
cleverclogThe LiveCd runs perfectly.  Therefore there must be a way to make the install do the same21:59
well_laid_lawnI'd use   xrandr   to find out the what resolutions are available21:59
well_laid_lawnthen set a size in /etc/X11.xorg.conf.d21:59
cleverclogOK will do.  Not at that machine now.  I am familiar with xrandr.21:59
well_laid_lawnand that's how irc works :)22:00
Javabeanthough what can often happen is that someone who knows the answer may not see the question for a while.  so patience may be required22:01
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sleehi, is there an app for xfce panels that will show you your cpu temps?22:12
sleei researched that xfce-goodies, but it doesn't appear to be a temp app22:13
Javabeani use psensor, but that is a mouseover/dropdown app22:14
sleecool, i'll check it out22:15
Javabeanit may not be what you are looking for, i mostly use it as its own window.22:15
sleei've always just used inxi to see current temp, was just curious if anyone put out a panel app yet22:20
porphironlo folks23:16
porphironanyone managed to get vino working?23:17

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