
vernjrgilman: this seems like it might be helpful: http://www.noah.org/wiki/CapsLock_Remap_Howto00:05
rud0lfinteresting.. it says to add "setxkbmap -option caps:none" to startup entry00:12
rud0lf.xprofile ?00:12
derpingitok so i set all the directories 775 recursively and all files 644 . how can i let other people in the group overwrite files?00:16
jrgilmanalso another question, I can't seem to find an answer but is there a way to move the current fullscreen application to my other monitor? I can't seem to find a shortcut for it00:16
oerhekssystemsettings > keyboard > shift super left/right00:20
FishPencilIs it possible to write an iso to a SATA hard drive (not a flash drive)? I'm curious if the machine would see it as a valid boot option and launch the iso.00:28
FishPencilI happen to have a spare hard drive, but no disk drive. I need to boot an iso that isn't supported by USB methods00:29
oerheksFishPencil, you can, if you have grub installed already00:30
FishPenciloerheks: using something like DD wouldn't take care of the bootloader?00:31
MzrEI think I've done the same trick that makes a USB bootable on a spare hard drive like you're saying00:32
MzrEBut if you're intending to install the OS onto the same drive maybe oerheks link would be more appropriate00:32
FishPencilone drive to another00:33
eric_leegrub can boot the iso file if you appoint the path of iso00:35
oerheksthe outcome would be interesting00:36
FishPencilI'm looking to boot the iso just like as if it was a valid disk drive. Can a HDD be used like DVD drive if the data is identical00:36
oerhekstry it and let us know if you can boot from a dd-ed iso to hdd00:36
FishPencilwill do00:37
oerheksmake sure you use sdb and not a partition sdb1 i guess00:37
FishPencilDo I have to do anything to clear what is already on the HDD?00:37
FishPencilor will DD take care of that00:38
oerheksno, the 2st 2 gb will be used, the rest is unavailable, if you want to make that part read/write, casper rw00:38
oerhekspersistence part.. but i think that would be too much to test for now00:38
oerheksyour next issue will be; if you can boot, while installing, where to put grub bootloader..00:40
FishPenciloerheks: it isn't a Unix iso00:40
oerheksoh boy00:41
MzrEwhat is it?00:42
oerheksthe outcome would be  ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ more predictable00:42
FishPencilI'm just mainly curious if the BIOS of a machine will handle a DVD drive differently than a HDD00:43
FishPencilOr if it'll still boot to it00:43
oerheksit is not an ubuntu issue.00:43
FishPencilWell I'll be using Ubuntu to do the iso->HDD00:44
tgm4883That doesn't make it a Ubuntu issue00:44
FishPencilI agree00:44
FishPencilJust saying why I asked if DD would work here00:45
tgm4883FishPencil: IIRC, dd will take care of anything00:45
oerheksyou might want to lok for docs of your vendor howto prepare an OEM hdd, like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview00:45
iorkey guys00:50
iorki just bought a new TP-Link TL-WN8200N but available networks are not shown00:50
=== markkhosla is now known as barnaby
iorkdoes anyone knows why is so?? im under new xubuntu 1700:51
iorkany answer or guidance is MUCH apreciated00:51
xamithanMaybe you didn't turn it on ?00:52
iorkoh jaja well it does not have any switch xamithan00:52
xamithanThe switch is in the OS00:52
xamithanIf you can see it using lsusb,  run rfkill list all to see if it is blocked00:54
iork_i got my TP-Link TL-WN8200N plugged but not "enable wifi" option is shown00:55
xamithanThis might be relevant too: https://askubuntu.com/questions/904698/tp-link-tl-wn722n-cant-connect-on-17-0400:55
iork_if you guys can help me aĺl be very thankfull00:55
iork_i'll be very very thankful00:55
oerheksthe famous RTL8192EU00:59
iorkalready did that but stills no work xamindar01:00
iorkups i meant xamithan01:00
xamithanWelp,  you might need to change the driver then.  I have no idea which one to point you to as I don't have that card01:03
iorkok thank you01:04
iorki'll be here01:04
iorkmaybe somebody else01:04
xamithanThere is this post I saw it has one for 16.04:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/849958/install-driver-for-tl-wn8200nd-wireless-adapter-in-ubuntu-16-04/978875#97887501:04
iorkdone that before01:05
iorkbut no01:05
iorkit seems like a good challenge01:05
xamithanLooks like a problematic card,  should have got an atheros chipset01:05
oerhekshttp://forum.tp-link.com/showthread.php?105523-Can-t-use-TL-WN8200ND-with-Ubuntu their answer ...01:05
iorkbut... if it works fine with windows there must be a way im sure01:06
iorkis just a matter of patience and time =)01:06
oerhekssure, but the vendor refuses to write a driver, nor gives proper info01:06
iorkyes i know like many other times with so many other products i think01:07
oerheksgrab a cheap intel N card, and it will work OOTB01:07
oerheksnot, the RTL chips are famous in Linuxland..01:07
iorkyes i've read01:08
=== Guest74821 is now known as lauren
Jeff_Hi, there01:17
=== Jeff_ is now known as Guest92338
backnforthHi, I'm trying to get php-fpm installed and configured on 18.04 with apache.01:20
backnforthand I need help01:21
donofrio_backnforth, unless I'm incorrect, I'd say #php and #httpd.01:22
sancronHello fellows, i've struggled in a small problem with 18.04 Server. I want to setup a vServer and won't get netplan configured, because my Broadcast Adress is the same as my Gateway but this two are different from my assigned IP. Can someone point me how to setup manually broadcast adress on netplan?01:24
xamithanTry #ubuntu-server01:24
xamithanThey know more about netplan01:24
backnforthdonofrio_,  they recommended to come here to see how it's configured for my distro01:24
donofrio_lol k I'll goto mute01:24
backnforth#php did sorry, not #httpd01:25
backnforthI'll try #httpd then01:25
xamithanWhat trouble you having with it backnforth ?  There looks to be plenty of guides: https://websiteforstudents.com/how-to-run-apache2-with-php7-2-fpm-on-ubuntu-16-04-17-10-18-04/01:27
backnforththanks xamithan, I couldn't find any01:27
backnforthxamithan,  is it OK to use a drupal with:01:28
backnforth xamithan xamindar xandowsk xar- xatr0z XenophonF xet7 Xionaba xit xMopx xoke_ xsacha xtr_ xttraces XXCoder xyzone[m]01:28
backnforth<backnforth> thanks xamithan, I couldn't find any01:28
backnforth* d9k_ (~d9k@net109207189018.pskovline.ru) has joined01:28
backnforth* brownrecluse (~brownrecl@ has joined01:28
backnforthsorry about that01:29
xamithanIt should work fine with drupal01:30
backnforthOh good01:30
xamithanNot sure why you want to use apache over nginx though01:30
backnforthxamithan,  good question. But work wants Apache.01:30
donofrio_xamithan, that link doesn't resolve01:32
backnforthit does forme01:32
backnforththe websiteforstudents one does01:33
donofrio_"Error resolving 'ebsiteforstudents.com': Name or service not known"01:33
xamithanIt cut out that we01:33
carlos¿alguien habla español?01:33
xamithan!es carlos01:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:33
carlosgracias, entonces no hay chat en español, ok buscaré ayuda allá01:34
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jeffguorgHi, there. The java cacerts is broken on 18.04. Java clients cannot connect to https certs due to java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty01:42
jeffguorgI find a post saying purging and reinstalling openjdk may fix and it helped me. but I'm thinking whether it can be fixed when upgrading the packages01:44
jeffguorghow can i help?01:44
oerheksoh, sounds like this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-9/+bug/174313901:47
oerheksand this discussion, https://askubuntu.com/questions/971059/17-10-openjdk-and-oracle-jdk-8-and-9-the-trustanchors-parameter-must-be-non-empt01:47
oerheksyou might want to add yourself to that bugreport01:48
jeffguorglooks like it's similar but not sure it is the exact same problem with the one i met...checking for it01:50
=== root____ is now known as pythonandthesnak
pythonandthesnakwhois pythonandthesnak02:00
cluelessperson How do you completely disable ubuntu's wifi?02:17
cluelesspersonI don't want to disable wifi on boot, I want to prevent it from loading at boot at all02:18
Randolfcluelessperson:  "interface down" sort of option?02:21
RandolfI know that in NetBSD it's possible to set the state of a NIC to "down" (or "up") in the relevant configuration file (e.g., /etc/ifconfig.wm0), and I'm guessing that it's probably very much the same in Ubuntu.02:22
jeffguorgare u using gnome and network manager? have you tried to uncheck the 'Connect to this network automatically when available' remove wifi's profile in network manager? or disable NetworkManager?02:22
xamithanBlacklisting the wifi driver will make it not load O.o02:22
Randolfcluelessperson:  I just checked, and all I'd have to on NetBSD is add "down" (without the quotation marks) on a line all by itself in the /etc/ifconfig.wm0 file.  I think Ubuntu should be very much like that?02:23
jeffguorgto <oerheks>: thanks.02:23
Miguel2013Why is ubunto disabling irq1102:31
Miguel2013And ruining my nic connection02:31
=== jorge is now known as Guest93205
marcelo_sou novo no mundo linux02:51
marcelo_quero aprender as coisas02:52
SlidingHorn!es | marcelo_02:53
brownrecluseportugues (:02:55
SlidingHornoh...well ubottu isn't responding anyway02:55
brownreclusedo we have separate channels for non-english convo?02:56
brownrecluseoh well. they left. nvm.02:57
SlidingHornbrownrecluse: for most...portuguese is #ubuntu-pt I believe02:57
hggdhbrownrecluse: usually #ubuntu-pt for the Portuguese community, #ubuntu-br for help03:00
ikkuranuswell this is odd I'm getting read only filesystem errors for / after a power outage03:00
ikkuranusbut the thing is that system is on a working ups and it didn't power off03:01
ikkuranusonly thing that did power off was a different volume which I'm not currently talking about03:01
Bashing-omikkuranus: Were me, run a file system check :)03:06
ikkuranusdo I need to reboot into some recovery mode or something03:16
guivercikkuranus, me I'd boot a live thumb drive (eg. install media) then fsck  (it should be umounted; so in my eg. i'm using live as my mounted fs)03:19
Bashing-omikkuranus: ^^ fron a live environmentL my 1st check is ' sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sdXY ' where XY -> X is the drive. Y is the partition .. find our from ' sudo parted -l ' what the target is .03:24
ikkuranuswell the install media for ubuntu server 16x is worthless03:30
ikkuranuswent to rescue mode then opened a terminal and it has none of the tools03:31
ikkuranusfsck lsblk etc03:31
Miguel2013Why is ubuntu disabling irq11 disabling my network connection03:32
fishcookeri have internet access on remote server i want to tunnel sock proxy using firefox how to ssh to setting the purpose?03:32
guivercikkuranus, okay i was thinking of desktop images03:33
Miguel2013sock proxy sounds cool03:37
Miguel2013anybody knows how to stop my computer to disable irq 1103:40
Miguel2013its a lentium 3 laptop03:41
fishcookeris GatewayPorts yes on sshd_config should be enabled Miguel201303:42
Miguel2013Com ports and serial and parallel are disabled03:46
fishcookeri always get Secure Connection Failed Miguel201303:48
Miguel2013Update firmware/check drivers03:49
Miguel2013im typing fro a ecured bluetooth conection03:51
Miguel2013its a tiny keboard03:51
jwintermhi all, I just upgraded to 18.04, and now my headphones are crackly and kinda slow I think whether plugged in to front or rear port03:53
jwintermspeakers on hdmi work fine tho03:54
jwintermI've tried some random alsa-tools and pulseaudio fixes, but nothing seems to fix03:54
jwintermnot sure if should open bug, don't see anything exactly the same03:54
Miguel2013anybody knows why ubuntu diales irq 1103:55
Miguel2013disables *03:55
jwinterm00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31)03:55
jwinterm^is the offender03:55
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
NathanLundholmHi, can someone help me with something?04:03
NathanLundholmI have an image I want to use as the background for my grub bootloader but it won't show.04:04
NathanLundholmJust wondering, is this thing working?04:06
ZangetsuMXGrub Customizer04:07
NathanLundholmI tried Grub Customizer.  The problem is with the image file.04:07
NathanLundholmIt shows up in Gimp though.04:07
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: Within: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaintenanceFreeCustomGrub2Screen is a great guide to setting grub's background .04:08
ZangetsuMXThe image loads well with gimp, but it is not seen when you use it in the grub?04:09
ZangetsuMXSorri for my English04:09
NathanLundholmZanget, correct.  Bashing, that page says it HAS TO be the same size as screen resolution, is that correct?04:10
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: Be aware there is a limited number of formats for the image that grub accepts .04:10
NathanLundholmIf so then it has to be 1280x1024 I guess.  So I need to convert it to png and resize it.04:10
NathanLundholmRight now it's a JPG04:11
ZangetsuMXIf it should be the same size as the resolution, but I would change the format also to .PNG04:11
kroanvorDoesnt the format have to be .png04:11
ZangetsuMXUse a PNG image04:11
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: best I recall JPG is acceptable .04:11
NathanLundholmRight now it's 752x470.  Making it the size of the screen (1280x1024) would pixelate it.  Guess I'll find a different picture.04:12
NathanLundholmGotta be Vienna Boys Choir.04:12
ZangetsuMXjust change the PNG format if it does not work then if you have to change the size or the image, greetings.04:15
Miguel2013just change the size of the image;04:15
Miguel2013pixel away;04:15
ZangetsuMXOk everyone, goodbye04:15
NathanLundholmOk hopefully that works.  It's a png now.04:23
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: I do not see that the image has to be as the sccreen resolution: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Displays .04:23
NathanLundholmIt also says it has to be non-indexed.04:25
NathanLundholmHow do I check if it's indexed or not?04:25
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: I too do not recognize the term. sorry can not say here .04:26
NathanLundholmOk thank you.  Time to reboot and see if it works.04:26
Bashing-omNathanLundholm: :)04:27
NathanLundholm_It didn't work.04:29
NathanLundholm_Grub sucks.04:29
NathanLundholm_https://askubuntu.com/questions/105369/why-cant-i-see-the-image-changed-with-grub-customizer Here it says it does have to match screen size.04:31
n-iCeI moved my laptop and the screen is no in vertical, what the hell happened!!!04:34
ledeniNathanLundholm_, can you give us 'cat /etc/default/grub |  nc termbin.com 9999'04:36
ledeniops he is gone04:37
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
blasterWhat's best practice for assigning nginx/php-fpm write permissions on a project uploads directory?04:47
blasterWithout just chmod 777 it?04:48
ikkuranuswell that was a failure04:51
ikkuranuswrote an ubuntu desktop image to usb and when you go to try it without installing it just hangs at the ubuntu logo after 4 dots change to orange04:52
SlidingHornikkuranus: did you verify the download?04:53
ledeniikkuranus, and how you wrote an ubuntu desktop image to usb04:54
NathanLundholmOkay, got it working!04:57
NathanLundholmNow the other issue... I have Ubuntu and Android installed.  Ubuntu works fine.  When I tell Grub to boot Android, Android begins to boot and then reboots the computer.  Do you know what causes this?04:57
NathanLundholmThanks for the help with the background picture issue.04:58
edward__alguien que hable español?05:00
NathanLundholmNow the other issue... I have Ubuntu and Android installed.  Ubuntu works fine.  When I tell Grub to boot Android, Android begins to boot and then reboots the computer.  Do you know what causes this?05:01
NathanLundholmzZzZzZ can you help me?05:01
n-iCeWhy is the screen doing a rotation when I move the laptop?05:02
n-iCeMy laptop is not touch screen I think.05:02
NathanLundholmI'm trying to dual-boot Ubuntu and Android, but when I tell Grub to boot into Android, it starts booting and then the whole computer reboots.  Does anyone know what causes this?05:04
SlidingHorn!patience | NathanLundholm05:04
ubottuNathanLundholm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:04
NathanLundholmI checked all of those.05:05
SlidingHornNathanLundholm: okay, well the first part still applies :)05:05
NathanLundholmI thought Android was compatible with a PC but I guess it can only function on phones.05:06
ikkuranusyes the sha1 matches05:08
NathanLundholmFor the new joiners: I'm trying to dual-boot Ubuntu and Android, but when I tell Grub to boot into Android, it starts booting and then the whole computer reboots.  Does anyone know what causes this?05:11
lotuspsychjeNathanLundholm: stop that please, you have been told to patient and you do it again05:12
NathanLundholmI am being patient but if I don't repeat once in a while new joiners didn't see what was typed before they joined.05:13
Buzzardubuntu is booting x64 hardware properly is your statment?05:13
lotuspsychjeNathanLundholm: once in a while doesnt mean repeat every few user joins05:14
NathanLundholmOkay... I guess once in a while means once every 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 human lifetimes right?05:14
NathanLundholmThat's total bullshit.  If I had an IRC chat room asking for help wouldn't be against the rules.05:15
NathanLundholmYes Buzzard?05:15
Buzzardyour x64 hardware is working for ubutnu?05:15
Buzzardthe other os is emulation?05:16
SlidingHorn!language | NathanLundholm05:16
ubottuNathanLundholm: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:16
NathanLundholmThe other OS is dual boot via Grub.05:16
Buzzardandriod hardware is not x64 hardware05:17
NathanLundholmandroid-x86-7.1-r2.iso is the image I burned.05:17
NathanLundholmSo how do I make it work, Buzzard?05:18
Buzzardi think you need to use the 64 bit one05:21
Buzzardfor your hardware05:21
NathanLundholmI tried that one and it just froze.05:21
NathanLundholmI guess Android won't work on PCs at all.05:21
=== kekmeizter is now known as natten
Buzzardi have seen it work but as emulation running under ubutnu05:22
NathanLundholmIt doesn't work on PC's.05:22
NathanLundholmIt's impossible.05:22
Buzzardon a pc05:22
NathanLundholmIf it was possible someone in this room would know how.05:22
Buzzardhave you tried emulations that did not work?05:23
NathanLundholmIt didn't work.05:23
NathanLundholmThat's why I decided to dual boot.05:23
Buzzardthere are many of those05:24
NathanLundholmI think Android can't run on a PC.  Only on a phone.05:24
NathanLundholmI've spent three weeks trying everything.05:24
Buzzardi know that it can be done, i have done that myself05:24
NathanLundholmWhich Android file did you use?05:25
Buzzardthere has been two andriod emulations that i have been able to boot05:25
Buzzardand run those without issues05:26
NathanLundholmThen it's just that Android can't possibly run on MY computer.05:26
NathanLundholmHP sucks.05:26
Buzzarddid you try anbox?05:27
NathanLundholmDidn't work.05:27
Buzzardit seems to work really well with ubutu05:28
NathanLundholmI tried it.  It doesn't work.05:28
NathanLundholmProbably because my PC is HP05:29
NathanLundholmHP computers don't do anything well.05:29
AlgebrWhich package for xenial installs lspci? pciutils doesn't install anything for me05:29
Buzzardi have not seen others with that issue you claim about HP x64 computers05:30
enycAlgebr: I think pacages.ubunutu.com  lets you search for packages containing paritcular file05:30
NathanLundholmI'll just give up.  I was going to put FreeDos on next so I'll format the Android partition and put FreeDos on that.05:31
NathanLundholmI'm over trying to run Android on a PC.  If something's impossible it's not worth any more time.  And I believe it's impossible.05:31
Buzzardit seems for you that is true05:32
n-iCeNathanLundholm: there are android os05:33
SlidingHornAlgebr: how did you manage to remove lspci?05:34
NathanLundholmn-iCe: None of them work05:34
Buzzardalso there is an #android channel on this server, you might find better help about that there05:34
NathanLundholmEver... at all05:34
kostkon!find lspci05:35
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 395 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lspci&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all05:35
NathanLundholmThanks Buzzard, I'll try there05:35
n-iCeremixos does not work?05:36
n-iCeit is really popular05:36
krytarik!find lspci05:37
gogetaremixos is dead05:37
ubottuFile lspci found in debian-installer, grc, grub-coreboot-bin, grub-coreboot-dbg, grub-efi-amd64-bin, grub-efi-amd64-dbg, grub-efi-ia32-bin, grub-efi-ia32-dbg, grub-ieee1275-bin, grub-ieee1275-dbg (and 8 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=lspci&mode=&suite=artful&arch=any05:37
n-iCedid not know that05:38
gogetaNathanLundholm, if you dont mind a vm thers a few05:40
keyi_has anyone experienced abnormal Bluetooth connection that wakes up machine seconds after suspend?05:42
NathanLundholmGogeta, I tried like 20 or 3005:43
NathanLundholmThey don't work05:43
keyi_the problem appears after I upgraded to 18.04 from 17.1005:43
gogetaNathanLundholm, note first boot of andorid takes a long time like 5 minuts05:44
gogetaNothing4You, also use 32bit not 6405:44
nattenI'm using the docker syslog driver to log stuff from my application to syslog -> rsyslog -> loggly. However whenever i log an error. "journalctl -o verbose" and rsyslog/loggly detects it as "Informational" severity.05:59
nattenAnyone knows anything i can try?05:59
Harishello all06:01
Hariswhat does this mean ---> kernel: [474089.030686] audit: type=1400 audit(1525759159.180:46648): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" name="/proc/37477/status" pid=37477 comm="mysqld" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=113 ouid=113 <--- ?06:01
Hariscan't start mysql 5.7 without it on xenial06:01
gjapDoes it need to have virtualization support on cpu for running docker?06:02
SlidingHornHaris: see the answer here:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/916009/mysql-wont-start-because-of-apparmor06:08
keyi_I have experienced a similar problem to this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030155/youtube-video-lag-on-18-0406:10
keyi_any ideas? dmesg etc looks all normal06:11
m2_teknixI have a shell script that log into a remote machine via ssh and sources bashrc from of the remote machine. I am getting "PS1: unbound variable"06:15
Nothing4Yougogeta: i am using 64 bit06:18
SlidingHornm2_teknix: you need to set your prompt variable.  default looks something like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z864xJx7y806:23
zenoxis there a command that's chgrp and chown in one? i'm lazy!06:42
Harisgot it done06:42
EriC^^zenox: chown user:group file06:42
Hariswhy hasn't this been put in updates in xenial yet ?06:43
zenoxEriC^^, nice! thanks that's saved me a few keystrokes!06:43
taaher13how can I install tor-broser?06:44
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en06:44
Hannibalsudo apt-get install tor06:45
taaher13can everybody help me?06:45
Norux!tor | taaher1306:45
ubottutaaher13: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en06:45
taaher13tnx a lot friends06:46
zenoxi thought tor stopped being "anonymous" years ago06:47
`whoami`not sure why you're saying this06:51
TheEagerPadawanhi gents, as mentioned yesterday i'm trying to get flash (yeah 'ye oldie flash) working in opera and/or firefox. I know HTML5 is better but old web app is old07:09
TheEagerPadawani installed the ubuntu-restricted-packages but that didn't seem to do the trick07:09
ducasseTheEagerPadawan: install adobe-flashplugin07:11
NoruxTheEagerPadawan: doesn't pepperflash work?07:11
TheEagerPadawanyeah forgot about good old pepperflash :)07:16
TheEagerPadawanthanks gents ^^07:16
TheEagerPadawanso now that works i can safely deinstall the ubuntu-extra-packages right?07:16
oerhekssure, that uninstalls adobe-flashplugin safely07:17
oerheksrestart your browser after that *07:18
TheEagerPadawanyup been there done that07:18
jinkThe cleanup after do-release-upgrade removes old packages, if you want to, but it doesn't actually purge them; it just removes them.  Should I remove the packages in " dpkg -l | grep ^r "  It's just configuration files, really.07:23
Hariscan we upgrade php from 5.5.9 to 5.6.x on 14.04  ?07:28
oerheksHaris, not, unless you are willing to use a PPA07:29
zenoxmhh just build my first docker image... the others i have are like 80mb, i build it on ubuntu:latest added mysql, nginx, php inside the image (for code testing purposes only) and it's at 801MB!07:32
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Guest42826
AnticomHi. How is this package called again offering alternative system settings which also include cloud storage accounts like google?07:42
Anticom(I'm on xenial)07:42
AnticomI know i've got it installed but i can't identify it anymore. A friend was asking for it07:42
NoruxAnticom: not sure what you're referring to, but there's `gnome-tweak-tool` (and `unity-tweak-tool`, prior to 17.10)07:49
SSMAdminHi all.  I investigate how to make a VirtualBox VM autostart at system boottime in Ubuntu 18.04 (as a system service).  It can be ran headless, but I prefer to also be able to control this vm in the VirtualBox GUI. Asking in #virtualbox and reading the manual does not provide definite answers https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#autostart-linux  Anyone able to help?07:51
SSMAdminOr is there a better way to do it, using something else than virtualbox?07:52
NoruxAnticom: oh there's also `gnome-control-center`07:52
NoruxSSMAdmin: I don't know about the autostart, but I know there is KVM, which also can be used for virtualization.07:55
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NoruxSSMAdmin: apparently, it has a `virsh autostart vmName` command07:56
Anticomgnome-control-center was the one i was looking for07:56
Anticomcheers Norux07:56
Norux!yay | anticom07:56
ubottuanticom: Glad you made it! :-)07:56
Anticombtw are there any major issues when upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 known yet?07:57
SSMAdminNorux, thank you, i check out KVM07:57
Anticome.g. what am i supposed to do with red shift? unistall it manually or does ubuntu this during the distro upgrade for me?07:57
NoruxSSMAdmin: maybe this will be helpful too: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-centos-linux-kvm-virtualization-start-virtual-machine-guest/07:58
Anticomdamn, gotta go. Till later o/07:58
Noruxbye :)07:58
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sliddisAny macOS theme for ubuntu gnome 1804 out there?08:14
ubottuError: Gnome bug 1804 could not be found08:14
SysGhostsliddis: previous themes should work. Gnome themes isn't specifically made for one distribution version08:17
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Noruxubottu: dumb bot08:32
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Peter2is that use  OpenCV in the example of the video recognition in Nivida jetson TX1?08:42
Peter2Could someone tell me about the IRC of nvidia?08:51
NoruxPeter2: /join #nvidia08:54
rangergordLet's say I have package D which is a base dependency for many packages. I want to install new package N. Can I apt install N without also updating D?09:03
rangergordN depends on D in this example09:03
blackflowrangergord: depends if the dependency is such that N doesn't need to be built against specific version of D, due to ABI changes.09:05
blackfloweg, if N can use that specific version of D without being specifically built against it, or IS built against that version of D.09:06
Triffid_Hunterrangergord: if you have D-0.7 but N needs >=D-0.9, no.09:07
rangergordthat's not the case09:07
rangergordI'm certain the app will work on the slightly older Python 2.7, even if there's a new patch release09:08
DoowHi, I'm trying to figure out what the best keyring would be to install on a headless machine. gnome-keyring seems to have lots of dependencies.09:08
Triffid_Hunterrangergord: that specific build of the package, or the package in general?09:08
rangergordthe package in general. I'm pretty sure the package hasn't actually been updated, it's just that the base dependency (Python) gets non-stop security updates I don't care about.09:10
pmjdebru1jnhey, does anybody know how the official ubuntu images are generated09:34
pmjdebru1jnlive-build still uses genisoimage while the official images are generated with xorriso IIRC09:34
pmjdebru1jnis there a scripts that wraps around live-build ?09:34
pmjdebru1jnas live-build doesn't seem to support EFI compatible ISOs09:35
Lin-Buo-Renpmjdebru1jn: I have the exact same question09:38
Lin-Buo-Renpmjdebru1jn: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-installer ?09:38
miguel2013does ubuntu sends info about all the packages on my computer unencrypted?09:45
Norux!ask | u0_a11909:46
ubottuu0_a119: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:46
miguel2013I  read apt tool doesn't use https09:46
Lin-Buo-Renmiguel2013: APT maintains a local cache of what's in the software source and don't sent info about the packages installed in your system09:47
geirhamiguel2013: the package lists are signed though, so it doesn't matter if the transfer is encrypted or not09:48
brainwashmiguel2013: https://whydoesaptnotusehttps.com/09:48
brainwashgeirha: privacy?09:48
miguel2013geirha: it doesn't!09:50
miguel2013geirha: what does means that package list signed09:51
geirhamiguel2013: they are signed with a pgp-key, so once they are downloaded, apt checks that the signature is a trusted one09:51
miguel2013the pacvkage list or aeach packagfet?09:52
brainwashthe linked site explains it all, but why even bother reading it..09:52
miguel2013is it a real site09:53
geirhaall of them09:53
brainwashit is miguel201309:53
brainwashbecause people keep asking this question over and over again09:53
brainwashthat why someone made a site about it09:54
miguel2013bad name09:54
geirhaat least it uses https though09:59
miguel2013hey I installed a package via source code and no longer need it apt-get doesn't allow me to remove it10:13
miguel2013how to get it off10:13
geirharead the instructions bundled with the source code, if any10:14
geirhathere's no single answer10:14
EriC^^!checkinstall | miguel2013 for future reference10:15
ubottumiguel2013 for future reference: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:15
geirhaif you had made a deb-package of the source code, you could uninstall it again with apt, but if you didn't, you might have a hard time uninstalling it10:15
Lin-Buo-Renmiguel2013: APT doesn't manage software that isn't installed via APT, you have to refer to the installer program to find out how to remove it10:15
Lin-Buo-RenSome makefiles doesn't even provide an 'uninstall' target10:16
miguel2013EriC^^: thanks friend10:18
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simonhHi, I'm having trouble configuring a tp-link TL-WN881ND PCI woreless card with netplan on Ubuntu-Server 18.04.10:23
simonhCan anyone help with some ideas?10:23
simonhnetworkctl says "no-carrier configuring" and I'm not sure if my problem is netplan (which I've not used beee modeulfore) or the rtl819210:24
simonhoops: rtl8192ee module10:25
simonhHow do I debug netplan?10:25
asphyxiahaha I've been jumping around pcs the last few months and keep getting google sign in notifications/warnings10:28
asphyxiathis time I signed in from a ubuntu os and I got a notification telling me it's a linux device! :010:29
asphyxiaOn the other devices (win, osx) pretty sure it didn't specify the operating system10:29
* asphyxia is going to check10:29
blackflowUA string.10:30
hateballasphyxia: it does10:30
asphyxiaoh yeah it does10:30
asphyxianothing special then10:31
BurkeburkeHeya, I'm on 14.04 and Unity and I am missing a clock in my upper panel. How can I restore the clock without losing the current session?10:40
EriC^^Burkeburke: it should be somewhere in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime10:44
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EriC^^Burkeburke: what does 'locate indicator-datetime' show you?10:44
EriC^^!paste | Burkeburke10:44
ubottuBurkeburke: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:44
BurkeburkeEriC^^, it seems to be there. Its just that it wasn't loaded in this session. I would return if I log out and back in but I cannot terminate this session10:52
blackflowBurkeburke: sure it's not something as trivial as re-enabling it in settings or gnome-tweaks (if that's even a thing on 14.04)?10:53
Burkeburkeblackflow, I'll try gnome tweak tool, I afaik dis/enabling the clock there does not change the problem. I had this before a couple of weeks ago10:54
BurkeburkeRight now I might just restart unity if that is possible without losing the session10:55
EriC^^Burkeburke: you can run one of those files and it will appear 1 sec10:57
EriC^^Burkeburke: i'm on 16.04 unfortunately, i used to do it in 14.04 though, try "indicator" and press tab a couple times10:57
EriC^^Burkeburke: try "restart indicator-datetime"10:59
BurkeburkeEriC^^,  thats it! cheers for that. I didn't know that I can start those indicators separately10:59
Burkeburkevery neat, thank you11:00
EriC^^no problem11:00
sud0x3Does anyone know if the ubucon europe talks were recorded?11:09
netochkaHey. How can i fix nouveau error that comes down like a flood when i want to shutdown the laptop. sometimes it crashes with this error. ubuntu 18.0411:12
netochkaI searched about it and some seem to suggest that installing bumblebee can fix it. but i donno how to do that11:12
netochkaand also, i donno how to "add nouveau.modeset=0 to the kernel parameters"11:12
sud0x3netochka: Your description of your problem is strange, flood?, what error?11:13
sud0x3kernel parameters can be added in grub config or added upon boot by editing a boot entry11:14
EriC^^!bumblebee | netochka11:14
ubottunetochka: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/11:14
netochkasud0x3, when i want to shutdown. there is this error message that comes down like flood and it seems that it is never going to stop.11:17
netochkai actually have to hold power button to make laptop shutdown completely11:17
netochkait's something like nouveau dropped fifo sched_error 20 .. something like that. they come down really fast.11:18
netochkalast night laptop crashed with this error, while working and not when i was shutting down11:18
netochkaty EriC^^11:18
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netochkasud0x3, how can i edit grub config. /etc/default/grub ?11:20
sud0x3You could try using the prop drivers from nvidia, i dont advise you edit the grub config if you dont know what your doing.11:21
netochkai actually worked with grub once before. on 16.04. i editted the grub file to boot linux on older kernel.11:22
netochkabut ok11:22
sud0x3If you want to try it just boot your pc and when grub is shown look along the bottom there is a list of shortvuts one is to edit and entry11:23
sud0x3netochka: well its the same deal if you did it before then just do what you did last time, grub hasnt changed11:23
sud0x3kiriuha: wtf?11:24
kiriuhator=46 resberry ip emu ubuntu you deltree no yes ? htop tor=100 top=1200 ntop11:25
sud0x3netochka: e to edit and entry in grub11:26
kiriuhator=46 resberry ip emu ubuntu you deltree no yes ? htop tor=100 top=1200 ntop tor itop vtop boot http://boot.com11:26
kiriuhator=46 resberry ip emu ubuntu you deltree no yes ? htop tor=100 top=1200 ntop tor itop vtop boot http://boot.com/demo/ntop.php/boot.php/root.img/linux.php11:27
LagairI take it there are no mods on right now.11:27
sud0x3Drone: Can you kick kiriuha11:27
netochkaon a not totally unrelated subject. how would i know which options should i mark in the Software and Updates / Other Softwares ? shall i just select them all ?11:27
kiriuhator=46 resberry ip emu ubuntu you deltree no yes ? htop tor=100 top=1200 ntop tor itop vtop boot http://boot.com/demo/ntop.php/boot.php/root.img/linux.php ls linux ubuntu 12.04 linux mint linux tor11:27
Norux!ops | kiriuha11:28
ubottukiriuha: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax11:28
sud0x3netochka: if your just a regular user of the desktop and dont depend on specific versions of software then you should be fine updating all applications.11:29
solsTiCehi. I never done that before for privacy reason. What do I gai in login in y google account in gnome-control-center ?11:32
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PCatineanHow does one do sed -i using env variables?11:41
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EriC^^PCatinean: sed -i 's@$SOMETHING@...@'11:47
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hiiggyHey folks, if I want to set a static IP for my wired connections on my LAN, what should I use for netmask and gateway? I'm not too familiar with either. I've already reserved the IP addresses necessary and tied them to my MAC addresses in the router config, but I've got no idea what to do with those two other values.11:49
sud0x3hiiggy: what is your local ip?11:50
hiiggyI've reserved on my router for the computer I'm currently typing on11:50
hiiggyOr did you mean what my current one is under DHCP?11:51
sud0x3if its something like 192.168.1.x then your gateway will be netmask
geirhaPCatinean: sed doesn't do variables at all. Only way is to inject it into sed, but then you must be careful to sanitize it first. You may prefer gawk for this instead11:52
hiiggysud0x3: If I'm seeing a pattern correcly here, does that mean a gateway would simply be the first three values of the IP? What would the 255 signify?11:53
blackflowsud0x3: uh no, there's no rule that the gatway is .255 in the subnet. it's usually .1 actually, but it can be anything, depending on the actual CIDR of the subnet12:01
JimBuntuI use the IP of my router as the gateway and the x.x.x.255 as my broadcast address.12:01
blackflowand yeah, .255 is broadcast12:02
sud0x3hiiggy: take a look at the wikipedia entry on subnets12:02
sud0x3blackflow: no there is no rule but this is the way most home routers are setup12:03
JimBuntuof course, if they already reserved the IP on the router... then I wouldn't expect they *need* to go static on the machine... they can let DHCP grab the reserved address from the router.12:03
xirgnormally .255 is used for broadcast, amirite?12:04
blackflowsud0x3: no, .1 is the most common setup, for /24 subnets12:04
blackflow.255 is broadcast by design12:04
JimBuntuxirg, in all of the /24 networks I have seen12:04
sud0x3blackflow: not on the routers i have used, or the one i am currently using.12:05
blackflowsud0x3: then it's set up against all the standards12:05
JimBuntusud0x3, you should really prove it to them and pastebin a `sudo route -n`12:05
sud0x3JimBuntu: lol i dont need to prove anything just sharing what i have experianced, and seems hiiggy got it working, no?12:07
blackflowJimBuntu: no need to prove, that setup is not impossible, just crazy.12:07
za1b1tsuIf I have a package installed with apt and there is a newer version on snapd. It is better to uninstall it and then install it again from snapd. Can there be conflicts?12:08
JimBuntuI don't know about hiiggy, the dropped out. I was joking about proving it, although I would expect more like x.x.x.254 from telco equipment and x.x.x.1 from common consumer equipment.12:08
sud0x3blackflow: its the ISP default, im not saying it isnt crazy but its the way it is.12:08
blackflowsud0x3: and have you seen that in any other network?12:08
sud0x3blackflow: only UK ISP routers12:09
blackflowall of them? or just yours?12:09
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impii want to run varnish on my laptop on a second ip - i only have a wifi card in atm. do you know of a tutorial of how i can add this alias ip address?12:11
sud0x3blackflow: I thought i had seen it before on other company routers other than the one i have but i may be wrong12:12
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blackflowsud0x3: well it's not impossible, just not a standard.12:12
sud0x3blackflow: not much is standard here :) Us brits like to quote and make standards but rareley adhere to them12:13
sud0x3were the ubucon europe talks recorded?12:14
JimBuntuOddly enough, in a /24 where the router IP is x.x.x.255... then the router is sharing the broadcast address.12:14
SwedeMikewhy would you put the router on the subnet broadcast address?12:15
JimBuntuSwedeMike, you will need to ask the high-tier at sud0x3's ISP12:15
SwedeMikesud0x3: if your ISP configures the router to listen to x.x.x.255/24 (and not other address), tell them their setup is broken and they need to think again.12:16
JimBuntuThis is off-topic, so I'm done, but very interesting.12:16
nathdwekI just upgraded to 18.0412:19
nathdwekand I do not have a desktop environment anymore?12:19
JimBuntunathdwek, Please describe / pastebin / imgurl what is happening.12:20
nathdwekYeah I was trying to word it/solve it at the same time sorry12:21
nathdwekI get straight to tty1 rather than the login screen12:21
nathdwekctrl alt f7 doesn't go to graphical ui12:21
nathdwekI had cinnamon as default DE, I just did startx in tty1 and now I get gnome-initial-setup UI12:22
Gargravarrnathdwek: Ctrl+Alt+F1 now12:22
nathdwekGargravarr: doesn't do anything12:22
Gargravarrdo you use a diaply manager (e.g. GDM) or just run X from the command line?12:22
Gargravarr*display manager12:23
nathdwekI think I had wayland on 17.1012:23
eric_leenathdwek:you can try from ctrl+alt+f1 to f912:23
Gargravarrokay, i had some problems with Cinnamon too. did you install Cinnamon from a PPA (newer versions) or from the official Ubuntu repos?12:24
nathdwekGargravarr: smart thinking12:24
nathdwekI think I played a bit with more recent versions at some points12:24
nathdwekand it must have gotten uninstalled during the upgrade12:24
Gargravarryeah, i used the Embrosyn repos on Xenial. had to fall back to the official repos after upgrading12:25
Gargravarrthe official packages work great and it's a current version12:26
nathdwekYeah its not that12:26
nathdwekI don't have it in my sources.list.d12:26
Gargravarrnathdwek: apt-cache policy cinnamon-desktop[-environment]?12:27
Gargravarrwill show you where it's looking for it12:27
nathdwekI just did install --reinstall cde12:27
nathdwekwell see12:27
xirgin order to grant FTP write access to /var/www for someUser what should I do?12:28
xirgor is that the wrong way to do things12:28
Gargravarrxirg: if you're serving web content out of that folder, does the site need to write to disk?12:29
xirgthe site only needs to write to /var/www nowhere else12:29
JimBuntuxirg, I would add the user to the group ownership of that directory, and make sure that the group has RW access12:30
graingertwhat was that tool used to install development tools in ubuntu called?12:30
Gargravarrxirg: okay, so both the httpd and your user need to write to it. that means it's easier to add someUser to the www-data group12:30
JimBuntugraingert, build-essentials ?12:30
Gargravarrwith usermod -aG www-data someUser12:30
graingertno, it let you install intellij too12:30
JimBuntugraingert, sorry, unsure.12:30
Gargravarrxirg: then chgrp www-data /var/www && chmod g+w /var/www12:31
graingertjust found it12:31
xirgok i will read usermod man thank you12:31
nathdwekcde is from the official repos12:32
nathdwekanyway that wouldn't have explained why I got nothing on ctrl-alt-f712:32
Gargravarrnathdwek: yeah, i just re-read. seems like your display manager isn't running12:32
nathdwekYeah I wonder if X being the default again is responsible for it12:33
Gargravarrif you log in from the TTY and run 'service [gdm|lightdm] status', is it running?12:33
nathdwekknowing myself I was probably running wayland on 17.1012:33
JimBuntunathdwek, in 18.04, the GUI is found on CTRL+ALT+F1 now12:33
GargravarrJimBuntu: we tried that12:33
ducassenathdwek: cinnamon does not run on wayland afaik12:33
JimBuntuGargravarr, right, I'm saying that this is why CTRL+ALT+F7 didn't work though12:33
nathdwekJust a sec12:34
Gargravarrducasse: interesting, didn't know that. not sure if that would affect the display manager though12:34
nathdwekducasse: didn't know either12:34
nathdwekI'm pretty sure I was excited for wayland in 17.10 tho12:34
Gargravarrnathdwek: wayland is still present in 18.04, it's just not enabled by default12:35
nathdwekoh wait I can still use IRC on the other compyte12:35
nathdwekwould make it easier to copy paste stuff12:36
Gargravarrall you need is text, IRC is just multiplayer notepad anyway :D12:36
Gargravarrnatdw: i did exactly this when Cinnamon sessions broke on my machine12:37
natdwwait how do I copy from one tty to another12:37
Gargravarrnatdw: use screen12:37
Gargravarror tmux12:37
nathdwekAnyway it says lightdm  active(exited)12:39
nathdwekgdm inactive(dead)12:39
Gargravarrokay, so neither are working12:42
Gargravarrnathdwek: are there any clues in the log messages that get printed under the status?12:43
nathdweknone for gdm12:44
xirgcompgen -g12:44
nathdwekfor lightdm I have "starting LSB: starting lightdm"12:44
xirgwhops meant that for putty12:44
Gargravarrxirg: E_NOT_A_TERMINAL12:44
xirgthat's what i get for using the same color theme12:45
nathdwekand started LSB: start lightdm12:45
Gargravarrnathdwek: next stop, /var/log/syslog then12:46
Gargravarrhopefully something at the bottom12:46
Gargravarrquestion for y'all, what bluetooth daemon actually works these days? i seem to have a choice of bluez, blueman and blueberry (using Cinnamon on 18.04)12:47
nathdwekI still have  a systemd: reached target graphical interface12:52
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xirgif I add someUser to www-data, will I need to change the folder automatiaclly chown new files to www-data?12:54
brainwashGargravarr: blueman and blueberry (both frontends) depend on bluez12:56
nathdwekwtf is this now12:57
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nathdwekffs ureadahead12:58
brainwashnathdwek: maybe you should share yous terminal output(s)12:59
Gargravarrbrainwash: figures :) i just threw caution to the wind, installed 'gnome-bluetooth' which then pulled in bluez. surprisingly, it connected immediately, so i guess i'll stick with that13:00
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nathdwekmake fun of me all you want but I am not exactly used to having a tty and nothing else to try and debug sometg13:00
Gargravarrnathdwek: we're not making fun of you, we're trying to help you13:00
Gargravarrposting your frustrations, we can understand, but if you share the output, we can try to help relieve those frustrations13:01
brainwashranting adds unneeded noise13:01
Gargravarrand yes, ureadahead does that on my laptop as well, log entries a mile long13:02
eric_leeI have the blueman and obexd.13:02
nathdwekbrainwash: sorry I am not frustrated, just trying to explain in a light mood why I am not copy pasting logs all over the place13:02
nathdwekIf I find something interesting in syslog I'll try to upload it despite the difficulties13:02
nathdwekBut I don't think you would be interested in me dumping 1e6 lines of ureadahead spewing garbage13:03
nathdwekStill parsing syslog...13:03
nathdwekAh there we go13:03
brainwashcould be filtered13:03
brainwashyou could disable/remove ureadahead also13:04
d3l3k_Hi there, is there any way to boot Ubuntu without graphical login/X? I followed these instructions (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/NonGraphicalBoot) but didn't work, I think they're outdated13:04
nathdwekI have a "started terminate plymouth boot screen"13:04
nathdwekd3l3k_: seems like you and me should exchange computers :p13:04
blackflowd3l3k_: just once or permanently?13:04
d3l3k_just once13:05
nathdwekI have "received sigrtmin+21 from plymouthd"13:05
blackflowd3l3k_: you can add 3 at the end of the kernel command line, via grub, on boot13:05
blackflowjust number 313:05
d3l3k_hmm will try that13:05
blackflowthat's the old "runlevel 3", that systemd apparently still acknowledges13:05
Gargravarrblackflow: systemd? backwards-compatible? what is this??13:07
eric_leesudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target13:09
blackflowGargravarr: well don't bump your quotas for the export of heaters into Hell yet. This is one of very rare glimpses of ligth at the end of a very long, dark tunnel.13:09
nathdwekOk so for some reason I get starting terminate Plymouth boot screen13:09
blackfloweric_lee: "just once"13:09
Gargravarrblackflow: duly noted. i run Devuan wherever possible anyway ;) i'm one of Those People13:09
d3l3k_wow impressive... number 3 at boot params worked flawlessly13:09
blackflowGargravarr: join the club :)13:10
nathdwekAny idea on why systemd would terminated plymouth boot screen?13:10
eric_leemodify the grub13:11
d3l3k_blackflow: what if systemd stops acknowledging runlevel 3 in the future?13:11
eric_leesudo vi /etc/default/grub13:11
blackflowd3l3k_: then it's time to migrate to Devuan or something else because it's hit the fan.13:12
blackflowd3l3k_: but jokes aside, I _think_ there's a way to instrument systemd targets via that command line, not sure13:12
NoImNotNineVolti'm trying to build a binary (an apache module .so) on one box and drop it into an os-managed install of apache on another box and have it run without segfaulting... and it's not working.13:13
blackflowd3l3k_: basically you want it to boot into multi-user, and not graphical target, which is the default.13:13
blackflowd3l3k_: so the worst case is you systemctl set-default, rboot, and then again when you want to reboot into graphical.13:13
xirgI used: "usermod -aG www-data someUser", but I still cannot write to /var/www with someUser without sudo13:14
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: no surprise there.13:14
d3l3k_blackflow: thank you :)13:14
NoImNotNineVoltthat's the ldd -- is that the problem?13:15
t2mknwhat's lvmetad ?13:16
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: you used apxs?13:17
NoImNotNineVolti doubt it.13:17
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/apxs.html13:17
NoImNotNineVoltthat's what i did to build the .so13:17
JimBuntuxirg, /var/www is not group writable by default13:18
JimBuntuxirg, `sudo chmod g+w /var/www`13:18
Gargravarrxirg: i sent you a second instruction13:18
Gargravarr^ that13:19
NoImNotNineVoltapxs seems like a more surgical way of doing what i did.13:19
xirgo sry Gargravarr13:19
xirgthx JimBuntu13:19
NoImNotNineVolti figured i'd just follow the same process as the official package hoping to avoid issues.13:19
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iodevis this channel also for WSL?13:24
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nathdwekOk Gargravarr I can upload part of syslog if you want13:24
nathdwekWhat slice would you like to take a look at (if possible on your side)?13:25
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NoImNotNineVoltblackflow: no comment? :P13:29
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: none whatsoever :)13:30
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: other than afaik they should all be built in unison, and the mods are then separated into their specific packages. I wouldn't place a bet on that being the requirement, just a hunch.13:31
NoImNotNineVolti'm starting to suspect our prod 14.04 box, since it was provisioned by our "brilliant" IT guy, may not be a normal 14.04 box :\13:31
NoImNotNineVoltblackflow: indeed, that's what happens. a dozen differenet apache2* packages are generated.13:31
NoImNotNineVoltthen i extract apache2-bin* and pull the .so out of there.13:31
NoImNotNineVoltbut moving it to the prod box segfaults the apache there :\13:31
xirgSo I added write permissions to /var/www but I still cannot write there with someUser.  I checked ls -l and the group of /var/www is root, not www-data, is that normal?13:32
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: move all the packages built in that run, that's my point.13:32
NoImNotNineVoltbut then the prod box won't be running an os-managed apache anymore.13:32
xirggroup-write permissions*13:32
NoImNotNineVoltand then i'll need to handle all security updates myself.13:32
NoImNotNineVoltwhich is exactly what i'm trying to avoid :P13:32
xirgdo I need to chown root:www-data /var/www ?13:33
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: well you already have at least one package that's not OS managed there, so what's the difference?13:33
NoImNotNineVoltblackflow: i do?13:33
blackflow"OS" managed... .you mean official repo managed.13:33
NoImNotNineVolti mean apt/dpkg-managed.13:34
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: well the mod_autoindexwhatwasit that you're building?13:34
NoImNotNineVoltblackflow: that's not a package, it's a module :P13:34
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: uhm.... but it's taken out of a package that you built locally13:34
NoImNotNineVoltand indeed, i understand that if i shoehorn my own .so in there, any subsequent updates will clobber it. that's not a problem for me, as i have a workaround for it.13:34
NoImNotNineVoltthe problem i'm having is just getting the shoehorned .so loaded without segfaulting apache :P13:35
xirgGargravarr, JimBuntu, should me /var/www be owned by root:www-data?  right now it's root:root13:35
Kon-nathdwek: I looked at that question and noticed the question and answer are both talking about Light DM, but KDE uses SDDM13:36
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: I'm not exactly sure how the linkage is done, especially if PIE is involved. But, there's obvioously a problem there, so I'd start by using both the main apache and the mod(s) that came from the same build.13:36
Kon-It *is* possible to use Light DM with Kubuntu, but SDDM is the default13:36
blackflowso if that fixes the thing, the easiest way to handle this is to build those packages yourself, on each update. You can even have a custom repo.13:37
nathdwekdon't know about the particular of the asker13:37
nathdwekbut it saved my cookie13:37
NoImNotNineVoltpresumably it's all -fpic since i'm using the same build files as the official trusty repo.13:37
JimBuntuxirg, I would expect it to be someUser:www-data13:37
Kon-Well, if it worked for you, I suppose there's no problem :)13:37
NoImNotNineVolti can't build them myself on each update, though. i'm a dev, not an IT guy. i'm not taking on a 24/7 maintenance burden.13:37
NoImNotNineVolti'd sooner use a third party ppa :P13:37
ActionparsnipHi guys13:38
ActionparsnipI've a server with an NFS share13:38
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: jeeze, you're still on about this? That amount of time you have been and will continue to spend on this, you could probably have ported whatever you have running to 18.0413:38
syntaxfr1eso I'm using spectrwm and I'd like to add my wi-fi strength to the status bar.13:38
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: there's nothing to port, everything runs fine on 18.04.13:38
syntaxfr1eI've already added battery levels, temperature, etc. anything that returns text in a terminal can be put there.13:39
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: make sure you let your superiors know the amount of money they're wasting then13:39
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: if you're suggesting i could've already successfully lobbied to change corporate policy to allow 18.04 on prod boxes, then i'll respectfully disagree :p13:39
syntaxfr1ebut. google tells me of two recipes for getting wi-fi strength numbers.13:39
ActionparsnipI had to switch the disk in VMware for a new one. It's in the same mount point but the clients still only see the old size and not the new one. Is there something I have to restart to read the new size please?13:39
syntaxfr1eI've already added battery levels, temperature, etc. anything that returns text in a terminal can be put there.to jut get numbers once.13:39
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: well you have conflicting demands there then :) You want to modify the official software but at the same time you dont't want to modify the official software :)13:41
blackflowain't gonna work.13:41
NoImNotNineVolti want to modify only a single .so in the official software, to clarify.13:42
NoImNotNineVoltbecause that .so isn't impacted by security updates.13:42
NoImNotNineVoltwhereas other parts of the official software may be.13:42
jerichowasahoaxsyntaxfr1e: be with you soon, trying to come up with what the sed script would be13:42
syntaxfr1ejerichowasahoax: wow, thanks.13:43
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: the file might not be impacted, but the package it lives in will be.13:43
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: well then, good luck :)  if I were you, I'd just _try_ to see if that fixes th eproblem. Then at least you'll know that building all as one unit is a requirement.13:43
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: which is why i want to leave the package it lives in untouched, and modify only the .so13:43
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: that's not at thing13:43
syntaxfr1ejerichowasahoax: if you get bored just tell me what command you are running and I can try to munge it with awk.13:44
syntaxfr1eit's just that I don't know what to run that doesn't require sudo.13:44
NoImNotNineVoltblackflow: that would imply that it's not possible to generate reproducible builds, which would be concerning.13:44
jerichowasahoaxsyntaxfr1e: nmcli dev $WLAN_INTERFACE | grep -i $SSID13:44
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: that has nothing to do with reproducible build13:44
NoImNotNineVoltif parts of two builds cannot be interchanged freely, then those builds are not reproducible.13:45
jerichowasahoaxsyntaxfr1e: assuming you're using networkmanager, but that would be surprising13:45
NoImNotNineVoltby definition.13:45
jerichowasahoaxer, surprising if not13:45
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: That is true if both builds were derived from the same source code. You're proposing a change to part of the source. the resulting build may not work13:45
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: no that's not reproducible build. Reproducible build is when each build, from the same source, produces exactly the same binary.13:46
pragmaticenigmaor be interchangable13:46
NoImNotNineVolti... i don't think you've seen the patch i'm applying.13:46
NoImNotNineVoltthe code change is immaterial, and i'm confident it has nothing to do with the issues i'm seeing.13:46
NoImNotNineVolthowever, i have no issues spending another 15 minutes generating a vanilla build to demonstrate that even _that_ .so will segfault my apache.13:47
NoImNotNineVolti strongly suspect the issue is with mismatched versions of deps.13:47
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: well yeah. I was assuming you were building for Trusty, ON Trusty.13:48
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, i am.13:48
blackflowthen all the versions should be the same?13:48
blackflowassuming both the systems are up to date.13:48
NoImNotNineVoltthey are, and they have the same sources.list13:49
NoImNotNineVoltdifferent uname -a output, though13:49
PsychoBoBHow I can restart the php-fpm automatically when the service is busy?13:49
blackflowPsychoBoB: what's a "busy service"?13:50
NoImNotNineVolt4.4.0-92-generic #115~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP vs 4.4.0-31-generic #50~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP13:50
PsychoBoBservice is 100%13:50
NoImNotNineVoltand i'm not sure if the differing ldd output for both .so files is something to be concerned about. not sure what those addresses are.13:50
jerichowasahoaxPsychoBoB: high resource usage typically indicates the process is trying to do something; restarting the service in the middle of its work doesn't seem wise13:51
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: that's the PIE - they all load up on different addrs13:52
PsychoBoBI need to reboot to not stop the system for other users13:52
ChryzoGood morning, what is the one liner that needs to be added to a desktop so that the login screen allows for ldap authenticated users ?13:52
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: that's the part I'm not sure about PIE linkage, wheter you need build-time info. If you do, then you _have_ to use all the components coming out of the same build of apache2 source.13:52
tnckihi all13:53
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: and that's why I'm suggesting you to try exactly that. Use httpd and the mod coming from the same build.13:53
NoImNotNineVoltthat would suck :\13:58
NoImNotNineVoltso then my only chance at getting this fixed without incurring an unreasonable maintenance burden would be to work with the maintainers to get this patch into backports.13:58
NoImNotNineVoltwhich i was planning on doing later this week anyway, but was hoping to get it fixed in my end before then.13:59
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dekatchhi, which app would be the most known simple iso mounter for ubuntu? something pre-installed even? need to mount an iso and copy paste all of it to an usb14:02
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tnckiIs anyone here14:05
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dekatchi am14:06
tnckiNice to meet you14:06
tnckiwhere  r u from14:07
dekatchlol, thats not ubuntu-offtopic :) no chit chat xd14:07
dekatchjust saying. thought you had an ubuntu relatd question.14:08
tnckiI have just installed ubuntu 18.04, for 1 hour , and it seems good eough. I will work with it.14:10
dekatchyea, ubuntu is fine. if i wouldnt play games id use ubuntu only i guess14:11
tnckithat's right.14:12
tnckiIs there a stock app?14:13
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tnckiI want to trade stocks14:13
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IntelCorei have 16.04 right, so the GDM available say 'Gnome on Wayland' but it won't run, and returns to the login.14:15
IntelCoremissing something?14:15
NoImNotNineVolttncki: casual traders use web-based trading interfaces.14:16
IntelCorei only gnome. no weston.. and do not know why the intel 500 graphics can't do wayland14:17
tnckithank you14:17
tnckithank you14:18
BluesKajHey folks14:19
Eloi_Hello! I've a small (but important for me) problem with chroot.14:19
pragmatic_enigma!ask | Eloi_14:20
ubottuEloi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
Eloi_I'm chrooting into a raspbian system from my Ubuntu computer and I'm trying to install a xxx.deb file (dpkg -i xxx.deb) but14:20
Eloi_it tells me than /usr/bin/cmake cannot be found14:20
Eloi_even though if I do ls /usr/bin/cmake cmake is just fine.14:21
pragmatic_enigmaEloi_: Does it exist if you ls for it within the chroot environment?14:21
Eloi_Yes it does14:22
Eloi_but doing /usr/bin/cmake throw the bash: /usr/bin/cmake: No such file or directory14:22
Eloi_If I flash the image from my folder on my raspberry I can do the dpkg -i just fine14:23
Eloi_but I need to automate the creation of the image14:23
pragmatic_enigmaEloi_: This might be a better question to ask in the Raspberry PI community14:24
geirhathe binary has a different architecture14:24
geirhayou probably need a vm for this14:24
Eloi_pragmatic_enigma: I thought about it but it works perfectly on the raspberry it self14:24
pragmatic_enigmaEloi_: Yes, but you are building something for the Raspberry Pi, commonity members are going to be more familiar with setting up an environment for that purpose14:25
Eloi_geirha: Yeah, doing make on the chroot environment for a different architecture is stupid ?14:25
Eloi_I'm not familiar enough with compilation14:25
jmgb4Hey fellas, I tried to run the upgrade to bionic notification. It said my box was unable to upgrade and said something about dkpg. I hit ok thinking it would run that command but I dont thikn it did. I am just worried my box wont boot back up now... Anybody know what that command is off the top of their head?14:26
geirhaI don't think you can run a binary built for arm on an x86_64 arch14:26
Eloi_I can use apt-get just fine14:26
pragmatic_enigmageirha: you can, it's just not as simple as take code, tell it to compile for different CPU arch14:26
IntelCorejmb4 - upgrade from 17.10/ or what14:26
Eloi_Ok, I'll find an alternative14:26
tnckigoodbye all14:27
Eloi_Thank you for your help.14:27
jmgb4IntelCore, Yes14:27
IntelCoreyes, July get the down 18.04 jmgb414:28
jmgb4IntelCore, ?14:28
IntelCoreor burn live-session on usb stick14:28
jmgb4IntelCore, What?14:29
pragmatic_enigmaIntelCore: You need to include more complete thoughts to your suggestion. They make absolutely no sense14:30
jmgb4So anybody know if I just hosed my install by trying to do the upgrade?14:32
IntelCoreWhere and what where cmake, what cmake make14:32
pragmatic_enigmaIntelCore: That isn't helpful. Please stop14:33
IntelCorewhy wont gnome on wayland work on 16.04, pls14:34
pragmatic_enigmajmgb4: In the meantime... I'd back up any important files. Which you should have done before starting the upgrade. Then try and reboot and see what happens. There is no way to know what stage the upgrade got to existing. dpkg is required to perform installs, and if it wasn't compatible, it is unlikely anything actually changed.14:36
jmgb4Yeah thats what I am working on14:36
jmgb4Looks like ubuntu failed to do a proper upgrade script. Heh14:36
pragmatic_enigmajmgb4: That's unlikely. The script doesn't do a whole lot.. it boils down to changing the package repositories to point at the new release, and running apt dist-upgrade.. There are a few more operations than that, but that essentially is what the upgrade tool does14:38
jmgb4pragmatic_enigma, Well it failed ;)14:39
jmgb4Alright going down for a reboot14:39
IntelCorebut, i will wait for July14:40
IntelCoreexcept on this wayland14:41
pragmatic_enigmaIntelCore: This is not a chat channel... if you have a valid support question, please ask it. If you would like to have general discussion, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:42
jmgb4here goes nothin14:42
IntelCoretrying to find log to see the gdm error, when tried wayland14:46
IntelCoredat wrong. need sudo14:47
jorvisDoes anyone know how to disable gnome's new On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) in Ubuntu 18.04?  I'm on a desktop and the thing pops up every single time I click in a terminal.14:53
jorvisSorry, I'm not sure what that means14:56
IntelCoreOnboard, in mine is application.14:56
SimonNLmy menu shows onboard and onboard-settings14:56
IntelCoreyes, that14:57
jorviswhich onboard-settings and which onboard both return nothing14:57
pragmaticenigmaonbaord is for Unity. Gnome has a different application for the onscreen keybaord14:58
pragmaticenigmaI think14:58
jorvisYes, gnome rewrote the on screen keyboard completely in 3.28.  It's just called OSK14:59
jorvisReplaces Caribou14:59
IntelCoreopen activities overview.. universal access .. switch to screen keyboard.14:59
alwynAgainst my better judgment I upgraded my "new" developer edition xps 13 to 18.0414:59
alwynThere were errors during the upgrade14:59
alwynRestarted, now cannot log in at all15:00
alwynanyone had similar issues?15:00
jmgb4Alright it didnt hose anything but apt is running super slow, same with su15:00
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jorvisIntelCore:  Screen Keyboard is already in OFF position.  Putting it ON of course didn't help either.15:00
jmgb4IntelCore, Whats interesting is it still upgraded even after the error15:01
IntelCorethis with terminal15:01
alwynShows the ubuntu dot load screen, then blank screen.  Go to console, type in username, login loop with no password prompt15:01
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: You could try "sudo apt-get autoclean" I suspect aptitude is reoptimizing the package caches15:01
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, Just ran an autoclean15:02
jmgb4Pulled some things15:02
jorvisIntelCore: Should I make a screencap video and file a bug?15:02
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, Any guess about the su taking forever?15:04
IntelCorejorvis - did u see terminal, E, and edit pref. to see if a setting can be changed?15:04
jorvisIntelCore:  I can look, but it happens anywhere there is input.  Here, in xchat, for example.  When I type in this box the keyboard appears and shifts all my windows up.15:06
IntelCoreThere is Keyboard accessibility on Terminal window15:08
IntelCoreneed to be turned off15:08
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: I wouldn't know about su, I've never had to use it15:09
IntelCoreon my Ctrl+Alt+T, I read help, and find the topic15:09
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jmgb4pragmaticenigma, Ive never understood sudo. Seems like a waste of time for me15:10
IntelCorei will do if i am a super user?15:10
jmgb4Sudo doesnt prevent you from making a mistake. Its just another command to type out. Its the same concept as punching yourself in the face or better yet taking a second to read what you type before smashing the enter key.15:11
IntelCorea asking question. required to do. gives access.15:12
IntelCoreare u sure? then sudo me15:12
jmgb4IntelCore, What?15:12
IntelCoreand sudo offers one to do.. over any other15:13
pavlosjmgb4: you can read this, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo15:13
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jmgb4pavlos, I have. I understand why its there. As I said before it doesnt prevent you from making a mistake (ie rm -rf / as root is the same as sudo rm -rf /))15:14
jorvisIntelCore:  I made a video showing the issue:  https://youtu.be/dWMAaIcvHCQ15:14
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: That's an opinion and doesn't belong in the support channel. What each persons personal preference is, is their own. And debate on that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic15:14
rdias002can anybody help me, how do i uninstall MITMf from my Ubuntu 18 system? I installed it via the instructions at: https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/MITMf/wiki/Installation15:15
pavlosjmgb4: I read earlier that you wrote "seems a waste of time" ... sure, you can mess up a system with sudo.15:15
jmgb4pavlos, try sudo su for me. How long does it take15:16
IntelCoresu subs user15:16
pragmaticenigmardias002: First, we are unable to help with that. If the software isn't installed via Ubuntu's package management, we don't have the documenation on how to remove it. Second, at the top of that page, did you see the: "Install this in a virtual environment" if you had, you could just remove the vm.15:16
jmgb4IntelCore, Just sudo su will work.15:17
pavlosjmgb4: I did, took me 1 second.15:17
pragmaticenigmardias002: Otherwise, you will have to reach out the developer or their support community for help15:17
IntelCorecan i root ubuntu 16.0415:17
jmgb4pavlos, Yeah mine is taking like 5-10 seconds to even display a password: prompt15:17
pavlosjmgb4: verify that your hostname in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname match15:18
rdias002pragmaticicenigma, oh snap, my bad. thank you. will be more careful next time15:18
IntelCorehtop let me see, like all running on my pc.15:19
jmgb4pavlos, Beat me to it. I was reading the article on it. That was it, somehow my hostname file was empty.15:19
pavlosjmgb4: glad it works now15:20
jmgb4Now my hosts file is also hosed. Even though I told the upgrade to not touch it, it still did15:23
jmgb4Good thing for the backup15:23
IntelCoresu root in 16.04 giving Authentication failure.15:26
alwynAny help on the XPS 13 login loop issue?15:28
IntelCorealwyn - is it a Dell?  Is it Ubuntu 17.10?15:31
alwynDell XPS 13 shipped with 16.04 LTS15:31
alwyntried to dist-upgrade to 18.0415:31
alwynLatest XPS 1315:31
alwynIt mentioned some packages failed, but I didn't expect it to completely hose the system15:32
alwynubuntu loading splash comes up, eventually goes black.  Difficult to get to console with Ctrl-Alt-F3, but when I get there it just loops on username prompt15:33
IntelCorek, cas gnome-session barfs15:34
IntelCore    the default wayland and x11 sessions, but to no avail: it is a login loop for both.15:36
alwynok recovery mode in grub seems to come up15:36
alwynwill check if that takes me anywhere15:36
IntelCoreyes, it ask if u can access grub, safe15:36
alwynok, I'm in as root on console, what do you propose as next step to fixing it15:37
IntelCoreneed x11 session15:37
alwynweird, started showing boot up log, then kicked me out of root and now irresponsive15:38
alwynthat's what it was configured for yes15:38
IntelCore mine do this. on 16.04 wayland on gnome15:39
IntelCorethe gdm say 'gnome on wayland' but it won't, it loop15:40
alwynI was using lightdm with i315:41
alwynDoing recovery kernel now and picked dpkg, maybe reconf will haelp15:41
IntelCoregnome 4, will fix15:42
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alwyn4k console not fun15:45
IntelCoreecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE15:51
NoImNotNineVoltso indeed, it seems that i can't take an .so from one build and stick it into another build without segfaulting.15:51
NoImNotNineVolteven on the same box.15:51
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: As was mentioned earlier, it won't work. Also, your topic isn't for support, it should be in a developer channel15:52
qwrdhey, quick question. How do you move /tmp folder to RAM? On some systems I hear you're supposed to set the RAMTMP=y in /etc/default/tmpfs file, but that file does not exist in ubuntu. Should I use fstab instead or is there another "correct" was of doing it?15:54
NoImNotNineVoltjust needed to see it for myself. thanks.15:54
alwynOk, can see login page now, but cannot enter password, getting somewhere15:54
pragmaticenigmaqwrd: For what reason are you attempting to do that?15:55
qwrdpragmaticenigma: SSD lifespan15:55
ask-ygU51P56qwrd, /var/log I think is worth thinking about too15:55
pragmaticenigmaqwrd: The tiny amount of extended life you will find with that tactic is not worth the system stability issues you will have15:55
ask-ygU51P56qwrd, at least in such manner that it will get saved upon boot cycle15:55
ask-ygU51P56qwrd, make sure to drop swap too15:56
qwrdI did drop swap partition already and the /swapfile15:56
ask-ygU51P56yeah; if you're open to messing about w/ internal settings mayhap ubuntu is not the distro of choice15:57
qwrdalso, noatime,commit=600 to my rootfs15:57
chan201i want to upgrade to ubuntu 18 LTS, right now i have 16.4 LTS is it safe now to upgrade, Ubutnu 18 ui is soo good i got tempted to update.15:58
ask-ygU51P56works over here15:58
longwordWorks For Me but Your Mileage May Vary15:58
ask-ygU51P56w/ lubuntu tho, lack knowledge how pure ubuntu flavour is atm15:58
longwordI'm on the purest of Ubuntu LTS15:59
ask-ygU51P56longword, serveR?15:59
* ask-ygU51P56 likes ubuntu textmode15:59
chan201is it safe to switch to ubuntu 18 LTS.15:59
ask-ygU51P56chan201, it's released, concidered stable15:59
ask-ygU51P56chan201, some issues are present16:00
blackflowqwrd: with modern SSDs (bought in the past year or two), you'll sooner hit the age limit than the LBAs written. Plus they all have th wear leveling tech so, its's pointless to try shave those few bytes off.16:00
ask-ygU51P56chan201, check release notes, check bugs16:00
ask-ygU51P56chan201, if none affect you, try16:00
ask-ygU51P56if you so desire16:00
ask-ygU51P56this is free software16:00
ask-ygU51P56there's always a chance to get an error16:00
lapagachan201, you can not do a standard upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 yet16:00
ask-ygU51P56despite the work put in by people from across the globe16:01
chan201Lapaga i know tha.16:01
IntelCorepragmaticenigma?  is this what I'm talking about Gnome on Wayland16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1695872 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "GNOME on Wayland session could not be started from lightdm" [High,Confirmed]16:01
qwrdblackflow: intersting. so I'll probably want to do just the basic stuff then i.o. remove swap and set the disk schedules to deadline16:01
IntelCorety bot16:01
blackflowqwrd: let me put it this way. I have Samsung EVO750. 1.5yr old according to SMART data. a bit less than 10TB written in that period. That's a gentoo box that does very frequent (re)builds, way more than typical desktop usage.16:02
chan201i work with nginx,php ,mysql,linux every day on linux(ubuntu)any dependencys issues i will not upgrade it for now, I will wait.16:02
blackflowqwrd: and these things are rated for many dozens of TBs and many years. This is an interesting read too: https://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead16:03
qwrdsamsung SSD's are of the top quality16:03
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qwrdthere are some shitty ones to i.e. I read the crucial had some firmware bug that corrupted the filesystem when the wear leveling mechanism was activated16:05
blackflowqwrd: yeah, so putting /tmp into RAM or removing swap, all that is gonna save nothing.16:05
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pragmaticenigma!ohmy | qwrd16:05
ubottuqwrd: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:05
blackflowqwrd: no hardware is 100% failsafe. Have frequent backups and don't waste your time trying to shave off a few bytes written to a disk that's passing hundreds of TB of writes :)16:06
qwrdokay, maybe I got a bit too paranoid after reading all those things you're *supposed* to do to save your SSD.16:07
blackflowqwrd: clickbait journalism, or very old advice. SSDs these days are pretty solid.16:07
qwrdno swap, use tmpfs, leave 10% unallocated disk space, mofe Firefox cache to ram, enable cron fstrim, etc...16:07
qwrdalright then, I'll just leave the device as is.16:08
blackflowqwrd: if you're really concerned with that, monitor the LBAs written, it should be part of every SSDs S.M.A.R.T data, and check for how many TBs is your disk rated.16:08
blackflowqwrd: then after a few years you'll see that it's been a few years and you're nowhere near the rated writes :)16:09
qwrdperhaps I should add a Conky entry that displays the lifespan on-screen16:10
zenoxi've killed part of my ssd...16:10
IntelCoreha, count to death16:10
zenoxi've been scraping some 30 million pages which just happened to be a single file.... that's a lot of disc access! tarring it up / even processing them all to merge them together is slow and a lot more reads16:11
IntelCorevideo is disk intense16:11
alwynIntelCore: Black screen after login sound familiar?16:12
zenoxthe ssd suddenly became really slow, like, slower than my mechnical hdd... so i removed all these files, did a repair which fixed a few things (and took about a day + 1/2 btw) and since them things are back to normal16:12
xikahi everyone! I've tried setting up an encrypted ubuntu with uefi next to a windows installation. following the guides on ubuntusers. the system is installed and can be accessed via change root. two issues 1) boot loader does not show windows (may be solved later) 2) the encrypted volumes are not beeing mounted (my main issue)16:13
xikafstab shows the encrypted volumes, grub installs without errors16:13
IntelCorealwyn gir1.2-lightdm-1 in 16.04 has a prob. bug reported, and you need to run x11, or x.org, and put 16.04, or 17.10 back together, from pieces.16:13
xika(i am currently on live and in the system via chroot)16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1695872 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "GNOME on Wayland session could not be started from lightdm" [High,Confirmed]16:14
IntelCoreit is either gdm, or lightdm, but no, the entry is on my 16.04. not working, and loops16:16
blackflowalwyn: have you checked the system logs for any obvious problems?  I think this issue has been mentioned a few times here, along iwth nouveau going titsup16:16
94KAAADA7STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:16
zenoxnow dance!16:17
alwynanyone know what I need to remove to get rid of Braille support?16:17
zenoxyour eyes16:17
alwynblackflow: I'm still trying to get to be able to read the system logs :)16:17
zenoxoh, get rid of it... i read "get braille support"16:17
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IntelCoregnome calls it activity16:18
zenoxif a docker image uses a service like e.g. mysql, does it have to write data to a volume, even if it's just for testing and can be lost without hassle16:18
comet23does ubuntu mate come with vnc preinstalled?16:19
IntelCorei think what we are seeing is a sort of change, unity and 18.04 gnome16:19
comet23i don't have a monitor16:19
blackflowalwyn: reboot into non-graphical mode?16:19
alwynblackflow: trying to, the only why I can get in at the moment is with recovery kernel16:20
blackflowalwyn: well that's good too. you should be able to check /var/log/syslog16:20
alwyn:blackflow I suspect the cylance service is working against me, going to stop it before running dpkg --configure -a again16:20
alwynI hate cylance, it's only crapped up my system since they started using int16:21
blackflowI have no idea what that is.16:21
alwynAI meets malware checking16:21
alwynmatch made in hell16:21
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blackflowsounds like snake oil.16:22
alwynyes, with all they right buzzwords for non-techy types16:22
comet23does ubuntu come with vnc preinstalled?'16:23
streakytechnically plausible, i'd be impressed if it actually worked well though16:23
alwynit keeps on killing anything opera related16:24
streakyi'd expect more like that :p16:24
streakyi'd imagine it's behaviour-based and you can't rely on user data because the data sets would get poisoned16:25
alwynblackflow: For some reason when I'm dropped into root shell, something forces me out after some time16:26
mdlpehi, after restoring my backup with tar, I got a lot of folders "paxheaders.2715" I don't remember see this before16:28
IntelCore'Cosmic' 18.1016:33
pragmaticenigmamdlpe: Did you use an application other than tar to create your tar archives>16:33
ubottuUbuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) will be the 29th release of Ubuntu.  Release annoucement at https://markshuttleworth.com/archives/152116:34
mdlpepragmaticenigma: absolutly not16:34
yokowkahello every soul!!!! is viber loads on ubuntu 18.04?16:34
IntelCorecosmic canimal16:35
pragmaticenigmamdlpe: Explination: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3468858216:35
lotuspsychjeIntelCore: can we help you?16:35
IntelCoregot a billion?16:35
pragmaticenigma!ot | IntelCore16:36
ubottuIntelCore: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:36
analyserHello! The module for my ethernet adapter is not being loaded in boot time anymore (r8169). Any idea how to fix it ? (ubuntu 16.04)16:36
IntelCorelotuspsychje - I have been here looking for help, why gnome on wayland session loopback and wont run on 16.0416:37
yemmithey everyone, i did an upgrade to 18.04. (do release upgrade). Now i am booting into a kernel panic. Am i at the right adress here to get help ?16:37
ioriaanalyser, i'd start with dmesg | grep -i myinterface or grep r816916:37
lotuspsychjeyemmit: from wich release did you upgrade mate?16:37
IntelCorelotuspsycheje - uhm, so i see a bug on lauchpad, to do with lightdm?16:38
ioriaIntelCore, maybe because there is no wayland on xenial ?16:38
mdlpepragmaticenigma: thanks,16:38
yemmitlotuspsycheje 17.10 perhaps i should mention its a dual bott system16:38
kostkonyemmit, you are16:38
IntelCoreioria, i got wayland, an it made a entry 'gnome on wayland16:38
analyserioria: the unique records that I was ablet to retrieve comes from when I loaded the module manually16:39
lotuspsychjeyemmit: can you still enter grub, perhaps try to load a previous kernel?16:39
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ioriaanalyser, lspci -k | grep -i Ether -A 216:40
yemmittried that same result in VFS: unable to mount root fs on unkown16:40
IntelCoreI found wayland using synaptic16:41
NoImNotNineVoltpragmaticenigma: though, beyond "that's not going to work", can you provide more information? it seems like it's not because of PIE, since that would have more to do with runtime than entry points being different in the actual binary, no?16:41
IntelCoreit aughta work16:41
analyserioria: that displays correclty the adapter and module that I had loaded16:41
IntelCorebbiab.. if u can help post16:41
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yemmitlotuspsychje. and yeah i can enter grub16:42
NoImNotNineVoltor blackflow, as you were the one who originally suggested it wouldn't work16:42
ioriaanalyser,  paste it, please16:42
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: This isn't the correct channel for that topic16:42
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NoImNotNineVoltpragmaticenigma: for understanding why i can't get reproducible builds of ubuntu packages?16:42
lotuspsychjeyemmit: try to boot another kernel, or on your current kernel, catch the errors on your kernel panic16:43
lotuspsychjeyemmit: can you also tell us wich kernel version, panics?16:43
BriggsEIs there a chance someone could help me with setting pointing speed on a pointing stick?16:43
ioriaIntelCore, 1) you need gnome as de 2) only oss drivers 3) it's just experimental16:43
BriggsEI have a dell precision. And i do not have the deceleration option in xinput16:43
yemmitlotuspsychje i gonna check brb16:44
lotuspsychjeyemmit: F1 at boot, to see text booting16:44
gabbomanwhere can I report a bug?16:44
analyserioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PDR3HRF7Zq/16:44
lotuspsychjegabboman: ubuntu-bug yourpackage16:45
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gabbomanbut how can I add details16:45
gabbomanlike an screenshot16:45
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: Discussion about builds and the like belong in #ubuntu-app-devel16:45
analyserioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2RW8Bk5rVF/16:45
lotuspsychjegabboman: perhaps you can share your issue here first, maybe its a known bug?16:45
gabbomanthe emojis at thunderbird take too much space sometimes16:46
lotuspsychjegabboman: ubuntu 18.04?16:46
gabbomanin my email list its wrong, and also in the irc thing, just joined to a chanel and was with a huge emoji16:46
ioriaanalyser, looks perfect16:46
lotuspsychjeanalyser ioria got an existing from not long ago too on customer machine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/176938616:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769386 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cable network does not get recognized anymore, wifi works" [Undecided,New]16:47
analyserioria: indeed... but for some reason the module is not being loaded at boot time16:48
analyserioria: :/16:48
ioriaanalyser, then reboot, and grep again ...16:48
ioriaanalyser, we need the error16:48
vinnoHey guys, I pressed ctrl+a then esc to buffer scroll in BYOBU, is there a way to escape this mode so i can type again??16:48
iorialotuspsychje, checking ...16:48
lotuspsychjegabboman: can you see if screenshot is like you? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/117843016:49
gabbomanlotuspsychje: yes! thats exactly16:49
gabbomanalso when I type an account password it feels really laggy16:50
gabbomanbut I will try the font thing, thanks!16:50
IntelCoreioria. back. got plain gnome. it runs on 16.04 unity16:50
lotuspsychjegabboman: known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/176184416:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761844 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Very large emojis displayed in subject line and in the email list" [High,Confirmed]16:50
IntelCoreioria 18.04 live from usb booted16:51
gabbomanI see. thanks a lot16:51
lotuspsychjegabboman: add yourself affected and help yourself and the community, perhaps add your screenshot?16:51
analyserioria: I still have the full dmesg from the booting time. There's no more leads here :/ BTW, I've just booted. I gotta work. Thanks for trying =)16:51
IntelCorelotuspsycheje - also firefox16:52
IntelCorelarge icon16:52
lotuspsychjeIntelCore: can you stop random chat in here please16:52
xikaI've manually installed encrypted ubuntu 18.04 on an computer with UEFI and Windows 10. The bootloader loads but the encrypted lvm-partitions are not beeing mounted and booting fails.16:53
pragmaticenigmaxika: can you explain what you mean by "manually installed"16:57
PCatineanHow do I replace an instance of "*/build/*" with something else in a file and also append with a newline another information after a last parameter in an ini file?16:59
xika@pragmaticenigma i first created the encrypted partions in the command line and then started the installer16:59
lotuspsychje!lvm | xika see also16:59
ubottuxika see also: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:59
xikathank you, will read those and report back @lotuspsychje & @pragmaticenigma17:00
yemmitlotuspsychje: i was wrong the kernelpanic just happens with 4.15.0-20-generic17:01
yemmitlotuspsychje: with 4.13 for example the booting works17:01
lotuspsychjeyemmit: great to hear!17:01
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lotuspsychjeyemmit: i recently tested lubuntu 18.04 on 4.15 kernel like you, got the same issue, 16.04 runs fine on same machine17:02
yemmitlotuspsychje: ok can i downgrade again somehow or is a new installation needed?17:03
alwyncould login for a moment and then went all haywire again17:03
lotuspsychjeyemmit: well booting kernels isnt really up or downgrading17:04
iorialotuspsychje, what issue you had with lubuntu 18.04 ?17:04
alwynWhat is [nm]odemanager service?17:04
lotuspsychjeioria: didnt wanna boot, panic before login like yemmit17:04
NoImNotNineVoltis it a terrible idea to have gcc/ld/etc on an apache httpd server?17:05
iorialotuspsychje, you checked the media installer ?17:05
lotuspsychjeioria: yes, the usb stick works didnt test md5 though..17:06
lotuspsychjeioria: tryed xubuntu 18.04 right after, same panic at boot17:06
iorialotuspsychje, i just installed it on Pentium4 in bios mode , no problem , you're using uefi ?17:07
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: Not really17:07
lotuspsychjeioria: no, it was a real old machine17:07
iorialotuspsychje, weird, installed and not booting or not installing at all ? (or with errors)17:08
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: If the system holds sensitive information and is exposed to the web, it might not be best practice. But without GCC, it'd be difficult to install some applications17:08
lotuspsychjeioria: installed fine, tryed minimal, normal and xubuntu, all got stuck before login17:08
lotuspsychjeioria: same machine runs lubuntu xenial fine17:08
lotuspsychjeioria: so i presume kernel doesnt like17:09
blackflowNoImNotNineVolt: it's an old myth that having the compiler around on a production machine makes it less secure in any way.17:09
iorialotuspsychje, i see17:09
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, but i'm an old man :P17:09
lotuspsychjeioria: want me to check exact error?17:09
xika@lotuspsychje & @pragmaticenigma i guess i followed most of these, but some parts seem to be outdated. i have loged into the installed system via chroot, added the lvm to the crypttab, fstab contains the partitions, grub installs without problems and shows the ubuntu installation, but the drives are not beeing mounted. is there a way to access the log of the last bootprocess? then i could show you those lines17:09
gogetaNoImNotNineVolt, WONDERFULL!!!17:09
iorialotuspsychje, if you have time, yes17:09
xikathis is the guide i used to set it up (german): https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/System_verschl%C3%BCsseln/#Ins-verschluesselte-System-wechseln17:10
lotuspsychjeioria: lol..what the..it just boots into desktop now17:15
PCatineanHow can one replace (x number of whitespaces) content with (x number of whitespaces) content \n (x number of whitespaces) some other content?17:15
PCatineanbasically adding a new line to a ini file more or less17:15
lotuspsychjeioria: seems like 4.15.0-20 :p17:15
xirgPCatinean, what interface?17:15
PCatineanxirg, bash, or what are you refering to?17:15
iorialotuspsychje, ok17:15
xirgoo ok bash I dont know.  I could spew out some python tho17:15
pragmaticenigmaxika: Was there a purpose for encrypting the partition before installation? Ubuntu can do disk encryption as part of the installation17:15
xirgim still learning ubuntu17:16
xikapragmaticenigma as far as i understood this does not work next to an existing windows installation17:19
pragmaticenigmaxika: Oh, I did not know that17:19
xikabut i can start from scratch if it does17:19
ioriain dual boot it's a bit more complicated, yes17:19
pragmaticenigmaxika: I'm not sure, I haven't done much with dual booting configurations17:19
ioriaxika, the question is : How strong is your Linux-fu?   :)17:20
xikausually good, but i've spent 3h on this problem now17:20
xikai think 90% is in place. it just doesnt prompt me to unlock the encrypted lvm17:21
ioriaxika, you know 'evil maid' ?17:22
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ioriaxika,  and in efi mode (with a shared partition) it 's even worst17:24
xikaioria: yeah, i could disable efi, but I'm not sure what consequences this will have on the windows installation17:25
ioriaxika,  i guess they are on the same disk ?17:26
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xikayes they are17:26
ioriaxika,  so, you have to install ubuntu in  efi mode too17:27
xikayes, i followed the extra steps for efi in the guide17:28
ioriaxika,  if i may, a separate hard drive for Ubuntu would be better17:30
xikai only have one drive available at the moment17:30
ioriaxika,  with no common Grub.17:30
xikaioria: i dont understand your last statement. is the an alternative to grub?17:32
ioriaxika,  ust manually boot either from BIOS17:33
ioriaxika,  *just17:33
alwynOk, dpkg is finally upgrading the kernel, I might be totally screwed soon17:33
xikaioria: but i still need to de-crypt the volumes and that is not happening right now17:34
ioriaxika,  with a separate disk (and no shared efi) you can use the Automatic partioning17:35
xikayes, but i only have on drive available17:35
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impion 18.04 with gnome - when i rightclick on a window bar to keep it above others the window keeps resizing17:40
xikaok, well it seems i need to get another drive. i can then move the /-partition over to the ssd once it is set up and only have /home /boot ... on the non-ssd. thanks for your time ioria17:40
impiin the past i had a menu to select keep above others17:41
ioriaxika,  ok, good luck17:41
impido you perhaps know how to do it now?17:41
PCatineansed '/^\([[:blank:]]*\)\*__manifest*/a x' .coveragerc17:41
PCatineanI got this far into getting the line and appending after it, now I just have to preserve the newlines, anyone know how to ?17:41
alwynblackthrow: Ok, after running dpkg a zillion times in recovery mode, all is well17:47
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blackflowalwyn: doing what?17:50
alwynblackflow: I just kept on using dpkg to fix the install in recovery boot until things returned to normal17:58
alwynWhere are snaps installed on disk?18:02
leftyfbalwyn: /snap/18:02
alwynleftyfb: any way you can add files to a snap?  I have some dark theme css for slack18:08
leftyfbalwyn: ~/.snap/18:09
leftyfbalwyn: ~/snap/18:09
alwynleftyfb: ah, that's cool18:09
RoadRunnerWant to switch video card from Nvidia to AMD on an existing Xubuntu 16.04 install. This is the driver that's currently installed: https://imgur.com/a/EClJjtn18:13
RoadRunner Do I need to uninstal this nvidia driver first before swaping cards or will xubuntu do the driver switch automaticaly on next reboot? If need to uninstall manually, then how?18:13
xirgwhy is ufw constantly blocking stuff on my server?18:13
xirgare these hackers / bots / both?18:13
xirgthis server isn't even advertised anywhere and it's basically brand new18:14
brainwashRoadRunner: I would uninstall it beforehand18:14
RoadRunnerbrainwash: then how, and will the screen not go blank if I do?18:14
brainwashvia terminal "sudo apt purge nvidia* "18:15
brainwashwhy would it go blank?18:15
andrew09Why does VLC always start without the title bar in the corner of the screen? https://i.imgur.com/znvjb4g.png18:16
brainwashI mean you want to switch the gpu18:16
brainwashRoadRunner: so, I don't expect you to boot into the system with the nvidia one still in there18:16
RoadRunnerbrainwash: so, once the nvidia driver loads into ram it is safe to remove it from HD without loosing the screen?18:17
brainwashI guess18:18
RoadRunnerbrainwash: its the "guess" part that concerns me :)18:18
brainwashRoadRunner: you could logout first, and do the uninstallation via console18:20
RoadRunnerbrainwash: but even without gui, I am still using the screen, right?18:21
alwynAnyone ever mounted a snap squash image as rw?18:22
brainwashRoadRunner: are you trying to say that there is no way to remove the nvidia driver?18:23
andrew09Why does VLC always start without the title bar in the corner of the screen? https://i.imgur.com/znvjb4g.png18:23
NoImNotNineVoltbecause you didn't press ctrl-h18:23
kostkonandrew09, how did you install it18:24
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: try mpv18:24
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: and you shouldn't need to worry about corners18:25
RoadRunnerbrainwash: no, I am just thinking that after purging the driver, unless its in ram, I may loose the image; at least, as you can see from my paste, there doesn't seem to be a gui way to remove it from "Software & Updates"18:25
brainwashRoadRunner: switching to option #2 should be the equivalent I'd think18:27
andrew09kostkon: from the terminal18:27
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andrew09hardcore_vaughan: I need to move it to the right down corner but without the title bar I have no idea how to18:28
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: press and hold down ALT and drag&drop it with the mouse18:29
RoadRunnerbrainwash: I seem to recall xamithan saying that the driver in option 2 is actually more likely to create a black screen in a card switch...18:29
kostkonandrew09, try the various option in preferences → interface  or remove it and install the snap version with  sudo snap install vlc18:30
kostkonandrew09, i'm guessing you are not able to access vlc's preferences18:31
kailiHello everyone18:31
kailiMy ubuntu 18.04 is getting a bit craze when I connect my android phone on USB. Sometimes it's stable, sometimes it connects / disconnects a few time before disconnecting it until I plug again18:32
kailiBut there is more, each time it seems to create a new mounting folder in /media/username/18:32
RoadRunnerbrainwash: assuming that I do get a black screen, power down, switch cards and power back on: For xubuntu to install the AMD driver, does the comp need to have an internet connection or is the driver already present in some kernel "extras" package that's already on the hard drive?18:32
andrew09kostkon: I tried the snap package and while I didn't face this problem it also didn't seem to remember my prefrences18:32
kailiI'm already at 47 folders o_o18:32
kostkonandrew09, hmm strange18:32
hardcore_vaughankaili: check the usb cable first :D18:33
brainwashRoadRunner: the open source driver should be present18:33
Es0tericanybody use digitalocean here? i am having a small authentication problem to ssh into the server18:34
kailihardcore_vaughan: there is no problem using on my other mac or if I reboot on Windows on the same machine18:34
kailiIt connects and it's stable18:34
andrew09hardcore_vaughan: it worked, but when I reopen it it comes back to the same position in the corner18:34
RoadRunnerbrainwash: so internet isn't needed for the switch for sure?18:34
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: is it XFCE ?18:35
andrew09hardcore_vaughan: LXDE18:36
intensojust installed xubuntu on my pc but my headphone jack dont have sound? any help18:37
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: from the picture you've sent, I'm not sure you are using any window manager.18:38
hardcore_vaughanandrew09: "The default window manager used is Openbox, but one can configure a third-party window manager for use with LXDE, such as Fluxbox, IceWM or Xfwm." via wikipedia18:40
hardcore_vaughanintenso: https://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/18:41
hardcore_vaughanintenso: ywc i hope you can fix it18:41
alwynintenso: run alsamixer and check if it is muted18:42
brainwashRoadRunner: maybe. I assume that xserver-xorg-video-radeon and xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu are already present on your system18:42
hardcore_vaughanEs0teric: what errror message do you get?18:42
intensoalwyn,   i have this Item: Auto-Mute Mode [Enabled]18:43
intensobut i cannot disable it by pressing M18:44
alwynintenso: does your headphone also say MM?18:44
alwynI have auto-mute enabled too18:45
intensoheadphone says 100 10018:45
alwynand master is not 0?18:45
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intensomaster  9718:46
alwynmaybe you blew it :)18:46
na2sSince updating from 16.04 to 18.04, I have no sound.  Pulseaudio lists all the right cards, but only the dummy sink.  Any idea how to correct?18:46
intensomine is 18.04 too18:47
dnegreiraif you run pulseaudio --start --exit-idle-time=-118:47
dnegreiradoes it fix it ?18:47
Es0terichardcore_vaughan nvm... i fixed it by changing PasswordAuthorization to yes18:47
hardcore_vaughanEs0teric: good! ssh-copy-id then18:48
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AllanisI'm needing dpkg-deb any idea where I can grab it? I couldn't find a package it seems.18:57
leftyfbAllanis: dpkg-deb is a binary included with dpkg which you should already have installed18:59
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AllanisOh I do. Sorry didn't even check! Mkay, the installer that needs it just can't find it then. This is annoying.18:59
AllanisTrying to Get AdobeAir installed, I'm most way there. Just need it to find dpkg-deb somehow.19:00
RoadRunnerbrainwash: btw, why purge nvidia rather then rm?19:00
trofenHey guys! Wassup?19:00
trofenLooks like youre all dead19:01
kab0mtrofen: Living dead over here :D19:02
trofenWhat hardware do you use, guys?19:03
trofenWhere are you from?19:03
trofenIm from Orange Pi PC from Russia19:03
geniitrofen: If you have a support question then this is the correct area to ask, but for more general talk the #ubuntu-offtopic channel is probably better19:05
trofengenii: Oh, sorry, my bad19:06
brainwashRoadRunner: you want to keep some nvidia config files?19:12
=== Panoptes is now known as Aztec03
TBotNikAll; Having issues with MySQL! Will not start!  When I run "service mysql start" I get the error "start: Job failed to start"! I ran some recovery BASH scripts I had from before and was, when running the cmd "mysqld -u root -p --skip-grant-options" getting the error: "mysql error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'" but after running the scripts now getting the error: "180508 13:19:17
TBotNik51:37 [Warning] Ignoring user change to 'root' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line"!19:17
TBotNikSo then ran the cmd: "mysqld -u mysql -p --skip-grant-options" it says it started and gives a process number, but running "ps -A | grep mysql" or "ps -A | grep mysqld" nothing shows. and even running "ps -A | grep procnumber" shows no process.  What do I need to fix this?19:18
xirgif a web app is supposed to send an email but I'm not receiving an email or errors, what can I do next?19:18
xirgI've checked apache errors & the app's errors but didn't see anything relevant19:19
TBotNikxirg: What SMTP service are you using and what are the settings?19:21
RoadRunnerbrainwash: I was thinking, in case the amd card I got is not going to pan out, and I'll have to, at least temporarily, go back to the nvidia one, maybe, having configs for now wouldn't be bad and if all will be ok, purge later?19:21
andrew09hardcore_vaughan: yes, it's openbox. any idea on how to make vlc start at a specific position?19:22
xirgTBotNik, i installed postfix19:23
xirgit looks like it's configured to use tls19:25
gpapHello everybody19:25
xirghere's my postfix config19:27
RoadRunnerRoadRunner: does apt purge remove only config files or packages AND their associated configs?19:30
iresfi can not delete http_proxy in ubuntu terminal   i used unset http_proxy but  after run printenv   it showed http_proxy  again19:30
gpapi have faced an odd problem with Nautilus and external monitor.  My external monitor is an 19 inches Eizo Nanao. Onto this monitor Nautilus couldn't stick onto the right or left side, only maximize or unmaximize was possible.   I am happy to inform the community that i solved the problem by just changing the monitor. I connected a 24 inches LG monitor, so the problem disappeared. Look like that software couldn't handle the 19 inches external mon19:31
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TBotNikxirg: Did you also install FetchMail?19:32
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xirgTBotNik, nope i did not19:33
TBotNikxirg: You need that as companion to PostFix!19:34
ioriadovecot maybe19:34
xirgOO I installed something like mail-utils or something that was described as "everything" postfix needs to run, i guess my sauce was worng :(19:34
ioriaxirg, postfix = send ; dovecot = recieve19:35
TBotNikxirg: If I remember right there is also another SMTP addon for PostFix.  Fetchmail does the IMAP or POP3 to get emails into PostFix.19:35
xirgOh okay19:36
TBotNikAll: Anyone have an answer to my mysql issue?19:37
xirgi'm having problems sending mail, I have no desire to receive mail on this server... as of yet19:37
xirgit's a web app that wants to send mail, let me paste the app's mail.php file (the mail config file)19:38
ioriaxirg, as web-app, you mean a webmail client ?19:39
TBotNikxirg: What are you trying to do?  I had huge problems configuring PHPlist, because was using google smtp and PHPlist is the auto emailer that Constant Contact and others use19:39
xirgnope, it's a password reset form for a login to firefly-iii19:39
xirghere's the config file for the app: https://pastebin.com/91gB7cfV19:41
malwar3hun73ri'm seeing the error "mount: /dev/loop0: can't read superblock" when trying to mount an NTFS image in ubuntu. Been searching for a while now and can't find anything that helps.19:42
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: why are you using loop0?19:44
xirgsorry you're having mysqsl problems, TBotNik, mine fired right up19:45
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: is it an image of a drive with multiple partitions or is it an image of an NTFS partition?19:45
malwar3hun73rit is an image with multiple partitions on it, one of which is ntfs19:47
ioriaxirg, possibly, those financial  apps want lts/ssl encryption running on a different port than 25 (465)19:47
malwar3hun73rleftyfb, it is an image with multiple partitions on it, one of which is ntfs. i'm not specifying loop0 in the mount command19:48
malwar3hun73rsudo mount -o ro,offset=65802240 000035.001 /mnt/windows_mount19:50
flask-Hey guys. I'm running Kubuntu 18.04 -- if I ran apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, would that be enough to safely switch back and forth between KDE and the GNOME Shell based default Ubuntu desktop?19:51
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: when using losetup, try a different loop. Like loop719:51
pragmaticenigmaflask-: effectively, yes... when you're in the login screen you will see the option to select between the two desktop environments19:51
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xirgioria, thanks I'll look into that19:52
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: use sudo partprobe /dev/loopX19:52
EriC^^so it reads the partitions, then use what names you get under lsblk for the /dev/loopX19:53
EriC^^/dev/loopXp1 for instance19:53
flask-@pragmaticenigma: Okay and if I wanted to switch the login manager?19:53
pragmaticenigmaflask-: Do you know what login manager Kubuntu is using?19:54
dbuggerHello everyone19:55
xirgOkay thanks for all the help guys i gotta go home nows19:55
dbuggerI am having trouble installing ruby with rbenv, under 18.04. Does anyone know why I get this error? "BUILD FAILED (Ubuntu 18.04 using ruby-build 20180424"19:56
pragmaticenigmaflask-: if you install ubuntu-desktop, it will change it to gdm... I don't know what Kubuntu uses by default19:56
geniiKubuntu uses sddm by default19:56
pragmaticenigmathanks genii19:57
jeffreeI just did an apt upgrade and rebooted, now sound doesn't work from line out but does from hdmi. How should I debug?19:59
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, leftyfb "sudo losetup -f -v /media/sf_Images/000035.001" works19:59
malwar3hun73rsudo losetup -a ==> /dev/loop0: [0045]:2 (/media/sf_Images/000035.001)20:00
malwar3hun73rbut, then20:00
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: type 'sudo partprobe /dev/loop0'20:00
malwar3hun73rand then?20:00
malwar3hun73r$ sudo mount -o ro,offset=65802240 /dev/loop0 /mnt/windows_mount20:00
malwar3hun73rmount: /dev/loop1: can't read superblock20:00
EriC^^then mount the partition you want, get the list from 'lsblk'20:00
malwar3hun73rit's not shown in lsblk, all i have is loop020:01
malwar3hun73rloop0    7:0    0  149G  1 loop20:01
EriC^^even after sudo partprobe /dev/loop0 ?20:01
EriC^^sounds like the disk's partition table is screwed up or something?20:02
malwar3hun73ri would agree, but i can open it with ftk imager no problem20:02
malwar3hun73rthe images were created as dd images from with ftk20:02
RoadRunnerdoes 'apt purge' remove only config files or packages AND their associated configs?20:03
malwar3hun73rnot sure if that dorks something or not20:03
EriC^^RoadRunner: both packages and configs20:03
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: are you sure about the offset?20:03
EriC^^it's the byte or sector?20:04
malwar3hun73r003:  000:001   0000128520   0312496379   0312367860   NTFS / exFAT (0x07)20:04
malwar3hun73routput of mmls on the file shows a start of 12852020:04
malwar3hun73r128520 * 512 = 6580224020:04
EriC^^maybe it's a 4096 block?20:05
malwar3hun73rmmls says units are in 512-byte sectors20:05
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: try testdisk20:06
EriC^^sudo apt-get install testdisk20:06
malwar3hun73rit's already installed20:06
malwar3hun73rrun analyze?20:06
malwar3hun73rit shows a different number of partitions20:07
malwar3hun73rbut, there are more numbers than columns... not sure how to read this output yet20:08
TBotNikxirg: Even did apt-get remove on all of it and it still won't work.  Had a similar issue b4 when there was a conflict between mysql 6 and mysql 7.  Had to remove the mysql7, but completely forgot how I did that.20:08
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: upload it somewhere20:09
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, https://pastebin.com/tmzZgL8m20:10
TBotNikxirg: Did you find the SMTP addon for PostFix?20:11
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pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: xirg left awhile ago20:12
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: xirg's id is still showing!20:13
omarpHi all,could someone help me with the following issue? : Trying to run nvidia-docker2 in ubuntu18.04 I get an error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F2JWJtP8fS/20:13
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: <xirg> Okay thanks for all the help guys i gotta go home nows20:13
pragmaticenigma<xirg> later20:13
ikoniaomarp: you can't start the container, so it's pointless to try to connect to it20:14
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: try with offset=41011220:14
malwar3hun73rno luck20:15
malwar3hun73rsame error20:15
malwar3hun73rmount: /dev/loop1: can't read superblock20:15
TBotNikAnyone have an answer for my MySQL problem?20:16
omarpI got the prerequisites done : https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/wiki/Installation-(version-2.0)#prerequisites20:16
ikoniaomarp: right, but you can't start it20:17
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: Could you please repeat your question?20:17
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: Having issues with MySQL! Will not start!  When I run "service mysql start" I get the error "start: Job failed to start"! I ran some recovery BASH scripts I had from before and was, when running the cmd "mysqld -u root -p --skip-grant-options" getting the error: "mysql error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'" but after running the scripts now getting the error:20:17
TBotNik "180508 13:51:37 [Warning] Ignoring user change to 'root' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line"!20:17
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: So then ran the cmd: "mysqld -u mysql -p --skip-grant-options" it says it started and gives a process number, but running "ps -A | grep mysql" or "ps -A | grep mysqld" nothing shows. and even running "ps -A | grep procnumber" shows no process.  What do I need to fix this?20:18
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: what version of Ubuntu20:18
TBotNik14.04 lts20:18
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: odd, are you specifying /dev/loop0 in the command or /dev/loop1 ?20:19
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: in testdisk pressing "p" over the partition should list the files20:19
pragmaticenigmaWhat was the last change made to MySQL before it stopped working? System update, config change, something else?20:19
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: What was the last change made to MySQL before it stopped working? System update, config change, something else?20:19
=== Flavio is now known as Guest85319
TBotNikI install "seopanel"20:20
pragmaticenigma!it | Guest8531920:20
ubottuGuest85319: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:20
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, i'm just doing "sudo mount -o ro,offset=410112 /media/sf_VBoxShare/Images/000035.001 /mnt/test/"20:20
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: I installed "seopanel"20:20
impihow do i install a lower version of a package in apt?20:21
asdf_moviesHELP, i'm not able to connect to the internet in my VM in virtmanager20:21
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: is seopanel a package provided through Ubuntu software channels20:21
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: try with the loop device20:21
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: does it work in testdisk?20:21
ikoniaasdf_movies: you'll need to provide more detail20:21
ikoniayou can't just say HELP20:21
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, with the command i pasted, i get the error for /dev/loop020:22
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: It installed and was working, then I rebooted and everything went south.  Thought it was part of that install, but then could not login to phpMyAdmin, so started cmd line checking and totally toast!20:22
malwar3hun73rif i use losetup and then specify /dev/loop0 in the mount command i get the error with /dev/loop120:22
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, and, 'p' works within testdisk20:22
malwar3hun73ri can see the files20:23
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: that doesn't answer my question20:23
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: I'm checking, had to install php5-curl, which I think is supported, cause in Snaptic Package Manager20:24
asdf_moviesuhh, i am running lubuntu 18 in qemu. i am able to ping the host and vice versa. but it is not able to connect to the internet. the interface used is virbr020:24
ikoniadefine not able to connect20:24
ikoniaexplain the network, is the libvirt network setup as a routed or nat network20:24
tgm4883asdf_movies: can you ping
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asdf_moviesoh yea. sorry, it's a nat network. the vm is unable to ping any address outside network such as google.com20:26
pragmaticenigmaasdf_movies: please make sure you include the full version number when referencing your Ubuntu/Lubuntu installation. There is no version 18, it is 18.04. It will help identify the fall Ubuntu release when it comes out20:26
ikoniaasdf_movies: what is the gateway of the guest20:26
bn_workhow does one determine the source repo of an installed package given the following output from `dpkg -S /usr/bin/unzip`? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/29jQVpW7/dpkg_-S_usr-bin-unzip.txt20:26
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: you can copy them off testdisk20:27
asdf_moviesoh ok. gateway is
malwar3hun73ryeah, i know, but i need to be able to mount th eimage20:27
ikoniaasdf_movies: and what is that ?20:27
bn_work`Priority`, `Section`, `Origin` doesn't match any of the fields in `/etc/apt/sources.list` or repos in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/`20:27
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: SEO Panel is not a package found in Ubuntu software channels. It was the last thing you did before your MySQL instance failed. You will need to reach out to the developer of SEO Panel for assistance, as I would assume it is their changes that broke your install20:28
asdf_movieshost os is Ubuntu 18.04 and guest os is lubuntu 18.0420:28
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: I sent their support and email this AM!20:28
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: Checking 4 response now!20:29
bn_workoops, I mean based on the above output from `apt show unzip`.  `dpkg -S /usr/bin/unzip` shows that it is from the `unzip` package but what repo?20:29
asdf_moviesgateway of guest is
ikoniaand what is that ip20:31
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: Another think you can do is setup another install of Ubuntu 14.04 with MySQL, and install SEO Panel there and see if you end up with the same result.20:32
ikoniaanyone what ?20:32
ikoniasaying "anyone" is pointless20:33
tgm4883bn_work: 'apt policy <packagename>'20:33
asdf_moviestgm4883, no i can't ping
pragmaticenigma!patience | Also, bn_work20:33
ubottuAlso, bn_work: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:33
pragmaticenigmabn_work: https://askubuntu.com/a/856720:34
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: Exactly, doing on my server now!  I found errors in their "seopanel.sql" file, which I fixed.  Was going to dump that file and replace on the server install, when I found myself totally dead on MySQL20:35
asdf_moviescorrection, in my host os, network ip belongs to virbr0 and in guest os the same ip belongs to ens2 interfaces respectively20:36
ikoniayou can't have the same ip20:37
ikoniawhat is the device that gateway device is attached to20:37
asdf_moviesi guess the gateway is my host device, that would be interface virbr020:38
ikoniadon't guess20:38
bn_worktgm4883: thanks!20:38
asdf_moviesaffirmative. it is the host device20:39
ikoniaso what error do you get if you try to connect to an internet resource from the guest20:39
bn_workpragmaticenigma: thanks, started google searching after I had asked the question.  it seemed like a fairly easy enough task but after reading through 3-4 man pages of apt commands it wasn't obvious20:39
bn_workasdf_movies: did you create the asdf movies? :)20:40
pragmaticenigma!ot | bn_work20:40
ubottubn_work: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:40
bn_worktgm4883: would have never guessed policy, that will be a hard one to remember20:40
tgm4883bn_work: "man apt", but generally you shouldn't need to worry about where packages are from20:41
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: maybe try restarting and start from a fresh losetup -f?20:41
asdf_moviesikonia. it's just stuck on loading.20:42
ikoniaasdf_movies: explain, what are you doing ?20:42
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, ok20:42
dbuggerHi everyone20:42
dbuggerI got a weird issue. I have "Workspace Grid" installed but I keep getting the same linear workspace system I had before.20:43
dbuggerWhy could that be?20:43
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, losetup -f shows /dev/loop0, but same errors20:43
bn_worktgm4883:  `man apt` doesn't actually have anything about `policy` (since it presumably invokes `apt-cache` in the backend I guess),  `man apt-cache` does though :)  only reason I'm trying to figure this out is because I am being forced to work in a stripped down docker ubuntu image that has most sources removed20:44
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: does it still mention loop1?20:45
asdf_moviesi just logged in to my vm through virtmanager and tried to access the internet, which failed. i have two vm's 1) lubuntu 18.04 and 2) windows 8.1   both aren't able to connect to any internet website20:45
andrasbn_work: hi! what is your exact problem?20:45
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: I think they're in the UK or Europe, so no response yet!20:45
ikoniaasdf_movies: so you're opening them websites in a browser on the guest ?20:47
andrasbn_work: if you have problem with apt, try to use apt-get while building your docker image (it works for me)20:47
bn_workandras:  tgm4883 already resolved it for me, I was just giving tgm context :)20:48
ikoniaasdf_movies: ok, so remove the browser, try some basics, do an nslookup of google.com from the guest, does that work20:48
Guest87849Looking for a way to make data history sheet for Blood Pressure. Haven't used this op sys. where can I find a template that would work? Just need 6 or 7 collums.20:51
asdf_moviesoh, it worked20:51
malwar3hun73rEriC^^, if i try to mount from /dev/loop0 after losetup, yes20:51
slawekKanal ubuntupl?20:53
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: you could try to bruteforce the location20:53
Fuchsslawek: /join #ubuntu-pl20:53
asdf_moviesthat's strange because ping doesn't provide any output20:55
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: for i in {0..600000}; do sudo mount -o ro,offset=$(($i * 512 )) /path/to/image /mnt 2>/dev/null && echo offset worked at sector $i; done20:55
EriC^^malwar3hun73r: for i in {0..600000}; do sudo mount -o ro,offset=$(($i * 512 )) /path/to/image /mnt 2>/dev/null && echo offset worked at sector $i && break; done20:56
invasor-zimHello all. Just did the ui upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04. When it finished and rebooted, no gui, just black screen.20:56
invasor-zimAfter getting upset at this happening in 2018, I digged and realized what happened: I used the previous recommended encrypt /home partition, and now ecryptfs is deprecated.20:57
invasor-zimI don't know how to easily switch to the new full disk encryption or anything.20:57
invasor-zimgdm3 won't auto start because it can't auth.20:57
ikoniaasdf_movies: what EXACTLY happens when you ping an address20:58
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: don't use loop0 as I told you. Try: sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 ; sudo losetup /dev/loop7 -f -v /media/sf_Images/000035.00120:58
invasor-zimWhen I bash login, it complaints about keys not on keyring.20:58
ikoniabash login ?20:58
ikoniawhat ??20:58
ikoniaplease try to be speicifc20:58
ikoniaand give details20:59
andrasIt was quite obvious I think.21:00
ikoniaandras: you're welcome to answer and solve the riddle then21:00
comet23what is the default login for ubuntu server?21:00
asdf_moviesikonia, nothing. literally nothing. not even a Destination Host Unreachable. the cursor is just stuck in the next line.21:01
leftyfbcomet23: the one you setup at install21:01
invasor-zimikonia: when I try to login at the terminal, this is the error:21:01
leftyfbcomet23: there is no "default login"21:01
comet23i haven't though21:01
invasor-zim[   53.487117] Could not find key with description: [xxx] [   53.487144] process_request_key_err: No key [   53.487145] Could not find valid key in user session keyring for sig specified in mount option: [xxx]21:01
ikoniaasdf_movies: leave it, see if it times out21:01
ikoniaasdf_movies: do you have a firewall running on the guest21:01
andrasikonia: it looks like he is not able to unlock his home folder21:01
comet23i installed the ubuntu server raspberry pi image21:01
invasor-zim[xxx] edited out21:01
leftyfbcomet23: if you installed ubuntu server from an iso downloaded from ubuntu.com, then you or someone or a preseed file specified a username and password.21:01
ikoniaandras: it's clear the host is forwarding some requests, such as the dns lookup21:01
asdf_movieson pressing ctrl+c it shows number of number of packets transfered with 100% loss21:02
leftyfbcomet23: then go to #raspberrypi since that's not an official install of ubuntu21:02
ikoniaandras: certainly does now with the extra output21:02
jpleauQuestion: My gnome sessions runs on vt2, and vt1 has a login screen from GDM. Both are running at the same time... is that normal?21:02
leftyfbcomet23: also, try ubuntu/ubuntu or pi/raspberry21:02
comet23thank you21:02
invasor-zimgdm3 never loads on boot... if I manually try to start it, it asks for authentication... it then loads... I need it to auto start on boot because that's normal behavior. It can't because of ecryptfs deprecating on 18.0421:02
comet23i see what i forgot to do, i have to setup a username and password manually21:02
comet23i have to go into my sd card and edit some files21:02
leftyfbcomet23: that's not true ... at least not the last time I tried ubuntu server on the pi21:03
leftyfbcomet23: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi#Username.2FPassword21:03
comet23according to that it is21:03
naccjpleau: are you on 18.04?21:04
jpleaunacc: yes21:04
asdf_moviesikonia, no firewall21:04
ikoniaasdf_movies: lets see if it times out21:04
ikoniaasdf_movies: no output is far from the norm, and I can only think of a few reasons to get that21:05
ikoniaasdf_movies: on the host are you running any sort of port forwarding ?21:05
asdf_moviesikonia, ok. the browser has timed out by the way21:05
comet23leftyfb: thank you so much :D21:05
comet23i got in21:05
asdf_moviesno port forwarding. atleast i haven't enabled any, explicitly. is there a way to check if that is enabled?21:06
leftyfbcomet23: thank whoever wrote the documentation that was found by googling "raspberry pi ubuntu"21:06
comet23thank you for telling me what you googled too21:07
comet23now i know what to google for :D21:07
naccjpleau: then yes21:08
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jpleaunacc: Strange, do you know the reasoning behind it?21:08
jpleaunacc: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=747339 found this, will look at it, thanks :)21:09
ubottuGnome bug 747339 in general "GDM Runs on TTY1, While GNOME Shell Started in TTY2 - Kill the greeter session once logged in" [Normal,New]21:09
asdf_moviesi have very little idea of what more information must i give to help with this situation. please let me know what else must i do. sorry for the inconvenience21:12
tnssanyone having problems with Steam in 18.0421:12
asdf_moviestnss, describe your problem. others will be able to help you out better that way21:13
asdf_moviesikonia. i have to get some sleep now. good bye. it's 3 am here21:21
=== Night is now known as Guest98205
sonicwindSo I just learned about debconf and debconf-show ... I'm curious though why debconf-show doesn't show any results for xserver-xorg, xorg and compiz. It showed them for lightdm. Anyone know? I'm still on 16.04.21:32
MatejaIs this an ip script? http://www.thedubber.altervista.org/ip/21:37
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|Night|hey have ubuntu detrusted digicert? i keep getting root ca error on wget21:40
|Night|"certificate, issued by ‘CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US’:21:40
|Night|Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.21:40
|Night|To connect to plex.tv insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'."21:40
badsekterno more unity in the new ubuntu?21:44
sonicwindnope, you can add it though21:45
blip99hi all. I can get the date/time that packages were installed from dpkg.log, but how can I use that info to find out when I upgraded my ubuntu system? (to 18.04).  IS there something specific to look for21:45
badsekterwhat is the default DM? gnome 3?21:45
sm0ruxWhere can I read about snap? I guess I have to set it up in some way as I use Swedish localization and get a lot of extra folder in ~ as soon as I try to install a snap package.21:46
badsektersonicwind: i mean DE, sorry... gnome 3?21:46
sonicwindyes... with some customization. Ubuntu has its own dock.21:47
omarpikonia: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VzhPfcTD2F/  , docker.service: Service has more than one ExecStart, I edited file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf21:48
omarpikonia: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CxPcBnzSrg/21:49
naccsm0rux: see #snappy21:57
sm0ruxnacc: Thanks!21:57
naccomarp: why are there two ExecStart lines? that's a syntax error21:57
naccsm0rux: np21:57
omarpnacc: docker.service has more than one ExecStart= setting, which is only allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing. please see: https://gist.github.com/gyliu513/db71915dc475c183aa94dc1f184a113f22:19
azdachahi guys, i've an issue with NPM where it installs webpack-dev-server unproperly ; anyone has this issue as well ?22:24
Battlehello all, so i'm trying to setup a little website or two using ispconfig (hopefully someone is familiar with this?), i installed it, few errors, fixed those, everything was basicallly working fine.. and I wanted all to be prety secure, so i started researching what are the 'normal' things to do to secure a web server e.t.c. i found a few websites that scan yourwebsite for any obvious signs of weaknesses like and things that 22:36
BattleI followed some guides, and made some changes, nothing too heavy..things like enabling SSL with better ciphers? and removing version from visibility, things like that22:37
xamithanIs that a question?22:37
Battleno im explaining, question is coming XD22:37
Battleall was fine and working, however the following day, i tried to access the website, and the main website was fine, however going to the ISPConfig contrl panel, triggers this warning about the SSL being insecure22:38
BattleI've tried a ton of things including re-creating the SSL cert, but it refuses to stop telling me its "invalid" and thus insecure..22:38
Battlechrome literally wont allow me to go forward...but firefox lets me accept the risk and proceed... I found that "Common Name mismatch"  was showing apparently, so i fixed that, but still same issue22:39
xamithanYou sure it just isn't saying it is insecure because it is self-signed ?22:39
Battleit did say this initally (first time I went tot he site) and it did specfically state, self signed being the reason22:40
Battlehowever, now its an entirely different message, ill get a screenshot 1 sec22:40
xamithanI'd throw certbot and letsencrypt on it with a real cert before doing anything else,  but thats just me.22:40
xamithanNo reason not to have one,  they are free22:41
Jordan_U_Battle: Is there a message about HSTS? Is your site using HSTS?22:41
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Battleyes Jordan_U, thats exactly it22:42
Battleit tells me that its using that, which was fine yesterday too....but suddenly its not today? XD22:42
Jordan_UBattle: Because it's likely that your control panel is using a self signed certificate, where the rest or your website is using a letsencrypt certificate which is actually associated with a trusted root certificate.22:42
=== Night is now known as Guest47689
Battleoh I see22:43
Battleso if I were to create a letsencrypt cert for ISPConfig, that should solve it?22:43
Jordan_UBattle: I belive it would need to use the same certificate used for the rest of the domain, though possibly you could just make the certificate used on your public site associated with just bob.com and not any subdomains, so that it doesn't encompass your ispconfig.bob.com subdomain you're using for ISPconfig. (I've never used ISPconfig, so I don't know if you access it by using a different subdomain).22:45
Battleits using a different port22:46
Battlebut same identical domain as the main website22:46
xamithanso use the same cert22:46
Battlewww.bob.com and www.bob.com:808022:46
Battleoh i didnt know i could do that, so literally just copy the files XD22:46
xamithanor symlink it.  I wouldn't use multile files because it has to renew every 60-90 days or so22:47
Jordan_UBattle: The problem is that by using HSTS you're telling every browser that visits your website: "Hey, I am a security concious website and I'm never going to not use https with a valid certificate. If you ever visite my site again and there isn't a valid certificate, don't even think about letting the user access the page because it's definitely not really us."22:47
Battleoh I seeeee22:47
Battlewould you suggest disabling hths?22:47
Jordan_UBattle: Firefox probably is allowing you to continue with an invalid / self signed certificate because you haven't visited your public facing website with Firefox before.22:48
blackflowplus all subsequent requests are always https even if you don't specify it.22:48
BattleIt was one of many recommendations, so i figured i should do it... but if its like super overkill ?22:48
blackflowno, HSTS is good.22:48
Battleokay, so its beter to just fix it , alright22:49
Battlethanks ill give this a go XD22:49
Jordan_UBattle: I would recommend that you make sure that the certificate for your public website doesn't encompass the subdomain you're using for ISPconfig. I'm guessing that right now you're using a wildcard certificate that applies to all *.bob.com subdomains.22:49
xamithanIt uses a different port, same domain22:49
Jordan_UBattle: Or if it does encompass ISPconfig, make sure that ISPconfig is using a valid certificate associated with a trusted root. I have no idea how hard that would be and since I know nothing about ISPconfig it's possible that doing it wrong could make you accidentally vulnerable to some other security issue, so do your homework before making any change.22:50
BattleJordan_U I was using a specific www.bob.com22:50
Battlecert originally22:50
Jordan_UBattle: I need to leave now unfortunately.22:51
Battleafter the mismatch errors , i read about wildcard support, so i tried that..., it didn solve the issue22:51
Battleso i reverted it to: bob.com22:51
Battleand no problem Jordan_U thanks :)22:51
=== giraffe is now known as Guest34373
adalbert Hi, after upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 my named server keeps spitting out : resolver priming query complete, - to the syslog. Any idea what's causing this ?23:01
Battleokay that appears to have resolved it23:02
Battleno logner have the HTST message/untrusted cert, however, it's super slow23:02
Battlelike 5-6 seconds of page loading before it loads...o.O23:02
aloo_shuI'm trying to support somebody with ubuntustudio 18.04, until now, when he started jack through qjackctl, the pulse-jack bridge came up automatically, i.e pulse kept running, loaded the Jack Sink and -Source - modules, which became visible in jack and connected to system capture and playback. Now it seems like the bridge is missing, the user claims not having changed anything, so it could have been an update. anyhow, how to fire up the bridge man…23:04
aloo_shu…ually,or how to get a good config back?23:04
Battlehmmm speed issue seems to be isolcated to chrome, so the websever appears fixed and fine23:05
Battlethanks guys :D23:05
rocketeerHow can I run a snap package as root? I'm looking to get spotify to change the directory it stores downloaded songs to to an external drive, but that for some reason requires it to have superuser privileges23:10
rocketeerI get the following error when I try "sudo spotify" or "gksudo spotify":  No protocol specified  (spotify:5466): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :023:11
Skaface82dont run it as root, change the permissions of the directory you wish to save to23:14
sonicwindI don't know if its the same issue rocketeer, but I got some stuff to work like that with snaps by installing with the --classic confinement23:14
sonicwindso sudo snap install --classic vlc    for example23:15
rocketeerI'm trying to save to an external hard drive, and the only way to get there via the spotify file selection dialogue is to go via /media/username/drive23:15
rocketeerLet me try the classic install23:16
rocketeersnap spotify is already installed23:16
sonicwindit is supposed to loosen up the restrictions in saving23:16
sonicwindI think you need to uninstall and reinstall to try it then23:17
rocketeerah that makes sense23:17
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
sonicwindI had the same problem with vlc and that worked for me23:19
Skaface82can you save anything to your external drive as your regular user?23:19
Skaface82copy files to it?23:19
case`rocketeer: try chown (spotify-dir) user23:20
case`or as Skaface82 points out.. check write permissions of ext drive23:21
Skaface82especially if its a windows formatted drive, youll need to change the owner of the files in the mount options in fstab23:23
Skaface82maybe theres an easier way to do it in ubuntu, but thats how ive always done it23:23
rocketeerSkaface82: It's a windows formatted drive, but I can save to it normally23:25
rocketeerI have no problems telling non-root transmission to save there23:25
Skaface82did you create the spotify director in windows?23:25
sonicwinddid you try classic confinement?23:25
Skaface82ok cool23:25
case`rocketeer: what are permissions of spotify dir?23:26
rocketeerThe directory I'm trying to save to or the permissions of the directory spotify the application is in?23:26
rocketeerMy user is the owner of the directory I'm trying to save things to23:26
case`the spotify dir23:26
rocketeerIt seems that /snap/bin/spotify belongs to root23:29
case`chown the dir to your user "sudo chown /snap/bin/spotify yourusername" that should give you permissions23:31
case`hello xirg23:33
ubuntunoobHi everyone. First time here. I'm a noob ubuntu user and somehow i just broke up my ubuntu installation.. I had dual boot win10 + ubuntu 16.04. I tryed a couple of commands to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 and now I can't get ubuntu to start. it just boots to a black screen with a stucked cli cursor at the upper left corner. Can someone point me in the right direction to try to recover my ubuntu partition?23:34
xamithanYou probably just need to reinstall your video drivers ubuntunoob23:35
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:35
xamithanTry that then install them23:35
ubuntunoobHi xamithan, thanks for your reply.23:35
ubuntunoobI tryed <e> on grub screen and replaced quiet splash for no splash23:36
ubuntunooband even tryed that nomodese23:36
ubuntunooband still cant get it to boot23:36
case`ubuntunoob, you could try reinstalling grub, or even run update grub23:37
sonicwindubuntunoob - this "canonical" thread on askubuntu might help with ideas - https://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it23:38
xamithanIf you can't ctrl + alt + f2 and get a tty then reinstall grub would be best23:38
case`if you have a spare disk or usb key, a small iso boot repair can be created which will purge your grub config then reinstall23:39
ubuntunoobi already tryed the boot repair. but will try once more.. maybe i didnt get it right23:39
ubuntunoobI appreciate you all for the input. I'll check the link too23:40
case`very handy to have a boot repair disk23:40
xamithanPersonally I've never had that boot repair program work23:40
RoadRunnerxamithan: Want to switch video card from Nvidia to AMD on an existing Xubuntu 16.04 install. This is the driver that's currently installed: https://imgur.com/a/EClJjtn23:41
RoadRunner Do I need to uninstal this nvidia driver first before swaping cards or will xubuntu do the driver switch automaticaly on next reboot? If need to uninstall manually, then how?23:41
case`has come to my rescue a few times23:41
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case`i would personally uninstall current driver first, driver manager can aid with uninstall through gui23:43
=== Erasmus is now known as INSTAKILLAH
linux_noobianUbuntu says I don't have enough free space to restore a deleted file. Where does it store deleted files if it's not on my main drive?23:45
RoadRunnermy concern is not to end up with a black screen if I uninstall nvidia driver manually23:47
case`noobian: where are you trying to restore file from?23:47
case`Roadrunnner: if you use a driver manager gui, there should be an option to revert driver23:48
=== Night is now known as Guest23782
RoadRunnercase`: i run xubuntu 16.04; does it have a driver manager?23:50
linux_noobiancase`: C: drive trash to C: drive23:50
aloo_shuubuntustudio 18.04 : if jack is started, pulse should load Jack Source and Jack Sink modules automatically to provide desktop applications a bridge into the jack audio connection kit and hence alsa. How to get that behaviour back if for reasons unknown (pkg upgrade, e.g), it is broken and the pulse-jack bridge doesn't appear in jack anymore?23:52
case`RoadRunner: sry.. gui is "additional drivers" system settings/hardware23:52
case`noobian, can you see file in trashcan?23:53
linux_noobiancase`: yes, i see it in the trashcan23:54
linux_noobianit's taking up most of the space on my SSD, 74gb. but i can't restore it to its original location 'not enough space'23:55
Skaface82does ubuntu automatically run pulse-jack bridge?23:55
aloo_shuSkaface82: I think it should, yes23:56
case`check file properties.. if is too large try compressing it archive manager23:56
aloo_shuprobably in the jack pkg23:56
Skaface82aloo_shu: cause i know with debian the pulse-jack stuff wasnt supported and had to manually run commands23:56
aloo_shuusing jack and pulse together is supposed to work ootb in ubuntusudio23:56
Skaface82not sure about ubuntu though23:56
RoadRunnercase`: that is exactly where my paste from above came from; but regardless of whether I remove a driver through gui or terminal (sudo apt remove nvidia*) if the screen goes black - I will not be able to revert23:56
Skaface82ohh ok23:56
aloo_shuit worked and works generally, but broke for someone I'm trying to assist, Skaface8223:57
SlidingHornaloo_shu: I'm right here you know.... xD23:57
aloo_shuSkaface82: and I am on an android tablet and cannot look up documentation, Skaface8223:58
aloo_shuhi SlidingHorn. :)23:58
RoadRunnercase`: and more importantly: For xubuntu to install the AMD driver, does the comp need to have an internet connection or is the driver already present in some kernel "extras" package that's already on the hard drive?23:58
aloo_shuI'm trying to bring it up every 1/2 hr or s23:58
SlidingHornaloo_shu: my understanding is that the next version of UbuntuStudio-controls is going to have most of this worked out, and cadence seems to work perfectly, so I'm all set for now23:58
aloo_shuSlidingHorn: got cadence now?23:59
case`RoadRunner:Is there not an option to revert back to the basic X driver before the nvidia was installed? Not sure of the name begins with n23:59
SlidingHornaloo_shu: yes...that and Catia solved my problem immediately23:59

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