
OvenWerksMaybe I should take out the functionallity Cadence covers and just add the extras.00:12
BionicMacOvenWerks: Leave the US-controls as is please. =)02:31
ErichEickmeyerBionicMac: what do you mean?02:33
BionicMacErichEickmeyer: I was just kidding around in responding to OvenWerks comment: OvenWerks | Maybe I should take out the functionallity Cadence covers and just add the extras.02:35
BionicMacBecause I prefer US over KXstudio in general.02:36
BionicMacI had a few problems with the kx suite of tools not nehaving with my jack connections. I removed them all.02:37
ErichEickmeyerAh. Well, there's some great stuff coming down the pike for -controls: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-devel/2018-April/008591.html02:37
BionicMacI see! That is what I am referring to. DO not remove functionality becaue of Cadence/Catia. There are folks like me that need the functionality of US-controls. =)02:38
BionicMacErichEickmeyer: ok thanks for the link.02:38
ErichEickmeyerWe're just trying to figure out what would be a decent replacement for Patchage since it's unmaintained. Carla, though it's a plugin host, seems to be the most logical solution since it has a really nice patchbay.02:39
ErichEickmeyerI don't think we'd ever consider remove functionality from -controls.02:40
BionicMacI actually dig the interfaces of the Cadence suite. Easy on the eye, and it works, except for 2 things:02:41
BionicMac1) It doesn't behave with my jack connectiosns and it has to do with 'ladishd'02:41
BionicMacI will have my connectiosn setup nice and pretty and bam, all my connections are magcially re-arranged by the Cadence suite. Very bad deal, I've had it almost blow my speaker sout making those auto-connections.02:42
ErichEickmeyer1) - definitely a shortcoming of Ladish. Even Gladish has the same problem (Claudia is the Ladish frontend, not Catia).02:42
BionicMacright, I just think of zcadence because that is where I watch my connections of course, ladishd was the actual culprit, correct.02:43
BionicMac2) I do *not* like having kxstudio repos on my system because I have to set priorities or it tries to upgrade apps all the time.02:44
ErichEickmeyerYeah. I don't even bother with Claudia or Ladish. Messes things up for me.02:44
ErichEickmeyer2) THIS I can agree with!02:44
BionicMacspeaking of 2) .. I always know that Ubuntustudio will be nice to my system as a whole in that regard.02:44
BionicMacI use non-mixer for my plugin host.02:50
BionicMacI wish the non-* suite was in UbuntuStudio.02:51
BionicMacThat was the only reason I installed KXStudio repos in the first place.02:51
BionicMacI've been studying how to build packages the Ubuntu-way. I think I may build the non-* packages for Ubuntu and put them on Launchpad.02:53
BionicMacHello SlidingHorn02:54
ErichEickmeyerBionicMac: That would be great. I'm learning packaging myself. Nobody is upgrading the Calf plugins to the latest version, and it's been out since November. Might have to do it myself.03:15
OvenWerksthe non-stuff is not hard to build... last time I tried it went well. Used to be a lot of people used NTK for GUI libs too.03:43
BionicMaconly thing I have issue with non apps is the nano-font-size. they don't follow my system-wide fonts in Kde. I can literally barely read the text. I assume it has something to with NTK.04:04
OvenWerksHmm, I hadn't noticed but then, my screens are relatively low rez04:06
OvenWerksFLTK seems to be fine (NTK is built on FLTK)04:06
BionicMacmy displa is high-res but I scale my desktop and set system-wide fonts that non doesn't honor.04:06
OvenWerksThinking about that a bit more, it seems to me that I ended up with a dual rezolution commandline switch in mcpdisp (FLTK) so you are probably right.04:10
BionicMacI read an article about font size issues with FLTK (for another app) and the person changed the source code to overcome it.04:12
BionicMacand here it is: https://www.oyranos.org/2016/01/high-dpi-with-fltk/index.html04:14
OvenWerksI wonder is AVTK is any better.04:14
BionicMacon another topic, I installed Clementine and am really diggin' it. So nice.04:17
OvenWerksHe seems to have forgottne how old FLTK (AKA forms) really is.04:18
OvenWerksit is from the original Motif era04:19
BionicMacI've never been able to settle on the bloaty-type music players on linux. I always go back to mplayer cli. It plays everything and I like it. But it is handy having a power-gui music player. Clementine is doing it for me personally. VLC is pretty dang nice too.04:19
BionicMacOh, motif era is old school.04:19
OvenWerksI like VLC except it never stops once started.04:20
Unit193"never stops"?04:20
BionicMacOvenWerks: Never stops? I'm not ctching your meaning.04:20
Unit193Eg, I had this: vlc -f --audio-visual visual --effect-list spectrum --run-time 21600 --play-and-exit http://peridot.streamguys.com:5550/live04:20
BionicMacUnit193: nice line... let me try that04:21
Unit193You're gonna want to adjust some of that at least.04:21
cfhowlettkilled it with a single click ...04:21
BionicMaccfhowlett: vlc never gives me issues either04:22
BionicMacUnit193: That line was wicked cool. worked perfect "as-is"04:23
Unit193Plays for that duration and quits.04:24
OvenWerksYa that is what I mean. if you use context menu from filemanager to play a video with VLC, the video ends but VLC stays in memory04:25
BionicMacNice, shift+A toggles audio output source04:27
OvenWerksThe reason people use FLTK in audio things like plugins and plugin hosts is because the whole thing ends up in the binary un like QT/gtk04:27
BionicMacThe it has to be way to correct the fonts, surely?04:27
OvenWerksyou pointed to it.04:28
OvenWerksthe dev has to detect and adjust.04:28
BionicMacThe that article gives the answer.04:29
Unit193OvenWerks: ...There's an option in the file menu to quit.04:29
Unit193"Quit after playback"04:29
OvenWerksI'll remember that... beats killall stuff04:30
Unit193..There's also the 'X' where you don't have to killall..04:30
OvenWerksthe window decoration X doesn't seem to be that X04:31
OvenWerkswindow goes away... vlc is still around04:32
BionicMacOvenWerks: ah, ok, I see what you mean now.04:33
OvenWerkshuh, can't even test it right now, I haven't installed it in 18.04 yet :)04:33
OvenWerksBionicMac: the reason I noticed it was that if VLC didn't like a video and I went to trysome other player... VLC was blocking the other player.04:35
OvenWerkskill vlc and the other player would work.04:35
OvenWerksAnyway, I am off till tomorrow... g'nite04:37
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