
vinobabbageclunk: sure. SO for now i will address the systemd unit tests. Becuase if the fix around mongo.go is not justfied. then there is no point me fixing those mongo_tests. But i am sure the fix around that verification is ok.00:01
babbageclunkvino: makes sense00:06
vinoI will also add a note around there in PR so that anyone looks into it can have a say abt that part in mongo.go. Maybe Ian can look into it later.00:08
babbageclunkvino: can we chat in a hangout? I've got some questions about the PR.00:54
vinobabbageclunk: hi can u gimme 5 mins please... i am almost done fixing all issues in systemd.00:55
vinoplease :)00:55
vinoor 2 mins00:56
babbageclunkvino: ok, ping when you're ready. :)00:56
vinobabbageclunk: thank u00:56
vinobabbageclunk: lets go to hangout01:00
veebersCould I get a review on this quick one? (removing debugging logging) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/867301:12
* anastasiamac looking01:12
veeberscheers anastasiamac01:14
veebersargh, the failure reason: I'm a bid dumb doo-doo head :-\03:01
veebersreplace "return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)" with "return cmd", *should* have been: return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd)03:01
veeberskelvinliu: FYI https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/868304:38
kelvinliuveebers, looking now04:38
veebersbabbageclunk: ^^ thats the PR for the work I spoke with you about the other day (add-k8s command being a BaseCommand or controller command vs a model command)04:38
* thumper EODs04:45
babbageclunkveebers: consarn it, why didn't I get a notification about that! Sorry. Looking now anyway.04:57
babbageclunkveebers: approved04:59
veebersyay cheers04:59
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
srihashi guys, I have added 10 machines using juju add-machine. if I do juju machines I get all machines 0-9 with state started08:10
srihasI am trying to deploy openstack-base using juju deploy ./openstack-base08:10
srihasbut I have removed the "machines" section from the bundle.yaml file08:11
srihasThese are the errors I am getting08:12
srihasif I keep the machines section, then the error is like No available machine matches constraints: [('zone', ['default']), ('agent_name', ['ca16835a-e545-49b1-89ac-d59fea465599'])] (resolved to "zone=defau08:12
srihascan someone help?08:12
zeestratsrihas: If you're trying to map existing machines then you might want to look into mapping them: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.3/charms-bundles#recycling-machines08:14
srihaszeestrat: saved my day08:16
srihasthank you :)08:16
zeestratsrihas: No problemo.08:18
srihaszeestrat: the bundle doesn't have corosync+pacemaket thing for HA, can I add it later and map using relations?08:20
zeestratsrihas: We usually deploy it straight away, but should probably work later to as long as you set the correct options. See https://jujucharms.com/hacluster/ for more details08:22
srihaszeestrat: will look at it, I might need to tweak a little bit :) ty08:24
srihaszeestrat: it installed mysql 5.6 along with the bundle not mysql 5.708:29
srihasI will wait and see if it upgrades after deployment08:29
srihascinder/3                waiting   idle   4/lxd/0      8776/tcp        Incomplete relations: messaging13:12
srihashow can I see the logs?13:12
srihasrabbitmq-server/5       active    idle   6/lxd/5     5672/tcp        Unit is ready and clustered13:12
srihasAm I missing something?13:14
cory_futinwood: I updated https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/396 per your review, when you have a chance to take a look.  I'm also looking over your PR and I'm just about ready to +1 it.  Should we consider updating the snapcraft.yaml to use Py3, though?14:30
tinwoodcory_fu, hi!  Sure, I'll take at look at 396.  I hadn't thought of the snapcraft.yaml to be honest :)  Yes, it's probably a very good idea.  Shall I do that too as part of the PR?14:31
cory_futinwood: Sure.14:31
tinwoodcory_fu, kk, I'll take a look at that.14:32
bobeowith my juju deployment via maas, I can account for 17 physical servers, but inside of maas, I only see 9 nodes accounted for. 2 of the 17 are dedicated for a physical instance of vmware, 1 for an haproxy instance, so thats 3 of 17, plus 9, for 12. 5 are unaccounted for, but 89 devices are listed in maas. What are some suggestions on best ways to approach this situation? Also, I would like to move machines and applications between models14:51
manadartguild cats: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/868614:53
bobeowith my juju deployment via maas, I can account for 17 physical servers, but inside of maas, I only see 9 nodes accounted for. 2 of the 17 are dedicated for a physical instance of vmware, 1 for an haproxy instance, so thats 3 of 17, plus 9, for 12. 5 are unaccounted for, but 89 devices are listed in maas. What are some suggestions on best ways to approach this situation? Also, I would like to move machines and applications between models15:21
bdxbobeo: I would back wayyyyy out15:25
bdxbobeo: 1) get everything working/showing up correctly in maas15:25
bdxwithout juju being a part of the picture15:26
bdxbobeo: 2) bootstrap maas with juju only after you have #1 ironed out15:27
bdxbobeo: that should get you moving in the right direction15:28
rick_h_bobeo: so MAAS will search the network for devices out of the box on the network15:28
rick_h_bobeo: this could be wifi access points, tvs, really anything15:28
rick_h_bobeo: so the nodes view is only comissioned hardware that Juju would use15:28
rick_h_bobeo: anything on the devices list aren't in Juju's realm. That's a MAAS/network thing15:29
rick_h_if I'm reading that right15:29
bdxahh I think I may have read it wrong, @bobeo my bad - sounds like your maas may be working legitimately and you are just confused about the extra devices showing up in maas?15:35
bdx"with my juju deployment via maas, I can account for 17 physical servers" - possibly some of these are lxd15:35
bdxrick_h wins15:35
* rick_h_ does victory dance...if he's right15:41
rick_h_mainly looking for opportunities to dance15:41
TheAbsentOnerick_h_ I hope your victory dance isn't one that makes it rain x)16:07
TheAbsentOneDoes anyone see why I get a TypeError method() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given on https://github.com/Ciberth/generic-database/blob/master/reactive/generic-database.py#L35 I'm confused as I used the pgsql interface before and it worked like this :s16:09
TheAbsentOnehttps://interface-pgsql.readthedocs.io/en/stable/requires.html#example-usage <-- exactly the same no?16:10
bdxTheAbsentOne: I'm 0/1 today so no promises16:19
bdxTheAbsentOne: they aren't the same, I can spot the difference, can you?16:20
TheAbsentOnewell I feel more and more retarded every day I work with the reactive framework so go ahead become 1/2 haha16:22
bdxTheAbsentOne: the new endpoints stuff should help with this issue because you can forego passing the arguments into the function at all and just use endpoint = endpoint_from_flag('psqldb.master.available'); endpoint.master['dbname'] -  basically you are passing two objects into that function because of the two flags in the @when, and you only defin16:24
bdxe one argument16:24
bdxTheAbsentOne: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/mysql-shared-example/blob/master/reactive/mysql_shared_example.py#L3916:25
TheAbsentOnethat's what I was thinking the second flag passes a second object so basicly 2 'selfs' right? bdx16:26
TheAbsentOneso in this example I can just delete the parameter then?16:26
bobeobdx: rick_h_  Yea, its working right, and synced right with juju. my issue is I have hardware that is an outlier to juju/maas, and I want to keep it that way for that existing infrastructure. I made the mistake of not configuring the IPMI intelligently, which was my mistake, and so now Im trying to unfubar myself16:26
bdxlol ok then :)16:27
TheAbsentOneand what is the proper way to have the object then where I can call set_database on in the function above bdx ? Can you do that too with endpoint?16:27
bobeoThe idea being identify the other 8, which I have now,a nd figure out A. How did I miss 8 servers? and B. Reconfigure their IPMI networking so they arent mixed in, so I dont make the same mistake twice.16:27
bdxTheAbsentOne: yes16:27
bdxTheAbsentOne: another example  https://github.com/omnivector-solutions/layer-logstash/blob/master/reactive/logstash.py#L53,L5616:28
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
TheAbsentOneso i can endpoint = endpoint_from_flag('..'); endpoint.set_database()? bdx16:28
TheAbsentOnethat's awesome, thanks for that example of logstash16:29
TheAbsentOneI'm really messing things up by combining new ways with old ways it seems16:29
bdxTheAbsentOne: yeah, things just recently got changed around a bit, I'm totally in favor of the endpoints patter (the new way) - I feel its far cleaner and more explicit amongst other things16:33
bdxTheAbsentOne: its probably just more confusing for you combining the two16:33
bdxTheAbsentOne: the olden way should be gone and deprecated soon enough, I would just stick with the endpoints pattern going forward unless you have a reason not to16:36
TheAbsentOneyeah definitely the endpoint pattern is awesome, it's just that I try to look at other examples for help and stuff and I mix it up doing weird stuff16:55
TheAbsentOneI'm gonna try to fix it in a bit thanks again bdx, maybe you should write a tutorial ;)16:55
bdxTheAbsentOne: seems to be all I do lately - https://imgur.com/a/lgEkHKn16:57
bdxthats only a small subsection of the overall docs16:58
TheAbsentOneHehe shows how fluent you are with it! I'll try to write some things to and let you guys review it, might be interesting for newcomers16:58
TheAbsentOneis it public available? bdx16:58
bdxTheAbsentOne: awesome16:59
bdxnot yet16:59
bdxthey will be soon16:59
TheAbsentOnelooking forward to it!16:59
bdxgetting lots of good feedback internally, should give for a better end product when I release them to the wild16:59
bdxgive me a week or so,  I'll ping the list when I start releasing them17:00
TheAbsentOneGood stuff, sounds very nice17:02
rick_h_Juju Show reminder in 40min kwmonroe cory_fu bdx zeestrat and anyone else that wants to hang out or stream17:22
rick_h_get your coffee filled up17:22
kwmonroeahoy rick_h_, i won't be able to make it today -- we welcomed a baby girl into the world last week, so i'm just getting caught up from paternity leave.  i'll see your coffee advice and raise you a redbull.17:41
rick_h_kwmonroe: congrats!!!!!17:41
rick_h_kwmonroe: time to setup the mainline17:41
rick_h_kwmonroe: assume everyone is doing ok?17:41
kwmonroeyup yup rick_h_, everyone is doing great!17:42
TheAbsentOnekwmonroe congratz, enjoy it!17:43
rick_h_kwmonroe: so awesome, get a good nap in :)17:43
bobeobdx: rick_h_ ok so I solved that problem, now juju is trying to deploy in two zones I dont want it to deploy from, which arent the defalt zone. any ideas?17:51
rick_h_Links for the show today: to join and chat https://goo.gl/4kZPBT and to watch all the things from the comfort of an un-mike'd browser use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIDcHiNV-6o17:52
TheAbsentOneI still love that foto and the fact it was taken at my college x)17:54
rick_h_TheAbsentOne: cool17:54
bdxkwmonroe: congrats!!17:55
kwmonroethx bdx!17:55
bobeorick_h_ bdx kwmonroe how do I deploy to a specific zone?18:11
bdxbobeo: --to zone=<zone-name>18:12
bobeobdx: HAZAAAH!18:13
bobeoI kept doing --zone=<zone name> I thought I was going crazy XD18:13
kwmonroebdx: tell rick_h_ that his screen is not the primary18:15
TheAbsentOneyeah not catching the terminal18:16
kwmonroenope, bdx, tell him to screen share better -- he's showing Erik's face18:17
bobeobdx: ok so Im losing my mind here. Does the hardware state need to be in "Ready" or "Allocated" state in order to be allocated to a juju application?18:20
bdxbobeo: ready18:20
TheAbsentOnewait I was behind a bit, what happened to the stream xD18:23
kwmonroeTheAbsentOne: it died for me around 15m :/18:23
kwmonroeprobably because i was lamenting the fact that rick_h_'s terminal was not being presented.18:23
TheAbsentOneyeah same, too much eric for the stream to handle x) just kidding ;)18:24
TheAbsentOnethe call is probably still busy?18:24
rick_h_uh oh18:27
bobeobdx: Ok, so then why isnt this working? juju deploy cs:~graylog-charmers/graylog --to zone=Security18:27
rick_h_when I dropped to reconnect did it kill the livestream?18:27
bobeothe box is in the ready state in the Security zone18:27
rick_h_oh crap it did!?!?!?!18:27
TheAbsentOnerick_h_: youtube posted vid of almost 16 min18:28
rick_h_oh man...rick fail18:28
rick_h_even worse than I thought I did18:28
TheAbsentOneall is lost after that xD18:28
bdxbobeo: whats does the error say?18:28
rick_h_well actually it's there after I reconnect18:28
rick_h_so that didn't kill it, but something else did18:28
TheAbsentOnedo you have local recording rick_h_ ?18:29
rick_h_TheAbsentOne: nope...I had to switch machines and such18:29
rick_h_bdx: zeestrat (bdx is your friend here?) https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/05/03/lxd-clusters-a-primer18:29
bobeobdx: Thats the weird part, its not giving an error. The system isnt shifting from ready to allocating, maas specifically, and juju is just saying pending machine18:29
bobeoagent says "allocating"18:30
bobeoshould I kill the app and restart it?18:30
bdxidk, @eriklonroth^18:30
bobeothe install*18:30
bdxthe node is probably booting18:30
bobeobdx: thats the thing though, its not moving from the ready position in maas, its just sittng there18:31
bdxbobeo: ahh I see18:31
rick_h_kwmonroe: oh damn, I see what you're saying. Since I reconnected and wasn't the "driver" of the stream I could click and see my terminal but it didn't make it the stream's main view18:31
rick_h_man, what a can of fail today18:31
rick_h_ok, pulling the video18:32
bdxbobeo: can you capture a few screen shots18:32
bdxof the node details page in maas and the juju status18:33
TheAbsentOnerick_h_: don't be bothered by it too much man it happens18:33
rick_h_hah, /me just put together eriklonroth is erik from the HO. https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/05/03/lxd-clusters-a-primer for you too18:35
bobeobdx: ok I got them18:35
bdxbobeo: use your fav img posting service and send some links18:36
bobeobdx: https://imgur.com/a/vt20E8A18:38
bobeobdx: Do you think its because of this from the link vs the instruction set? cs:graylog-15 vs juju deploy cs:~graylog-charmers/graylog --to zone=Security18:39
bobeobdx: Do you think if I changed it to juju deploy cs:graylog-15 --to zone=Security  that it will deploy?18:40
bdxbobeo: what I usually do in this situation is go back to square 018:40
bdxbobeo: try just `juju deploy ubuntu`18:40
bdxor `juju add-machine`18:40
bdxwe need to get the most basic use case working before trying to deploy charms to zones18:41
bdxpossibly `juju add-machine` may be best here18:41
bdxsee if you can get that to work18:42
bobeobdx: see if I can get a machine to add at all, then add the app to the machine with the --to machine:"X" sufix?18:42
bdxyeah, but more or less, we just want to verify18:43
bdxthis isn't the long term fix18:43
bobeodangit, its hung not aborting two add-machine commands18:43
bobeotried juju remove-machine "X"  and with --force, its not working18:43
bdxafter you verify that you can add machines successfully, then try adding them to specific zones `juju add-machine zone=Security`18:43
bobeostill trying to add the machines18:43
bobeoyea, thats what I meant to do18:44
bdxI see18:44
bdxbobeo: yeah, you may have gotten your model stuck possibly18:44
bobeobdx: Any ideas? I checked all IPMI to make sure no mismatched IP, and no issues there.18:48
TheAbsentOnebdx: you still here? I'm close to having a working thing but I'm once again lost in my own thoughts. I basicly want to pass a flag from one charm to another. How do you that in endpoint pattern properly?19:57
TheAbsentOneI want a @when in my other charm on this https://github.com/Ciberth/generic-database/blob/master/reactive/generic-database.py#L7020:00
TheAbsentOnehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/n27pznx2ms3ew4d/temphandlerquestion.png?dl=0 <-- this in the requires.py doesn't make sense right?20:04
veebersMorning all20:37
thumpermorning team21:03
TheAbsentOneWelp I see the morning's time for me to go to bed, I'll try again tomorrow ^^ bye everyone21:32
magicaltroutso... if you trash your laptop21:41
magicaltroutis it possible to reconnect to a manually provisioned juju setup?21:41
magicaltroutor do i need to find a backup from somewhere?21:41
admcleod_magicaltrout: was the controller on your laptop too?21:43
magicaltrouti tried `juju register <ip address>`21:45
admcleod_magicaltrout: you could run 'juju add-user' on the controller host21:45
magicaltroutI have zero clue if its doing anything21:45
admcleod_magicaltrout: that shuld probably work but i guess you still need some creds - maybe try with --debug21:45
magicaltroutdebug shows nowt also21:46
admcleod_magicaltrout: try 'juju add-user' on the controller machine21:46
magicaltrouthmm so the controller is remote, but I didn't bootstrap it on the remote machine21:47
magicaltroutso there's no juju binary21:47
babbageclunkmagicaltrout: I feel like this must have happened to someone before...21:48
magicaltroutmeh one of the other guys has access to it I can get him to prod it and sort it out tomorrow, i just trying to cheat21:48
babbageclunkI think you could make the controllers.yaml file you'd need, given that you can ssh to the controller machine, but it would be fiddly.21:49
magicaltroutyeah.... not that bothered ;) I'll figure it out via a working install tomorrow :P21:51
magicaltroutthanks chaps21:51
babbageclunkmagicaltrout: cool21:54
thumpermagicaltrout: I strongly recommend keeping a backup22:02
magicaltroutbackups are for wimps22:03
thumpermagicaltrout: in theory it is possible to reconstruct the components necessary to build up what you need to reconnect22:03
thumperbut it isn't easy22:03
thumperand not automated22:03
thumperif you had credentials on the controller22:04
thumperthen IIRC there was a connect command22:04
thumpereither done or planned22:04
* thumper looks22:04
veeberswell this doesn't make sense at all, my initial bisect suggests that 9d4339d (inc to beta2) is good and 9d4339d is the first bad (adding caas unit test bits). How can that break the CMR test 0_022:05
thumpermagicaltrout: if the controller doesn't have a public cert, there is no easy way to reconnect22:07
thumperas the client doesn't know the server CA cert22:07
thumperso there is no client command to do this22:07
magicaltroutwho cares about SSL, GCHQ can crack it anyway.....22:08
magicaltroutfair enough thumper !22:08
thumperbabbageclunk: got a few minutes?22:28
babbageclunkthumper: yup - give me 1 min? Just finishing a review.22:28
babbageclunkthumper: ok22:32
babbageclunkin 1:1?22:32

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