
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> OH wait wxl00:09
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Noah signed your key too, right?00:09
valoriewhat do we need to finish?03:03
valorieI know I wasn't paying attention03:04
valorieat ALL03:04
valoriebut ?03:04
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/8hs3j0/who_controls_glibc/?utm_source=reddit-android03:27
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Hmmmm03:27
valorieinteresting discussion03:52
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> Cosmic Cuttlefish15:04
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/152117:34
wxlthat's gonna be one trippy shirt17:35
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> YES17:59
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> XD17:59
valoriecuttlefish is one guess I had not heard19:06
valorieok, off to celebrate birthday with the fam22:55
valorieleaving all the interesting conversations22:55

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