
bluesabrehttps://launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs cosmic-ready00:10
Unit193bluesabre: No cosmic bumping?00:19
bluesabreUnit193: just updated branches00:19
Unit193I noticed.00:19
bluesabreGetting lots of notifications?00:19
Unit193No, updating.00:20
* bluesabre tidies up all of the bzr branches00:21
Unit193strategy-document.xml:235: element para: validity error : Element para is not declared in para list of possible children00:21
bluesabreEasy way to refresh that from bzr, or should I focus on git-ing everything before moving all to cosmic branches?00:25
Unit193I mean, my script will auto-update that.00:25
bluesabreWill keep at it then and then we can git-ify everything later this week00:26
Unit193GridCube: https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributor/es/ just for you!00:27
GridCubewell, mrtulias is the main translator though00:28
Unit193Kidding, mate. :)00:28
Unit193knome: ↑00:31
krytarikWell, I think it doesn't make much sense to create new Cosmic branches for everything and *then* migrate to Git anyway.00:32
bluesabreJust taking the shortest path for now... also marking existing branches mature/obsolete/merged etc00:36
bluesabrehttps://launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork cosmic-ready00:43
bluesabrehttps://launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings cosmic-ready01:02
bluesabreI guess that's it?01:06
Unit193pleia2: BTW, sorry about the pass attempts, that was me. :301:20
bluesabreI'm also thinking about moving xfpanel-switch and catfish into xfce01:20
Unit193Converting to C? ;)01:20
bluesabrethe latter will need confirmation from kalikiana01:20
bluesabreno way01:20
flocculantUnit193: the 'have we thought about minimal' was me asking a question :D03:29
Unit193OK, I think I may have answered?  Dunno!03:29
flocculantI just get a bit bored with us saying 'we're going to look at Core this cycle'03:30
flocculantand then at the end of the cycle saying 'next time'03:30
flocculantsince before 16.04 :D03:31
Unit193Well...Not us,but yeah...03:31
flocculantand if we can do it with the bandaid - then why not 03:31
Unit193Pretty sure that was a 18.04 only thing for Ubuntu even.03:31
flocculantwell - we don't push the issue ;)03:31
Unit193Yeah. :/03:31
Unit193I kind of got burnt out pushing over and over, and getting nowhere.03:32
Unit19320+ pings, merge proposal, etc.03:32
Unit193Week after week..03:32
flocculantyea I understand that :)03:32
flocculantbluesabre: anyway now you're back ... thunar  bugs :)03:34
Unit193Now I need to poke that blueboy.04:01
flocculantACTION: Unit193 to schedule the next meeting 04:07
flocculantstill :p04:07
Unit193Yeeeah, one thing on the agenda last I looked.  I should likely do that.04:08
flocculantknome: can we delete or rename wiki pages?04:46
knomeflocculant, yes, deleting is done by saving an empty page06:53
knomeflocculant, iirc renaming required an extension but we should have that... if not, then i need to look06:54
Spassok, that strange issue with blinking Whisker Menu etc. is not Xfce specific - https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=48255#p4825511:04
Spassso I need to look beyond Xfce desktop, any hints?11:05
bluesabreSpass: try some flat/square themes that don't have rounded buttons and see if it persists11:55
Spassbluesabre, yes I tested it on many themes, it persist on every one I've used - Arc, Numix, Adwaita, Greybird, Raleight etc.11:58
Spassbut now I know that this issue occurs on Ubuntu MATE too, so I'm trying to figure out what to test next11:59
Spassor where to submit this bug11:59
SpassI'll try to ask on #ubuntu-mate to confirm, maybe they'll also help with diagnosing it12:00
Spassok, Ubuntu (GNOME) is also affected, will try to raise awareness on #ubuntu13:06
Spasswow, 1700 users and it's going fast :/ maybe I'll try a different platform like ask ubuntu13:10
flocculantknome: excellent - thanks, I deleted one :)16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770205 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Panel not reserving space on borders with multiple monitors" [Undecided,New]18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769774 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xfce doesn't set GNOME/Gtk3 dconf keys for theme and font" [Undecided,New]19:09
Unit193Oh right, < Unit193> Also, tried new ubiquity last night.  Nooo goo.20:22
knomewhat's up with it?20:22
Unit193Still crashes.20:23
knomeright, i thought it ran but there was something else making you reluctant20:23
flocculantUnit193: you mean updated ubiquity on core?20:24
Unit193flocculant: Yeah.20:24
* flocculant is learning :D20:24
Unit193Tried it last night, still crashed.20:24
flocculantbit hard for me - memory isn't what it20:25
flocculantoh yea - wads20:25
flocculantor was20:25
flocculantUnit193: that's rather sucky then20:25
flocculantit was ok till right at the last minute iirc20:27
Unit193I'll just rever to 18.04.11 or 18.04.10 where it did work. :>20:27
flocculantI guess so20:27
flocculantUnit193: I'll commit to doing a hardware test when it's ready 20:27
Unit193Well, I was joking, but I guess I could actually try that.20:28
flocculantwell :)20:28
flocculantif you do - let me know :)20:28
ali1234this default monospace font thing is a real mess23:01
ali1234even xfce4-terminal doesn't follow the xfce setting23:02
ali1234i'm not sure anything does23:02

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