=== Guest74821 is now known as lauren [01:26] Hello fellows, i've struggled in a small problem with 18.04 Server. I want to setup a vServer and won't get netplan configured, because my Broadcast Adress is the same as my Gateway but this two are different from my assigned IP. Can someone point me how to setup manually broadcast adress on netplan? [05:36] I have set ssh server on my guest OS (ubuntu-server) but when I do 'ssh-copy-id hostname@IP address' I get 'permission denied (public key)' [06:09] Good morning [06:10] pankaj: Do you have access to the server? [06:14] lordievader: Sorry, for late response. Absolutely, I have access to server. I can ping to it. [06:14] I meant ssh access 😉 [06:16] See the man page, `ssh-copy-id` uses ssh to copy the key: https://linux.die.net/man/1/ssh-copy-id [06:17] lordievader: Yes, I can access it via my local account pssword. [06:17] And you use that username for the copy command? [06:18] You could also go the manual route (log in, add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys) [06:21] lordievader: You are right but I was looking for a standard procedure that work in every case. [06:21] lordievader: I have googled it (although not got fully satisfied with their answers) what is the cause of such types of errors? [06:21] coreycb: ya, saw the notification for that. will try to reproduce upstream, possibly my fix is still incomplete [06:22] pankaj: That depends, take a look at `/var/log/auth`. [06:26] Okay so I'm about at my wits end trying to get Ubuntu to reinstall on this server. It doesn't have an internet connection. Why does a several gigabyte ISO require me to choose a mirror to proceed through the install, and is there a way to bypass this? [06:29] Google says to unplug the network cable. I've done that. And disabled the NIC in the BIOS, and the installer complains that it can't find one, but still insists that I choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive. [06:38] lordievader: I checked it. IN case of 'openssh-server' package it does not show any sign of error or failure. [06:39] And you have/had? [06:42] lordievader: Their is no error I see. [06:42] What is the most common reason for this type of error to occour? [06:58] The systemlog (journalctl) may also contain hints as to why the permission is denied. [07:18] Alright, apparently my problem is that creating the thumbdrive with YUMI causes it to assume you want to do a netboot, regardless of the ISO. Rufus and DD mode works. [07:19] That sounds like a pretty dumb assumption -.- [07:19] Yeah I was pretty upset about that. [07:20] Also either Ubuntu 18 doesn't like my server's RAID setup, or one of these drives I got (or all of them!) isn't good. It detected that a RAID existed, but didn't show a volume to install to. [07:20] 16.04 does, but it's taking forever to get through paritioning. [07:21] Though no errors so it could also just be that I'm doing this on mechanical hard drives with software RAID, on a dual-core processor. [07:22] Time for some SMART checking? [07:23] If this doesn't work, yeah. [07:25] It's figured out there's 9TB though available and it's sitting at 80% on computing partitions so... [07:25] If it does get to the point where the system is bootable I figure hammering it with restoring 3TB of backups will probably give the drives a good test too. [08:16] ahasenack: should nvml now be removed from ppa:canonical-server/nvdimm? === Aztec03 is now known as Panoptes [11:06] what is means hostname and hostname -f? [11:06] I do hostname kselax [11:06] and in file /etc/hosts put this row [11:07] ip kddkdk.kelax.ru kselax [11:07] then when I type hostname -f I see kddkd.kselax.ru [11:08] Neo4: if only there was a manpage for `hostname` [11:08] I though in host was aliases [11:08] blackflow: hostname -f - FQDN [11:08] hostname simple hostname [11:09] blackflow: there is man [11:09] I don't know difference, [11:09] hostname kselax.ru [11:09] or better hostname kselax? [11:09] and what does this row means in /etc/hosts [11:09] eeemail.kselax.ru kselax [11:13] "hosts - static table lookup for hostnames" it's a file that maps IP addresses to names. like DNS, but local to the machine, and consulted first by glibc, before a DNS request is made through resolvers. [11:13] which means you can specify multiple names for one IP. it's intended to have the FQDN + aliases for it. in which case you should have something like this: [11:14] eeemail.kselax.ru eeemail [11:14] which specifies both the short hostname and FQDN for the IP [11:15] you can of course add just "kselax" too, but the standard practice is to have both FQDN and hostname always listed [11:18] ok, that is alliases [11:18] it's also the way "hostname" resolves its (FQ)DN via the IP [11:18] by seeing the FQDN and short hostnname associated to it in hosts [11:19] (thought I think it's glibc doing that) [11:19] yes, syntax: IP hostname [aliases] [11:19] I thought this all hostname [11:19] one IP + [hostnames] [11:20] where we specify hostname -f for our computer? [11:20] hostname could be any, it doesn't matter [11:20] using host? [11:21] if I do hostname -f when /etc/hosts without aleases I got this [11:21] pxe1.host-food.ru [11:22] where is it placed? [11:22] probably rDNS which gets resolved because you don't have an entry in /etc/hosts, for your IP [11:23] Your nameservers also point to the host-food.ru domain. [11:25] ok, do I must use /etc/hosts for change? [11:26] and there exists a few IP and [11:26] and [11:37] means my network, [11:37] if I put there my real IP address will my home webserver available over Internet? [11:37] https://askubuntu.com/questions/754213/what-is-difference-between-localhost-address-127-0-0-1-and-127-0-1-1 [11:38] the entire range is local to the host. putting a real ip address in /etc/hosts does not magically make the host available over internet. [11:39] blackflow: why? [11:39] I need customize router? [11:39] blackflow: I did it using windows [11:40] WAMP server, I forgot what I did, my server works, when user put there my ip he can see one page [11:40] to make your (home) server available to the (public) internet, its IP address needs to be accessible from the (public) internet. If its IP is in a RFC private range, then you need to set up port forwarding on the WAN/LAN router. [11:41] if there was DNS might they could have seen my server using domain [11:41] blackflow: my IP dynamic, I can't do home server [11:42] blackflow: it change always [11:42] so if your server is, and your WAN address (router's public address) is, say,, then you need to map ports from (Accessible from public internet), and thus do forwarding of packets, to your (not accessible from public internet). this mapping is done on the (public, WAN facing) router. === Chrywo is now known as Chryzo [11:43] it's also called NAT - Network Address Translation, in this case it's dNAT - destination NAT, as the packets need their dest address changed from public to private, as they cross the WAN -> LAN barrier. [11:44] Neo4: there are services which can provide dynamic DNS for your dynamic IP. [11:45] for free? [11:45] there used to be, I think DynDNS was one of them. I don't know whta's available today, I haven't done dynamic DNS in many years. [11:46] I have 10Mb Internet speed [11:46] Neo4: check your router. It's quite possible that your router already integrates iwth some dynamic DNS providers, and you only have to set that up with a username & password. Check the router's admin panel. [11:46] The free 'domains' they offer are usually sub-domains. You need to pay if you want a regular domain. [11:47] that too. [11:49] can't find router IP where admin page [11:49] will check later [11:50] Neo4: the gateway IP most likely [11:51] I don't have gateway [11:51] dlink modem [11:52] it has ip where we can see admin page [11:52] now find instruction [11:52] you don't have gateway? I bet you do, unless each of the computers in your network has a public IP directly [11:53] Neo4: `ip route show` [12:04] blackflow: this ip [12:04] but I forgot password, have got ban for 180 seconds [12:05] it's likely that, yes. but ip route show will tell you the default (Gateway) ip [12:05] *default route via [12:07] yes show default the same [12:08] won't now customize, i need refresh modem for access to admin [12:10] Neo4: chances are the username and password are written on a label on the bottom side of it, unless you changed that default. [12:10] rbasak: hm, yes (remove nvml from ppa), I thought I had done that already [12:11] blackflow: there default admin admin, I changed and forgot [12:13] frickler: thanks [12:26] not bad? :) [12:26] https://mxtoolbox.com/domain/mail.kselax.ru/ [12:26] one black list, I have written to both [12:27] spamhouse banned all network, might not removed my ip [12:27] perfect web server ) === fginther` is now known as fginther === Chrywo is now known as Chryzo === freyes__ is now known as freyes [15:58] since yesterday (today ?)ram usage is quite hight on 18.04 [15:59] how I can edit files when write shell script? [15:59] it was around 2 gb by default boot now it about 5 gb [15:59] I'm doing shell script that will install apache2 + php5.6 and this script should edit config files and put there variables [16:00] in ubuntu 18.04 or in 16.04.x (???) how we can make rc.local ? /etc/rc.local is not working on 18.04 [16:00] this script should determine my server ip adress and add to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf in bottom row ServerName ip [16:00] how to make this simple shell script? [16:01] samba35: how are you measuring? you want all your memory to be used [16:01] open in vim and do it manually? [16:01] I'm going to write shell scrip that will automatically install mail server and lamp without my interfering [16:01] nacc, free -h ksysguard show alomost same [16:02] Mem: 7.7G 4.9G 1.9G 162M 918M 2.4G [16:02] even i have not open a browser [16:02] will start from simple sudo apt-get install apache2 and add phrase in bottom to file apache2.conf [16:02] samba35: how experienced of a sysadmin are you? asking because `free` is not a reasonable way to measure much of anything :) [16:03] i thought it was browser but i change firefox and chorme and idle it show same [16:03] samba35: you can look in top or htop and sort by memory usage (RES is most relevant, but you can sort by VIRT) [16:03] but i can check real time with ksysguard [16:04] cat /proc/meminfo [16:04] MemTotal: 8124804 kB [16:04] MemFree: 2012688 kB [16:04] MemAvailable: 2522028 kB [16:05] samba35: you didn't answer my original question. I've never used ksysguard. [16:05] samba35: have you read: https://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [16:05] samba35: in an ideal world, your system is using all of your memory, if it can [16:05] samba35: idle memory is wasted memory [16:06] sorry i am trying to understand top [16:07] please wait [16:07] what is res and virt ? [16:07] free doesn't "measure" much but provides a good quick overview IMHO. I also find it easier to read than top's stats [16:08] but I fully agree that RES is the thing that needs to be looked at in top :) [16:08] samba35: Resident Set Size and Virtual Memory [16:09] thanks [16:10] how do i sort memory usage or M or m ? [16:10] < > to switch sorting columns, default is CPU% [16:11] so < < < will sort by RES [16:11] one more will sort by VIRT [16:15] samba35: can you pastebin the whole output of "free"? [16:16] I have this, we can put in shell [16:16] vim /etc/apache2 === bspar_ is now known as bspar [16:16] and make [16:16] read -p "you need put to this fiel this row Servername your_ip" answer; [16:17] then in vim we can read all instruction that printed in console by ctrl+z [16:17] 4907 xxx 20 0 1738.9m 173.8m 94.3m S 0.0 2.2 0:04.63 Web Content [16:17] and return back fg [16:17] web content has many entryeies and it hogging lot of ram [16:17] after edit press exit from vim and shell will go on work [16:17] nice alhorithm? [16:18] I'm not going to copy past from instruction and input all commands, will use shell [16:18] ok [16:18] top plain or with some switch ? [16:18] top [16:18] well, had better ask in #programming [16:27] Hi, does the conjure-up thing works in ubuntu 18 04? [16:28] in ubuntu 18.04 or in 16.04.x (???) how we can make rc.local ? /etc/rc.local is not working on 18.04 [16:29] @samba35 I think that's a systemd thing. As a quick and dirty fix why dont you create a script and execute it with crontab at @reboot ? [16:32] sorry i did not i understand crontab @reboot ? can you please explain [16:32] You can set @reboot as a time in crontab and execute something on reboot. [16:33] yes. but I feel it's a little bit dirty to be honest [16:33] (ok, really dirty, santa would put you on a list) [16:34] Yeah you can usually set up things as services to execute at boot [16:34] honetly i am missing @reboot part can you please please explain [16:34] I think my only @reboot entry is a script that connects to my local IRC server to post a message saying the server was rebooted, etc, etc, sorry for the inconvenience [16:35] in crontab instead of writing the numbers of a date/time you put @reboot [16:36] is @reboot is command or script or a file ? or service ? [16:36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron [16:39] ok thanks [16:39] you can edit cron with the command crontab -e [16:40] its aper user thing, depending on what you wanna do you should use root or a regular user account [16:40] a per user thing* [16:40] Never not run everything as root. [16:40] ok [16:41] (That was a joke, btw; best practice is to try and keep specific applications/services on their own user) [16:46] if i want to add ip tuntap add mode tap vport1 [16:46] at startup how i should at at crontab [16:47] well, that seems like a root thing [16:47] what are the commands you want to do? [16:49] i am "trying " to configure openvswitch and use some kind of interface for quest (but i am not sure how it will work and crateing tuntap unterface it is not showing in virt-manger) [16:51] https://pastebin.com/Zb3x61Vx [16:52] but after reboot i have to manull enter [16:52] ip tuntap add mode tap vport2 [16:55] ok then make this command: crontab -e [16:55] select nano [16:55] and in the last line write [16:55] @reboot ip tuntap add mode tap vport2 [16:56] ok thank you ! [16:58] gabboman, do you have any idea on kvm ,openvswitvh ? [16:59] basic ideas with kvm to be honest [16:59] I use virt manager but thats it [17:00] same here i also use virt-manger ,i create openvswitch with tap interface and i want to add that tap interface in quest but virt-manger does not show tap interface [17:00] any idea how it can be done ! [17:04] not at all sorry [17:06] no issue .sorry common man [17:06] sorry i should say [17:07] for asking too many thing :) [17:07] brb reboot and give try === Panoptes is now known as Aztec03 [20:56] Hi All, Ive come upon a system where systemd seems to be having some issue. journalctl is not running and I get "no such interface" messages when trying to check the status of any service. Is there any package I can reinstall to try to fix this? [20:57] (16.04) [21:03] Pinkamena_D: you mean journalctl doesnt run (it's a process not a service) [21:03] Pinkamena_D: can you pastebin the exact message and cmmand you tried? [21:04] what looks like happened is that someone installed upstart which messed up systemd [21:04] Pinkamena_D: that'd do it ... [21:04] I have removed it but how can I get systemd back to the foreground? [21:07] Pinkamena_D: you removed or purged upstart? [21:07] Pinkamena_D: i *think* if you purged upstart, a reboot should allow systemd to start as init again [21:36] nacc: hey, what was the workaround for this error again: [21:36] File "/snap/git-ubuntu/427/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gitubuntu/source_information.py", line 66, in derive_source_from_series [21:36] raise ValueError("Unable to determine distribution from %s" % series) [21:36] ValueError: Unable to determine distribution from cosmic [21:36] I thought there was a command-line option, but I can't find it, so maybe I was mistaken [21:43] ahasenack: rebuilding the snap with a newer distro_info :) [21:43] aha :) [21:44] ahasenack: it's currently at 0.17 and needs bumping to 0.18 [21:44] rbasak: --^ [21:44] we should remember to do this more often :/ [21:45] I don't think distro-info-data was updated yet [21:45] in bionic, that is [21:45] I'll check with rbasak tomorrow [21:46] thx [21:46] * ahasenack -> eod [21:47] it was [21:47] both bionic and cosmic are at 0.18 per rmadison [21:48] but we build from source (well dump from source) [21:48] err, no we do build it, sorry [21:48] ahasenack: i could do it, but i don't have access to store the tarball any longer === giraffe is now known as Guest34373