
toluxeroHi guys. I need again of your help... we lost control of #ubuntu-mx channel. Nobody of former members have access to set the channel up to date again. We are doing an effort to make Ubuntu Mexico visible again after a time of inactivity, the question here is, how is the process to gain the ownership of the channel again?00:09
hggdhstaff: can you please add UbuntuIrcCouncil as a founder for #ubuntu-mx02:26
hggdhtoluxero: the IRC Council will take over, and then give ops access as needed02:27
toluxeroThank you :)02:28
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
Unit193hggdh: Set.02:39
hggdhUnit193: danke02:48
toluxerothank you again hggdh, Unit19302:57
Unit193Happy to help.02:58
hggdhtoluxero: our pleasure02:58
Unit193toluxero: BTW, you may wish to look into SASL.03:20
toluxeroUnit193: how ?03:40
Unit193toluxero: Depends on what client you're using, but there should be something https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl for your client there.03:41
toluxeroUnit193: I'll check out. Thank you :D03:47
setuidHaving a bear of a time trying to vagrant up some images.. https://paste.debian.net/hidden/4456859b/12:35
setuidThe virtualbox-dkms packages and kernel headers _are_ installed; reconfiguring dkms and virtualbox-dkms results in: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/f4dd2ad9/12:36
setuidack, sorry, wrong channel12:36
wxlhey folks. what do i need to do to renew my membership in ~irc-lubuntu-offtopic-ops?14:14
hggdhwxl: just act on the email you should have received14:15
hggdhdid you miss the chance? If so, we can act14:16
wxlhggdh: it said i needed to ask. no option to auto-renew14:16
hggdhwxl: what is your LP id?14:17
wxlhggdh: wxl14:17
hggdhheh. Should have thought of that14:17
hggdhlet me have a look14:17
wxlyeah i know. made it real difficult14:17
hggdhwxl: done14:19
wxlhggdh: thx!14:20
hggdhUnit193: ^^ you may be in the same boat14:20
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Unit193hggdh: That likely was an issue, I didn't get to hit the usual 'renew' button but had to self renew.21:25
hggdhyeah. Weird, I expected all of the IRC teams to send out emails for renewal21:27
Unit193Makes sense.21:29

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