
xubuntu39ihi i am a serius problem, partition of my principal disk02:19
xubuntu39ii am asol02:19
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
xubuntu27dhi there i have this strange program http://ppa.launchpad.net/ys/radio-battletoads that keeps loading in terminal whenever i try to run updates in it i cannot seem to find any info of how to remove it can someone help me please it just seems to run a bunch of updates that dont actually do anything but waste time?06:00
waltyou must have a ppa added to your system.  Remove the ppa06:05
xubuntu27dhow is that done? i have no idea how this ppa got installed on my system...06:08
xubuntu27dhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XCKDcxxXsK/ how do i remove this ppa radio-battletoads thing?06:18
waltI am new to xubuntu.  But in /etc/apt/ you will have a directory called sources.list.  In there will be your ppas. Delete all that look related to that name06:18
xubuntu27dthank you so do i type sudo apt-get /etc/apt in terminal?06:20
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:20
waltThe others are right.  Best to purge the ppa.06:20
waltIf you don't you may be left with broken dependencies.06:21
xubuntu27dthank yous very much i will try that06:21
waltAnd NO your command was not correct06:21
waltMost often you can just delete the entry in sources.list.d.  BUT much safer to remove with ppa-purge.06:22
waltProblem is you need to know the exact name of the repo06:22
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:THE_PPA Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~THE_PPA/ubuntu/ppa'. ERROR: '~THE_PPA' user or team does not exist. dta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$06:29
xubuntu27ddid i do something incorrectly?06:29
waltcomputers are perfect we are not.06:30
waltdid you first install the program ppa-purge06:30
waltsudo apt-get install ppa-purge06:30
xubuntu27dok that worked to install the ppa-purge that time but same error message regardless of it being installed now06:34
waltlike I said.  You need the exact name of the repo.  The problem is in the command06:35
walttry this06:36
waltsudo ppa-purge radio-battletoads06:36
waltonly that06:36
xubuntu27dhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XCKDcxxXsK/ is the list of them i think?06:36
waltwhat version of xubuntu are you on?06:38
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:THE_PPA Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~THE_PPA/ubuntu/ppa'. ERROR: '~THE_PPA' user or team does not exist. dta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$ sudo ppa-purge radio-battletoads Updating packages lists W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ys/radio-battletoads/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file. E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ys/radio-battletoads/ubuntu/dists/xe06:38
xubuntu27d404  Not Found E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Warning:  apt-get update failed for some reason dta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$06:39
waltThat ppa is quite old.  My guess is it won't hurt to just delete it from the sources06:41
waltdid you try the command I sent?06:41
waltsudo ppa-purge radio-battletoads06:41
waltok.  then I would try and just remove the offending entry or entries from the sources.list directory.06:43
xubuntu27dok how do i find that?06:44
waltopen a terminal.06:45
waltcd /etc/apt/sources.list.d06:45
waltthen the command ls06:45
waltthat will list the contents.06:45
waltYou will have two of them that are related to battletoads06:45
waltdelete both of them.06:45
waltI am new to xubuntu.06:46
waltBut old to *buntu06:46
xubuntu27dys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list.save dta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$06:47
xubuntu27di see those two06:48
waltwell done.  Now remove them or safer rename them or move them.06:49
waltto move them you can sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/name_of_file /etc/name_of_file.old06:51
waltthat will move them to a harmless location in case you need battetoads again.  I sure hope not :)06:51
xubuntu27ddo i type in the same open terminal ... sudo ppa-purge ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads06:52
xubuntu27di wont ever need them again06:52
waltYOu can try that.06:53
xubuntu27dnever needed them idk how they got on my system at all...06:53
waltIf you don't need them then I would sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/name_of_file06:53
waltdo it for both of them.06:53
waltsudo apt-get update06:53
waltand sudo apt-get upgrade.06:54
xubuntu27dfresh pastebin showing full process so far in terminal...07:02
waltread it.07:03
waltyou can't use && like that.07:03
walt&& requires the full command each time.07:03
walthave you removed the two offenders in the sources.list directory?07:03
waltI don't think ppa-purge will work.  It doesn't on all ppas07:04
xubuntu27dthis battletoads thing seems to be some sort of "Trolling" i see on Pawn Stars that they have had annoying phonecalls constantly with this battletoads thing07:06
walthave you deleted the two files?07:07
xubuntu27dit wont let me...07:07
waltwhat's the error07:07
xubuntu27dys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list.save dta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$  dta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ sudo ppa-purge sudo ppa-purge ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads [sudo] password for dta:  Updating packages lists W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ys/radio-battletoads/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file. E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.n07:10
xubuntu27dnial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Warning:  apt-get update failed for some reason07:10
waltNO not that.07:10
waltmanually remove the files as I mentioned earlier.07:10
waltfirst cd to the location. Then ls to get the names.  Then sudo rm /path/name to delete the two related to the toads07:11
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ cd dta@dta-NV59C:~$ ls07:18
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:~$ sudo rm ppa-purge ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list [sudo] password for dta:  rm: cannot remove 'ppa-purge': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove 'ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list': No such file or directory dta@dta-NV59C:~$07:19
waltNo you are not understanding.  Or I am not explaining well.07:19
waltDo not use ppa-purge anymore.  You need to find the files.07:19
waltfrom the terminal do this.07:19
waltcd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/07:20
waltThen type07:20
waltIt will list all your ppa files.07:20
waltTwo of them need removes07:20
waltOnce you get that far let me know.07:20
waltThen the next step.07:20
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:~/Desktop$ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ dta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ ls me-davidsansome-ubuntu-clementine-xenial.list me-davidsansome-ubuntu-clementine-xenial.list.save mixxx-ubuntu-mixxxbetas-xenial.list mixxx-ubuntu-mixxxbetas-xenial.list.save obsproject-ubuntu-obs-studio-xenial.list obsproject-ubuntu-obs-studio-xenial.list.save skype-stable.list skype-stable.list.save ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial07:22
xubuntu27dl.list.save dta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$07:22
waltok now to delete them.07:23
waltsudo rm /etc/apt/source.list.d/ys-ubuntu-ba. . .07:24
walttype a bit of the file name and hit the tab button to autocomplete.07:24
waltYOu need to remove the *.list and *.save files that are battletoads07:24
waltI have 20 minutes and then off to home.07:26
walthope you can solve this.  Its not hurting your system just annoying07:27
xubuntu27ddta@dta-NV59C:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ sudo rm /etc/apt/source.list.d/ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list [sudo] password for dta:  rm: cannot remove '/etc/apt/source.list.d/ys-ubuntu-radio-battletoads-xenial.list': No such file or directory07:28
waltthen you have the name or path wrong07:30
waltsorry pal.  Works on my system.07:33
xubuntu27dthx4 trying07:33
waltYou can also remove the ppa from your package manager07:33
waltThe GUI method.  Not sure in xubuntu07:34
waltI am sure the method I described will work.  Just a small error somewhere07:35
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:36
walt[15:24] <walt> type a bit of the file name and hit the tab button to autocomplete.07:37
pmjdebru1jnhey, does the xfwm4 vsync feature work for anybody08:50
pmjdebru1jnI tried using (with intel graphics) and it didnt work08:50
pmjdebru1jnjust no change08:50
pmjdebru1jnquickly tried compton, and that just worked08:50
blingrangHi, I recently upgraded to 16.04 from 14.04. Prior to this the login screen would use my (random) wallpaper as the background display. Now it's just using one of the fixed ubuntu ones.11:06
blingrangAny way to go have the random wallpaper behaviour?11:08
blingrangAlso note, on 14.04, I hadn't done anything custom.11:09
patrick_I'm trying to setup Google Drive for Xubuntu (latest updates installed) per https://tutorialforlinux.com/2016/07/02/google-drive-client-quickstart-for-xubuntu-16-04-xenial-lts/ but when I try Step 3 I get ** (gnome-control-center:3797): WARNING **: 07:02:43.042: Could not find settings panel "online-accounts"11:09
patrick_Could it be because the tutorial was for 16.04 and I'm running 18.04?11:12
Unit193blingrang: xfdesktop4 still communicates via accountsservice to lightdm as long as it can read, you can see if it's set in /var/lib/AccountsService/users/$USER11:12
blingrangUnit193, forgive me, but not sure what exactly I should be looking at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m2D4BMMTt5/. Should I set SystemAccount=true?11:16
Unit193Nope, that wallpaper as stated in 'Background' should be seen as the wallpaper for lightdm.11:17
Unit193Presuming you use lightdm-gtk-greeter.11:17
Unit193And permissions I presume are fine as well.  Just to confirm, /etc/X11/default-display-manager has the path to lightdm, and lightdm --show-config  shows nothing odd?11:19
Unit193Presuming those are all fine, it *should* work.11:19
blingrangUnit193, no, they seem fine. I just noticed, though, the login initially shows my wallpaper before reverting to the default ubuntu one. It flashed.11:25
Unit193I thought the user enabled one overrides the one set in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, but perhaps not.11:26
blingrangdon't know if it matters but the problem started after I changed the lightdm greeter window position.11:28
blingrangAlso, the greeter conf you mentioned has "user-background = false". Will that help?11:29
blingrangSetting it to true I mean.11:30
Unit193'true' is default.11:30
blingranghmmm, ok let me change11:30
blingrangNo luck.11:33
Unit193Given that accountsservice is aware of the set background, it's not likely xfdesktop or whatnot issue.  Otherwise I'd suspect an unpatched xfdesktop (from a PPA or whatnot.)11:38
blingrangUnit193, Hmmm, ok. Thanks for the help.12:12
pmjdebru1jnanybody a clue why light-locker doesn't transition smoothly to and from the lock screen?12:46
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aprHi all!16:25
slickymasterWork!hi | apr16:27
ubottuapr: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:27
Spassis it possible to preview SVG files in Catfish results window? if not should I submit a request on bugzilla? that feature would be very useful for me17:52
intensohi just install xubuntu in my pc and dont have  sound when put headphones jacks already try some commands around pulseaudio18:18
flocculantintenso: check the options in the mixer you can find in the sound plugin18:24
intensoin alsamixer18:24
intensoi have auto mute enable18:24
intensois this?18:24
intensohow i disable it18:24
flocculantno idea - don't have your hardware - I'd try though18:24
flocculantand that is not the mixer I mean - look in the sound plugin on the panel18:25
intensoPlaca: HDA Intel PCH                             F1: Ajuda                   │18:25
intenso│  Chip: Realtek ALC270                            F2: Informação do Sistema   │18:25
intenso│   Ver: F3:[Reprodução] F4: Capturar  F5: Todos   F6: Selecionar placa de som │18:25
intenso│  Item: Auto-Mute Mode [Enabled]                  Esc: Sair18:25
intensokumool,  o copied aciddentaly18:31
samwanHello, I just installed Xubuntu 18.04 coming from Debian and it works nice so far. I just have a question, I encountered a nasty installer bug but I managed to get around it by just retrying. if I select to encrypt my entire disk, grub-install failed several times randomly until it eventually worked at the third or fourth try. Is there something known about it or can I file a bug?19:49
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:53
sm0ruxI use a clean install of 18.04 on a Asus VivoBook. When I eject a USB stick in Thunar 1.6.15 I get a message about data being written to the stick and after several minutes I get an error message. Is this a known bug? Any solution?20:25
flocculantI think there is a bug20:26
flocculantmmm - different issue seemingly20:26
ondondilI had the same problem and send automatic report via whoopsie when thunar segfaulted 30 minutes after ejecting the drive20:27
flocculantnot even sure when this showed up - it wasn't in 18.04 a while back20:27
sm0ruxI've tried several USB sticks, all giving the same problem20:28
flocculantsm0rux: yea - I'm not convinced it's actually thunar20:28
flocculantsm0rux: could you install pcmanfm and see if you can replicate it there for us?20:29
sm0ruxflocculant: installing right now :)20:30
flocculantI could replicate what I was seeing there20:31
flocculantcurrently I've got the gtk3 thunar from xfce master - that does as expected20:32
sm0ruxflocculant: No problem in pcmanfm as far as I can see20:33
flocculantok :)20:33
sm0ruxSorry :)20:33
flocculantno problem - thanks for looking20:33
sm0ruxJust installed from the repository: PCManFM 1.2.5 using LibFM ver. 1.2.520:34
flocculantsm0rux: do you have a bugzilla account?20:34
flocculantyou could report it there20:35
sm0ruxI think I have. That isn't the same as Launchpad?20:35
sm0ruxReporting is the least I can do - can't hack the source :) bugzilla.org?20:36
ondondilflocculant, I'm having the same issue as sm0rux and pcmanfm works fine here too20:36
flocculantok - it might be bug 176259520:37
ubottubug 1762595 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar incorrectly thinks USB storage device hasn't finished ejecting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176259520:37
flocculantI'm waiting for one of our team to come back so I can hassle him about these thunar things20:38
flocculantsm0rux ondondil - does gio mount -e /path/to/usb work?20:40
flocculantwill read reply at silly o'clock tomorrow - off now20:41
sm0ruxflocculant: As far as I understand I experience exactly the issue in Launchpad bug 176259520:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762595 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar incorrectly thinks USB storage device hasn't finished ejecting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176259520:42
ondondilflocculant, gio mount -e /path/to/usb seems to work fine and doesn't return any errors20:49
sm0ruxflocculant ondondil: same here20:53
bluesabreSpass: I think svg previews used to work, so might be a big in thumbnail generation21:12
* Javabean wonders just how much raid is gone through in this room alone21:18
Spassbluesabre, ok I tested it again and I think it doesn't show previews when I'm searching only in "root" folders e.g. /usr/share/icons/21:20
Spassso it probably works as intended21:20
Spasserr, or not, there's something wrong with that SVG previews still21:23
Spasseasy way to check that is to search something in /usr/share/icons/Humanity for example21:28
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
adalbertHi, after upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 my named server keeps spitting out : resolver priming query complete, - to the syslog. Any idea what's causing this ?23:01

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