
alkisgHi! I'd like to deprecate answers in a project, https://answers.launchpad.net/epoptes, in favor of github issues. But the only option I have is to close them completely without having an archive of the previously answered questions or even a link to the github issues.08:10
alkisgE.g. https://launchpad.net/epoptes/+configure-answers => Click "External" and OK => Answers disappear completely, without me being able to even provide an "External link" there...08:11
alkisgIf that's by design, np, I'll do it; I'm just asking in case I missed an option somewhere08:11
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wgrantalkisg: There's no customisation there, I'm afraid.10:35
alkisgwgrant: thanks a lot :)10:42
ginggsnode-tap-mocha-reporter fails to upload because the orig.tar.gz has "has 34 file(s) with a time stamp too far in the past"11:09
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