
tsimonq2Unit193: Mind if I take that irssi merge?03:06
Unit193Define "take"?03:06
tsimonq2Do the merge.03:07
Unit193I mean, it's already done and has been for a while...03:07
tsimonq2I mean, merging 1.0.7-1 from Sid.03:07
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/8845089/+listing-archive-extra ?03:08
tsimonq2Oh, awesome.03:08
tsimonq2Nevermind then, thanks. :)03:08
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi/+bug/1754781 links to it..03:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754781 in irssi (Ubuntu) "Please merge the latest bug release, 1.0.7-1, from Debian" [Undecided,New]03:09
Unit193Though at this point, I'd just wait for 1.1.103:09
tsimonq2How long will that be?03:09
Unit193Whenever Rhonda picks it up.03:09
Unit193(I've been using it since Feb 16th though.)03:10
RhondaBut 1.0.7 should go in regardless because of the fixes, or are they all in 1.0.5-1ubuntu5 already?07:05
Rhondairssi | 1.0.5-1ubuntu5    | cosmic07:05
Unit193Cosmic just opened, but yeah it's pending anyway.07:06
Unit193BUt yeah, CVE fixes are in.07:07
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