
SquarismAre there big diffrences between xorg/wayland gnome? If so, in what way?01:28
daftykinsdo you mean 'xorg and wayland' or do you mean 'gnome under xorg _and_ gnome under wayland' or some other combo?01:33
naccSquarism: xorg and wayland are very different; in theory you shouldn't notice a different, but that has not been my experience, minimally because wayland is more limited03:07
Squarismdaftykins, the latter i meant.03:09
Squarismnacc, okej thanks03:09
naccSquarism: limited enough that at a late moment, it was decided to *not* make it the default in 18.0403:14
nacclate-ish moment03:14
Squarismyeah, i read the statement.03:16
SquarismSounded as if the got cold feet about supporting it LTS level03:17
naccand a fair amount of stuff that should just work, doesn't03:18
nacce.g. you can't, architecturally, do remote desktop03:18
daftykinssome folk just like to chase 'new and shiny' a bit too much :>03:18
SquarismIve never been so up to date now running a 6 month old release. At home im running 14.04.03:52
daftykinswhere are you now if not home?03:54
daftykinsi have a VPS i need to move off 14.04 soon03:54
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:02
lotuspsychjehey SlidingHorn05:06
ubot5Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.05:06
lotuspsychjeneat :p05:06
lordievaderGood morning06:09
lotuspsychjehey lordievader06:12
lotuspsychjeanother warm day comming up :p06:12
ducassegood morning06:14
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:16
lordievaderHey ducasse06:16
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:17
ducassehi lordievader, lotuspsychje06:17
ducasseall well, thanks - and you?06:17
lordievaderDoing good here 😁06:20
lotuspsychjeeverybody going to the pool today haha06:25
lotuspsychjesomeone takeover my work, so i can go too06:28
lotuspsychjei think oerheks has nothing to do today, he might jump in for me06:34
daftykinsdrabber could do it06:34
lotuspsychjeheavy kitchen work without airco while its sunny outside06:35
daftykinsno AC D:06:35
daftykinswhat are they running there, a forced labour camp? ;)06:35
lotuspsychjejust a turnable window, to bring more heat inside06:36
jinkMORNING, LOVELY PEOPLE (and lotuspsychje).07:08
lordievaderHey jink07:12
jinkBijna weekend \o/07:13
lordievaderdaftykins: AC is quite rare here. But then again hot days are too.07:13
jinkACs are for offices and shops.07:14
lordievaderHa, this office doesn't have AC 😭07:16
jinkThis one doesn't either.  It's a broken top-cooling.07:16
daftykinsyeah we don't have it in homes typically either, but i'm not sure if you are both in the same country07:24
lotuspsychjebbl work, have a nice one07:31
jinkI'm in The Netherlands.07:33
jinkOh, so is lordievader, apparently.07:33
oerheksYes, this irc are dutch only :-P07:36
oerheksgoto sleep, daftykins07:36
jinkDutch speaking, not Dutch native, per se.07:36
wirehunterDinsdag... Bijna weekend... Yeah right.08:17
lordievaderWell... thursday off, friday off... almost weekend.08:37
wirehunterOh right, Forgot about that.08:38
wirehuntereven though I'm going on a trip08:38
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
BluesKajHey folks14:19
pragmatic_enigmamorning BluesKaj14:45
BluesKaj'Morning pragmaticenigma15:02
pragmaticenigmaHow goes the day BluesKaj ?15:07
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, fine, just had a late breakfast. how about you?15:09
pragmaticenigmaJust working on making it through the day15:10
pragmaticenigmaand watching the blind lead the blind in chat15:40
pragmaticenigmaanyone catch what <94KAAADA7>'s issue was?16:21
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:24
ubot5Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) will be the 29th release of Ubuntu.  Release annoucement at https://markshuttleworth.com/archives/152116:28
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje16:28
lotuspsychjeheya BluesKaj all good on bionic?16:29
BluesKajlotuspsychje, yup, so far at least16:29
lotuspsychjesame here cant complain16:29
ducasseevening BluesKaj, lotuspsychje16:32
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how was your day?16:32
BluesKajHey ducasse16:33
ducasseall quiet lotuspsychje, just came home from the city, walked along the river16:33
lotuspsychjecool ducasse nothing can beat some outside air, did it rain?16:34
BluesKajsounds nice16:34
ducasseno rain, beautiful weather.16:35
JimBuntuAll I can hear right now is birds singing and someone in the distance with a chainsaw16:41
lotuspsychjefirst rabbit hunting, now eat birds JimBuntu16:42
JimBuntuThey are little song birds, not worth any effort. I did think about taking my screen out this morning though ;-D16:42
ducassesong bird hunting with a chainsaw? sounds interesting...16:48
lotuspsychjenow plot for 2018 horror16:49
lotuspsychjestarring JimBuntu16:49
JimBuntuThe chipmunks are out digging around by the window too... also not worth the effort.16:49
kostkonboth terrifying and calming i like it16:52
ducasseJimBuntu: come running around the corner with the chainsaw raised, make them feel like they're alive16:53
lotuspsychjei like mint, in my mojito :p16:54
JimBuntuAnyone seen Dale and Tucker VS. Evil? hilarious16:54
lotuspsychjehmm that rings a bell16:54
ducasseJimBuntu: yep, +116:54
JimBuntuIt's about 2 good'ol boys trying to mind their own business and be helpful, truck of preppy college kids comes into the woods to camp... wind up thinking the locals are killers16:55
lotuspsychjenice plot16:56
* BluesKaj plays dueling banjos :-)16:56
JimBuntulotuspsychje, it's hilarious17:00
lotuspsychjehey krytarik morning17:00
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: dont think i saw it17:00
ducasselotuspsychje: watch it, it's excellent17:00
SlidingHornis there a better channel for steam issues than #ubuntu-steam?17:11
ubot5Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.17:14
lotuspsychjeoh SlidingHorn do you know #gamingonlinux channel?17:15
lotuspsychjethose guys are crazy up to date17:15
SlidingHornI haven't been there17:17
kostkonalso same channels on IRC TNG17:17
SlidingHornI'll check it out17:17
kostkonaka Discord17:17
SlidingHornI'm in the Linux Gamers Group discord - Guess I could ask there too17:17
kostkonSlidingHorn, there's a gamingonlinux server as well17:18
SlidingHornmy concern there is that they almost always just say to install from a PPA or steam itself17:18
kostkonwell depends on what your problem actually is17:19
SlidingHornlaunchpad bug 176866917:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1768669 in steam (Ubuntu) "multiverse package steam recommends nvidia-driver-lib-i386:i386 which is not in repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176866917:19
kostkoni'm getting some wine vibe here17:20
kostkonsnaps are becoming too popular :P17:31
lotuspsychjebbl bit tv17:53
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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