[00:14] I need a spool [13:19] What will happen to FSF after Richard Stallman? … https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=k_VO4acNF4M&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DOUAGs2lc4OU%26feature%3Dshare [14:53] @AdamOutler, I have a few, you can buy one off of me or if you want to buy it from Amazon, the two brands I use are MG Chemicals ( https://www.amazon.com/MG-Chemicals-Printer-Filament-1-75mm/dp/B018MG4SFQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1525790933&sr=8-7&keywords=wood+pla+filament+1.75mm&linkCode=ll1&tag=strongpassword09-20&linkId=3824cc814c2e1e36e5ca58003cafb8b7 ) and SainSmart ( [14:53] https://www.amazon.com/SainSmart-Wood-LightBrown-1KG1-75-Printer-Filament-Light/dp/B00KQG7K0Q/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1525791001&sr=8-36&keywords=wood+pla+filament+1.75mm&linkCode=ll1&tag=strongpassword09-20&linkId=10ced4dc38f73a60ba351bf3fec043df ). The Guy Tux Mask one was done with the SainSmart - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJzWqbYdFJQ (Warning Loud Music) [15:02] I'll buy one of yours. Let's do sushi on Saturday in PP? [15:25] @AdamOutler, I should be able to. Need any other Filament. I have a large supply of various rolls [17:34] http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1521 [20:48] That is a tasty fish [22:54] No. I have about 7 spools of randomness. Have you any 12v relays? [22:59] @AdamOutler, Not off hand [23:39] http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/?page_id=4608 [23:41] Nice!