
BionicMacHave we turned Cosmic in here? =)05:16
flocculantI've been Cosmic since about 197605:25
BionicMacflocculant: Nice. =)06:19
=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the support channel for pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer. | Current dev version: Cosmic Cuttlefish (18.10) | Schedule: TBD | Daily builds: TBD | For 18.04 support, please visit #ubuntu
=== CoJaBo_ is now known as CoJaBoo
=== CoJaBoo is now known as CoJaBo
=== Night is now known as Guest98205
=== Guest98205 is now known as |Night|
=== Night is now known as Guest47689
Kon-I just want to say that "Cuttlefish" is an extremely underwhelming choice. The Ubuntu team has massively disappointed the thousands of eagle-eyed fans who had hoped for Cosmic Cow23:00
donofriocuttlefish another neat name23:37
=== Night is now known as Guest23782

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